From 76200573390fdd5e010c56a01baaf0fbd73f32ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Martin Valigursky <> Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 11:53:43 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add support for Spine 4.2 (#90) Co-authored-by: Martin Valigursky --- build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.js | 13471 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.min.js | 1 + package-lock.json | 10 +- package.json | 3 +- rollup.config.mjs | 4 + src/wrapper42.js | 2 + 6 files changed, 13489 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.js create mode 100644 build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.min.js create mode 100644 src/wrapper42.js diff --git a/build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.js b/build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f50581 --- /dev/null +++ b/build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.js @@ -0,0 +1,13471 @@ +/* Copyright 2015-2024 PlayCanvas Ltd */ + +var spine = (function (pc) { + 'use strict'; + + function _interopNamespaceDefault(e) { + var n = Object.create(null); + if (e) { + Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) { + if (k !== 'default') { + var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k); + Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : { + enumerable: true, + get: function () { return e[k]; } + }); + } + }); + } + n.default = e; + return Object.freeze(n); + } + + var pc__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(pc); + + function _iterableToArrayLimit(r, l) { + var t = null == r ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && r[Symbol.iterator] || r["@@iterator"]; + if (null != t) { + var e, + n, + i, + u, + a = [], + f = !0, + o = !1; + try { + if (i = (t =, 0 === l) ; else for (; !(f = (e = && (a.push(e.value), a.length !== l); f = !0); + } catch (r) { + o = !0, n = r; + } finally { + try { + if (!f && null != t.return && (u = t.return(), Object(u) !== u)) return; + } finally { + if (o) throw n; + } + } + return a; + } + } + function _typeof(o) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + + return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) { + return typeof o; + } : function (o) { + return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o; + }, _typeof(o); + } + function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } + } + function _defineProperties(target, props) { + for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { + var descriptor = props[i]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); + } + } + function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); + Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { + writable: false + }); + return Constructor; + } + function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { + key = _toPropertyKey(key); + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { + value: value, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true, + writable: true + }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; + } + function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { + constructor: { + value: subClass, + writable: true, + configurable: true + } + }); + Object.defineProperty(subClass, "prototype", { + writable: false + }); + if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); + } + function _getPrototypeOf(o) { + _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { + return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf(o); + } + function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { + _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { + o.__proto__ = p; + return o; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); + } + function _assertThisInitialized(self) { + if (self === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self; + } + function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { + if (call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } else if (call !== void 0) { + throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); + } + return _assertThisInitialized(self); + } + function _superPropBase(object, property) { + while (!, property)) { + object = _getPrototypeOf(object); + if (object === null) break; + } + return object; + } + function _get() { + if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && Reflect.get) { + _get = Reflect.get.bind(); + } else { + _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { + var base = _superPropBase(target, property); + if (!base) return; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property); + if (desc.get) { + return < 3 ? target : receiver); + } + return desc.value; + }; + } + return _get.apply(this, arguments); + } + function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { + return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); + } + function _toConsumableArray(arr) { + return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); + } + function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { + if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); + } + function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { + if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; + } + function _iterableToArray(iter) { + if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter); + } + function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { + if (!o) return; + if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); + var n =, -1); + if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; + if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); + if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); + } + function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { + if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; + for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; + return arr2; + } + function _nonIterableSpread() { + throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); + } + function _nonIterableRest() { + throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); + } + function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { + var it = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o["@@iterator"]; + if (!it) { + if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike ) { + if (it) o = it; + var i = 0; + var F = function () {}; + return { + s: F, + n: function () { + if (i >= o.length) return { + done: true + }; + return { + done: false, + value: o[i++] + }; + }, + e: function (e) { + throw e; + }, + f: F + }; + } + throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); + } + var normalCompletion = true, + didErr = false, + err; + return { + s: function () { + it =; + }, + n: function () { + var step =; + normalCompletion = step.done; + return step; + }, + e: function (e) { + didErr = true; + err = e; + }, + f: function () { + try { + if (!normalCompletion && it.return != null) it.return(); + } finally { + if (didErr) throw err; + } + } + }; + } + function _toPrimitive(input, hint) { + if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) return input; + var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; + if (prim !== undefined) { + var res =, hint || "default"); + if (typeof res !== "object") return res; + throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); + } + return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input); + } + function _toPropertyKey(arg) { + var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string"); + return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key); + } + + var _Color, _MathUtils; + function _callSuper$g(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var IntSet = function () { + function IntSet() { + _classCallCheck(this, IntSet); + _defineProperty(this, "array", new Array()); + } + return _createClass(IntSet, [{ + key: "add", + value: function add(value) { + var contains = this.contains(value); + this.array[value | 0] = value | 0; + return !contains; + } + }, { + key: "contains", + value: function contains(value) { + return this.array[value | 0] != undefined; + } + }, { + key: "remove", + value: function remove(value) { + this.array[value | 0] = undefined; + } + }, { + key: "clear", + value: function clear() { + this.array.length = 0; + } + }]); + }(); + var StringSet = function () { + function StringSet() { + _classCallCheck(this, StringSet); + _defineProperty(this, "entries", {}); + _defineProperty(this, "size", 0); + } + return _createClass(StringSet, [{ + key: "add", + value: function add(value) { + var contains = this.entries[value]; + this.entries[value] = true; + if (!contains) { + this.size++; + return true; + } + return false; + } + }, { + key: "addAll", + value: function addAll(values) { + var oldSize = this.size; + for (var i = 0, n = values.length; i < n; i++) this.add(values[i]); + return oldSize != this.size; + } + }, { + key: "contains", + value: function contains(value) { + return this.entries[value]; + } + }, { + key: "clear", + value: function clear() { + this.entries = {}; + this.size = 0; + } + }]); + }(); + var Color = function () { + function Color() { + var r = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; + var g = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; + var b = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; + var a = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0; + _classCallCheck(this, Color); + _defineProperty(this, "r", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "g", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "b", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "a", void 0); + this.r = r; + this.g = g; + this.b = b; + this.a = a; + } + return _createClass(Color, [{ + key: "set", + value: function set(r, g, b, a) { + this.r = r; + this.g = g; + this.b = b; + this.a = a; + return this.clamp(); + } + }, { + key: "setFromColor", + value: function setFromColor(c) { + this.r = c.r; + this.g = c.g; + this.b = c.b; + this.a = c.a; + return this; + } + }, { + key: "setFromString", + value: function setFromString(hex) { + hex = hex.charAt(0) == '#' ? hex.substr(1) : hex; + this.r = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16) / 255; + this.g = parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16) / 255; + this.b = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16) / 255; + this.a = hex.length != 8 ? 1 : parseInt(hex.substr(6, 2), 16) / 255; + return this; + } + }, { + key: "add", + value: function add(r, g, b, a) { + this.r += r; + this.g += g; + this.b += b; + this.a += a; + return this.clamp(); + } + }, { + key: "clamp", + value: function clamp() { + if (this.r < 0) this.r = 0;else if (this.r > 1) this.r = 1; + if (this.g < 0) this.g = 0;else if (this.g > 1) this.g = 1; + if (this.b < 0) this.b = 0;else if (this.b > 1) this.b = 1; + if (this.a < 0) this.a = 0;else if (this.a > 1) this.a = 1; + return this; + } + }, { + key: "toRgb888", + value: function toRgb888() { + var hex = function hex(x) { + return ("0" + (x * 255).toString(16)).slice(-2); + }; + return Number("0x" + hex(this.r) + hex(this.g) + hex(this.b)); + } + }], [{ + key: "rgba8888ToColor", + value: function rgba8888ToColor(color, value) { + color.r = ((value & 0xff000000) >>> 24) / 255; + color.g = ((value & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16) / 255; + color.b = ((value & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8) / 255; + color.a = (value & 0x000000ff) / 255; + } + }, { + key: "rgb888ToColor", + value: function rgb888ToColor(color, value) { + color.r = ((value & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16) / 255; + color.g = ((value & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8) / 255; + color.b = (value & 0x000000ff) / 255; + } + }, { + key: "fromString", + value: function fromString(hex) { + return new Color().setFromString(hex); + } + }]); + }(); + _Color = Color; + _defineProperty(Color, "WHITE", new _Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); + _defineProperty(Color, "RED", new _Color(1, 0, 0, 1)); + _defineProperty(Color, "GREEN", new _Color(0, 1, 0, 1)); + _defineProperty(Color, "BLUE", new _Color(0, 0, 1, 1)); + _defineProperty(Color, "MAGENTA", new _Color(1, 0, 1, 1)); + var MathUtils = function () { + function MathUtils() { + _classCallCheck(this, MathUtils); + } + return _createClass(MathUtils, null, [{ + key: "clamp", + value: function clamp(value, min, max) { + if (value < min) return min; + if (value > max) return max; + return value; + } + }, { + key: "cosDeg", + value: function cosDeg(degrees) { + return Math.cos(degrees * MathUtils.degRad); + } + }, { + key: "sinDeg", + value: function sinDeg(degrees) { + return Math.sin(degrees * MathUtils.degRad); + } + }, { + key: "atan2Deg", + value: function atan2Deg(y, x) { + return Math.atan2(y, x) * MathUtils.degRad; + } + }, { + key: "signum", + value: function signum(value) { + return value > 0 ? 