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File metadata and controls

4072 lines (3047 loc) · 174 KB

Introduction to API

gStore provides API services to users through http and Socket services, and its components are gRPC, ghttp and gServer.

Introduction to HTTP API

We now provide C++, Java, Python, PHP, and Node.js APIs for gRPC and ghttp. Please refer to the examples in api/http/cpp, api/http/java, api/http/python, api/http/php and api/http/nodejs. To use these examples, make sure you have generated the executable files of gRPC or ghttp. Next, please use the bin/grpc or bin/ghttp command to start the service. If you know of a running gRPC or ghttp server that's available for connection, you can also directly connect to it. Then, for the C++ and Java code, you need to compile the sample code in the directory api/http/cpp/example orapi/http/java/example.

HTTP API Framework

The gStore HTTP API is placed in the API/HTTP directory of the gStore root directory and contains the following:

  • gStore/api/http/
    • cpp/ (the C++ API)
      • example/ (Example program using the C++ API)
        • Benchmark.cpp
        • GET-example.cpp
        • POST-example.cpp
        • Transaction-example.cpp
        • Makefile (for compiling the sample code)
      • src/
        • GstoreConnector.cpp (C++ API's source code)
        • GstoreConnector.h
        • Makefile (for compiling the lib)
    • java/ (the Java API)
      • example/ (Example program using the Java API)
        • Makefile
      • src/
        • jgsc/
          • (Java API's source code)
        • Makefile
    • python/ (the Python API)
      • example/ (Example program using the Python API)
      • src/
    • nodejs/ (the Node.js API)
      • example/ (Example program using the Node.js API)
        • POST-example.js
        • GET-example.js
      • src
        • GstoreConnector.js (Node.js API's source code)
        • LICENSE
        • package.json
    • php/ (the PHP API)
      • example/ (Example program using the PHP API)
        • Benchmark.php
        • POST-example.php
        • GET-example.php
      • src/
        • GstoreConnector.php (the PHP API's source code)

For details on how to start and shut down gRPC or ghttp, please see [development documentation] - [Quick Start] - [HTTP API service].

After the API service is started, the gRPC access address is as follows:


The ghttp access address is as follows:


ServerIP is the IP address of the gStore server, and port is the port on which gRPC or ghttp is started.

Introduction to Socket API

We now provide C++ (Java, Python, PHP, and Node.js will be supported in future versions) API for gServer, the socket API service. Please see api/socket/cpp for the example code. To use these examples, make sure you have generated an executable file for gServer. Next, use the bin/gserver -s command to start the gserver service. If you know of a running gServer that's available for connection, you can also directly connect to it. Then, for the C++ code, you need to compile the sample code in the directory api/socket/cpp/example.

For details on how to start and shut down gServer, please see [development documentation] - [Quick Start] - [Socket API service].

After the Socket API is started, you can connect through the Socket. The default port of gServer is 9000.

Socket API Framework

gStore的Socket API放在gStore根目录的API/Socket目录中,其内容如下: The gStore Socket API is placed in the API/Socket directory of the gStore root directory and contains the following:

  • gStore/api/socket/

    • cpp/ (the C++ API)

      • example/ (Example program using the C++ API)
        • CppAPIExample.cpp
        • Makefile ((for compiling the sample code)
      • src/
        • Client.cpp (C++ API's source code)
        • Client.h
        • Makefile (for compiling the lib)

http API Instruction

ghttp Service Interconnection Mode

The ghttp interface adopts the HTTP protocol and supports multiple ways to access the interface. If the ghttp is started on the port 9000, the interface interconnection content is as follows API address:


The interface supports both GET and POST requests, where GET requests place > > parameters in the URL and POST requests place parameters in the body request.

Note: GET request parameters contain special characters, such as? , @,& and other characters, you need to use urlencode encoding, especially the SPARQL parameter must be encoded

grpc Service Interconnection Mode

The grpc interface adopts the HTTP protocol and supports multiple ways to access the interface. If the grpc is started on the port 9000, the interface connection information is as follows.

API address:


The interface supports both GET and POST requests, where GET requests place parameters in the URL and POST requests place parameters in the body request or use form to express a request.

Post request method 1 (recommended) : the parameter is passed as JSON structure by raw in body in httprequest (Requires RequestHeader's parameter Content-Type to be application/json)

Post request method 2: the parameter is passed as a form (Requires RequestHeader's parameter Content-Type to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

Note: If the GET request parameters contain special characters, such as? , @, and &, you need to use the urlencode encoding, especially for the SPARQL parameter.

API List

The red font represents the latest version additions, while the blue font represents the latest version modifications

API name Definition Note
Interface of system
 check heartbeat signal Detect ghttp heartbeat signal
 login login to database It is used to authenticate user names and passwords
 testConnect testing connectivity Used to check whether GHTTP is connected
 getCoreVersion get gStore version Get the gStore version number
 ipmanage black/white list management Maintains a blacklist and whitelist of IP addresses that access gStore
 upload upload files support file types to upload are nt, ttl, n3, rdf, txt.
 download download files support to download files in gstore main directory and its sub directories.
 stat query system resources statistics CPU, memory, disk available space information.
 shutdown close ghttp
Interface of system operations
 show display graph database Display a list of all databases
 load load graph database Load the database into memory
 unload unload graph database Unload the database from memory
 monitor monitor graph database Count information about the specified database (such as the number of triples, etc.)
 build(update) build graph database The database file must be locally stored on the server
 drop drop graph database Logical deletion and physical deletion can be performed
 backup(update) backup database backup database information
 backuppath get the backup database path Returns a list of all backup files in the default backup path.
 restore(update) restore database restore database information
 query query database Including query, delete, and insert
 export export database Export database as NT file
 batchInsert(update) batch insert data Batch insert NT data
 batchRemove(update) batch delete data Batch delete NT data
 rename rename graph database modify graph database name.
 checkOperationState(new) Query asynchronous operation status Query the asynchronous execution status of build, backup, restore, batch_insert, batch_remove
Interface of database transaction
 begin Start transaction Transaction starts and needs to be used in conjunction with TQuery
 tquery Querying the database (with transactions) Data queries with transaction mode (insert and DELETE only)
 commit commit transactions Commit the transaction after it completes
 rollback rollback transaction Roll back the transaction to begin state
 checkpoint write data to a disk After an INSERT or delete operation is performed on the database, manually checkpoint is required
Interface of user management
 showuser display all user list Display a list of all users
 usermanage user management Add, delete, or modify user information
 userprivilegemanage user privilege management Add, delete, or modify user's privilege information
 userpassword modify user's password modify user's password
Interface of custom function
 funquery Query operator function Gets a list of user-defined graph analysis functions
 funcudb Manage operator function Adds, modifies, deletes, or compiles operator function
 funreview Preview operator function View the latest generated graph analysis function source code
Interface of log
 txnlog Obtain transaction log information Returns transcation log information as JSON
 querylogdate Gets the date list of query logs Returns the date list of existing query logs
 querylog Get query log information Returns query log information as JSON
 accesslogdate Get the date of the API log Returns the date list of existing API logs
 accesslog Get API access logs Returns API access log information as JSON
Interface of reason engine(new)
 addReason add reason
 listReason list reason
 compileReason compile reason
 executeReason execute reason
 disableReason disable reason
 showReason show reason
 removeReason remove reason

API Specific Instruction

The input and output parameters of each interface are specified in this section. Assume that the IP address of the GHTTP server is and the port is 9000 Interfaces of system

Interfaces of System


Brief description

  • Detect ghttp heartbeat signal

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is check

Return value

Parameter name Tpye Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "the ghttp server is running..."


