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Cjdns je šifrirana IPv6 mreža koja koristi public-key kriptografiju za dodjelu adresa i distribuiranu hash tablicu za usmjeravanje. To omogućuje gotovo nikakvu mrežnu konfiguraciju i sprječava mnoge sigurnosne i skalabilne probleme koje muče trenutne mreže.
23:26 <@jercos> well, cjdns is now officially more reliable than the open
internet for getting to my cheaper VPSes :|
12:52 < mariner> so i don't know if it's been done before, and i assume it's
obvious, but I think it's neat. Currently on hype from an
00:36 < tester> man sites take so long to load on i2p
00:36 < tester> i value speed over anonymity any day
<DuoNoxSol> it's notably more reliable than the normal internet
<DuoNoxSol> even though it really really shouldn't be
<DuoNoxSol> seeing as the connections are largely over the normal internet
Hyperboria je najveća cjdns mreža, sa stotinama aktivnih jedinica po cijelom svijetu.
Cjdns je testiran na x86, amd64, ARMv5, ARMv7, MIPS, and PowerPC. Stalno se testira na Linuxu, FreeBSDu, macOS-u, Windowsu and Illumos systemima.
Protokoli i algoritmi su eksperimentalni i mogli bi se promijeniti. Kako biste smanjili štetu mreže, molimo često nadograđujte vaše cjdns jedinke.
We are in need of some buildbots on more obscure systems and architectures.
If you would like to donate one, you could mail it, or you could administer
it and provide remote shell access. Please email [email protected]
if you'd like to run a buildbot. Note that it is not a general support inbox,
other questions should be directed toward IRC.
U cjdns mreži, paket ode do routera i router označi paket sa instrukcijama do rutera koji će ga najbolje obratiti. That is, a router which is physically nearby and has an address numerically close to the destination address of the packet. The directions are added to the packet to allow it to go through a number of routers with minimal handling, a verifiable form of source routing. They just read the label and bounce the packet wherever the next bits in the label tell them to. Routers have a responsibility to "keep in touch" with other routers that are physically close by and numerically near to their address.
Motor usmjerivača je modificirana implementacija Kademlia ddistribuirane hash tablice.
- irc://irc.efnet.org/#cjdns (web client)
- Hyperboria
- [Projekt Meshnet][]
- /r/darknetplan
- #cjdns na Twitteru
- Ciljevi projekta
- Cjdns Whitepaper
- [Cjdns na Wikipediji][]
Napredna konfiguracija:
Hvala Vam za Vaše vrijeme i interes,
Cjdns programeri.
Ove instrukcije su namijenjene za distribucije bazirane na Debian Linux-u i OSX-u. Trebale bi biti dovoljno informativne za korištenje na ostalim distribucijama, ali ne očekujte da će raditi od prve.
On both platforms, installing Node.js, although preferable, is not strictly necessary. If Node.js is unavailable or an unacceptable version, it will be downloaded and installed in the source tree.
sudo apt-get install nodejs git build-essential python2.7
sudo dnf install install nodejs git
sudo dnf install @development-tools
sudo yum localinstall https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install install nodejs git
sudo yum install @development-tools
On macOS, you must install the Command Line Developer Tools. If you already have a recent version of Xcode (>= macOS 10.9 and >= Xcode 5.0.1), run the following command:
xcode-select --install
If Xcode is not installed, you can either install it through the App Store and run the command above, or make a free Apple Developer account here: https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action. Then sign in, search for Command Line Tools, and install the latest package compatible with your version of macOS. If you encounter issues, there is a thorough stackoverflow post on installing the Command Line Tools.
Morate instalirati Git i Node.js. Postoji nekoliko mogućnosti. Ako koristite Homebrew:
brew install git nodejs
Ako koristite MacPorts:
sudo port install git nodejs6
Or if you use neither and would like to install the binaries from their websites: doc
- Node.js: https://nodejs.org/download/
- git: https://git-scm.com/download
Nažalost, OpenBSD je trenutno eksperimentalan.
pkg_add git node gcc gmake bash
Odaberite verziju gcc-4.8.1p2 ili noviju.
The compiler expects GCC version 4.7, please install it from ports first.
portsnap fetch extract
cd /usr/ports/lang/gcc47/ && make config && make install clean
Clone the repository from GitHub and change to the source directory:
git clone https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns.git cjdns
cd cjdns
Look for Build completed successfully, type ./cjdroute to begin setup.
, then
proceed below:
Run cjdroute without options for HELP:
LANG=C cat /dev/net/tun
If it says: cat: /dev/net/tun: File descriptor in bad state
If it says: cat: /dev/net/tun: No such file or directory
, create it using:
sudo mkdir -p /dev/net &&
sudo mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 &&
sudo chmod 0666 /dev/net/tun
Zatim opet pokrenite cat /dev/net/tun
If it says: cat: /dev/net/tun: Permission denied
You're probably using a VPS
based on the OpenVZ virtualization platform. Ask your provider to enable the
TUN/TAP device - this is standard protocol so they should know exactly what you
need. If you're on macOS, don't worry about this step.