1 : value < 0 ? -1 : 0; + } + }, { + key: "toInt", + value: function toInt(x) { + return x > 0 ? Math.floor(x) : Math.ceil(x); + } + }, { + key: "cbrt", + value: function cbrt(x) { + var y = Math.pow(Math.abs(x), 1 / 3); + return x < 0 ? -y : y; + } + }, { + key: "randomTriangular", + value: function randomTriangular(min, max) { + return MathUtils.randomTriangularWith(min, max, (min + max) * 0.5); + } + }, { + key: "randomTriangularWith", + value: function randomTriangularWith(min, max, mode) { + var u = Math.random(); + var d = max - min; + if (u <= (mode - min) / d) return min + Math.sqrt(u * d * (mode - min)); + return max - Math.sqrt((1 - u) * d * (max - mode)); + } + }, { + key: "isPowerOfTwo", + value: function isPowerOfTwo(value) { + return value && (value & value - 1) === 0; + } + }]); + }(); + _MathUtils = MathUtils; + _defineProperty(MathUtils, "PI", 3.1415927); + _defineProperty(MathUtils, "PI2", _MathUtils.PI * 2); + _defineProperty(MathUtils, "invPI2", 1 / _MathUtils.PI2); + _defineProperty(MathUtils, "radiansToDegrees", 180 / _MathUtils.PI); + _defineProperty(MathUtils, "radDeg", _MathUtils.radiansToDegrees); + _defineProperty(MathUtils, "degreesToRadians", _MathUtils.PI / 180); + _defineProperty(MathUtils, "degRad", _MathUtils.degreesToRadians); + var Interpolation = function () { + function Interpolation() { + _classCallCheck(this, Interpolation); + } + return _createClass(Interpolation, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(start, end, a) { + return start + (end - start) * this.applyInternal(a); + } + }]); + }(); + var Pow = function (_Interpolation) { + function Pow(power) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, Pow); + _this2 = _callSuper$g(this, Pow); + _defineProperty(_this2, "power", 2); + _this2.power = power; + return _this2; + } + _inherits(Pow, _Interpolation); + return _createClass(Pow, [{ + key: "applyInternal", + value: function applyInternal(a) { + if (a <= 0.5) return Math.pow(a * 2, this.power) / 2; + return Math.pow((a - 1) * 2, this.power) / (this.power % 2 == 0 ? -2 : 2) + 1; + } + }]); + }(Interpolation); + var PowOut = function (_Pow2) { + function PowOut(power) { + _classCallCheck(this, PowOut); + return _callSuper$g(this, PowOut, [power]); + } + _inherits(PowOut, _Pow2); + return _createClass(PowOut, [{ + key: "applyInternal", + value: function applyInternal(a) { + return Math.pow(a - 1, this.power) * (this.power % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1) + 1; + } + }]); + }(Pow); + var Utils = function () { + function Utils() { + _classCallCheck(this, Utils); + } + return _createClass(Utils, null, [{ + key: "arrayCopy", + value: function arrayCopy(source, sourceStart, dest, destStart, numElements) { + for (var i = sourceStart, j = destStart; i < sourceStart + numElements; i++, j++) { + dest[j] = source[i]; + } + } + }, { + key: "arrayFill", + value: function arrayFill(array, fromIndex, toIndex, value) { + for (var i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) array[i] = value; + } + }, { + key: "setArraySize", + value: function setArraySize(array, size) { + var value = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; + var oldSize = array.length; + if (oldSize == size) return array; + array.length = size; + if (oldSize < size) { + for (var i = oldSize; i < size; i++) array[i] = value; + } + return array; + } + }, { + key: "ensureArrayCapacity", + value: function ensureArrayCapacity(array, size) { + var value = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; + if (array.length >= size) return array; + return Utils.setArraySize(array, size, value); + } + }, { + key: "newArray", + value: function newArray(size, defaultValue) { + var array = new Array(size); + for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) array[i] = defaultValue; + return array; + } + }, { + key: "newFloatArray", + value: function newFloatArray(size) { + if (Utils.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS) return new Float32Array(size);else { + var array = new Array(size); + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = 0; + return array; + } + } + }, { + key: "newShortArray", + value: function newShortArray(size) { + if (Utils.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS) return new Int16Array(size);else { + var array = new Array(size); + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = 0; + return array; + } + } + }, { + key: "toFloatArray", + value: function toFloatArray(array) { + return Utils.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS ? new Float32Array(array) : array; + } + }, { + key: "toSinglePrecision", + value: function toSinglePrecision(value) { + return Utils.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS ? Math.fround(value) : value; + } + }, { + key: "webkit602BugfixHelper", + value: function webkit602BugfixHelper(alpha, blend) {} + }, { + key: "contains", + value: function contains(array, element) { + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) if (array[i] == element) return true; + return false; + } + }, { + key: "enumValue", + value: function enumValue(type, name) { + return type[name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)]; + } + }]); + }(); + _defineProperty(Utils, "SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS", typeof Float32Array !== "undefined"); + var DebugUtils = function () { + function DebugUtils() { + _classCallCheck(this, DebugUtils); + } + return _createClass(DebugUtils, null, [{ + key: "logBones", + value: function logBones(skeleton) { + for (var i = 0; i < skeleton.bones.length; i++) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[i]; + console.log( + ", " + bone.a + ", " + bone.b + ", " + bone.c + ", " + bone.d + ", " + bone.worldX + ", " + bone.worldY); + } + } + }]); + }(); + var Pool = function () { + function Pool(instantiator) { + _classCallCheck(this, Pool); + _defineProperty(this, "items", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "instantiator", void 0); + this.instantiator = instantiator; + } + return _createClass(Pool, [{ + key: "obtain", + value: function obtain() { + return this.items.length > 0 ? this.items.pop() : this.instantiator(); + } + }, { + key: "free", + value: function free(item) { + if (item.reset) item.reset(); + this.items.push(item); + } + }, { + key: "freeAll", + value: function freeAll(items) { + for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)[i]); + } + }, { + key: "clear", + value: function clear() { + this.items.length = 0; + } + }]); + }(); + var Vector2 = function () { + function Vector2() { + var x = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; + var y = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; + _classCallCheck(this, Vector2); + _defineProperty(this, "x", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "y", void 0); + this.x = x; + this.y = y; + } + return _createClass(Vector2, [{ + key: "set", + value: function set(x, y) { + this.x = x; + this.y = y; + return this; + } + }, { + key: "length", + value: function length() { + var x = this.x; + var y = this.y; + return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); + } + }, { + key: "normalize", + value: function normalize() { + var len = this.length(); + if (len != 0) { + this.x /= len; + this.y /= len; + } + return this; + } + }]); + }(); + var TimeKeeper = function () { + function TimeKeeper() { + _classCallCheck(this, TimeKeeper); + _defineProperty(this, "maxDelta", 0.064); + _defineProperty(this, "framesPerSecond", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "delta", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "totalTime", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "lastTime", / 1000); + _defineProperty(this, "frameCount", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "frameTime", 0); + } + return _createClass(TimeKeeper, [{ + key: "update", + value: function update() { + var now = / 1000; + = now - this.lastTime; + this.frameTime +=; + this.totalTime +=; + if ( > this.maxDelta) = this.maxDelta; + this.lastTime = now; + this.frameCount++; + if (this.frameTime > 1) { + this.framesPerSecond = this.frameCount / this.frameTime; + this.frameTime = 0; + this.frameCount = 0; + } + } + }]); + }(); + var WindowedMean = function () { + function WindowedMean() { + var windowSize = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 32; + _classCallCheck(this, WindowedMean); + _defineProperty(this, "values", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "addedValues", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "lastValue", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mean", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "dirty", true); + this.values = new Array(windowSize); + } + return _createClass(WindowedMean, [{ + key: "hasEnoughData", + value: function hasEnoughData() { + return this.addedValues >= this.values.length; + } + }, { + key: "addValue", + value: function addValue(value) { + if (this.addedValues < this.values.length) this.addedValues++; + this.values[this.lastValue++] = value; + if (this.lastValue > this.values.length - 1) this.lastValue = 0; + this.dirty = true; + } + }, { + key: "getMean", + value: function getMean() { + if (this.hasEnoughData()) { + if (this.dirty) { + var mean = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) mean += this.values[i]; + this.mean = mean / this.values.length; + this.dirty = false; + } + return this.mean; + } + return 0; + } + }]); + }(); + + function _callSuper$f(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var Attachment = _createClass(function Attachment(name) { + _classCallCheck(this, Attachment); + _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0); + if (!name) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + = name; + }); + var VertexAttachment = function (_Attachment2) { + function VertexAttachment(name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, VertexAttachment); + _this2 = _callSuper$f(this, VertexAttachment, [name]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "id", VertexAttachment.nextID++); + _defineProperty(_this2, "bones", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "vertices", []); + _defineProperty(_this2, "worldVerticesLength", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "timelineAttachment", _this2); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(VertexAttachment, _Attachment2); + return _createClass(VertexAttachment, [{ + key: "computeWorldVertices", + value: function computeWorldVertices(slot, start, count, worldVertices, offset, stride) { + count = offset + (count >> 1) * stride; + var skeleton = slot.bone.skeleton; + var deformArray = slot.deform; + var vertices = this.vertices; + var bones = this.bones; + if (!bones) { + if (deformArray.length > 0) vertices = deformArray; + var bone = slot.bone; + var x = bone.worldX; + var y = bone.worldY; + var a = bone.a, + b = bone.b, + c = bone.c, + d = bone.d; + for (var _v = start, w = offset; w < count; _v += 2, w += stride) { + var vx = vertices[_v], + vy = vertices[_v + 1]; + worldVertices[w] = vx * a + vy * b + x; + worldVertices[w + 1] = vx * c + vy * d + y; + } + return; + } + var v = 0, + skip = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < start; i += 2) { + var n = bones[v]; + v += n + 1; + skip += n; + } + var skeletonBones = skeleton.bones; + if (deformArray.length == 0) { + for (var _w = offset, _b = skip * 3; _w < count; _w += stride) { + var wx = 0, + wy = 0; + var _n = bones[v++]; + _n += v; + for (; v < _n; v++, _b += 3) { + var _bone = skeletonBones[bones[v]]; + var _vx = vertices[_b], + _vy = vertices[_b + 1], + weight = vertices[_b + 2]; + wx += (_vx * _bone.a + _vy * _bone.b + _bone.worldX) * weight; + wy += (_vx * _bone.c + _vy * _bone.d + _bone.worldY) * weight; + } + worldVertices[_w] = wx; + worldVertices[_w + 1] = wy; + } + } else { + var deform = deformArray; + for (var _w2 = offset, _b2 = skip * 3, f = skip << 1; _w2 < count; _w2 += stride) { + var _wx = 0, + _wy = 0; + var _n2 = bones[v++]; + _n2 += v; + for (; v < _n2; v++, _b2 += 3, f += 2) { + var _bone2 = skeletonBones[bones[v]]; + var _vx2 = vertices[_b2] + deform[f], + _vy2 = vertices[_b2 + 1] + deform[f + 1], + _weight = vertices[_b2 + 2]; + _wx += (_vx2 * _bone2.a + _vy2 * _bone2.b + _bone2.worldX) * _weight; + _wy += (_vx2 * _bone2.c + _vy2 * _bone2.d + _bone2.worldY) * _weight; + } + worldVertices[_w2] = _wx; + worldVertices[_w2 + 1] = _wy; + } + } + } + }, { + key: "copyTo", + value: function copyTo(attachment) { + if (this.bones) { + attachment.bones = new Array(this.bones.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.bones, 0, attachment.bones, 0, this.bones.length); + } else attachment.bones = null; + if (this.vertices) { + attachment.vertices = Utils.newFloatArray(this.vertices.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.vertices, 0, attachment.vertices, 0, this.vertices.length); + } + attachment.worldVerticesLength = this.worldVerticesLength; + attachment.timelineAttachment = this.timelineAttachment; + } + }]); + }(Attachment); + _defineProperty(VertexAttachment, "nextID", 0); + + var Sequence = function () { + function Sequence(count) { + _classCallCheck(this, Sequence); + _defineProperty(this, "id", Sequence.nextID()); + _defineProperty(this, "regions", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "start", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "digits", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "setupIndex", 0); + this.regions = new Array(count); + } + return _createClass(Sequence, [{ + key: "copy", + value: function copy() { + var copy = new Sequence(this.regions.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.regions, 0, copy.regions, 0, this.regions.length); + copy.start = this.start; + copy.digits = this.digits; + copy.setupIndex = this.setupIndex; + return copy; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(slot, attachment) { + var index = slot.sequenceIndex; + if (index == -1) index = this.setupIndex; + if (index >= this.regions.length) index = this.regions.length - 1; + var region = this.regions[index]; + if (attachment.region != region) { + attachment.region = region; + attachment.updateRegion(); + } + } + }, { + key: "getPath", + value: function getPath(basePath, index) { + var result = basePath; + var frame = (this.start + index).toString(); + for (var i = this.digits - frame.length; i > 0; i--) result += "0"; + result += frame; + return result; + } + }], [{ + key: "nextID", + value: function nextID() { + return Sequence._nextID++; + } + }]); + }(); + _defineProperty(Sequence, "_nextID", 0); + var SequenceMode; + (function (SequenceMode) { + SequenceMode[SequenceMode["hold"] = 0] = "hold"; + SequenceMode[SequenceMode["once"] = 1] = "once"; + SequenceMode[SequenceMode["loop"] = 2] = "loop"; + SequenceMode[SequenceMode["pingpong"] = 3] = "pingpong"; + SequenceMode[SequenceMode["onceReverse"] = 4] = "onceReverse"; + SequenceMode[SequenceMode["loopReverse"] = 5] = "loopReverse"; + SequenceMode[SequenceMode["pingpongReverse"] = 6] = "pingpongReverse"; + })(SequenceMode || (SequenceMode = {})); + var SequenceModeValues = [SequenceMode.hold, SequenceMode.once, SequenceMode.loop, SequenceMode.pingpong, SequenceMode.onceReverse, SequenceMode.loopReverse, SequenceMode.pingpongReverse]; + + function _callSuper$e(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var Animation = function () { + function Animation(name, timelines, duration) { + _classCallCheck(this, Animation); + _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "timelines", []); + _defineProperty(this, "timelineIds", new StringSet()); + _defineProperty(this, "duration", void 0); + if (!name) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + = name; + this.setTimelines(timelines); + this.duration = duration; + } + return _createClass(Animation, [{ + key: "setTimelines", + value: function setTimelines(timelines) { + if (!timelines) throw new Error("timelines cannot be null."); + this.timelines = timelines; + this.timelineIds.clear(); + for (var i = 0; i < timelines.length; i++) this.timelineIds.addAll(timelines[i].getPropertyIds()); + } + }, { + key: "hasTimeline", + value: function hasTimeline(ids) { + for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) if (this.timelineIds.contains(ids[i])) return true; + return false; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, loop, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + if (!skeleton) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + if (loop && this.duration != 0) { + time %= this.duration; + if (lastTime > 0) lastTime %= this.duration; + } + var timelines = this.timelines; + for (var i = 0, n = timelines.length; i < n; i++) timelines[i].apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction); + } + }]); + }(); + var