Brief description

  • User login (verify username and password)
  • Updates in this version: the full path information of RootPath will be returned after successful login

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is login
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
CoreVersion string Kernel version
licensetype string Certificate type (Open Source or Enterprise)
RootPath string Full path to the gStore root directory
type string HTTP service type

Return sample

	"StatusCode": 0,
	"StatusMsg": "login successfully",
	"CoreVersion": "1.0.0",
	"licensetype": "opensource",
	"Rootpath": "/data/gstore",
	"type": "ghttp"
#### testConnect

Brief description

  • Test whether the server can connect (for Workbench)
  • Updates in this version: added HTTP service type in the return value

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is testConnect
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
CoreVersion string Kernel version
licensetype string Certificate type (Open Source or Enterprise)
type string HTTP service type (fixed as ghttp)

Return sample

	"StatusCode": 0,
	"StatusMsg": "success",
	"CoreVersion": "1.0.0",
	"licensetype": "opensource",
	"type": "ghttp"


Brief description

  • Get the server version number (for Workbench)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is getCoreVersion
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
CoreVersion string Kernel version
type string HTTP service type (fixed as ghttp)

Return sample

	"StatusCode": 0,
	"StatusMsg": "success",
	"CoreVersion": "1.0.0",
	"type": "ghttp"


Brief description

  • Blacklist and whitelist management

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed as JSON structure


Querying the blacklist and whitelist:

Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is ipmanage
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
type yes string Operation type, fixed value is 1

Saving the blacklist and whitelist:

Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is ipmanage
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
type yes string Operation type, fixed value is 2
ip_type yes string List type, 1-Blacklist 2-Whitelist
ips yes string IP List (Multiple separated by , supporting range configuration, using - connections such as ip1-ip2)
//Post example
    "operation": "ipmanage",
    "username": "root",
    "password": "123456",
    "type": "2",
    "ips": ","

Return value

Parameter Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
ResponseBody Object Return data (only for queries)
  ip_type string List type, 1-Blacklist 2-Whitelist
  ips array IP List

Return sample

//result of querying the black list and white list
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success",
    "ResponseBody": {
        "ip_type": "1",
        "ips": [
// result of saving the black list and white list
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success"


Brief Description

  • Uploading files. Currently supported file formats include nt, ttl, and txt

Request URL

  • ghttp service: (note that the address has changed)
  • grpc service: that the address has changed)

Request method

  • POST

Parameter Transfer Methods

  • POST request, form-data in the body of httprequest(requires the RequestHeader parameter Content-Type: multipart/form-data


Parameter name Required Type Description
username Yes string Username
password Yes string Password (clear text)
encryption No string If it is empty, the password is clear text. If it is 1, it means md5 encryption is used
file Yes boudary Binary file stream of the file to be uploaded

Return Value

Parameter name Type Description
StatusCode int Return value code value (please refer to the attached table: Return Value Code Table)
StatusMsg string Returns specific information
filepath string The relative path address returned after successful upload

Return Sample:

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success",
    "filepath": "./upload/test_20221101164622.nt"


Brief Description

  • Download files, currently supports downloading files from the gStore root directory.

Request URL

  • ghttp service: (Note that the address has changed)
  • grpc service: that the address has changed)

Request method

  • POST

Parameter Transfer Method

  • POST request: the parameters are passed in the form of Form data (requires the RequestHeader parameter Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded)


Parameter name Required Type Description
username Yes string Username (the default username is system)
password Yes string Password (clear text)
encryption No string If it is empty, the password is clear text. If it is 1, it means md5 encryption is used
filepath Yes string The path of the file to be downloaded (only supports downloading files from the main directory and subdirectories of gstore)

Return Value

  • Binary stream response

Return Sample:

Content-Range: bytes 0-389/389
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2022 17:21:40 GMT
Content-Length: 389
Connection: Keep-Alive


Brief Description

  • Statistics on system resource information

Request URL

  • ghttp service:
  • grpc service:

Request method


Parameter Transfer Method

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request: the parameters are passed in the form of Form data (requires the RequestHeader parameter Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded)


Parameter name Required Type Description
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is stat
username Yes string Username (the default username is system)
password Yes string Password (plain text)
encryption No string If it is empty, the password is clear text. If it is 1, it means md5 encryption is used

Return Value

Parameter name Type Description
StatusCode int Return value code value (please refer to the attached table: Return Value Code Table)
StatusMsg string Returns specific information
cup-usage string CPU usage ratio
mem_usage string Memory usage (in MB)
disk_available string Available disk space (in MB)

Return Sample:

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success",
    "cpu_usage": "10.596026",
    "mem_usage": "2681.507812",
    "disk_available": "12270"


Brief description

  • close ghttp

Request URL

  • ghttp service: that the address has changed)

  • grpc service: that the address has changed) Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
username yes string user name(default user name is system)
password yes string Password(This password need to be viewed in the server's system.db/password[port].txt file)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Server stopped successfully."

Interfaces of System Operation


Brief description

  • Display all database list

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is show
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption No string If it is empty, the password is clear text. If it is 1, it means it is encrypted with md5.

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
ResponseBody JSONArray JSON arrays (each of which is a database information)
  database string database name
  creator string creator
  built_time string create time
  status string database status

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Get the database list successfully!",
    "ResponseBody": [
            "database": "lubm",
            "creator": "root",
            "built_time": "2021-08-22 11:08:57",
            "status": "loaded"
            "database": "movie",
            "creator": "root",
            "built_time": "2021-08-27 20:56:56",
            "status": "unloaded"


Brief description

  • Loading a database into memory is a prerequisite for many operations, such as query and monitor.

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request: the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request: raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is load
username yes string User name
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
password yes string Password (plain text)
db_name yes string Database name (.db is not required)
csr no string Whether to load CSR resources, default is 0 (set to 1 when using advanced query functions)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
csr string Whether to load CSR resources

Return sample

	"StatusCode": 0,
	"StatusMsg": "Database loaded successfully.",
	"csr": "1"


Brief description

  • Unload the database from memory (all changes are flushed back to hard disk)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is unload
db_name yes string Database name (.db is not required)
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Database unloaded."


Brief description

  • Get database statistics (database needs to be loaded)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is monitor
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string Database name (.db is not required)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
database string database name
creator string creator
builtTime string create time
tripleNum string number of triples
entityNum int number of entities
literalNum int number of characters (attribute value)
subjectNum int number of subjects
predicateNum int number of objects
connectionNum int number of connections
diskUsed int disk space(MB)
subjectList Array Entity type statistics

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success",
    "database": "test_lubm",
    "creator": "root",
    "builtTime": "2021-08-27 21:29:46",
    "tripleNum": "99550",
    "entityNum": 28413,
    "literalNum": 0,
    "subjectNum": 14569,
    "predicateNum": 17,
    "connectionNum": 0,
    "diskUsed": 3024,
    "subjectList": [
            "name": "ub:Lecturer",
            "value": 93
            "name": "ub:AssistantProfessor",
            "value": 146
            "name": "ub:University",
            "value": 1

build(update in this version)

Brief description

  • Create a database based on existing NT files, or build an empty library (supported in version 1.2)
  • The file must exist on the gStore server
  • You can first upload data files to the gStore server through the upload interface

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is build
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string database name(no need .db)
db_path no string Database file path, supported file types are (can be absolute path or relative path, relative path is referenced from gStore installation root directory)
async no string If async is "true", immediately return the query opd_id, the server's asynchronous processing logic, and the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information
callback no string Callback interface, for example:

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
failed_num int Number of failed constructions
opt_id string Return the operation opd_id, the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information

Return sample(defult)

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Import RDF file to database done.",
    "failed_num": 0,
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return sample(async="true")

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Operation Success.",
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return sample(callback="")

#push data to callback address
    "operation": "build",
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Import RDF file to database done.",
    "failed_num": 0,
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"


Brief description

  • Delete the database (either logically or physically)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is drop
db_name yes string Database name (.db is not required)
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
is_backup no string True: Logical deletion, false: represents physical deletion (default true),if it's logical deletion, change the file folder to .bak file foder, user can change the folder name to. db and add the folder to the system database by calling bin/ ginit-db database name

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Database test_lubm dropped."

backup(update in this version)

Brief description

  • Back up database

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is backup
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string database that need operaions
backup_path no string The backup file path can be relative or absolute. The relative path uses the gStore root directory as reference. The default path is the backup directory in the gStore root directory
async no string If async is "true", immediately return the query opd_id, the server's asynchronous processing logic, and the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information
callback no string Callback interface, for example:

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
backupfilepath string Backup file path (this value can be used as the input parameter value for restore)
opt_id string Return the operation opd_id, the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information

Return sample (defult)

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Database backup successfully.",
    "backupfilepath": "./backups/lubm.db_210828211529",
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return sample (async="true")

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Operation Success.",
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return sample (callback="")

    "operation": "backup",
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Database backup successfully.",
    "backupfilepath": "./backups/lubm.db_210828211529",
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"


Brief description

  • Obtain all backup files of the database located under the default backup path.

