Since the release of BrAPI 1.3, efforts have been made to incorporate support for the MIAPPE (Minimal Information About a Plant Phenotyping Experiment) [@doi:10.1111/nph.16544] standard into the specification, achieving full compatibility in BrAPI 2.0. Consequently, BrAPI now includes all attributes necessary for MIAPPE compliance, adhering to standardized descriptions in accordance with MIAPPE guidelines. In some communities and projects, phenotyping data and metadata are archived and published as structured ISA-Tab files, validated using the MIAPPE ISA configuration [@doi:10.1038/ng.1054]. Although ISA-Tab is easy to read for non-technical experts due to its file-based approach, it lacks programmatic accessibility, particularly for web applications.
MIRA enables the automatic deployment of a BrAPI server on a MIAPPE-compliant dataset in ISA-Tab format, facilitating programmatic access to these datasets. It is deployable from a Docker image with the dataset mounted. The tool leverages the mapping between MIAPPE, ISA-Tab, and BrAPI, eliminating the need for parsing or manual mapping of datasets compliant with (meta-)data standards. By providing programmatic access through BrAPI, MIRA facilitates the integration of phenotyping datasets into web applications.
The BrAPI2ISA service functions as a converter between a BrAPI-compatible server and the ISA-Tab format. The tool simplifies, automates, and facilitates the archiving of data, thereby enhancing data preservation and accessibility. The BrAPI2ISA tool is compatible with BrAPI 1.3 and welcomes community contributions to support the latest versions of BrAPI.