./cjdroute --genconf >> cjdroute.conf
Zaštitite Vašu conf datoteku! A lost conf file means you lost your password and connections and anyone who connected to you will no longer be able to connect. A compromised conf file means that other people can impersonate you on the network.
To set generate a conf file with permissions set so that only your user can read it and write to it:
(umask 077 && ./cjdroute --genconf > cjdroute.conf)
To get into an existing network (e.g. Hyperboria), you need to connect to someone who is already in the network. This is required for a number of reasons:
- It helps prevent abuse because bad people will be less likely to abuse a system after they were, in an act of human kindness, given access to that system.
- This is not intended to overlay The Old Internet, it is intended to replace it. Each connection will in due time be replaced by a wire, a fiber optic cable, or a wireless network connection.
- In any case of a disagreement, there will be a "chain of friends" linking the people involved so there will already be a basis for coming to a resolution.
To find a friend, get out there and join our community. Also, have a look at the Hyperboria Map to find peers near you.
To initiate the connection OUTbound
U Vašoj conf datoteci vidjeti ćete:
// Nodes to connect to.
// Add connection credentials here to join the network
// Ask somebody who is already connected.
A conf file with multiple friend-nodes, setup OUTbound, should look like:
// Nodes to connect to.
//friend_1 (IPv4:; IPv6 fcaa:5bac:66e4:713:cb00:e446:c317:fc39)
"password": "thisIsNotARealConnection_1",
"publicKey": "thisIsJustForAnExampleDoNotUseThisInYourConfFile_1.k"
//friend_2 (IPv4:; IPv6 fcbb:5bac:66e4:713:cb00:e446:c317:fc39)
"password": "thisIsNotARealConnection_2",
"publicKey": "thisIsJustForAnExampleDoNotUseThisInYourConfFile_2.k"
You can add as many connections as you want to the connectTo
following JSON syntax.
To allow your friend to initiate the connection INbound
U Vašoj conf datoteci vidjeti ćete:
// A unique string which is known to the client and server.
{"password": "password001", "login": "default-login"}
// More passwords should look like this.
// {"password": "password002", "login": "my-second-peer"}
// {"password": "password003", "login": "my-third-peer}
// {"password": "password004", "login": "my-fourth-peer"}
// "your.external.ip.goes.here:45678":{"login": "default-login", "password": "password001","publicKey":thisisauniqueKEY_001.k"}
A conf file with multiple friend-nodes, setup INbound, should look like:
// A unique string which is known to the client and server.
{"password": "thisisauniquestring_001", "user": "k.alexander"}
// More passwords should look like this.
//William Jevons (IPv4:; IPv6 fcaa:5bac:66e4:713:cb00:e446:c317:fc39)
{"password": "thisisauniquestring_002", "user": "William Jevons"}
//Marilyn Patel (IPv4:; IPv6 fcbb:5bac:66e4:713:cb00:e446:c317:fc39)
{"password": "thisisauniquestring_003", "user": "Marilyn Patel"}
// {"password": "thisisauniquestring_004"}
// "your.external.ip.goes.here:45678":{"password": "thisisauniquestring_001","publicKey":thisisauniqueKEY_001.k"}
Morate dati friend_3 (who is making the INbound connection) sljedeće 4 stvari:
Vašu vanjsku IPv4 adresu
Port iz konfiguracijske datoteke:
`// Bind to this port. "bind": "",`
Their unique password that you uncommented or created:
"password": "thisisauniquestring_002"
Vaš javni ključ:
"publicKey": "thisisauniqueKEY_001.k"
Please note that you and your friend can initiate a connection either outbound (from YOU --> FRIEND) or inbound (from FRIEND --> YOU) but traffic flows both ways once the connection is established.
See doc/configure.md for more details on configuration, including how to peer with other cjdns nodes over ethernet and wifi.
Once your node is running, you're now a newly minted IPv6 host. Your operating system may automatically reconfigure network services to use this new address. If this is not what you intend, you should check to see that you are not offering more services then you intended to. ;)
Pogledajte doc/network-services.md za instrukcije.
sudo ./cjdroute < cjdroute.conf
Ako želite da se logovi zapisuju u datoteku:
sudo ./cjdroute < cjdroute.conf > cjdroute.log
Za zaustavljanje cjdns-a:
sudo killall cjdroute
Ako imate problema koristite killall cjdroute
Koristite pgrep cjdroute
ili top
kako bi ste provjerili radi li cjdns.
Note: this starts cjdns as the root user so it can configure your system without concern for permissions. To start cjdns as a non-root user, see doc/non-root-user.md.
Dobrodošli u mrežu! Sada ste mrežni administrator. Kao mrežni administrator ste odgovorni za stvari poput kvara opreme. Budite na IRC-u kako bi vas ljudi mogli kontaktirati.
When cjdnroute is up and running, the admin interface will be available at
(this can be changed in the cjdroute.conf
configuration file). See doc/admin-api.md for more
information about the admin interface. There are several tools in contrib/
that can interact with it.
Možete pristupiti administratorskom API-ju putem:
- the Python library; see contrib/python/README.md.
- the Perl library, maintained by Mikey; see contrib/perl/CJDNS/README.