Request Methods


Parameter Passing Methods

  • For GET requests, parameters are passed directly in the URL.
  • For POST requests, the raw field in the body of the httprequest is passed in JSON structure.


Parameter Name Required Type Description
operation Yes string Operation name, fixed value is backuppath
username Yes string Username
password Yes string Password (plaintext)
encryption No string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5
db_name Yes string Database name that needs to be queried

Return Values

Parameter Name Type Description
StatusCode integer Return value code (please refer to the attached table for specific values).
StatusMsg string Specific return information.
paths Array Backup file paths (this value can be used as input for restore operation).

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success",
    "paths": [

restore(update in this version)

Brief description

  • Restore database

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is restore
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string Database that need operations
backup_path no string The full time-stamped path of the backup file (can be a relative path or an absolute path. The relative path is based on the gStore root directory). The default path is the backup directory in the gStore root directory
async no string If async is "true", immediately return the query opd_id, the server's asynchronous processing logic, and the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information
callback no string Callback interface, for example:

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
opt_id string Return the operation opd_id, the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information

Return sample (defult)

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Database lumb restore successfully.",
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return sample (async="true")

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Operation Success.",
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return sample (callback=“")

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Database lumb restore successfully.",
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"


Brief description

  • query the database

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is query
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string database that need operations
format no string The result set returns in json, HTML, and file format. The default is JSOn
sparql yes string Sparql statement to execute (SPARQL requires URL encoding if it is a GET request)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
head object Head information
  link array
  vars array
results object Result information (please refer to the return example for details)
  bindings array
AnsNum int Number of results
OutputLimit int Maximum number of return results (-1 for no limit)
ThreadId string Query thread ID
QueryTime string Query time (milliseconds)

Return sample

    "head": {
        "link": [],
        "vars": [
    "results": {
        "bindings": [
                "x": {
                    "type": "uri",
                    "value": "House of Flying Daggers"
                "x": {
                    "type": "uri",
                    "value": "Blood Brothers"
                "x": {
                    "type": "uri",
                    "value": "flower"
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success",
    "AnsNum": 15,
    "OutputLimit": -1,
    "ThreadId": "140595527862016",
    "QueryTime": "1"


Brief description

  • export database

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is restore
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string database that need operations
db_path no string Export path (gstore root by default)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
filepath string Path for exporting files

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Export the database successfully.",
    "filepath": "export/lubm_210828214603.nt"

batchInsert(update in this version)

Brief description

  • batch insert data

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is batchInsert
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string Database name
file no string The data to be inserted in the nt file or zip package (which can be a relative path or an absolute path) cannot be empty at the same time as the dir parameter. When both have values, take the file parameter
dir no string The data to be inserted into the nt folder (which can be a relative path or an absolute path) cannot be empty at the same time as the file parameter. When both have values, take the file parameter
async no string If async is "true", immediately return the query opd_id, the server's asynchronous processing logic, and the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information
callback no string Callback interface, for example:

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
success_num string Number of successful executions
failed_num srting Number of failed executions
opt_id string Return the operation opd_id, the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information

Return Sample (defult)

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Batch insert data successfully.",
    "success_num": 25,
    "failed_num": 0,
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return Sample (async=“true”)

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Operation Success.",
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return Sample (callback=“”)

#push data to callback address
    "operation": "batchInsert",
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Batch insert data successfully.",
    "success_num": 25,
    "failed_num": 0,
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

batchRemove(update in this version)

Brief description

  • batch remove data

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is batchRemove
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string Database name
file no string Data NT files to be deleted (can be relative or absolute paths)
async no string If async is "true", immediately return the query opd_id, the server's asynchronous processing logic, and the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information
callback no string Callback interface, for example:

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
success_num string Number of successful executions
opt_id string Return the operation opd_id, the client can call the checkOperationState interface through opd_id to view the operation status information

Return Sample (defult)

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Batch remove data successfully.",
    "success_num": 25,
    "failed_num": 0,
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return Sample (async=“true”)

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Operation Success.",
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

Return Sample (callback=“”)

#push data to callback address
    "operation": "batchRemove",
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Batch remove data successfully.",
    "success_num": 25,
    "opt_id": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"


Brief Description

  • Rename the database.

Request method


Parameter Transfer Method

  • For GET requests, parameters are passed directly in the URL.
  • For POST requests, the raw field in the body of the httprequest is used to pass parameters in JSON structure.


Parameter name Required Type Description
operation Yes string Operation name, the fixed value is rename
username Yes string Username
password Yes string Password (clear text)
encryption No string If it is empty, the password is clear text. If it is 1, it means that md5 encryption is used.
db_name Yes string Database name
new_name Yes string New name of the database

Return value

Parameter name Type Description
StatusCode int Return value code value (please refer to the attached table: Return Value Code Table)
StatusMsg string Returns specific information

Return Sample:

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success"


Brief description

  • Query asynchronous operation status (build, backup, restore, batchInsert, batchRemove)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is checkOperationState
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
opt_id yes string Operation number

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
state int execution state(0 executing , -1 failed execution, 1 successfu execution)
success_num int Number of successful executions
failed_num int Number of failed executions

Return Sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Batch insert data successfully.",
    "state": 1,
    "success_num": 100,
    "failed_num": 0

Interface of Database Transaction


Brief description

  • start transaction

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is begin
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string Database name
isolevel yes string Transaction isolation level 1:RC(read committed) 2:SI(snapshot isolation) 3:SR(seriablizable)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
TID string Transaction ID(this ID is important enough to take as a parameter

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "transaction begin success",
    "TID": "1"


Brief description

  • query the transaction type

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is tquery
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string Database name
tid yes string Transaction ID
sparql yes string sparql statement

Return value

Parameter Name Type Description
StatusCode int Return value code (please refer to the attached table for specific values)
StatusMsg string Specific return information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success"


Brief description

  • submit transaction

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is commit
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string Database name
tid yes string Transaction ID

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "transaction commit success. TID: 1"


Brief description

  • Rollback trasnsaction

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is rollback
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string Database name
tid yes string Transaction ID

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "transaction rollback success. TID: 2"


Brief description

  • Received Flush data back to hard disk (to make data final)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is checkpoint
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If it is empty, the password is plaintext. If it is 1, it means encryption with MD5.
db_name yes string Database name

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Database saved successfully."

Interfaces of User Management


Brief description

  • Display all user information

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is showuser
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption No string If it is empty, the password is clear text. If it is 1, it means it is encrypted with md5.

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
ResponseBody JsonArray JSON object array
  username string user name
  password string password
  query_privilege string Query permissions (database names separated by commas)
  update_privilege string Update permissions (database names separated by commas)
  load_privilege string Load permissions (database names separated by commas)
  unload_privilege string Unload permissions (database names separated by commas)
  backup_privilege string Back up permissions (database names separated by commas)
  restore_privilege string Restore permissions (database names separated by commas)
  export_privilege string Export permissions (database names separated by commas)

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success",
    "ResponseBody": [
            "username": "liwenjie",
            "password": "shuaige1982",
            "query_privilege": "",
            "update_privilege": "",
            "load_privilege": "",
            "unload_privilege": "",
            "backup_privilege": "",
            "restore_privilege": "",
            "export_privilege": ""
            "username": "root",
            "password": "123456",
            "query_privilege": "all",
            "update_privilege": "all",
            "load_privilege": "all",
            "unload_privilege": "all",
            "backup_privilege": "all",
            "restore_privilege": "all",
            "export_privilege": "all"


Brief description

  • Manage users (including adding, deleting, and changing users)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is usermanage
type yes string Operation Type(1:adduser ,2:deleteUser 3:alterUserPassword)
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption No string If it is empty, the password is clear text. If it is 1, it means it is encrypted with md5.
op_username yes string User name for the operation
op_password yes string Password of the operation (if the password is to be changed, the password is the password to be changed) (If the operation contains special characters and the get request is adopted, the value must be urlencode-encoded)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 1004,
    "StatusMsg": "username already existed, add user failed."