MixBlend; + (function (MixBlend) { + MixBlend[MixBlend["setup"] = 0] = "setup"; + MixBlend[MixBlend["first"] = 1] = "first"; + MixBlend[MixBlend["replace"] = 2] = "replace"; + MixBlend[MixBlend["add"] = 3] = "add"; + })(MixBlend || (MixBlend = {})); + var MixDirection; + (function (MixDirection) { + MixDirection[MixDirection["mixIn"] = 0] = "mixIn"; + MixDirection[MixDirection["mixOut"] = 1] = "mixOut"; + })(MixDirection || (MixDirection = {})); + var Property = { + rotate: 0, + x: 1, + y: 2, + scaleX: 3, + scaleY: 4, + shearX: 5, + shearY: 6, + inherit: 7, + rgb: 8, + alpha: 9, + rgb2: 10, + attachment: 11, + deform: 12, + event: 13, + drawOrder: 14, + ikConstraint: 15, + transformConstraint: 16, + pathConstraintPosition: 17, + pathConstraintSpacing: 18, + pathConstraintMix: 19, + physicsConstraintInertia: 20, + physicsConstraintStrength: 21, + physicsConstraintDamping: 22, + physicsConstraintMass: 23, + physicsConstraintWind: 24, + physicsConstraintGravity: 25, + physicsConstraintMix: 26, + physicsConstraintReset: 27, + sequence: 28 + }; + var Timeline = function () { + function Timeline(frameCount, propertyIds) { + _classCallCheck(this, Timeline); + _defineProperty(this, "propertyIds", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "frames", void 0); + this.propertyIds = propertyIds; + this.frames = Utils.newFloatArray(frameCount * this.getFrameEntries()); + } + return _createClass(Timeline, [{ + key: "getPropertyIds", + value: function getPropertyIds() { + return this.propertyIds; + } + }, { + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 1; + } + }, { + key: "getFrameCount", + value: function getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length / this.getFrameEntries(); + } + }, { + key: "getDuration", + value: function getDuration() { + return this.frames[this.frames.length - this.getFrameEntries()]; + } + }], [{ + key: "search1", + value: function search1(frames, time) { + var n = frames.length; + for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) if (frames[i] > time) return i - 1; + return n - 1; + } + }, { + key: "search", + value: function search(frames, time, step) { + var n = frames.length; + for (var i = step; i < n; i += step) if (frames[i] > time) return i - step; + return n - step; + } + }]); + }(); + var CurveTimeline = function (_Timeline2) { + function CurveTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, propertyIds) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, CurveTimeline); + _this2 = _callSuper$e(this, CurveTimeline, [frameCount, propertyIds]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "curves", void 0); + _this2.curves = Utils.newFloatArray(frameCount + bezierCount * 18); + _this2.curves[frameCount - 1] = 1; + return _this2; + } + _inherits(CurveTimeline, _Timeline2); + return _createClass(CurveTimeline, [{ + key: "setLinear", + value: function setLinear(frame) { + this.curves[frame] = 0; + } + }, { + key: "setStepped", + value: function setStepped(frame) { + this.curves[frame] = 1; + } + }, { + key: "shrink", + value: function shrink(bezierCount) { + var size = this.getFrameCount() + bezierCount * 18; + if (this.curves.length > size) { + var newCurves = Utils.newFloatArray(size); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.curves, 0, newCurves, 0, size); + this.curves = newCurves; + } + } + }, { + key: "setBezier", + value: function setBezier(bezier, frame, value, time1, value1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, time2, value2) { + var curves = this.curves; + var i = this.getFrameCount() + bezier * 18; + if (value == 0) curves[frame] = 2 + i; + var tmpx = (time1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.03, + tmpy = (value1 - cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.03; + var dddx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - time1 + time2) * 0.006, + dddy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 - value1 + value2) * 0.006; + var ddx = tmpx * 2 + dddx, + ddy = tmpy * 2 + dddy; + var dx = (cx1 - time1) * 0.3 + tmpx + dddx * 0.16666667, + dy = (cy1 - value1) * 0.3 + tmpy + dddy * 0.16666667; + var x = time1 + dx, + y = value1 + dy; + for (var n = i + 18; i < n; i += 2) { + curves[i] = x; + curves[i + 1] = y; + dx += ddx; + dy += ddy; + ddx += dddx; + ddy += dddy; + x += dx; + y += dy; + } + } + }, { + key: "getBezierValue", + value: function getBezierValue(time, frameIndex, valueOffset, i) { + var curves = this.curves; + if (curves[i] > time) { + var _x = this.frames[frameIndex], + _y = this.frames[frameIndex + valueOffset]; + return _y + (time - _x) / (curves[i] - _x) * (curves[i + 1] - _y); + } + var n = i + 18; + for (i += 2; i < n; i += 2) { + if (curves[i] >= time) { + var _x2 = curves[i - 2], + _y2 = curves[i - 1]; + return _y2 + (time - _x2) / (curves[i] - _x2) * (curves[i + 1] - _y2); + } + } + frameIndex += this.getFrameEntries(); + var x = curves[n - 2], + y = curves[n - 1]; + return y + (time - x) / (this.frames[frameIndex] - x) * (this.frames[frameIndex + valueOffset] - y); + } + }]); + }(Timeline); + var CurveTimeline1 = function (_CurveTimeline2) { + function CurveTimeline1(frameCount, bezierCount, propertyId) { + _classCallCheck(this, CurveTimeline1); + return _callSuper$e(this, CurveTimeline1, [frameCount, bezierCount, [propertyId]]); + } + _inherits(CurveTimeline1, _CurveTimeline2); + return _createClass(CurveTimeline1, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 2; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, value) { + frame <<= 1; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[frame + 1] = value; + } + }, { + key: "getCurveValue", + value: function getCurveValue(time) { + var frames = this.frames; + var i = frames.length - 2; + for (var ii = 2; ii <= i; ii += 2) { + if (frames[ii] > time) { + i = ii - 2; + break; + } + } + var curveType = this.curves[i >> 1]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i], + value = frames[i + 1]; + return value + (time - before) / (frames[i + 2] - before) * (frames[i + 2 + 1] - value); + case 1: + return frames[i + 1]; + } + return this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + } + }, { + key: "getRelativeValue", + value: function getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, current, setup) { + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup; + case MixBlend.first: + return current + (setup - current) * alpha; + } + return current; + } + var value = this.getCurveValue(time); + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup + value * alpha; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + value += setup - current; + } + return current + value * alpha; + } + }, { + key: "getAbsoluteValue", + value: function getAbsoluteValue(time, alpha, blend, current, setup) { + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup; + case MixBlend.first: + return current + (setup - current) * alpha; + } + return current; + } + var value = this.getCurveValue(time); + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) return setup + (value - setup) * alpha; + return current + (value - current) * alpha; + } + }, { + key: "getAbsoluteValue2", + value: function getAbsoluteValue2(time, alpha, blend, current, setup, value) { + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup; + case MixBlend.first: + return current + (setup - current) * alpha; + } + return current; + } + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) return setup + (value - setup) * alpha; + return current + (value - current) * alpha; + } + }, { + key: "getScaleValue", + value: function getScaleValue(time, alpha, blend, direction, current, setup) { + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup; + case MixBlend.first: + return current + (setup - current) * alpha; + } + return current; + } + var value = this.getCurveValue(time) * setup; + if (alpha == 1) { + if (blend == MixBlend.add) return current + value - setup; + return value; + } + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup + (Math.abs(value) * MathUtils.signum(setup) - setup) * alpha; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + return current + (Math.abs(value) * MathUtils.signum(current) - current) * alpha; + } + } else { + var s = 0; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + s = Math.abs(setup) * MathUtils.signum(value); + return s + (value - s) * alpha; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + s = Math.abs(current) * MathUtils.signum(value); + return s + (value - s) * alpha; + } + } + return current + (value - setup) * alpha; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var CurveTimeline2 = function (_CurveTimeline3) { + function CurveTimeline2(frameCount, bezierCount, propertyId1, propertyId2) { + _classCallCheck(this, CurveTimeline2); + return _callSuper$e(this, CurveTimeline2, [frameCount, bezierCount, [propertyId1, propertyId2]]); + } + _inherits(CurveTimeline2, _CurveTimeline3); + return _createClass(CurveTimeline2, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 3; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, value1, value2) { + frame *= 3; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[frame + 1] = value1; + this.frames[frame + 2] = value2; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var RotateTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline4) { + function RotateTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this3; + _classCallCheck(this, RotateTimeline); + _this3 = _callSuper$e(this, RotateTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.rotate + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this3, "boneIndex", 0); + _this3.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this3; + } + _inherits(RotateTimeline, _CurveTimeline4); + return _createClass(RotateTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if ( bone.rotation = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.rotation,; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var TranslateTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline5) { + function TranslateTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this4; + _classCallCheck(this, TranslateTimeline); + _this4 = _callSuper$e(this, TranslateTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.x + "|" + boneIndex, Property.y + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this4, "boneIndex", 0); + _this4.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this4; + } + _inherits(TranslateTimeline, _CurveTimeline5); + return _createClass(TranslateTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.x =; + bone.y =; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + bone.x += ( - bone.x) * alpha; + bone.y += ( - bone.y) * alpha; + } + return; + } + var x = 0, + y = 0; + var i =, time, 3); + var curveType = this.curves[i / 3]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + x = frames[i + 1]; + y = frames[i + 2]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 3] - before); + x += (frames[i + 3 + 1] - x) * t; + y += (frames[i + 3 + 2] - y) * t; + break; + case 1: + x = frames[i + 1]; + y = frames[i + 2]; + break; + default: + x = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + y = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + } + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.x = + x * alpha; + bone.y = + y * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + bone.x += ( + x - bone.x) * alpha; + bone.y += ( + y - bone.y) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + bone.x += x * alpha; + bone.y += y * alpha; + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline2); + var TranslateXTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline6) { + function TranslateXTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this5; + _classCallCheck(this, TranslateXTimeline); + _this5 = _callSuper$e(this, TranslateXTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.x + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this5, "boneIndex", 0); + _this5.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this5; + } + _inherits(TranslateXTimeline, _CurveTimeline6); + return _createClass(TranslateXTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if ( bone.x = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.x,; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var TranslateYTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline7) { + function TranslateYTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this6; + _classCallCheck(this, TranslateYTimeline); + _this6 = _callSuper$e(this, TranslateYTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.y + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this6, "boneIndex", 0); + _this6.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this6; + } + _inherits(TranslateYTimeline, _CurveTimeline7); + return _createClass(TranslateYTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if ( bone.y = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.y,; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var ScaleTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline8) { + function ScaleTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this7; + _classCallCheck(this, ScaleTimeline); + _this7 = _callSuper$e(this, ScaleTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.scaleX + "|" + boneIndex, Property.scaleY + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this7, "boneIndex", 0); + _this7.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this7; + } + _inherits(ScaleTimeline, _CurveTimeline8); + return _createClass(ScaleTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.scaleX =; + bone.scaleY =; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + bone.scaleX += ( - bone.scaleX) * alpha; + bone.scaleY += ( - bone.scaleY) * alpha; + } + return; + } + var x, y; + var i =, time, 3); + var curveType = this.curves[i / 3]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + x = frames[i + 1]; + y = frames[i + 2]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 3] - before); + x += (frames[i + 3 + 1] - x) * t; + y += (frames[i + 3 + 2] - y) * t; + break; + case 1: + x = frames[i + 1]; + y = frames[i + 2]; + break; + default: + x = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + y = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + } + x *=; + y *=; + if (alpha == 1) { + if (blend == MixBlend.add) { + bone.scaleX += x -; + bone.scaleY += y -; + } else { + bone.scaleX = x; + bone.scaleY = y; + } + } else { + var bx = 0, + by = 0; + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bx =; + by =; + bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.abs(x) * MathUtils.signum(bx) - bx) * alpha; + bone.scaleY = by + (Math.abs(y) * MathUtils.signum(by) - by) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + bx = bone.scaleX; + by = bone.scaleY; + bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.abs(x) * MathUtils.signum(bx) - bx) * alpha; + bone.scaleY = by + (Math.abs(y) * MathUtils.signum(by) - by) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + bone.scaleX += (x - * alpha; + bone.scaleY += (y - * alpha; + } + } else { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bx = Math.abs( * MathUtils.signum(x); + by = Math.abs( * MathUtils.signum(y); + bone.scaleX = bx + (x - bx) * alpha; + bone.scaleY = by + (y - by) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + bx = Math.abs(bone.scaleX) * MathUtils.signum(x); + by = Math.abs(bone.scaleY) * MathUtils.signum(y); + bone.scaleX = bx + (x - bx) * alpha; + bone.scaleY = by + (y - by) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + bone.scaleX += (x - * alpha; + bone.scaleY += (y - * alpha; + } + } + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline2); + var ScaleXTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline9) { + function ScaleXTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this8; + _classCallCheck(this, ScaleXTimeline); + _this8 = _callSuper$e(this, ScaleXTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.scaleX + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this8, "boneIndex", 0); + _this8.