Galacteek 0.4.32
Galacteek 0.4.32 released!
Release notes
Persist DID-authenticated peers in a raw DAG
The UnixFS explorer (as well as the filemanager) now uses streamed directory listing and detects timeouts better
All EDAGs are protected by a read/write lock instead of a single lock
UI: workspaces
Add UI action for IPFS repos garbage collection
After downloading the AppImage, make it executable and then run it:
chmod +x Galacteek-0.4.32-x86_64.AppImage
The AppImage does not bundle libstdc++. If you use a Linux system with an old libstdc++ and cannot run the AppImage, please open an issue.
Be sure to install all the gstreamer packages to be able to use the mediaplayer.
Trouble with running the AppImage ? Check the wiki or file an issue
After opening/mounting the DMG image, hold Control and click on the galacteek icon, select Open and then accept. You probably need to allow the system to install applications from anywhere in the security settings.