diff --git a/content/00.front-matter.md b/content/00.front-matter.md
index ed5e3e0..cb0cfaa 100644
--- a/content/00.front-matter.md
+++ b/content/00.front-matter.md
@@ -31,47 +31,26 @@ Published: {{manubot.date_long}}
{## Template for listing authors ##}
{% for author in manubot.authors %}
-+ **{{author.name}}**
+ **{{author.name}}**
{% if author.corresponding is defined and author.corresponding == true -%}^[✉](#correspondence)^{%- endif -%}
- {%- set has_ids = false %}
{%- if author.orcid is defined and author.orcid is not none %}
- {%- set has_ids = true %}
- ![ORCID icon](images/orcid.svg){.inline_icon width=16 height=16}
- [{{author.orcid}}](https://orcid.org/{{author.orcid}})
+ [![ORCID icon](images/orcid.svg){.inline_icon width=16 height=16}](https://orcid.org/{{author.orcid}})
{%- endif %}
- {%- if author.github is defined and author.github is not none %}
- {%- set has_ids = true %}
- · ![GitHub icon](images/github.svg){.inline_icon width=16 height=16}
- [{{author.github}}](https://github.com/{{author.github}})
- {%- endif %}
- {%- if author.twitter is defined and author.twitter is not none %}
- {%- set has_ids = true %}
- · ![Twitter icon](images/twitter.svg){.inline_icon width=16 height=16}
- [{{author.twitter}}](https://twitter.com/{{author.twitter}})
- {%- endif %}
- {%- if author.mastodon is defined and author.mastodon is not none and author["mastodon-server"] is defined and author["mastodon-server"] is not none %}
- {%- set has_ids = true %}
- · ![Mastodon icon](images/mastodon.svg){.inline_icon width=16 height=16}
- [\@{{author.mastodon}}@{{author["mastodon-server"]}}](https://{{author["mastodon-server"]}}/@{{author.mastodon}})
- {%- endif %}
- {%- if has_ids %}
- {%- endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for author in manubot.authors %}
{%- if author.affiliations is defined and author.affiliations|length %}
{{author.affiliations | join('; ')}}
{%- endif %}
- {%- if author.funders is defined and author.funders|length %}
- · Funded by {{author.funders | join('; ')}}
- {%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
::: {#correspondence}
-✉ — Correspondence possible via {% if manubot.ci_source is defined -%}[GitHub Issues](https://github.com/{{manubot.ci_source.repo_slug}}/issues){% else %}GitHub Issues{% endif %}
+✉ — Corresponding author email:
{% if manubot.authors|map(attribute='corresponding')|select|max -%}
-or email to
{% for author in manubot.authors|selectattr("corresponding") -%}
{{ author.name }} \<{{ author.email }}\>{{ ", " if not loop.last else "." }}
{% endfor %}
diff --git a/content/01.abstract.md b/content/01.abstract.md
index 5567594..b09f70f 100644
--- a/content/01.abstract.md
+++ b/content/01.abstract.md
@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ The successful implementation of these methods depends on proper data management
The Breeding API (BrAPI) project is an international effort that is enabling more efficient data management through the development of interoperable databases and tools that can be used to share and interpret breeding-related data.
This community driven standard is software agnostic, open-source, and can be used by anyone interested in plant breeding, phenotyping, germplasm, genotyping, and agronomy data management.
This manuscript presents an overview of the BrAPI project, the substantial growth of the data standard, and the wide variety of BrAPI-compatible, community-built tools for breeding and research.
+## Author Summary
diff --git a/content/90.back-matter.md b/content/90.back-matter.md
index d7b1352..19f3557 100644
--- a/content/90.back-matter.md
+++ b/content/90.back-matter.md
@@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
-## Data Availability Statement {.page_break_before}
-No data was generated from this project.
-## Code Availability Statement
-The all of software and documentation generated by the BrAPI project is free, public, and open source. Everything is available under the MIT open-source license and can be accessed through [brapi.org](https://brapi.org). Most of the other software projects referenced and discussed here are also open source and the text contain links to their repositories or project pages. However, the authors take no responsibility for their availability or licensing.
-## References {.page_break_before}