  • The default interface permissions for the new user are: login, check, testConnect, getCoreVersion, show, funquery, funcudb, funreview, userpassword.

  • Users with query rights also have the following interface rights: query, monitor.

  • Users with the update permission also have the following interface permissions: batchInsert, batchRemove, begin, tquery, commit, rollback.

  • Only the root user can invoke the interface rights that are not within the scope of authorization management, for example: build, drop, usermanage, showuser, userprivilege, manage, txnlog, checkpoint, shutdown, querylog, accesslog, ipmanage.


Brief description

  • Manage user permissions (including adding, deleting, and changing users)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is userprivilegemanage
type yes string Operation type(1:add privilege,2:delete privilege 3:clear Privilege )
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption No string If it is empty, the password is clear text. If it is 1, it means it is encrypted with md5.
op_username yes string User name for the operation
privileges no string Permissions to operate on (multiple permissions separated by commas) (can be null for clear Privilege)1:query,2:load,3:unload,4:update,5:backup,6:restore,7:export, you can set multi privileges by using , to split.
db_name no string The database to operate on (this can be empty if it is clearPrivilege

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "add privilege query successfully. \r\nadd privilege load successfully. \r\nadd privilege unload successfully. \r\nadd privilege update successfully. \r\nadd privilege backup successfully. \r\n"


Brief description

  • Modify the user password.

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is userpassword
username yes string User name
password yes string Password
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
op_password yes string New password (plain text)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

	"StatusMsg": "change password done."

Interface of Custom Function


Brief description

  • Show user-defined graph analysis functions

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request, raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is funquery
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
funInfo no JSONObject Query parameters
  funName no string Function name
  funStatus no string Status (1- to compile; 2- compiled; 3- exception)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
list JSONArray JSON array (if there is no data, no array is returned)
  funName string Name
   funDesc string Description
   funArgs string Parameter type (1- no K hop parameter; 2- with K hop parameter)
  funBody string Function content
   funSubs string Child functions (can be called in funBody)
  funStatus string Status (1- to compile; 2- compiled; 3- exception)
  lastTime string Last edit time (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)

Return sample

	"StatusCode": 0,
	"StatusMsg": "success",
	"list": [
			"funName": "demo",
			"funDesc": "this is demo",
			"funArgs": "2",
			"funBody": "{\nstd::cout<<\"uid=\<<uid<<endl;\nstd::cout<<\"vid=\<<vid<<endl;\nstd::cout<<\"k=\"<<k<<endl;\nreturn \"success\";\n}",
			"funSubs": "",
			"funStatus": "1",
			"lastTime": "2022-03-15 11:32:25"


Brief description

  • User-defined graph analysis function management (add, modify, delete, compile)

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request, raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is funcudb
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
type yes string 1: add, 2: modify, 3: delete, 4: compile
funInfo yes JSONObject Operator function
  funName yes string Function name
  funDesc no string Description
  funArgs no string Parameter type (1- no K hop parameter; 2- with K hop parameter).
  funBody no string Function contents (wrapped in {}).
  funSubs no string Child functions (can be called in funBody)
   funReturn no string Return type(decode is required)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

	"StatusCode": 0,
	"StatusMsg": "success"


Brief description

  • Preview the user-defined graph analysis function

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request, raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is funreview
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
funInfo yes JSONObject Operator function
  funName yes string Function name
  funDesc no string Description
  funArgs yes string Parameter type (1- no K hop parameter; 2- with K hop parameter)
  funBody yes string Function contents (contents wrapped in {})
  funSubs yes string Child function (can be called in funBody)
  funReturn yes string Return type (path: the path class result; value: value class result)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
result string Function source code (decode is required)

Return sample

	"StatusCode": 0,
	"StatusMsg": "success",

Interface of Log


Brief description

  • Get transaction logs (this function is only available for the root user)
  • Updates in this version: added paging query parameters

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is txnlog
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
pageNo yes int Page number, the value ranges from 1 to N, the default value is 1
pageSize yes int The number of entries per page, the value ranges from 1 to N, the default value is 10

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
totalSize int Total size
totalPage int The total number of pages
pageNo int The current page number
pageSize int The number of entries per page
list JSONArray Log array
  db_name string Database name
   TID string Transaction ID
  user string User
  state string State (COMMITED/RUNNING/ROLLBACK)
  begin_time string Start time
  end_time string End time

Return sample

	"StatusCode": 0,
	"StatusMsg": "Get Transaction log success",
	"totalSize": 2,
	"totalPage": 1,
	"pageNo": 1,
	"pageSize": 10,
	"list": [
			"db_name": "lubm2",
			"TID": "1",
			"user": "root",
			"begin_time": "1630376221590",
			"state": "COMMITED",
			"end_time": "1630376277349"
			"db_name": "lubm2",
			"TID": "2",
			"user": "root",
			"begin_time": "1630376355226",
			"state": "ROLLBACK",
			"end_time": "1630376379508"


Brief description

  • Get the date of gStore's query log (for the date parameter of the query log interface)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is querylogdate
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5

Return value

Parameter Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
list array The list of dates

Return sample

    "StatusMsg":"Get query log date success",


Brief description

  • Obtaining query Logs

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is querylog
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
date yes string Date format is yyyyMMdd
pageNo yes int Page number. The value ranges from 1 to N. The default value is 1
pageSize yes int The number of entries per page. The value ranges from 1 to N. The default value is 10

Return value

Parameter Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
totalSize int Total number
totalPage int Total page number
pageNo int Current page number
pageSize int The number of entries per page
list Array Log array
 QueryDateTime string Query date/time
 Sparql string SPARQL statement
 Format string Query return format
 RemoteIP string Request IP
 FileName string Query result set files
 QueryTime int Time (ms)
 AnsNum int Result number

Return sample

    "StatusMsg":"Get query log success",
			"QueryDateTime":"2021-11-16 14:55:52:90ms:467microseconds",
			"Sparql":"select ?name where { ?name <不喜欢> <Eve>. }",


Brief description

  • Get the date of gStore's access log (for the date parameter of the access log interface)

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is querylogdate
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5

Return value

Parameter Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
list array The list of dates

Return sample

    "StatusMsg":"Get access log date success",


Brief description

  • Get the access log of the API

Request mode


Parameter transfer mode

  • GET request, the parameters are passed directly as the URL
  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is accesslog
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
date yes string Date format is yyyyMMdd
pageNo yes int Page number. The value ranges from 1 to N. The default value is 1
pageSize yes int The number of entries per page. The value ranges from 1 to N. The default value is 10

Return value

Parameter Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
totalSize int Total number
totalPage int Total page number
pageNo int Current page number
pageSize int The number of entries per page
list Array Log array
 ip string The IP that makes the access
 operation string The type of operation performed
  createtime string The time of the operation
 code string The result of the operation (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
 msg string Log description

Return sample

    "StatusMsg":"Get access log success",
            "createtime":"2021-12-14 09:55:16", 
            "msg":"Server stopped successfully."

