Florilège is a web portal designed primarily for the general public to access public plant genetic resources held by the Biological Resource Centers across France, as part of France's National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). Through this portal, users can browse accessions from over 50 plant genera, spread across 19 genebanks. It allows users to view available seeds and plant material, including options for ordering material. Florilège provides a centralized access to the various French collections of plant genetic resources available to the public.
Florilège retrieves accession information from several BrAPI-compliant systems. Key among these are OLGA, a genebank accessions management system, and GnpIS, an INRAE data repository for plant genetic resources, phenomics, and genetics [@doi:10.34133/2019/1671403;@doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-6658-5_5]. Using BrAPI to gather data from these systems reduced development efforts and enabled standardized data retrieval. As a result, BrAPI has become the de facto standard within the French plant genetic resources community for exchanging information. During development, the Florilège team also proposed several enhancements to the BrAPI specifications themselves, such as additional support for Collection objects or improved reference linking, to better accommodate their specific use case.