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this8; + } + _inherits(ScaleXTimeline, _CurveTimeline9); + return _createClass(ScaleXTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if ( bone.scaleX = this.getScaleValue(time, alpha, blend, direction, bone.scaleX,; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var ScaleYTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline10) { + function ScaleYTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this9; + _classCallCheck(this, ScaleYTimeline); + _this9 = _callSuper$e(this, ScaleYTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.scaleY + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this9, "boneIndex", 0); + _this9.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this9; + } + _inherits(ScaleYTimeline, _CurveTimeline10); + return _createClass(ScaleYTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if ( bone.scaleY = this.getScaleValue(time, alpha, blend, direction, bone.scaleY,; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var ShearTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline11) { + function ShearTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this10; + _classCallCheck(this, ShearTimeline); + _this10 = _callSuper$e(this, ShearTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.shearX + "|" + boneIndex, Property.shearY + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this10, "boneIndex", 0); + _this10.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this10; + } + _inherits(ShearTimeline, _CurveTimeline11); + return _createClass(ShearTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.shearX =; + bone.shearY =; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + bone.shearX += ( - bone.shearX) * alpha; + bone.shearY += ( - bone.shearY) * alpha; + } + return; + } + var x = 0, + y = 0; + var i =, time, 3); + var curveType = this.curves[i / 3]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + x = frames[i + 1]; + y = frames[i + 2]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 3] - before); + x += (frames[i + 3 + 1] - x) * t; + y += (frames[i + 3 + 2] - y) * t; + break; + case 1: + x = frames[i + 1]; + y = frames[i + 2]; + break; + default: + x = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + y = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + } + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.shearX = + x * alpha; + bone.shearY = + y * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + bone.shearX += ( + x - bone.shearX) * alpha; + bone.shearY += ( + y - bone.shearY) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + bone.shearX += x * alpha; + bone.shearY += y * alpha; + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline2); + var ShearXTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline12) { + function ShearXTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this11; + _classCallCheck(this, ShearXTimeline); + _this11 = _callSuper$e(this, ShearXTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.shearX + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this11, "boneIndex", 0); + _this11.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this11; + } + _inherits(ShearXTimeline, _CurveTimeline12); + return _createClass(ShearXTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if ( bone.shearX = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.shearX,; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var ShearYTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline13) { + function ShearYTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + var _this12; + _classCallCheck(this, ShearYTimeline); + _this12 = _callSuper$e(this, ShearYTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.shearY + "|" + boneIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this12, "boneIndex", 0); + _this12.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this12; + } + _inherits(ShearYTimeline, _CurveTimeline13); + return _createClass(ShearYTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if ( bone.shearY = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.shearY,; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var InheritTimeline = function (_Timeline3) { + function InheritTimeline(frameCount, boneIndex) { + var _this13; + _classCallCheck(this, InheritTimeline); + _this13 = _callSuper$e(this, InheritTimeline, [frameCount, [Property.inherit + "|" + boneIndex]]); + _defineProperty(_this13, "boneIndex", 0); + _this13.boneIndex = boneIndex; + return _this13; + } + _inherits(InheritTimeline, _Timeline3); + return _createClass(InheritTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 2; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, inherit) { + frame *= 2; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[frame + 1] = inherit; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) bone.inherit =; + return; + } + bone.inherit = this.frames[, time, 2) + 1]; + } + }]); + }(Timeline); + var RGBATimeline = function (_CurveTimeline14) { + function RGBATimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + var _this14; + _classCallCheck(this, RGBATimeline); + _this14 = _callSuper$e(this, RGBATimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, [Property.rgb + "|" + slotIndex, Property.alpha + "|" + slotIndex]]); + _defineProperty(_this14, "slotIndex", 0); + _this14.slotIndex = slotIndex; + return _this14; + } + _inherits(RGBATimeline, _CurveTimeline14); + return _createClass(RGBATimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 5; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b, a) { + frame *= 5; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[frame + 1] = r; + this.frames[frame + 2] = g; + this.frames[frame + 3] = b; + this.frames[frame + 4] = a; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + var color = slot.color; + if (time < frames[0]) { + var setup =; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + color.setFromColor(setup); + return; + case MixBlend.first: + color.add((setup.r - color.r) * alpha, (setup.g - color.g) * alpha, (setup.b - color.b) * alpha, (setup.a - color.a) * alpha); + } + return; + } + var r = 0, + g = 0, + b = 0, + a = 0; + var i =, time, 5); + var curveType = this.curves[i / 5]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + r = frames[i + 1]; + g = frames[i + 2]; + b = frames[i + 3]; + a = frames[i + 4]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 5] - before); + r += (frames[i + 5 + 1] - r) * t; + g += (frames[i + 5 + 2] - g) * t; + b += (frames[i + 5 + 3] - b) * t; + a += (frames[i + 5 + 4] - a) * t; + break; + case 1: + r = frames[i + 1]; + g = frames[i + 2]; + b = frames[i + 3]; + a = frames[i + 4]; + break; + default: + r = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + g = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + b = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 3, curveType + 18 * 2 - 2); + a = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 4, curveType + 18 * 3 - 2); + } + if (alpha == 1) color.set(r, g, b, a);else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) color.setFromColor(; + color.add((r - color.r) * alpha, (g - color.g) * alpha, (b - color.b) * alpha, (a - color.a) * alpha); + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var RGBTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline15) { + function RGBTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + var _this15; + _classCallCheck(this, RGBTimeline); + _this15 = _callSuper$e(this, RGBTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, [Property.rgb + "|" + slotIndex]]); + _defineProperty(_this15, "slotIndex", 0); + _this15.slotIndex = slotIndex; + return _this15; + } + _inherits(RGBTimeline, _CurveTimeline15); + return _createClass(RGBTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 4; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b) { + frame <<= 2; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[frame + 1] = r; + this.frames[frame + 2] = g; + this.frames[frame + 3] = b; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + var color = slot.color; + if (time < frames[0]) { + var setup =; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + color.r = setup.r; + color.g = setup.g; + color.b = setup.b; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + color.r += (setup.r - color.r) * alpha; + color.g += (setup.g - color.g) * alpha; + color.b += (setup.b - color.b) * alpha; + } + return; + } + var r = 0, + g = 0, + b = 0; + var i =, time, 4); + var curveType = this.curves[i >> 2]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + r = frames[i + 1]; + g = frames[i + 2]; + b = frames[i + 3]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 4] - before); + r += (frames[i + 4 + 1] - r) * t; + g += (frames[i + 4 + 2] - g) * t; + b += (frames[i + 4 + 3] - b) * t; + break; + case 1: + r = frames[i + 1]; + g = frames[i + 2]; + b = frames[i + 3]; + break; + default: + r = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + g = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + b = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 3, curveType + 18 * 2 - 2); + } + if (alpha == 1) { + color.r = r; + color.g = g; + color.b = b; + } else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + var _setup =; + color.r = _setup.r; + color.g = _setup.g; + color.b = _setup.b; + } + color.r += (r - color.r) * alpha; + color.g += (g - color.g) * alpha; + color.b += (b - color.b) * alpha; + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var AlphaTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline16) { + function AlphaTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + var _this16; + _classCallCheck(this, AlphaTimeline); + _this16 = _callSuper$e(this, AlphaTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.alpha + "|" + slotIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this16, "slotIndex", 0); + _this16.slotIndex = slotIndex; + return _this16; + } + _inherits(AlphaTimeline, _CurveTimeline16); + return _createClass(AlphaTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (! return; + var color = slot.color; + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + var setup =; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + color.a = setup.a; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + color.a += (setup.a - color.a) * alpha; + } + return; + } + var a = this.getCurveValue(time); + if (alpha == 1) color.a = a;else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) color.a =; + color.a += (a - color.a) * alpha; + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var RGBA2Timeline = function (_CurveTimeline17) { + function RGBA2Timeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + var _this17; + _classCallCheck(this, RGBA2Timeline); + _this17 = _callSuper$e(this, RGBA2Timeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, [Property.rgb + "|" + slotIndex, Property.alpha + "|" + slotIndex, Property.rgb2 + "|" + slotIndex]]); + _defineProperty(_this17, "slotIndex", 0); + _this17.slotIndex = slotIndex; + return _this17; + } + _inherits(RGBA2Timeline, _CurveTimeline17); + return _createClass(RGBA2Timeline, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 8; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2) { + frame <<= 3; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[frame + 1] = r; + this.frames[frame + 2] = g; + this.frames[frame + 3] = b; + this.frames[frame + 4] = a; + this.frames[frame + 5] = r2; + this.frames[frame + 6] = g2; + this.frames[frame + 7] = b2; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + var light = slot.color, + dark = slot.darkColor; + if (time < frames[0]) { + var setupLight =, + setupDark =; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + light.setFromColor(setupLight); + dark.r = setupDark.r; + dark.g = setupDark.g; + dark.b = setupDark.b; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + light.add((setupLight.r - light.r) * alpha, (setupLight.g - light.g) * alpha, (setupLight.b - light.b) * alpha, (setupLight.a - light.a) * alpha); + dark.r += (setupDark.r - dark.r) * alpha; + dark.g += (setupDark.g - dark.g) * alpha; + dark.b += (setupDark.b - dark.b) * alpha; + } + return; + } + var r = 0, + g = 0, + b = 0, + a = 0, + r2 = 0, + g2 = 0, + b2 = 0; + var i =, time, 8); + var curveType = this.curves[i >> 3]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + r = frames[i + 1]; + g = frames[i + 2]; + b = frames[i + 3]; + a = frames[i + 4]; + r2 = frames[i + 5]; + g2 = frames[i + 6]; + b2 = frames[i + 7]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 8] - before); + r += (frames[i + 8 + 1] - r) * t; + g += (frames[i + 8 + 2] - g) * t; + b += (frames[i + 8 + 3] - b) * t; + a += (frames[i + 8 + 4] - a) * t; + r2 += (frames[i + 8 + 5] - r2) * t; + g2 += (frames[i + 8 + 6] - g2) * t; + b2 += (frames[i + 8 + 7] - b2) * t; + break; + case 1: + r = frames[i + 1]; + g = frames[i + 2]; + b = frames[i + 3]; + a = frames[i + 4]; + r2 = frames[i + 5]; + g2 = frames[i + 6]; + b2 = frames[i + 7]; + break; + default: + r = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + g = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + b = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 3, curveType + 18 * 2 - 2); + a = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 4, curveType + 18 * 3 - 2); + r2 = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 5, curveType + 18 * 4 - 2); + g2 = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 6, curveType + 18 * 5 - 2); + b2 = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 7, curveType + 18 * 6 - 2); + } + if (alpha == 1) { + light.set(r, g, b, a); + dark.r = r2; + dark.g = g2; + dark.b = b2; + } else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + light.setFromColor(; + var _setupDark =; + dark.r = _setupDark.r; + dark.g = _setupDark.g; + dark.b = _setupDark.b; + } + light.add((r - light.r) * alpha, (g - light.g) * alpha, (b - light.b) * alpha, (a - light.a) * alpha); + dark.r += (r2 - dark.r) * alpha; + dark.g += (g2 - dark.g) * alpha; + dark.b += (b2 - dark.b) * alpha; + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var RGB2Timeline = function (_CurveTimeline18) { + function RGB2Timeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + var _this18; + _classCallCheck(this, RGB2Timeline); + _this18 = _callSuper$e(this, RGB2Timeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, [Property.rgb + "|" + slotIndex, Property.rgb2 + "|" + slotIndex]]); + _defineProperty(_this18, "slotIndex", 0); + _this18.slotIndex = slotIndex; + return _this18; + } + _inherits(RGB2Timeline, _CurveTimeline18); + return _createClass(RGB2Timeline, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 7; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b, r2, g2, b2) { + frame *= 7; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[frame + 1] = r; + this.frames[frame + 2] = g; + this.frames[frame + 3] = b; + this.frames[frame + 4] = r2; + this.frames[frame + 5] = g2; + this.frames[frame + 6] = b2; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + var light = slot.color, + dark = slot.darkColor; + if (time < frames[0]) { + var setupLight =, + setupDark =; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + light.r = setupLight.r; + light.g = setupLight.g; + light.b = setupLight.b; + dark.r = setupDark.r; + dark.g = setupDark.g; + dark.b = setupDark.b; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + light.r += (setupLight.r - light.r) * alpha; + light.g += (setupLight.g - light.g) * alpha; + light.b += (setupLight.b - light.b) * alpha; + dark.r += (setupDark.r - dark.r) * alpha; + dark.g += (setupDark.g - dark.g) * alpha; + dark.b += (setupDark.b - dark.b) * alpha; + } + return; + } + var r = 0, + g = 0, + b = 0, + r2 = 0, + g2 = 0, + b2 = 0; + var i =, time, 7); + var curveType = this.curves[i / 7]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + r = frames[i + 1]; + g = frames[i + 2]; + b = frames[i + 3]; + r2 = frames[i + 4]; + g2 = frames[i + 5]; + b2 = frames[i + 6]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 7] - before); + r += (frames[i + 7 + 1] - r) * t; + g += (frames[i + 7 + 2] - g) * t; + b += (frames[i + 7 + 3] - b) * t; + r2 += (frames[i + 7 + 4] - r2) * t; + g2 += (frames[i + 7 + 5] - g2) * t; + b2 += (frames[i + 7 + 6] - b2) * t; + break; + case 1: + r = frames[i + 1]; + g = frames[i + 2]; + b = frames[i + 3]; + r2 = frames[i + 4]; + g2 = frames[i + 5]; + b2 = frames[i + 6]; + break; + default: + r = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + g = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + b = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 3, curveType + 18 * 2 - 2); + r2 = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 4, curveType + 18 * 3 - 2); + g2 = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 5, curveType + 18 * 4 - 2); + b2 = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 6, curveType + 18 * 5 - 2); + } + if (alpha == 1) { + light.r = r; + light.g = g; + light.b = b; + dark.r = r2; + dark.g = g2; + dark.b = b2; + } else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + var _setupLight =, + _setupDark2 =; + light.r = _setupLight.r; + light.g = _setupLight.g; + light.b = _setupLight.b; + dark.r = _setupDark2.r; + dark.g = _setupDark2.g; + dark.b = _setupDark2.b; + } + light.r += (r - light.r) * alpha; + light.g += (g - light.g) * alpha; + light.b += (b - light.b) * alpha; + dark.r += (r2 - dark.r) * alpha; + dark.g += (g2 - dark.g) * alpha; + dark.b += (b2 - dark.b) * alpha; + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var AttachmentTimeline = function (_Timeline4) { + function AttachmentTimeline(frameCount, slotIndex) { + var _this19; + _classCallCheck(this, AttachmentTimeline); + _this19 = _callSuper$e(this, AttachmentTimeline, [frameCount, [Property.attachment + "|" + slotIndex]]); + _defineProperty(_this19, "slotIndex", 0); + _defineProperty(_this19, "attachmentNames", void 0); + _this19.slotIndex = slotIndex; + _this19.attachmentNames = new Array(frameCount); + return _this19; + } + _inherits(AttachmentTimeline, _Timeline4); + return _createClass(AttachmentTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameCount", + value: function getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, attachmentName) { + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.attachmentNames[frame] = attachmentName; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (! return; + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot,; + return; + } + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot,; + return; + } + this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot, this.attachmentNames[Timeline.search1(this.frames, time)]); + } + }, { + key: "setAttachment", + value: function setAttachment(skeleton, slot, attachmentName) { + slot.setAttachment(!attachmentName ? null : skeleton.getAttachment(this.slotIndex, attachmentName)); + } + }]); + }(Timeline); + var DeformTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline19) { + function DeformTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex, attachment) { + var _this20; + _classCallCheck(this, DeformTimeline); + _this20 = _callSuper$e(this, DeformTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, [Property.deform + "|" + slotIndex + "|" +]]); + _defineProperty(_this20, "slotIndex", 0); + _defineProperty(_this20, "attachment", void 0); + _defineProperty(_this20, "vertices", void 0); + _this20.slotIndex = slotIndex; + _this20.attachment = attachment; + _this20.vertices = new Array(frameCount); + return _this20; + } + _inherits(DeformTimeline, _CurveTimeline19); + return _createClass(DeformTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameCount", + value: function getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, vertices) { + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.vertices[frame] = vertices; + } + }, { + key: "setBezier", + value: function setBezier(bezier, frame, value, time1, value1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, time2, value2) { + var curves = this.curves; + var i = this.getFrameCount() + bezier * 18; + if (value == 0) curves[frame] = 2 + i; + var tmpx = (time1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.03, + tmpy = cy2 * 0.03 - cy1 * 0.06; + var dddx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - time1 + time2) * 0.006, + dddy = (cy1 - cy2 + 0.33333333) * 0.018; + var ddx = tmpx * 2 + dddx, + ddy = tmpy * 2 + dddy; + var dx = (cx1 - time1) * 0.3 + tmpx + dddx * 0.16666667, + dy = cy1 * 0.3 + tmpy + dddy * 0.16666667; + var x = time1 + dx, + y = dy; + for (var n = i + 18; i < n; i += 2) { + curves[i] = x; + curves[i + 1] = y; + dx += ddx; + dy += ddy; + ddx += dddx; + ddy += dddy; + x += dx; + y += dy; + } + } + }, { + key: "getCurvePercent", + value: function getCurvePercent(time, frame) { + var curves = this.curves; + var i = curves[frame]; + switch (i) { + case 0: + var _x3 = this.frames[frame]; + return (time - _x3) / (this.frames[frame + this.getFrameEntries()] - _x3); + case 1: + return 0; + } + i -= 2; + if (curves[i] > time) { + var _x4 = this.frames[frame]; + return curves[i + 1] * (time - _x4) / (curves[i] - _x4); + } + var n = i + 18; + for (i += 2; i < n; i += 2) { + if (curves[i] >= time) { + var _x5 = curves[i - 2], + _y3 = curves[i - 1]; + return _y3 + (time - _x5) / (curves[i] - _x5) * (curves[i + 1] - _y3); + } + } + var x = curves[n - 2], + y = curves[n - 1]; + return y + (1 - y) * (time - x) / (this.frames[frame + this.getFrameEntries()] - x); + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (! return; + var slotAttachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (!slotAttachment) return; + if (!(slotAttachment instanceof VertexAttachment) || slotAttachment.timelineAttachment != this.attachment) return; + var deform = slot.deform; + if (deform.length == 0) blend = MixBlend.setup; + var vertices = this.vertices; + var vertexCount = vertices[0].length; + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + deform.length = 0; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + if (alpha == 1) { + deform.length = 0; + return; + } + deform.length = vertexCount; + var vertexAttachment = slotAttachment; + if (!vertexAttachment.bones) { + var setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices; + for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) deform[i] += (setupVertices[i] - deform[i]) * alpha; + } else { + alpha = 1 - alpha; + for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) deform[i] *= alpha; + } + } + return; + } + deform.length = vertexCount; + if (time >= frames[frames.length - 1]) { + var lastVertices = vertices[frames.length - 1]; + if (alpha == 1) { + if (blend == MixBlend.add) { + var _vertexAttachment = slotAttachment; + if (!_vertexAttachment.bones) { + var _setupVertices = _vertexAttachment.vertices; + for (var _i = 0; _i < vertexCount; _i++) deform[_i] += lastVertices[_i] - _setupVertices[_i]; + } else { + for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < vertexCount; _i2++) deform[_i2] += lastVertices[_i2]; + } + } else Utils.arrayCopy(lastVertices, 0, deform, 0, vertexCount); + } else { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + { + var _vertexAttachment2 = slotAttachment; + if (!_vertexAttachment2.bones) { + var _setupVertices2 = _vertexAttachment2.vertices; + for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < vertexCount; _i3++) { + var setup = _setupVertices2[_i3]; + deform[_i3] = setup + (lastVertices[_i3] - setup) * alpha; + } + } else { + for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < vertexCount; _i4++) deform[_i4] = lastVertices[_i4] * alpha; + } + break; + } + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + for (var _i5 = 0; _i5 < vertexCount; _i5++) deform[_i5] += (lastVertices[_i5] - deform[_i5]) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + var _vertexAttachment3 = slotAttachment; + if (!_vertexAttachment3.bones) { + var _setupVertices3 = _vertexAttachment3.vertices; + for (var _i6 = 0; _i6 < vertexCount; _i6++) deform[_i6] += (lastVertices[_i6] - _setupVertices3[_i6]) * alpha; + } else { + for (var _i7 = 0; _i7 < vertexCount; _i7++) deform[_i7] += lastVertices[_i7] * alpha; + } + } + } + return; + } + var frame = Timeline.search1(frames, time); + var percent = this.getCurvePercent(time, frame); + var prevVertices = vertices[frame]; + var nextVertices = vertices[frame + 1]; + if (alpha == 1) { + if (blend == MixBlend.add) { + var _vertexAttachment4 = slotAttachment; + if (!_vertexAttachment4.bones) { + var _setupVertices4 = _vertexAttachment4.vertices; + for (var _i8 = 0; _i8 < vertexCount; _i8++) { + var prev = prevVertices[_i8]; + deform[_i8] += prev + (nextVertices[_i8] - prev) * percent - _setupVertices4[_i8]; + } + } else { + for (var _i9 = 0; _i9 < vertexCount; _i9++) { + var _prev = prevVertices[_i9]; + deform[_i9] += _prev + (nextVertices[_i9] - _prev) * percent; + } + } + } else { + for (var _i10 = 0; _i10 < vertexCount; _i10++) { + var _prev2 = prevVertices[_i10]; + deform[_i10] = _prev2 + (nextVertices[_i10] - _prev2) * percent; + } + } + } else { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + { + var _vertexAttachment5 = slotAttachment; + if (!_vertexAttachment5.bones) { + var _setupVertices5 = _vertexAttachment5.vertices; + for (var _i11 = 0; _i11 < vertexCount; _i11++) { + var _prev3 = prevVertices[_i11], + _setup2 = _setupVertices5[_i11]; + deform[_i11] = _setup2 + (_prev3 + (nextVertices[_i11] - _prev3) * percent - _setup2) * alpha; + } + } else { + for (var _i12 = 0; _i12 < vertexCount; _i12++) { + var _prev4 = prevVertices[_i12]; + deform[_i12] = (_prev4 + (nextVertices[_i12] - _prev4) * percent) * alpha; + } + } + break; + } + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + for (var _i13 = 0; _i13 < vertexCount; _i13++) { + var _prev5 = prevVertices[_i13]; + deform[_i13] += (_prev5 + (nextVertices[_i13] - _prev5) * percent - deform[_i13]) * alpha; + } + break; + case MixBlend.add: + var _vertexAttachment6 = slotAttachment; + if (!_vertexAttachment6.bones) { + var _setupVertices6 = _vertexAttachment6.vertices; + for (var _i14 = 0; _i14 < vertexCount; _i14++) { + var _prev6 = prevVertices[_i14]; + deform[_i14] += (_prev6 + (nextVertices[_i14] - _prev6) * percent - _setupVertices6[_i14]) * alpha; + } + } else { + for (var _i15 = 0; _i15 < vertexCount; _i15++) { + var _prev7 = prevVertices[_i15]; + deform[_i15] += (_prev7 + (nextVertices[_i15] - _prev7) * percent) * alpha; + } + } + } + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var EventTimeline = function (_Timeline5) { + function EventTimeline(frameCount) { + var _this21; + _classCallCheck(this, EventTimeline); + _this21 = _callSuper$e(this, EventTimeline, [frameCount, EventTimeline.propertyIds]); + _defineProperty(_this21, "events", void 0); + = new Array(frameCount); + return _this21; + } + _inherits(EventTimeline, _Timeline5); + return _createClass(EventTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameCount", + value: function getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, event) { + this.frames[frame] = event.time; +[frame] = event; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + if (!firedEvents) return; + var frames = this.frames; + var frameCount = this.frames.length; + if (lastTime > time) { + this.apply(skeleton, lastTime, Number.MAX_VALUE, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction); + lastTime = -1; + } else if (lastTime >= frames[frameCount - 1]) return; + if (time < frames[0]) return; + var i = 0; + if (lastTime < frames[0]) i = 0;else { + i = Timeline.search1(frames, lastTime) + 1; + var frameTime = frames[i]; + while (i > 0) { + if (frames[i - 1] != frameTime) break; + i--; + } + } + for (; i < frameCount && time >= frames[i]; i++) firedEvents.push([i]); + } + }]); + }(Timeline); + _defineProperty(EventTimeline, "propertyIds", ["" + Property.event]); + var DrawOrderTimeline = function (_Timeline6) { + function DrawOrderTimeline(frameCount) { + var _this22; + _classCallCheck(this, DrawOrderTimeline); + _this22 = _callSuper$e(this, DrawOrderTimeline, [frameCount, DrawOrderTimeline.propertyIds]); + _defineProperty(_this22, "drawOrders", void 0); + _this22.drawOrders = new Array(frameCount); + return _this22; + } + _inherits(DrawOrderTimeline, _Timeline6); + return _createClass(DrawOrderTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameCount", + value: function getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, drawOrder) { + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.drawOrders[frame] = drawOrder; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) Utils.arrayCopy(skeleton.slots, 0, skeleton.drawOrder, 0, skeleton.slots.length); + return; + } + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) Utils.arrayCopy(skeleton.slots, 0, skeleton.drawOrder, 0, skeleton.slots.length); + return; + } + var idx = Timeline.search1(this.frames, time); + var drawOrderToSetupIndex = this.drawOrders[idx]; + if (!drawOrderToSetupIndex) Utils.arrayCopy(skeleton.slots, 0, skeleton.drawOrder, 0, skeleton.slots.length);else { + var drawOrder = skeleton.drawOrder; + var slots = skeleton.slots; + for (var i = 0, n = drawOrderToSetupIndex.length; i < n; i++) drawOrder[i] = slots[drawOrderToSetupIndex[i]]; + } + } + }]); + }(Timeline); + _defineProperty(DrawOrderTimeline, "propertyIds", ["" + Property.drawOrder]); + var IkConstraintTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline20) { + function IkConstraintTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, ikConstraintIndex) { + var _this23; + _classCallCheck(this, IkConstraintTimeline); + _this23 = _callSuper$e(this, IkConstraintTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, [Property.ikConstraint + "|" + ikConstraintIndex]]); + _defineProperty(_this23, "constraintIndex", 0); + _this23.constraintIndex = ikConstraintIndex; + return _this23; + } + _inherits(IkConstraintTimeline, _CurveTimeline20); + return _createClass(IkConstraintTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 6; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, mix, softness, bendDirection, compress, stretch) { + frame *= 6; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[frame + 1] = mix; + this.frames[frame + 2] = softness; + this.frames[frame + 3] = bendDirection; + this.frames[frame + 4] = compress ? 