Reason Engine

There are 7 types of operation to parameter type

  • 1:addReason
  • 2:listReason
  • 3:compileReason
  • 4:executeReason
  • 5:disableReason
  • 6.showReason
  • 7.deleteReason


Brief description

  • add reasoning rules

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is reasonManage
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string Database name
type yes string Operation type is "1"
ruleinfo yes object Rule information: "ruleinfo": {"rulename":"", ...},Rule details
  rulename yes string Rule name(Same database ,unique rulename)
  description no string Rule description
  isenable yes int Whether to enable, optional values: 1 enable ,0 disable
  type yes int Reason type:optional values:1 relational reason , 0 attribute reason
  logic yes int The relationship between conditions and conditions,optional values:1 logical and , 0 logical or
  conditions yes array Rules set
    patterns yes array Triples set
      subject yes string Subject
      predicate yes string Predicate
      object yes string Object
    filters no array Filter conditions
    count_info no Object Aggregate function(undetermined)
  return yes Object Return object
    source yes string Source node
    target no string Terminal node
    label string predicate(The system automatically adds the Rule: prefix)
    value string Attribute value

Return value

Parameter Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Relational reasoning rule sample

	"rulename": "uncle",
	"description": "The mother's male sibling was the uncle"
	"isenable": 1,
	"type": 1,
	"logic": 1,
	"conditions": [
			"patterns": [
					"subject": "?x ",
					"predicate": "<mother>",
					"object": "?y"
					"subject": "?y ",
					"predicate": "<father>",
					"object": "?z"
					"subject": "?k",
					"predicate": "<father>",
					"object": "?z"
					"subject": "?k",
					"predicate": "<gender>",
					"object": "\"male\"^^<>"
			"filters": [],
			"count_info": {}
	"return": {
		"source": "?x",
		"target": "?k",
		"label": "uncle"

Attribute reasoning rule sample

	"rulename": "orphan",
	"description": "Both parents died and were orphaned",
	"isenable": 1,
	"type": 0,
	"logic": 1,
	"conditions": [
			"patterns": [
					"subject": "?x ",
					"predicate": "<father>",
					"object": "?y"
					"subject": "?x",
					"predicate": "<mother>",
					"object": "?z"
					"subject": "?y",
					"predicate": "<state>",
					"object": "\"died\"^^<>"
					"subject": "?z",
					"predicate": "<state>",
					"object": "\"died\"^^<>"
			"filters": [],
			"count_info": {}
	"return": {
		"source": "?x",
		"label": "died",
		"value": "\"orphan\"^^<>"

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Save Successfully! the file path is ./dbhome/lubm.db/reason_rule_files/test.json"


Brief description

  • show rules list

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed as JSON


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is reasonManage
username yes string Username
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string Database name
type yes string Operation type:“2”

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
num int Rule number
list JSONArray Rule name list
 rulename string Rule name(Same database,unique rule name)
 description string Rule description
 isenable int Whether to enable, optional values: 1 enable ,0 disable
 type int Reason type:optional values:1 relational reason , 0 attribute reason
  logic int The relationship between conditions and conditions,optional values:1 logical and , 0 logical or
 conditions array Rules set
  condition arry Rule
   patterns array Triples set
    subject string Subject
    predicate string Predicate
    object string Object
   filters array Filter rule
   count_info Object Aggregate function(undetermined)
 return Object Return object
  source string Source node
  target string Terminal node
  label string predicate(The system automatically adds the Rule: prefix)
  value string Attribute value
 status string status
 insert_sparql string insert sparql
 delete_sparql string delete sparql
 createtime string create time

Return value

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "ok",
    "list": [
            "ruleid": "002",
            "rulename": "orphan",
            "description": "Both parents died and were orphaned",
            "conditions": [
                    "condition": {
                        "patterns": [
                                "subject": "?x ",
                                "predicate": "<father>",
                                "object": "?y"
                                "subject": "?x",
                                "predicate": "<mother>",
                                "object": "?z"
                                "subject": "?y",
                                "predicate": "<state>",
                                "object": "\"died\"^^<>"
                                "subject": "?z",
                                "predicate": "<state>",
                                "object": "\"died\"^^<>"
                        "filters": [],
                        "count_info": {}
                    "logic": 1
            "isenable": 1,
            "type": 0,
            "return": {
                "source": "?x",
                "label": "state",
                "value": "\"orphan\"^^<>"
            "createtime": "2023-12-29 16:58:00",
            "status": "executed",
            "insert_sparql": "insert {?x <Rule:state> \"orphan\"^^<>. } where {  ?x  <father> ?y. ?x <mother> ?z. ?y <state> \"died\"^^<>. ?z <state> \"died\"^^<>. }",
            "delete_sparql": "delete where {?x <Rule:state> \"orphan\"^^<>.}"
            "ruleid": "001",
            "rulename": "uncle2",
            "description": "The mother's male sibling was the uncle",
            "conditions": [
                    "condition": {
                        "patterns": [
                                "subject": "?x ",
                                "predicate": "<mother>",
                                "object": "?y"
                                "subject": "?y ",
                                "predicate": "<father>",
                                "object": "?z"
                                "subject": "?k",
                                "predicate": "<father>",
                                "object": "?z"
                                "subject": "?k",
                                "predicate": "<gender>",
                                "object": "\"male\"^^<>"
                        "filters": [],
                        "count_info": {}
                    "logic": 1
            "isenable": 1,
            "type": 1,
            "return": {
                "source": "?x",
                "target": "?k",
                "label": "uncle",
                "value": ""
            "createtime": "2023-12-29 16:58:00",
            "status": "executed",
            "insert_sparql": "insert { ?x <Rule:uncle> ?k. } where {  ?x  <mother> ?y. ?y  <father> ?z. ?k <father> ?z. ?k <gender> \"male\"^^<>. }",
            "delete_sparql": "delete where {?x <Rule:unlce> ?y.}"
    "num": 2


Brief description

  • compile rules

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request: raw in body in httprequest , passed as JSON


parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name.fixed reasonManage
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string Database name
type yes string Operation type:“3”
rulename yes string Rule name

Return value

parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
insert_sparql string insert sparql
delete_sparql string delete sparql

Return value

    "insert_sparql": "insert {?x <Rule:state> \"orphan\"^^<>. } where {  ?x  <father> ?y. ?x <mother> ?z. ?y <state> \"died\"^^<>. ?z <state> \"died\"^^<>. }",
    "delete_sparql": "delete where {?x <Rule:state> \"orphan\"^^<>.}",
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "ok"


Brief description

  • execute rules

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON


parameter Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is reasonManage
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string Database name
type yes string Operation type :“4”
rulename yes string Rule name

Return value

parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
insert_sparql string insert sparql
AnsNum int successful answer number

return value

    "insert_sparql": "insert {?x <Rule:state> \"orphan\"^^<>. } where {  ?x  <father> ?y. ?x <mother> ?z. ?y <state> \"died\"^^<>. ?z <state> \"died\"^^<>. }",
    "AnsNum": 0, 
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "ok"


Brief description

  • Invalidate the rule

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed reasonManage
username yes string User name
password yes string Password (plain text)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string Database name
type yes string Operation type:“5”
rulename yes string Rule name

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
delete_sparql string Delete sparql
AnsNum int successful answer number

Return value

    "delete_sparql": "delete where {?x <Rule:state> \"orphan\"^^<>.}",
    "AnsNum": 1, 
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "ok"


Brief description

  • show rule details

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value reasonManage
username yes string User name
password yes string Password(plain test)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string Database name
type yes string Operation type:“6”
rulename yes string Rule name

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
ruleinfo Object Object
insert_sparql string insert sparql
delete_sparql string delete sparql
status string status
rulename string Rule name(Same database,unique rule name)
description string Rule description
isenable int Whether to enable
type int 1:relational reasoning 0:attribute reasoning
 logic int Relationship between conditions and conditions. Optional values:1: logical and ; 0 : logical or
createtime string Create time
conditions JSONArray Rule conditions(Array)
 condition Object Rule
  patterns array Triples set
   subject string Subject
   predicate string Predicate
   object string Object
  filters array Filter conditions
  count_info Object Aggregate function (undermined)
return Object Return object
 source string Source node
 target string Terminal node
 label string predicate(The system automatically adds the Rule: prefix)
 value string Attribute value

