On this page, a quick example on how to start with the wrapper. More details explanation are available in the main file or one the datanalyst.info website
First you should create an Adobe IO account and connect to a Product Profile. You can also create an Adobe IO account and then go to the product Profile in Adobe Admin Console to contect to your Adobe IO account.
When you create your Adobe IO account, you need to set a certificate, keep the key nearby because you will need it. You can follow this tutorial
You can directly install the library from the command line:
pip install aanalytics2
python -m pip install --upgrade git+<https://github.com/pitchmuc/adobe_analytics_api_2.0.git#egg=aanalytics2>
or you can copy paste the aanalytics2.py file in your Lib/ folder in your Python installation.
Starting with the wrapper, you can import it and create a template for the JSON file that will store your credential to your Adobe IO account.
import aanalytics2 as api2
This will create a JSON and you will need to fill it with the information available in your adobe io account.
NOTE: starting version 0.4.0 the createConfigFile
will by default create a Oauth Server to Server configuration file.
You can always use the argument to change the behavior.
Arguments for createConfigFile
- destination : OPTIONAL : the name of the file + path if you want
- auth_type : OPTIONAL : The type of Oauth type you want to use for your config file. Possible value: "jwt" or "oauthV2"
Once this is done, you can import the configuration file. I would recommend to store the config file and the key in the folder that you are using, however, the element will work if you are using correct path.
import aanalytics2 as api2
Note: starting version 0.4.0 the importConfigFile
will check dynamically for the keys used to define the type of Auth. The check is Oauth V2 and then JWT. You can force the usage of a specific setup by passing the type of auth you want to priorize.
When you want to connect to the Analytics API from a server application, you may want to use the configure
method and passing the element directly.
You can see more details on that connection method on the authentication without config json page
It may be the case that you only have information from Oauth authentication.
In that case, you usually ends up with the following information:
- orgId
- clientId
- token
In that case, you can use the configure method
as well with some specific parameters.
- oauth
- token
import aanalytics2 as api2
NOTE: The token will be valid for 22 hours and will not be refresh afterwards.
Once all of these setup steps are completed, you can instantiate the Login
Starting version 0.1.1 a new class (Login) is avalabile in order to retrieve the login company.
This is the default path that you should use to retrieve your companyId.
import aanalytics2 as api2
login = api2.Login()
cids = login.getCompanyId()
#you can also access the login return through the instance
## returns the same result that cids.
From there, 2 methods can be used to create the Analytics class instance.
mycompany = api2.Analytics(cid)
# method directly in the Login class
mycompany = login.createAnalyticsConnection(cid)
Note that for both methods you can use the retry parameter to set the number of times the request can be retry in case of Adobe Analytics server not responding.
This option will be set for every GET method in your instance.
mycompany = api2.Analytics(cid,retry=3)
# new method directly in the Login class
mycompany = loggin.createAnalyticsConnection(cid,retry=3)
Once you have the instance created, you can use the different methods available to them. Don't hesitate to use the help() function in order to have more details on the different possible parameters. Example :
segments = mycompany.getSegments()
myreport = mycompany.getReport('myRequest.json')
The response that is given is a dictionary with the relevant information from your request (timeframe, segments used, etc...)
You can access the data directly with the "data" keyword.
data = myreport['data']