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Nuxt Truffle starter template

Heavily opinionated template for Ðapp development utilizing Truffle and Nuxt

Based on a work by Paperchain which in turn is based on work by pyyding, Daniel Okwufulueze and ConsenSys (and probably many others).

The template holds a basic implementation of ERC20 compliant token. Use it as a starting point for your Ðapp and modify accroding to your needs

Instructions for the starter template

  1. Run Ganache.

  2. Install Metamask.

    In settings, change network to Custom RPC.

    In the box titled "New RPC URL" enter and click Save.

    Import account from Ganache to metamask - Use the private key of one of the accounts which is given to you by Ganache.

    Now you have account with 100ETH to play with.

  3.  truffle compile && truffle migrate --reset

    Look for the output of the migration, and search for the EIP20 address. Something like:

    EIP20: 0x28635d5492f6f249d9957d0f0995c210274b8a1e

    in the store eip20.js replace const tokenAddress = "<address-here>"; with the appropriate address.

  4. npm install
  5. npm run dev
  6. Open localhost:3000 in your browser


Usefull truffle console commands to interact with the contract on the terminal:

# Run truffle in development mode
truffle console --network development

# Get Ether Balance of account
web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance('<account-address>'), 'ether').toString()

# Point to your contract
contract = <contract-name>.at('contract-address')
# e.g:
contract ='0x28635D5492F6f249d9957d0f0995c210274B8A1e')

# Get Token Balance of account
contract = <contract-name>.at('<contract-address>').balanceOf('<account-address>').then(function(res) { console.log(res.toString()) })