Basic cli to manage user Semaforo Feature Flags.
- Node v18.11.0 (uses the nodejs's util.parseArgs)
- Auth0 account with a "M2M" client application configured.
Install it globally with npm
npm install -g @platformatic/semaforo-cli
Or clone this repo and from packages/cli
link it globally:
pnpm link --global
In both cases, you need a .env
file in the current directory with the Auth0 configuration.
Create a file named .env
, specifying the values for the auth0 client (login in auth0 and navigate to the application to get the values)
This cli class auth0 with a JWT token which is cached in node_modules/.cache/semaforo (if the cli is used in a folder with a package.json
) or ~/.cache/semaforo (otherwise).
➜ semaforo view -u "github|999999"
"user_id": "github|999999",
"name": "Marco",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickname": "marcopiraccini"
Current flags: []
➜ semaforo set -u "github|999999" -f ff1
"user_id": "github|999999",
"name": "Marco",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickname": "marcopiraccini"
Current flags: []
Flag ff1 set
"user_id": "github|999999",
"name": "Marco",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickname": "marcopiraccini"
Current flags: [ 'ff1' ]
➜ semaforo unset -u "github|999999" -f ff1
"user_id": "github|999999",
"name": "Marco",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickname": "marcopiraccini"
Current flags: [ 'ff1' ]
Flag ff1 unset
"user_id": "github|999999",
"name": "Marco",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickname": "marcopiraccini"
Current flags: []
➜ semaforo clean -u "github|999999"
Flags cleaned for user github|999999
"user_id": "github|999999",
"name": "Marco",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickname": "marcopiraccini"
Current flags: []
➜ semaforo list
│ user_id │ name │ email │ nickname │ flags │
│ github|xxxxxxx │ [email protected] │ [email protected] │ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx │ │
│ github|yyyyyy │ Marco │ [email protected] │ marcopiraccini │ ff1 │
These can be used to set/unset a flag for all users:
➜ semaforo setAll -f ff1
➜ semaforo unsetAll -f ff1
Both do a call for each user, so the whole process can take a while (depending on the number of users), the progress is shown in the console.