Return value

    "ruleid": "002",
    "rulename": "orphan",
    "description": "The person whose both parents died is orphan",
    "conditions": [
            "condition": {
                "patterns": [
                        "subject": "?x ",
                        "predicate": "<father>",
                        "object": "?y"
                        "subject": "?x",
                        "predicate": "<mother>",
                        "object": "?z"
                        "subject": "?y",
                        "predicate": "<state>",
                        "object": "\"died\"^^<>"
                        "subject": "?z",
                        "predicate": "<state>",
                        "object": "\"died\"^^<>"
                "filters": [],
                "count_info": {}
            "logic": 1
    "isenable": 1,
    "type": 0,
    "return": {
        "source": "?x",
        "label": "state",
        "value": "\"orphan\"^^<>"
    "createtime": "2023-12-29 16:58:00",
    "status": "disabled", 
    "insert_sparql": "insert {?x <Rule:state> \"orphan\"^^<>. } where {  ?x  <father> ?y. ?x <mother> ?z. ?y <state> \"died\"^^<>. ?z <state> \"died\"^^<>. }",
    "delete_sparql": "delete where {?x <Rule:state> \"orphan\"^^<>.}",
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "ok"


Brief description

  • Delete rule

Request mode

  • POST

Parameter transfer mode

  • POST request, raw in body in Httprequest, passed asJSON structure


Parameter Mandatory Type Note
operation yes string Operation name, fixed value is reasonManage
username yes string User name
password yes string Password(plain test)
encryption no string If the value is null, the password is in plain text. If the value is 1, the password is encrypted using md5
db_name yes string Database name
type yes string Operation type:“7”
rulename yes string Rule name

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return value

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "the reason file has been remove successfully! file path:./dbhome/reason.db/reason_rule_files/orphan.json"

Appendix 1: Return value code table for details

Code Details
0 Success
1000 The method type is not support
1001 Authentication Failed
1002 Check Privilege Failed
1003 Param is illegal
1004 The operation conditions are not satisfied
1005 Operation failed
1006 Add privilege Failed
1007 Loss of lock
1008 Transcation manage Failed
1100 The operation is not defined
1101 IP Blocked

Socket API Instruction

API Interconnection Mode

The gServer interface uses the socket protocol and supports multiple ways to access the interface. If the port 9000 is started from the gServer in the Main directory, the contents of the interface interconnection are as follows:

API address:


The API supports the input of a parameter list in JSON format, as shown below:

{"op": "[op_type]", "[paramname1]": "[paramvalue1]", "[paramname2]": "[paramvalue2]"……}

API List

API name Definition Note
build Build graph database The database file must be locally stored on the server
load Load graph database Load the database into memory
unload Unload graph database Unload the database from memory
drop Delete graph database Logical deletion and physical deletion can be performed
show Display graph database Display list of all databases
query Query graph database Including query, delete, and insert
stop Close server Only root user root can perform this operation
close Close client server connection Process client connection closure requests
login login to database authenticate user names and password

API Specific Instruction

This section describes the input and output parameters of each interface. Assume that the IP address of the gserver is and the port is 9000

(1) build- build database

Brief description

  • Create a database based on existing NT file
  • Files must exist on the gStore server

Request ip


Request port number

  • 9000

Parameter transfer mode

  • Pass it as a JSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
op yes string Operation name, fixed value is build
db_name yes string Database name (.db is not required)
db_path yes string Database file path (can be an absolute path or a relative path. The relative path uses the gStore installation root directory as a reference directory)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Import RDF file to database done."

(2) load

Brief description

  • To load a database into memory, a load operation is a prerequisite for many operations, such as Query

Request ip


Request port number

  • 9000

Parameter transfer mode

  • Pass it as a JSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
op yes string Operation name, fixed value is load
db_name yes string Database name (.db is not required)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Load database successfully."

(3) unload

Brief description

  • Unmount the database from memory (all changes are flushed back to hard disk)

Request ip


Request port number

  • 9000

Parameter transfer mode

  • Pass it as a JSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
op yes string Operation name, fixed value is unload
db_name yes string Database name (.db is not required)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Unload database done."

(4) drop

Brief description

  • Delete the database

Request ip


Request port number

  • 9000

Parameter transfer mode

  • Pass it as a JSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
op yes string Operation name, fixed value is drop
db_name yes string Database name (.db is not required)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Drop database done."

(5) show

Brief description

  • Display all database list

Request ip


Request port number

  • 9000

Parameter transfer mode

  • Pass it as a JSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
op yes string Operation name, fixed value is show

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
ResponseBody JSONArray JSON arrays (each of which is a database information0
-------- database string database name
---------status string database status

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success",
    "ResponseBody": [
           "lubm": "loaded",
           "lubm10K": "unloaded"

(6) query

Brief description

  • query database

Request ip


Request port number

  • 9000

Parameter transfer mode

  • Pass it as a JSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
op yes string Operation name, fixed value is query
db_name yes string database that need operations
format no string The result set return format is json by default
sparql yes string The SPARQL statement to execute

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information
head JSON Head information
results JSON Result information (see Return Sample for details)

Return sample

    "head": {
        "link": [],
        "vars": [
    "results": {
        "bindings": [
                "x": {
                    "type": "uri",
                    "value": "十面埋伏"
                "x": {
                    "type": "uri",
                    "value": "投名状"
                "x": {
                    "type": "uri",
                    "value": "如花"
    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "success"

(7) login

Brief description

  • Login user (verify username and password)

Request ip


Request port number

  • 9000

Parameter transfer mode

  • Pass it as a JSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
op yes string Operation name, fixed value is login
username yes string user name
password yes string Password (plain text)

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 1001,
    "StatusMsg": "wrong password."

(8) stop

Brief description

  • Close server

Request ip


Request port number

  • 9000

Parameter transfer mode

  • Pass it as a JSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
op yes string Operation name, fixed value is stop

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Server stopped."
**(9) close**

Brief description

  • Close the connection to the client

Request ip


Request port number

  • 9000

Parameter transfer mode

  • Pass it as a JSON structure


Parameter name Mandatory Type Note
op yes string Operation name, fixed value is close

Return value

Parameter name Type Note
StatusCode int Return value code value (refer to Appendix: Return value code table for details)
StatusMsg string Return specific information

Return sample

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMsg": "Connection disconnected."
**Appendix 1 return value code table**
Code value Definition
0 Success
1000 The method type is not support
1001 Authentication Failed
1002 Check Privilege Failed
1003 Param is illegal
1004 The operation conditions are not satisfied
1005 Operation failed
1006 Add privilege Failed
1007 Loss of lock
1008 Transcation manage Failed
1100 The operation is not defined
1101 IP Blocked


To use the C++ API, put the phrase '#include "client.h" in your CPP code, as shown below:

Construct the initialization function

GstoreConnector(std::string serverIP, int serverPort, std::string httpType, std::string username, std::string password);
Function: Initialize
Parameter Definition:[Server IP], [HTTP port on the server], [HTTP service type], [Username], [password]
Example:GstoreConnector gc("", 9000, "ghttp", "root", "123456");

Build database: build

std::string build(std::string db_name, std::string rdf_file_path, std::string request_type);
Function:Create a new database from an RDF file
Parameter Definition:[database name], [.nt file path], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]"lubm", "data/lubm/lubm.nt");

Load database: load

std::string load(std::string db_name, std::string request_type);
Function:Load the database you created
Parameter Definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]

Stopping database loading: unload

std::string unload(std::string db_name, std::string request_type);
Function:Stopping database loading
Parameter Definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]

User management: user

std::string user(std::string type, std::string username2, std::string addition, std::string request_type);
Function:The root user can add, delete, or modify the user's permission only
1.Add or delete users:
Parameter Definition:["add_user" adds user, "delete_user" deletes user],[user name],[password],[request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
Example:gc.user("add_user", "user1", "111111");
2.Modify user's privilege:
Parameter Definition:["Add_query" adds query permission, "delete_query" deletes query permission, "add_load" adds load permission, "delete_load" deletes load permission, "add_unload" adds no load permission, "delete_unload" deletes no load permission,  "Add_update" adds update permission, "delete_update" deletes update permission, "add_backup" adds backup permission, "delete_bakup" deletes backup permission, "add_restore" adds restore permission,  "Delete_restore" deletes restore permission,"add_export" adds export permission," delete_export" deletes export permission],[user name],[database name],[Request type "GET" and "POST ", if the request type is "GET", it can be omitted.]
Example:gc.user("add_query", "user1", "lubm");

Display user: showUser

std::string showUser(std::string request_type);
Function:Display all Users
Parameter Definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]