1 : 0; + this.frames[frame + 5] = stretch ? 1 : 0; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + var constraint = skeleton.ikConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + constraint.mix =; + constraint.softness =; + constraint.bendDirection =; + constraint.compress =; + constraint.stretch =; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + constraint.mix += ( - constraint.mix) * alpha; + constraint.softness += ( - constraint.softness) * alpha; + constraint.bendDirection =; + constraint.compress =; + constraint.stretch =; + } + return; + } + var mix = 0, + softness = 0; + var i =, time, 6); + var curveType = this.curves[i / 6]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + mix = frames[i + 1]; + softness = frames[i + 2]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 6] - before); + mix += (frames[i + 6 + 1] - mix) * t; + softness += (frames[i + 6 + 2] - softness) * t; + break; + case 1: + mix = frames[i + 1]; + softness = frames[i + 2]; + break; + default: + mix = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + softness = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + } + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + constraint.mix = + (mix - * alpha; + constraint.softness = + (softness - * alpha; + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + constraint.bendDirection =; + constraint.compress =; + constraint.stretch =; + } else { + constraint.bendDirection = frames[i + 3]; + constraint.compress = frames[i + 4] != 0; + constraint.stretch = frames[i + 5] != 0; + } + } else { + constraint.mix += (mix - constraint.mix) * alpha; + constraint.softness += (softness - constraint.softness) * alpha; + if (direction == MixDirection.mixIn) { + constraint.bendDirection = frames[i + 3]; + constraint.compress = frames[i + 4] != 0; + constraint.stretch = frames[i + 5] != 0; + } + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var TransformConstraintTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline21) { + function TransformConstraintTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, transformConstraintIndex) { + var _this24; + _classCallCheck(this, TransformConstraintTimeline); + _this24 = _callSuper$e(this, TransformConstraintTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, [Property.transformConstraint + "|" + transformConstraintIndex]]); + _defineProperty(_this24, "constraintIndex", 0); + _this24.constraintIndex = transformConstraintIndex; + return _this24; + } + _inherits(TransformConstraintTimeline, _CurveTimeline21); + return _createClass(TransformConstraintTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 7; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, mixRotate, mixX, mixY, mixScaleX, mixScaleY, mixShearY) { + var frames = this.frames; + frame *= 7; + frames[frame] = time; + frames[frame + 1] = mixRotate; + frames[frame + 2] = mixX; + frames[frame + 3] = mixY; + frames[frame + 4] = mixScaleX; + frames[frame + 5] = mixScaleY; + frames[frame + 6] = mixShearY; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + var constraint = skeleton.transformConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + var data =; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + constraint.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + constraint.mixX = data.mixX; + constraint.mixY = data.mixY; + constraint.mixScaleX = data.mixScaleX; + constraint.mixScaleY = data.mixScaleY; + constraint.mixShearY = data.mixShearY; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + constraint.mixRotate += (data.mixRotate - constraint.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX += (data.mixX - constraint.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY += (data.mixY - constraint.mixY) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleX += (data.mixScaleX - constraint.mixScaleX) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleY += (data.mixScaleY - constraint.mixScaleY) * alpha; + constraint.mixShearY += (data.mixShearY - constraint.mixShearY) * alpha; + } + return; + } + var rotate, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, shearY; + var i =, time, 7); + var curveType = this.curves[i / 7]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + rotate = frames[i + 1]; + x = frames[i + 2]; + y = frames[i + 3]; + scaleX = frames[i + 4]; + scaleY = frames[i + 5]; + shearY = frames[i + 6]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 7] - before); + rotate += (frames[i + 7 + 1] - rotate) * t; + x += (frames[i + 7 + 2] - x) * t; + y += (frames[i + 7 + 3] - y) * t; + scaleX += (frames[i + 7 + 4] - scaleX) * t; + scaleY += (frames[i + 7 + 5] - scaleY) * t; + shearY += (frames[i + 7 + 6] - shearY) * t; + break; + case 1: + rotate = frames[i + 1]; + x = frames[i + 2]; + y = frames[i + 3]; + scaleX = frames[i + 4]; + scaleY = frames[i + 5]; + shearY = frames[i + 6]; + break; + default: + rotate = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + x = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + y = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 3, curveType + 18 * 2 - 2); + scaleX = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 4, curveType + 18 * 3 - 2); + scaleY = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 5, curveType + 18 * 4 - 2); + shearY = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 6, curveType + 18 * 5 - 2); + } + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + var _data =; + constraint.mixRotate = _data.mixRotate + (rotate - _data.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX = _data.mixX + (x - _data.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY = _data.mixY + (y - _data.mixY) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleX = _data.mixScaleX + (scaleX - _data.mixScaleX) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleY = _data.mixScaleY + (scaleY - _data.mixScaleY) * alpha; + constraint.mixShearY = _data.mixShearY + (shearY - _data.mixShearY) * alpha; + } else { + constraint.mixRotate += (rotate - constraint.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX += (x - constraint.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY += (y - constraint.mixY) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleX += (scaleX - constraint.mixScaleX) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleY += (scaleY - constraint.mixScaleY) * alpha; + constraint.mixShearY += (shearY - constraint.mixShearY) * alpha; + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var PathConstraintPositionTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline22) { + function PathConstraintPositionTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, pathConstraintIndex) { + var _this25; + _classCallCheck(this, PathConstraintPositionTimeline); + _this25 = _callSuper$e(this, PathConstraintPositionTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.pathConstraintPosition + "|" + pathConstraintIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this25, "constraintIndex", 0); + _this25.constraintIndex = pathConstraintIndex; + return _this25; + } + _inherits(PathConstraintPositionTimeline, _CurveTimeline22); + return _createClass(PathConstraintPositionTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + var constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if ( constraint.position = this.getAbsoluteValue(time, alpha, blend, constraint.position,; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var PathConstraintSpacingTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline23) { + function PathConstraintSpacingTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, pathConstraintIndex) { + var _this26; + _classCallCheck(this, PathConstraintSpacingTimeline); + _this26 = _callSuper$e(this, PathConstraintSpacingTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, Property.pathConstraintSpacing + "|" + pathConstraintIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this26, "constraintIndex", 0); + _this26.constraintIndex = pathConstraintIndex; + return _this26; + } + _inherits(PathConstraintSpacingTimeline, _CurveTimeline23); + return _createClass(PathConstraintSpacingTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + var constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if ( constraint.spacing = this.getAbsoluteValue(time, alpha, blend, constraint.spacing,; + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var PathConstraintMixTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline24) { + function PathConstraintMixTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, pathConstraintIndex) { + var _this27; + _classCallCheck(this, PathConstraintMixTimeline); + _this27 = _callSuper$e(this, PathConstraintMixTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, [Property.pathConstraintMix + "|" + pathConstraintIndex]]); + _defineProperty(_this27, "constraintIndex", 0); + _this27.constraintIndex = pathConstraintIndex; + return _this27; + } + _inherits(PathConstraintMixTimeline, _CurveTimeline24); + return _createClass(PathConstraintMixTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return 4; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, mixRotate, mixX, mixY) { + var frames = this.frames; + frame <<= 2; + frames[frame] = time; + frames[frame + 1] = mixRotate; + frames[frame + 2] = mixX; + frames[frame + 3] = mixY; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + var constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + constraint.mixRotate =; + constraint.mixX =; + constraint.mixY =; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + constraint.mixRotate += ( - constraint.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX += ( - constraint.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY += ( - constraint.mixY) * alpha; + } + return; + } + var rotate, x, y; + var i =, time, 4); + var curveType = this.curves[i >> 2]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + var before = frames[i]; + rotate = frames[i + 1]; + x = frames[i + 2]; + y = frames[i + 3]; + var t = (time - before) / (frames[i + 4] - before); + rotate += (frames[i + 4 + 1] - rotate) * t; + x += (frames[i + 4 + 2] - x) * t; + y += (frames[i + 4 + 3] - y) * t; + break; + case 1: + rotate = frames[i + 1]; + x = frames[i + 2]; + y = frames[i + 3]; + break; + default: + rotate = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 1, curveType - 2); + x = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 2, curveType + 18 - 2); + y = this.getBezierValue(time, i, 3, curveType + 18 * 2 - 2); + } + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + var data =; + constraint.mixRotate = data.mixRotate + (rotate - data.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX = data.mixX + (x - data.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY = data.mixY + (y - data.mixY) * alpha; + } else { + constraint.mixRotate += (rotate - constraint.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX += (x - constraint.