The module contains utility functions & basic common structure to be used by other parts of the project:
- Block structure and corresponding structures. Please note, there's no need to inherit from the Block trait, all functions to generate / parse / check a block are already in the trait & Block companion object
- ConsensusModule interface to a consensus module(see "Consensus Module" section below)
- TransactionModule interface to a transaction module(see "Transaction Module" section below)
- Interfaces for state & history.
- Basic transaction interface
- Cryptographic hash functions. The only implementation in use at the moment is SHA-256
- Signing/verification functions. Curve 25519 is the only current implementation
- RipeMD160 / Base58
- Accounts. Basically an account is just a wrapper around valid address provided as string, could be accomplished with public key or public/private keypair.
- NTP client for time synchronization(but please note, there's no global time in a cryptocurrency p2p network!)
- ScorexLogging trait to be mixed into classes for logging
A block is a an atomic piece of data network participates are agreed on.
A block has:
transactions data: a sequence of transactions, where a transaction is an atomic state update. Some metadata is possible as well(transactions Merkle tree root, state Merkle tree root etc)
consensus data to check whether a block was generated by a right party in a right way. E.g. "baseTarget" & "generatorSignature" fields in the Nxt block structure, nonce & difficulty in the Bitcoin block structure.
a signature(s) of a block generator(s)
additional data: block structure version no, timestamp etc
A state is a result of sequential blocks applying, starting from a genesis block. Probably State monad could be helpful here, but for start(as we are rewriting existing project not using a true functional approach) the state interface is
trait State {
def processBlock(block: Block, reversal: Boolean): Unit
Other functions can be added to build offchain/onchain protocols e.g. other hash functions(e.g. keccak256 / sha3), Merkle trees, one-way accumulators, commitments (e.g. Pedersen commitment), ring signatures etc.