Database query: query

std::string query(std::string db_name, std::string format, std::string sparql, std::string request_type);
Function:Query the database
Parameter Definition:[database name], [query result type JSON, HTML or text], [SPARQL statement], [Request type "GET" and "POST ", if the request type is "GET", it can be omitted]
std::string res = gc.query("lubm", "json", sparql);
std::cout << res << std::endl;  //output result

Deleting a Database: drop

std::string drop(std::string db_name, bool is_backup, std::string request_type);
Function:Delete the database directly or delete the database while leaving a backup
Parameter Definition:[database name], [false not backup, true backup], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
Example:gc.drop("lubm", false);  //Delete the database without leaving a backup

Monitoring database: monitor

std::string monitor(std::string db_name, std::string request_type);Function:Displays information for a specific database.
Parameter Definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]Example:gc.monitor("lubm");

Save the database: checkpoint

std::string checkpoint(std::string db_name, std::string request_type);Function:If you change the database, save the databas Parameter Definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]Example:gc.checkpoint("lubm");

Show the database: show

std::string show(std::string request_type);Function:Displays all created databases Parameter Definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"];

The kernel version information is displayed: getCoreVersion

std::string getCoreVersion(std::string request_type);Function:Get kernel version information Parameter Definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]

The API version information is displaye: getAPIVersion

std::string getAPIVersion(std::string request_type);
Function:Get the API version information
Parameter Definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]

Exporting the Database

std::string exportDB(std::string db_name, std::string dir_path, std::string request_type);
Function:Export the database to a folder
Parameter Definition:[database name], [path to database export folder], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if the request type is "GET", can be omitted]
Example:gc.exportDB("lubm", "/root/gStore/");


To use the Java API, please refer to the gStore/API/HTTP/Java/SRC/JGSC/GstoreConnector. Java. Specific use is as follows:

Construct the initialization function

public class GstoreConnector(String serverIP, int serverPort, String httpType,
String username, String password);
Function: Initialize
Parameter Definition:[Server IP], [HTTP port on the server], [HTTP service type], [Username], [password]
ExampleGstoreConnector gc = new GstoreConnector("", 9000, "ghttp",
"root", "123456");

Building a database: build

public String build(String db_name, String rdf_file_path, String request_type);
Function:Create a new database from an RDF file
Parameter Definition:[database name], [.nt file path], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]"lubm", "data/lubm/lubm.nt");

Loading a database: load

public String load(String db_name, String request_type);
Function:Load the database you created
Parameter Definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]

Stopping database loading: unload

public String unload(String db_name, String request_type);
Function:Stopping database loading
Parameter Definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]

User management:user

public String user(String type, String username2, String addition, String request_type);
Function:The root user can add, delete, or modify the user's permission only.
1.Add or delete users:
Parameter Definition:["add_user" adds user, "delete_user" deletes user],[user name],[password],[request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
Example:gc.user("add_user", "user1", "111111");
2.Modify user's privilege:
Parameter Definition:["Add_query" adds query permission, "delete_query" deletes query permission, "add_load" adds load permission, "delete_load" deletes load permission, "add_unload" adds no load permission, "delete_unload" deletes no load permission,  "Add_update" adds update permission, "delete_update" deletes update permission, "add_backup" adds backup permission, "delete_bakup" deletes backup permission, "add_restore" adds restore permission,  "Delete_restore" deletes restore permission,"add_export" adds export permission," delete_export" deletes export permission],[user name],[database name],[Request type "GET" and "POST ", if the request type is "GET", it can be omitted.]
Example:gc.user("add_query", "user1", "lubm");

Display user:showUser

public String showUser(String request_type);
Function:Display all users
Parameter Definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]

Database query: query

public String query(String db_name, String format, String sparql, String request_type);
Function:query databse
Parameter Definition:[database name], [query result type JSON, HTML or text], [SPARQL statement], [Request type "GET" and "POST ", if the request type is "GET", it can be omitted]
String res = gc.query("lubm", "json", sparql);
System.out.println(res); //output result

Database deletion :drop

public String drop(String db_name, boolean is_backup, String request_type);
Function:Delete the database directly or delete the database while leaving a backup.
Parameter Definition:[database name], [false not backup, true backup], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
Example:gc.drop("lubm", false);  //Delete the database without leaving a backup

Monitoring database: monitor

public String monitor(String db_name, String request_type);
Function:Displays information for a specific database
Parameter Definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]Example:gc.monitor("lubm");

Save the database: checkpoint

public String checkpoint(String db_name, String request_type);
Function:If you change the database, save the database 
Parameter Definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]Example:gc.checkpoint("lubm");

Show database:show

public String show(String request_type);Function:Displays all created databasesParameter Definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"];

The kernel version information is displayed:getCoreVersion

public String getCoreVersion(String request_type);Function:Get kernel version information Parameter Definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]Example:gc.getCoreVersion();

Display API version:getAPIVersion

public String getAPIVersion(String request_type);Function:Get API version Parameter:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]Example:gc.getAPIVersion();

Export database

public String exportDB(String db_name, String dir_path, String request_type);Function:Export database to parameter definition under file folder:[database name], [database export folder path],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"】Example:gc.exportDB("lubm", "/root/gStore/");


To use the Python API, please refer to the gStore/API/HTTP/Python/src/GstoreConnector. Py. Specific use is as follows:

Construct the initialization function

def __init__(self, ip, port, username, password, http_type='ghttp'):
Function: Initialize
Parameter Definition:[Server IP], [HTTP port on the server], [Username], [password],[HTTP service type]
Examplegc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector("", 9000, "ghttp", "root",

Build database: build

def build(self, db_name, rdf_file_path, request_type):
Function:Create a new database from an RDF file
Parameter definition:[Database name],[.nt文件路径],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"】
Example:res ="lubm", "data/lubm/lubm.nt")

Load database: load

def load(self, db_name, request_type):
Function:load the database you have created
Parameter definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
Example:res = gc.load("lubm")

Unload database: unload

def unload(self, db_name, request_type):
Function:Unload database
Parameter definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
Example:res = gc.unload("lubm")

User management: user

def user(self, type, username2, addition, request_type):
Function:The root user can add, delete, or modify the user's permission only.
1.Add or delete users:
Parameter definition:["add_user" adds a user, "delete_user" deletes a user],  [username],[password],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the Request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.user("add_user", "user1", "111111")
2.Modify user's privilege:
Parameter definition:["Add_query" adds query permission, "delete_query" deletes query permission, "add_load" adds load permission, "delete_load" deletes load permission, "add_unload" adds no load permission, "delete_unload" deletes no load permission,  "Add_update" adds update permission, "delete_update" deletes update permission, "add_backup" adds backup permission, "delete_bakup" deletes backup permission, "add_restore" adds restore permission,  "Delete_restore" deletes restore permission,"add_export" adds export permission," delete_export" deletes export permission],  [user name],[database name],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the Request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.user("add_query", "user1", "lubm")

Display users: showUser

def showUser(self, request_type):
Function:Display all users
Parameter definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.showUser()

Query Database: query

def query(self, db_name, format, sparql, request_type):
Function:Query the database
Parameter definition:[Database name],[Query result type JSON, HTML or text], [SPARQL statement], [Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the Request type is "GET"]
res = gc.query("lubm", "json", sparql)
print(res) //output result

Database deletion: drop

def drop(self, db_name, is_backup, request_type):
Function:Delete the database directly or delete the database while leaving a backup
Parameter definition:[database name], [false not backup, true backup],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.drop("lubm", false)  //Delete the database without leaving a backup

Database Monitor :monitor

def monitor(self, db_name, request_type):    Function:Displays information for a specific database Parameter definition:[Database name],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"] 
Example:res = gc.monitor("lubm")

Save database: checkpoint

def checkpoint(self, db_name, request_type):Function:If the database is changed, save the meaning of the database parameters:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted] Example:res = gc.checkpoint("lubm")

Display database:show

def show(self, request_type):Function:Display the meanings of all created databases:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"] 
Example:res =

The kernel version information is displayed: getCoreVersion

def getCoreVersion(self, request_type):Function:Get the definition of kernel version parameter :[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"] 
Example:res = gc.getCoreVersion()

Display API version: getAPIVersion

def getAPIVersion(self, request_type):Function:Get the API version information parameter definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.getAPIVersion()

Export databse

def exportDB(self, db_name, dir_path, request_type): Function:parameter definition of exprotin database to folders:[database name], [database export folder path],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.exportDB("lubm", "/root/gStore/")

Node.js HTTP API

Before using the Nodejs API, type NPM install Request and NPM Install request-promise to add the required modules under the Nodejs folder.

