powerschool is a Python client for the PowerSchool SIS API
Use the package manager pip to install powerschool.
pip install powerschool
You can collect the Client ID and Client Secret directly by signing into the PowerSchool Admin portal and navigating to System > System Settings > Plugin Management Dashboard > {Your Plugin}.
Ensure you have a valid plugin installed with the proper data access provisioned for your purposes.
Instantiate a client by passing the host name of your server and one form of authentication:
- client credentials (tuple)
import powerschool client_id = 'CLi3N7-Id' client_secret = 'cL13N7-53cR37' my_credentials = (client_id, client_secret) ps = powerschool.PowerSchool('my.host.name', auth=my_credentials)
- access token (dict)
import powerschool with open('/path/to/token_file.json', 'r') as f: my_token = json.load(f) ps = powerschool.PowerSchool('my.host.name', auth=my_token)
Refer to the docs for full functionality, including resources, searching, and pagination.
Instantiate a table or PowerQuery object:
schools_table = ps.get_schema_table('schools')
powerquery = ps.get_named_query('com.pearson.core.student.search.get_student_basic_info')
Get the record count for a table:
Query all records, all columns on a table:
Pagination is handled automatically by the client. However, you can manually pass
parameters, should you choose.
Query all records on a table, with filter and columns list:
params = {
'q': 'id=ge=10000',
'projection': 'school_number,abbreviation',
Query a specific record on a table:
Execute a PowerQuery, passing arguments in the body:
payload = {
'studentdcid': '5432',
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
PowerSchool® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and/or other countries owned by PowerSchool Education, Inc. or its affiliates. PowerSchool® is used under license.