To use Nodejs API, please refer to the gStore/API/http/Nodejs/GstoreConnector.js. Specific use is as follows:

Construct the initialization function

class GstoreConnector(ip = '', port, httpType = 'ghttp', username = '', password
= '');
Function: Initialize
Parameter Definition:[Server IP], [HTTP port on the server], [HTTP service type], [Username], [password]
Example:gc = new GstoreConnector("", 9000, "ghttp", "root", "123456");

Build database: build

async build(db_name = '', rdf_file_path = '', request_type);
Function:Create a new database from an RDF file
The defintion of parameters are as follows: [database name], [.nt file path],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:res ="lubm", "data/lubm/lubm.nt");

Load database:load

async load(db_name = '', request_type);
Function:Load the database you have created
Parameter definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
Example:res = gc.load("lubm");

Unload databse:unload

async unload(db_name = '', request_type);
Function:Unload databse
Parameter definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
Example:res = gc.unload("lubm");

User management:user

async user(type = '', username2 = '' , addition = '' , request_type);
Function:The root user can add, delete, or modify the user's permission only
1.Add or delete users:
Parameter definition:["add_user" adds a user, "delete_user" deletes a user],  [user name],[password],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the Request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.user("add_user", "user1", "111111");
2.Privilege to modify user:
Parameter definition:["Add_query" adds query permission, "delete_query" deletes query permission, "add_load" adds load permission, "delete_load" deletes load permission, "add_unload" adds no load permission, "delete_unload" deletes no load permission,  "Add_update" adds update permission, "delete_update" deletes update permission, "add_backup" adds backup permission, "delete_bakup" deletes backup permission, "add_restore" adds restore permission,  "Delete_restore" deletes restore permission,"add_export" adds export permission," delete_export" deletes export permission],  [user name],[database name],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the Request type is "GET"]]
Example:res = gc.user("add_query", "user1", "lubm");

Display user:showUser

async showUser(request_type);
Function:Display all users
Parameter definition: [Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.showUser();

Query database:query

async query(db_name = '', format = '' , sparql = '' , request_type);
Function:Query database
Parameter definition:[Database name], [query result type JSON, HTML or text], [SPARQL statement], [Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the Request type is "GET"]
res = gc.query("lubm", "json", sparql);
console.log(JSON.stringify(res,",")); //output result

Database deletion:drop

async drop(db_name = '', is_backup , request_type);
Function:Delete the database directly or delete the database while leaving a backup
Parameter definition:[database name],[false no backup, true backup],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.drop("lubm", false);  //Delete the database without leaving a backup

Database monitor: monitor

async monitor(db_name = '', request_type);     Function:Parameter definition for displaying information about a specific database:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]Example:res = gc.monitor("lubm");

Save database: checkpoint

async checkpoint(db_name = '', request_type);Function:If the database is changed, the parameter definition of saving database:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]Example:res = gc.checkpoint("lubm");

Display database: show

async show(request_type);Function:Displays all created databases Parameter definition: [Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]Example:res =;

Display kernel version information: getCoreVersion

async getCoreVersion(request_type);Function:Get kernel version information 
Parameter definition: [Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]Example:res = gc.getCoreVersion();

Display API version: getAPIVersion

async getAPIVersion(request_type);
Function:Get the API version information	
Parameter definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.getAPIVersion();

Export database

async exportDB(db_name = '' , dir_path = '' , request_type); 
Function:export database to folders
parameter definition:[database name], [directory where the database is exported], [Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the Request type is "GET"]
Example:res = gc.exportDB("lubm", "/root/gStore/");


To use the Php API, please refer to the gStore/API/HTTP/Php/SRC/GstoreConnector. Php. Specific use is as follows:

Construct the initialization function

class GstoreConnector($ip, $port, $httpType, $username, $password)
Function: Initialize
Parameter Definition:[Server IP], [HTTP port on the server], [HTTP service type], [Username], [password]
Example:$gc = new GstoreConnector("", 9000, "ghttp", "root", "123456");

Build databse:build

function build($db_name, $rdf_file_path, $request_type)
Function:Create a new database from an RDF file
Parameter definition:[database name], [.nt file path],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
$res = $gc->build("lubm", "data/lubm/lubm.nt");
echo $res . PHP_EOL;

Load database:load

function load($db_name, $request_type)
Function:Load the database you have created
Parameter definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
$ret = $gc->load("test");
echo $ret . PHP_EOL;

Unload databse:unload

function unload($db_name, $request_type)
Function:Unload databse
Parameter definition:[database name],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
$ret = $gc->unload("test");
echo $ret . PHP_EOL;

User management:user

function user($type, $username2, $addition, $request_type)
Function:Only the root user can add, delete, or modify the user's permission
1.Add or delete users:
Parameter definition:["add_user" adds a user, "delete_user" deletes a user],  [user name],[password],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the Request type is "GET"]
$res = $gc->user("add_user", "user1", "111111");
echo $res . PHP_EOL;
2.Privilege to modify user:
参数含义:["Add_query" adds query permission, "delete_query" deletes query permission, "add_load" adds load permission, "delete_load" deletes load permission, "add_unload" adds no load permission, "delete_unload" deletes no load permission,  "Add_update" adds update permission, "delete_update" deletes update permission, "add_backup" adds backup permission, "delete_bakup" deletes backup permission, "add_restore" adds restore permission,  "Delete_restore" deletes restore permission,"add_export" adds export permission," delete_export" deletes export permission],  [user name],[database name],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the Request type is "GET"]]
$res = $gc->user("add_user", "user1", "lubm");
echo $res . PHP_EOL;

Display user:showUser

function showUser($request_type)
Function:Display all users
Parameter definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
$res = $gc->showUser();
echo $res. PHP_EOL;

Query database:query

function query($db_name, $format, $sparql, $request_type)
Parameter definition:[database name], [query result type JSON, HTML or text], [SPARQL statement],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
$res = $gc->query("lubm", "json", $sparql);
echo $res. PHP_EOL; //output result

Database deletion:drop

function drop($db_name, $is_backup, $request_type)
Function:Delete the database directly or delete the database while leaving a backup
Parameter definition:[database name], [false not backup, true backup],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
$res = $gc->drop("lubm", false); //Delete the database without leaving a backup
echo $res. PHP_EOL;             

Database monitor: monitor

function monitor($db_name, $request_type)Function:Displays information for a specific database 
Parameter definition:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]
Example:$res = $gc->monitor("lubm");echo $res. PHP_EOL;

Save database: checkpoint

function checkpoint($db_name, $request_type)Function:the Parameter definition of save database if it has been changed:[database name], [request type "GET" and "POST ", if request type "GET" can be omitted]Example:$res = $gc->checkpoint("lubm");echo $res. PHP_EOL;

Display database: show

function show($request_type)Function:Displays all created databases
Parameter definition:[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:$res = $gc->show();echo $res. PHP_EOL;

Display kernel version information: getCoreVersion

function getCoreVersion($request_type)Function:get kernel version information
Parameter definition: [Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:$res = $gc->getCoreVersion();echo $res. PHP_EOL;

Display API version: getAPIVersion

function getAPIVersion($request_type)
Function:Get API version	
Parameter definition: [Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
$res = $gc->getAPIVersion();
echo $res. PHP_EOL;

Export database

function exportDB($db_name, $dir_path, $request_type)
Function:Export the database to a folder
Parameter definition:[database name], [database export folder path],[Request types "GET" and "POST" can be omitted if the request type is "GET"]
Example:$res = $gc->exportDB("lubm", "/root/gStore/");