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY += (y - constraint.mixY) * alpha; + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline); + var PhysicsConstraintTimeline = function (_CurveTimeline25) { + function PhysicsConstraintTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, property) { + var _this28; + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintTimeline); + _this28 = _callSuper$e(this, PhysicsConstraintTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, property + "|" + physicsConstraintIndex]); + _defineProperty(_this28, "constraintIndex", 0); + _this28.constraintIndex = physicsConstraintIndex; + return _this28; + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintTimeline, _CurveTimeline25); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintTimeline, [{ + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + var constraint; + if (this.constraintIndex == -1) { + var value = time >= this.frames[0] ? this.getCurveValue(time) : 0; + var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(skeleton.physicsConstraints), + _step; + try { + for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { + var _constraint = _step.value; + if ( && this.set(_constraint, this.getAbsoluteValue2(time, alpha, blend, this.get(_constraint), this.setup(_constraint), value)); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator.f(); + } + } else { + constraint = skeleton.physicsConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if ( this.set(constraint, this.getAbsoluteValue(time, alpha, blend, this.get(constraint), this.setup(constraint))); + } + } + }]); + }(CurveTimeline1); + var PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline = function (_PhysicsConstraintTim) { + function PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline); + return _callSuper$e(this, PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintInertia]); + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline, _PhysicsConstraintTim); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline, [{ + key: "setup", + value: function setup(constraint) { + return; + } + }, { + key: "get", + value: function get(constraint) { + return constraint.inertia; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(constraint, value) { + constraint.inertia = value; + } + }, { + key: "global", + value: function global(constraint) { + return constraint.inertiaGlobal; + } + }]); + }(PhysicsConstraintTimeline); + var PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline = function (_PhysicsConstraintTim2) { + function PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline); + return _callSuper$e(this, PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintStrength]); + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline, _PhysicsConstraintTim2); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline, [{ + key: "setup", + value: function setup(constraint) { + return; + } + }, { + key: "get", + value: function get(constraint) { + return constraint.strength; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(constraint, value) { + constraint.strength = value; + } + }, { + key: "global", + value: function global(constraint) { + return constraint.strengthGlobal; + } + }]); + }(PhysicsConstraintTimeline); + var PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline = function (_PhysicsConstraintTim3) { + function PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline); + return _callSuper$e(this, PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintDamping]); + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline, _PhysicsConstraintTim3); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline, [{ + key: "setup", + value: function setup(constraint) { + return; + } + }, { + key: "get", + value: function get(constraint) { + return constraint.damping; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(constraint, value) { + constraint.damping = value; + } + }, { + key: "global", + value: function global(constraint) { + return constraint.dampingGlobal; + } + }]); + }(PhysicsConstraintTimeline); + var PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline = function (_PhysicsConstraintTim4) { + function PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline); + return _callSuper$e(this, PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintMass]); + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline, _PhysicsConstraintTim4); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline, [{ + key: "setup", + value: function setup(constraint) { + return 1 /; + } + }, { + key: "get", + value: function get(constraint) { + return 1 / constraint.massInverse; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(constraint, value) { + constraint.massInverse = 1 / value; + } + }, { + key: "global", + value: function global(constraint) { + return constraint.massGlobal; + } + }]); + }(PhysicsConstraintTimeline); + var PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline = function (_PhysicsConstraintTim5) { + function PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline); + return _callSuper$e(this, PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintWind]); + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline, _PhysicsConstraintTim5); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline, [{ + key: "setup", + value: function setup(constraint) { + return; + } + }, { + key: "get", + value: function get(constraint) { + return constraint.wind; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(constraint, value) { + constraint.wind = value; + } + }, { + key: "global", + value: function global(constraint) { + return constraint.windGlobal; + } + }]); + }(PhysicsConstraintTimeline); + var PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline = function (_PhysicsConstraintTim6) { + function PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline); + return _callSuper$e(this, PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintGravity]); + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline, _PhysicsConstraintTim6); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline, [{ + key: "setup", + value: function setup(constraint) { + return; + } + }, { + key: "get", + value: function get(constraint) { + return constraint.gravity; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(constraint, value) { + constraint.gravity = value; + } + }, { + key: "global", + value: function global(constraint) { + return constraint.gravityGlobal; + } + }]); + }(PhysicsConstraintTimeline); + var PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline = function (_PhysicsConstraintTim7) { + function PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline); + return _callSuper$e(this, PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline, [frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintMix]); + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline, _PhysicsConstraintTim7); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline, [{ + key: "setup", + value: function setup(constraint) { + return; + } + }, { + key: "get", + value: function get(constraint) { + return constraint.mix; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(constraint, value) { + constraint.mix = value; + } + }, { + key: "global", + value: function global(constraint) { + return constraint.mixGlobal; + } + }]); + }(PhysicsConstraintTimeline); + var PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline = function (_Timeline7) { + function PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline(frameCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + var _this29; + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline); + _this29 = _callSuper$e(this, PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline, [frameCount, PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline.propertyIds]); + _defineProperty(_this29, "constraintIndex", void 0); + _this29.constraintIndex = physicsConstraintIndex; + return _this29; + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline, _Timeline7); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameCount", + value: function getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time) { + this.frames[frame] = time; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + var constraint; + if (this.constraintIndex != -1) { + constraint = skeleton.physicsConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (! return; + } + var frames = this.frames; + if (lastTime > time) { + this.apply(skeleton, lastTime, Number.MAX_VALUE, [], alpha, blend, direction); + lastTime = -1; + } else if (lastTime >= frames[frames.length - 1]) return; + if (time < frames[0]) return; + if (lastTime < frames[0] || time >= frames[Timeline.search1(frames, lastTime) + 1]) { + if (constraint != null) constraint.reset();else { + var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(skeleton.physicsConstraints), + _step2; + try { + for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done;) { + var _constraint2 = _step2.value; + if ( _constraint2.reset(); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator2.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator2.f(); + } + } + } + } + }]); + }(Timeline); + _defineProperty(PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline, "propertyIds", [Property.physicsConstraintReset.toString()]); + var SequenceTimeline = function (_Timeline8) { + function SequenceTimeline(frameCount, slotIndex, attachment) { + var _this30; + _classCallCheck(this, SequenceTimeline); + _this30 = _callSuper$e(this, SequenceTimeline, [frameCount, [Property.sequence + "|" + slotIndex + "|" +]]); + _defineProperty(_this30, "slotIndex", void 0); + _defineProperty(_this30, "attachment", void 0); + _this30.slotIndex = slotIndex; + _this30.attachment = attachment; + return _this30; + } + _inherits(SequenceTimeline, _Timeline8); + return _createClass(SequenceTimeline, [{ + key: "getFrameEntries", + value: function getFrameEntries() { + return SequenceTimeline.ENTRIES; + } + }, { + key: "getSlotIndex", + value: function getSlotIndex() { + return this.slotIndex; + } + }, { + key: "getAttachment", + value: function getAttachment() { + return this.attachment; + } + }, { + key: "setFrame", + value: function setFrame(frame, time, mode, index, delay) { + var frames = this.frames; + frame *= SequenceTimeline.ENTRIES; + frames[frame] = time; + frames[frame + SequenceTimeline.MODE] = mode | index << 4; + frames[frame + SequenceTimeline.DELAY] = delay; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (! return; + var slotAttachment = slot.attachment; + var attachment = this.attachment; + if (slotAttachment != attachment) { + if (!(slotAttachment instanceof VertexAttachment) || slotAttachment.timelineAttachment != attachment) return; + } + var frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) slot.sequenceIndex = -1; + return; + } + var i =, time, SequenceTimeline.ENTRIES); + var before = frames[i]; + var modeAndIndex = frames[i + SequenceTimeline.MODE]; + var delay = frames[i + SequenceTimeline.DELAY]; + if (!this.attachment.sequence) return; + var index = modeAndIndex >> 4, + count = this.attachment.sequence.regions.length; + var mode = SequenceModeValues[modeAndIndex & 0xf]; + if (mode != SequenceMode.hold) { + index += (time - before) / delay + 0.00001 | 0; + switch (mode) { + case SequenceMode.once: + index = Math.min(count - 1, index); + break; + case SequenceMode.loop: + index %= count; + break; + case SequenceMode.pingpong: + { + var n = (count << 1) - 2; + index = n == 0 ? 0 : index % n; + if (index >= count) index = n - index; + break; + } + case SequenceMode.onceReverse: + index = Math.max(count - 1 - index, 0); + break; + case SequenceMode.loopReverse: + index = count - 1 - index % count; + break; + case SequenceMode.pingpongReverse: + { + var _n = (count << 1) - 2; + index = _n == 0 ? 0 : (index + count - 1) % _n; + if (index >= count) index = _n - index; + } + } + } + slot.sequenceIndex = index; + } + }]); + }(Timeline); + _defineProperty(SequenceTimeline, "ENTRIES", 3); + _defineProperty(SequenceTimeline, "MODE", 1); + _defineProperty(SequenceTimeline, "DELAY", 2); + + var AnimationState = function () { + function AnimationState(data) { + _classCallCheck(this, AnimationState); + _defineProperty(this, "data", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "tracks", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "timeScale", 1); + _defineProperty(this, "unkeyedState", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "events", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "listeners", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "queue", new EventQueue(this)); + _defineProperty(this, "propertyIDs", new StringSet()); + _defineProperty(this, "animationsChanged", false); + _defineProperty(this, "trackEntryPool", new Pool(function () { + return new TrackEntry(); + })); + = data; + } + return _createClass(AnimationState, [{ + key: "update", + value: function update(delta) { + delta *= this.timeScale; + var tracks = this.tracks; + for (var i = 0, n = tracks.length; i < n; i++) { + var current = tracks[i]; + if (!current) continue; + current.animationLast = current.nextAnimationLast; + current.trackLast = current.nextTrackLast; + var currentDelta = delta * current.timeScale; + if (current.delay > 0) { + current.delay -= currentDelta; + if (current.delay > 0) continue; + currentDelta = -current.delay; + current.delay = 0; + } + var next =; + if (next) { + var nextTime = current.trackLast - next.delay; + if (nextTime >= 0) { + next.delay = 0; + next.trackTime += current.timeScale == 0 ? 0 : (nextTime / current.timeScale + delta) * next.timeScale; + current.trackTime += currentDelta; + this.setCurrent(i, next, true); + while (next.mixingFrom) { + next.mixTime += delta; + next = next.mixingFrom; + } + continue; + } + } else if (current.trackLast >= current.trackEnd && !current.mixingFrom) { + tracks[i] = null; + this.queue.end(current); + this.clearNext(current); + continue; + } + if (current.mixingFrom && this.updateMixingFrom(current, delta)) { + var from = current.mixingFrom; + current.mixingFrom = null; + if (from) from.mixingTo = null; + while (from) { + this.queue.end(from); + from = from.mixingFrom; + } + } + current.trackTime += currentDelta; + } + this.queue.drain(); + } + }, { + key: "updateMixingFrom", + value: function updateMixingFrom(to, delta) { + var from = to.mixingFrom; + if (!from) return true; + var finished = this.updateMixingFrom(from, delta); + from.animationLast = from.nextAnimationLast; + from.trackLast = from.nextTrackLast; + if (to.mixTime > 0 && to.mixTime >= to.mixDuration) { + if (from.totalAlpha == 0 || to.mixDuration == 0) { + to.mixingFrom = from.mixingFrom; + if (from.mixingFrom) from.mixingFrom.mixingTo = to; + to.interruptAlpha = from.interruptAlpha; + this.queue.end(from); + } + return finished; + } + from.trackTime += delta * from.timeScale; + to.mixTime += delta; + return false; + } + }, { + key: "apply", + value: function apply(skeleton) { + if (!skeleton) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + if (this.animationsChanged) this._animationsChanged(); + var events =; + var tracks = this.tracks; + var applied = false; + for (var _i = 0, _n = tracks.length; _i < _n; _i++) { + var current = tracks[_i]; + if (!current || current.delay > 0) continue; + applied = true; + var blend = _i == 0 ? MixBlend.first : current.mixBlend; + var alpha = current.alpha; + if (current.mixingFrom) alpha *= this.applyMixingFrom(current, skeleton, blend);else if (current.trackTime >= current.trackEnd && ! alpha = 0; + var attachments = alpha >= current.alphaAttachmentThreshold; + var animationLast = current.animationLast, + animationTime = current.getAnimationTime(), + applyTime = animationTime; + var applyEvents = events; + if (current.reverse) { + applyTime = current.animation.duration - applyTime; + applyEvents = null; + } + var timelines = current.animation.timelines; + var timelineCount = timelines.length; + if (_i == 0 && alpha == 1 || blend == MixBlend.add) { + if (_i == 0) attachments = true; + for (var ii = 0; ii < timelineCount; ii++) { + Utils.webkit602BugfixHelper(alpha, blend); + var timeline = timelines[ii]; + if (timeline instanceof AttachmentTimeline) this.applyAttachmentTimeline(timeline, skeleton, applyTime, blend, attachments);else timeline.apply(skeleton, animationLast, applyTime, applyEvents, alpha, blend, MixDirection.mixIn); + } + } else { + var timelineMode = current.timelineMode; + var shortestRotation = current.shortestRotation; + var firstFrame = !shortestRotation && current.timelinesRotation.length != timelineCount << 1; + if (firstFrame) current.timelinesRotation.length = timelineCount << 1; + for (var _ii = 0; _ii < timelineCount; _ii++) { + var _timeline = timelines[_ii]; + var timelineBlend = timelineMode[_ii] == SUBSEQUENT ? blend : MixBlend.setup; + if (!shortestRotation && _timeline instanceof RotateTimeline) { + this.applyRotateTimeline(_timeline, skeleton, applyTime, alpha, timelineBlend, current.timelinesRotation, _ii << 1, firstFrame); + } else if (_timeline instanceof AttachmentTimeline) { + this.applyAttachmentTimeline(_timeline, skeleton, applyTime, blend, attachments); + } else { + Utils.webkit602BugfixHelper(alpha, blend); + _timeline.apply(skeleton, animationLast, applyTime, applyEvents, alpha, timelineBlend, MixDirection.mixIn); + } + } + } + this.queueEvents(current, animationTime); + events.length = 0; + current.nextAnimationLast = animationTime; + current.nextTrackLast = current.trackTime; + } + var setupState = this.unkeyedState + SETUP; + var slots = skeleton.slots; + for (var i = 0, n = skeleton.slots.length; i < n; i++) { + var slot = slots[i]; + if (slot.attachmentState == setupState) { + var attachmentName =; + slot.setAttachment(!attachmentName ? null : skeleton.getAttachment(, attachmentName)); + } + } + this.unkeyedState += 2; + this.queue.drain(); + return applied; + } + }, { + key: "applyMixingFrom", + value: function applyMixingFrom(to, skeleton, blend) { + var from = to.mixingFrom; + if (from.mixingFrom) this.applyMixingFrom(from, skeleton, blend); + var mix = 0; + if (to.mixDuration == 0) { + mix = 1; + if (blend == MixBlend.first) blend = MixBlend.setup; + } else { + mix = to.mixTime / to.mixDuration; + if (mix > 1) mix = 1; + if (blend != MixBlend.first) blend = from.mixBlend; + } + var attachments = mix < from.mixAttachmentThreshold, + drawOrder = mix < from.mixDrawOrderThreshold; + var timelines = from.animation.timelines; + var timelineCount = timelines.length; + var alphaHold = from.alpha * to.interruptAlpha, + alphaMix = alphaHold * (1 - mix); + var animationLast = from.animationLast, + animationTime = from.getAnimationTime(), + applyTime = animationTime; + var events = null; + if (from.reverse) applyTime = from.animation.duration - applyTime;else if (mix < from.eventThreshold) events =; + if (blend == MixBlend.add) { + for (var i = 0; i < timelineCount; i++) timelines[i].apply(skeleton, animationLast, applyTime, events, alphaMix, blend, MixDirection.mixOut); + } else { + var timelineMode = from.timelineMode; + var timelineHoldMix = from.timelineHoldMix; + var shortestRotation = from.shortestRotation; + var firstFrame = !shortestRotation && from.timelinesRotation.length != timelineCount << 1; + if (firstFrame) from.timelinesRotation.length = timelineCount << 1; + from.totalAlpha = 0; + for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < timelineCount; _i2++) { + var timeline = timelines[_i2]; + var direction = MixDirection.mixOut; + var timelineBlend = void 0; + var alpha = 0; + switch (timelineMode[_i2]) { + case SUBSEQUENT: + if (!drawOrder && timeline instanceof DrawOrderTimeline) continue; + timelineBlend = blend; + alpha = alphaMix; + break; + case FIRST: + timelineBlend = MixBlend.setup; + alpha = alphaMix; + break; + case HOLD_SUBSEQUENT: + timelineBlend = blend; + alpha = alphaHold; + break; + case HOLD_FIRST: + timelineBlend = MixBlend.setup; + alpha = alphaHold; + break; + default: + timelineBlend = MixBlend.setup; + var holdMix = timelineHoldMix[_i2]; + alpha = alphaHold * Math.max(0, 1 - holdMix.mixTime / holdMix.mixDuration); + break; + } + from.totalAlpha += alpha; + if (!shortestRotation && timeline instanceof RotateTimeline) this.applyRotateTimeline(timeline, skeleton, applyTime, alpha, timelineBlend, from.timelinesRotation, _i2 << 1, firstFrame);else if (timeline instanceof AttachmentTimeline) this.applyAttachmentTimeline(timeline, skeleton, applyTime, timelineBlend, attachments && alpha >= from.alphaAttachmentThreshold);else { + Utils.webkit602BugfixHelper(alpha, blend); + if (drawOrder && timeline instanceof DrawOrderTimeline && timelineBlend == MixBlend.setup) direction = MixDirection.mixIn; + timeline.apply(skeleton, animationLast, applyTime, events, alpha, timelineBlend, direction); + } + } + } + if (to.mixDuration > 0) this.queueEvents(from, animationTime); + = 0; + from.nextAnimationLast = animationTime; + from.nextTrackLast = from.trackTime; + return mix; + } + }, { + key: "applyAttachmentTimeline", + value: function applyAttachmentTimeline(timeline, skeleton, time, blend, attachments) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[timeline.slotIndex]; + if (! return; + if (time < timeline.frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot,, attachments); + } else this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot, timeline.attachmentNames[Timeline.search1(timeline.frames, time)], attachments); + if (slot.attachmentState <= this.unkeyedState) slot.attachmentState = this.unkeyedState + SETUP; + } + }, { + key: "setAttachment", + value: function setAttachment(skeleton, slot, attachmentName, attachments) { + slot.setAttachment(!attachmentName ? null : skeleton.getAttachment(, attachmentName)); + if (attachments) slot.attachmentState = this.unkeyedState + CURRENT; + } + }, { + key: "applyRotateTimeline", + value: function applyRotateTimeline(timeline, skeleton, time, alpha, blend, timelinesRotation, i, firstFrame) { + if (firstFrame) timelinesRotation[i] = 0; + if (alpha == 1) { + timeline.apply(skeleton, 0, time, null, 1, blend, MixDirection.mixIn); + return; + } + var bone = skeleton.bones[timeline.boneIndex]; + if (! return; + var frames = timeline.frames; + var r1 = 0, + r2 = 0; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.rotation =; + default: + return; + case MixBlend.first: + r1 = bone.rotation; + r2 =; + } + } else { + r1 = blend == MixBlend.setup ? : bone.rotation; + r2 = + timeline.getCurveValue(time); + } + var total = 0, + diff = r2 - r1; + diff -= Math.ceil(diff / 360 - 0.5) * 360; + if (diff == 0) { + total = timelinesRotation[i]; + } else { + var lastTotal = 0, + lastDiff = 0; + if (firstFrame) { + lastTotal = 0; + lastDiff = diff; + } else { + lastTotal = timelinesRotation[i]; + lastDiff = timelinesRotation[i + 1]; + } + var loops = lastTotal - lastTotal % 360; + total = diff + loops; + var current = diff >= 0, + dir = lastTotal >= 0; + if (Math.abs(lastDiff) <= 90 && MathUtils.signum(lastDiff) != MathUtils.signum(diff)) { + if (Math.abs(lastTotal - loops) > 180) { + total += 360 * MathUtils.signum(lastTotal); + dir = current; + } else if (loops != 0) total -= 360 * MathUtils.signum(lastTotal);else dir = current; + } + if (dir != current) total += 360 * MathUtils.signum(lastTotal); + timelinesRotation[i] = total; + } + timelinesRotation[i + 1] = diff; + bone.rotation = r1 + total * alpha; + } + }, { + key: "queueEvents", + value: function queueEvents(entry, animationTime) { + var animationStart = entry.animationStart, + animationEnd = entry.animationEnd; + var duration = animationEnd - animationStart; + var trackLastWrapped = entry.trackLast % duration; + var events =; + var i = 0, + n = events.length; + for (; i < n; i++) { + var event = events[i]; + if (event.time < trackLastWrapped) break; + if (event.time > animationEnd) continue; + this.queue.event(entry, event); + } + var complete = false; + if (entry.loop) { + if (duration == 0) complete = true;else { + var cycles = Math.floor(entry.trackTime / duration); + complete = cycles > 0 && cycles > Math.floor(entry.trackLast / duration); + } + } else complete = animationTime >= animationEnd && entry.animationLast < animationEnd; + if (complete) this.queue.complete(entry); + for (; i < n; i++) { + var _event = events[i]; + if (_event.time < animationStart) continue; + this.queue.event(entry, _event); + } + } + }, { + key: "clearTracks", + value: function clearTracks() { + var oldDrainDisabled = this.queue.drainDisabled; + this.queue.drainDisabled = true; + for (var i = 0, n = this.tracks.length; i < n; i++) this.clearTrack(i); + this.tracks.length = 0; + this.queue.drainDisabled = oldDrainDisabled; + this.queue.drain(); + } + }, { + key: "clearTrack", + value: function clearTrack(trackIndex) { + if (trackIndex >= this.tracks.length) return; + var current = this.tracks[trackIndex]; + if (!current) return; + this.queue.end(current); + this.clearNext(current); + var entry = current; + while (true) { + var from = entry.mixingFrom; + if (!from) break; + this.queue.end(from); + entry.mixingFrom = null; + entry.mixingTo = null; + entry = from; + } + this.tracks[current.trackIndex] = null; + this.queue.drain(); + } + }, { + key: "setCurrent", + value: function setCurrent(index, current, interrupt) { + var from = this.expandToIndex(index); + this.tracks[index] = current; + current.previous = null; + if (from) { + if (interrupt) this.queue.interrupt(from); + current.mixingFrom = from; + from.mixingTo = current; + current.mixTime = 0; + if (from.mixingFrom && from.mixDuration > 0) current.interruptAlpha *= Math.min(1, from.mixTime / from.mixDuration); + from.timelinesRotation.length = 0; + } + this.queue.start(current); + } + }, { + key: "setAnimation", + value: function setAnimation(trackIndex, animationName) { + var loop = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; + var animation =; + if (!animation) throw new Error("Animation not found: " + animationName); + return this.setAnimationWith(trackIndex, animation, loop); + } + }, { + key: "setAnimationWith", + value: function setAnimationWith(trackIndex, animation) { + var loop = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; + if (!animation) throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); + var interrupt = true; + var current = this.expandToIndex(trackIndex); + if (current) { + if (current.nextTrackLast == -1) { + this.tracks[trackIndex] = current.mixingFrom; + this.queue.interrupt(current); + this.queue.end(current); + this.clearNext(current); + current = current.mixingFrom; + interrupt = false; + } else this.clearNext(current); + } + var entry = this.trackEntry(trackIndex, animation, loop, current); + this.setCurrent(trackIndex, entry, interrupt); + this.queue.drain(); + return entry; + } + }, { + key: "addAnimation", + value: function addAnimation(trackIndex, animationName) { + var loop = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; + var delay = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0; + var animation =; + if (!animation) throw new Error("Animation not found: " + animationName); + return this.addAnimationWith(trackIndex, animation, loop, delay); + } + }, { + key: "addAnimationWith", + value: function addAnimationWith(trackIndex, animation) { + var loop = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; + var delay = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0; + if (!animation) throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); + var last = this.expandToIndex(trackIndex); + if (last) { + while ( last =; + } + var entry = this.trackEntry(trackIndex, animation, loop, last); + if (!last) { + this.setCurrent(trackIndex, entry, true); + this.queue.drain(); + } else { + = entry; + entry.previous = last; + if (delay <= 0) delay += last.getTrackComplete() - entry.mixDuration; + } + entry.delay = delay; + return entry; + } + }, { + key: "setEmptyAnimation", + value: function setEmptyAnimation(trackIndex) { + var mixDuration = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; + var entry = this.setAnimationWith(trackIndex, AnimationState.emptyAnimation(), false); + entry.mixDuration = mixDuration; + entry.trackEnd = mixDuration; + return entry; + } + }, { + key: "addEmptyAnimation", + value: function addEmptyAnimation(trackIndex) { + var mixDuration = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; + var delay = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; + var entry = this.addAnimationWith(trackIndex, AnimationState.emptyAnimation(), false, delay); + if (delay <= 0) entry.delay += entry.mixDuration - mixDuration; + entry.mixDuration = mixDuration; + entry.trackEnd = mixDuration; + return entry; + } + }, { + key: "setEmptyAnimations", + value: function setEmptyAnimations() { + var mixDuration = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; + var oldDrainDisabled = this.queue.drainDisabled; + this.queue.drainDisabled = true; + for (var i = 0, n = this.tracks.length; i < n; i++) { + var current = this.tracks[i]; + if (current) this.setEmptyAnimation(current.trackIndex, mixDuration); + } + this.queue.drainDisabled = oldDrainDisabled; + this.queue.drain(); + } + }, { + key: "expandToIndex", + value: function expandToIndex(index) { + if (index < this.tracks.length) return this.tracks[index]; + Utils.ensureArrayCapacity(this.tracks, index + 1, null); + this.tracks.length = index + 1; + return null; + } + }, { + key: "trackEntry", + value: function trackEntry(trackIndex, animation, loop, last) { + var entry = this.trackEntryPool.obtain(); + entry.reset(); + entry.trackIndex = trackIndex; + entry.animation = animation; + entry.loop = loop; + entry.holdPrevious = false; + entry.reverse = false; + entry.shortestRotation = false; + entry.eventThreshold = 0; + entry.alphaAttachmentThreshold = 0; + entry.mixAttachmentThreshold = 0; + entry.mixDrawOrderThreshold = 0; + entry.animationStart = 0; + entry.animationEnd = animation.duration; + entry.animationLast = -1; + entry.nextAnimationLast = -1; + entry.delay = 0; + entry.trackTime = 0; + entry.trackLast = -1; + entry.nextTrackLast = -1; + entry.trackEnd = Number.MAX_VALUE; + entry.timeScale = 1; + entry.alpha = 1; + entry.mixTime = 0; + entry.mixDuration = !last ? 0 :, animation); + entry.interruptAlpha = 1; + entry.totalAlpha = 0; + entry.mixBlend = MixBlend.replace; + return entry; + } + }, { + key: "clearNext", + value: function clearNext(entry) { + var next =; + while (next) { + this.queue.dispose(next); + next =; + } + = null; + } + }, { + key: "_animationsChanged", + value: function _animationsChanged() { + this.animationsChanged = false; + this.propertyIDs.clear(); + var tracks = this.tracks; + for (var i = 0, n = tracks.length; i < n; i++) { + var entry = tracks[i]; + if (!entry) continue; + while (entry.mixingFrom) entry = entry.mixingFrom; + do { + if (!entry.mixingTo || entry.mixBlend != MixBlend.add) this.computeHold(entry); + entry = entry.mixingTo; + } while (entry); + } + } + }, { + key: "computeHold", + value: function computeHold(entry) { + var to = entry.mixingTo; + var timelines = entry.animation.timelines; + var timelinesCount = entry.animation.timelines.length; + var timelineMode = entry.timelineMode; + timelineMode.length = timelinesCount; + var timelineHoldMix = entry.timelineHoldMix; + timelineHoldMix.length = 0; + var propertyIDs = this.propertyIDs; + if (to && to.holdPrevious) { + for (var i = 0; i < timelinesCount; i++) timelineMode[i] = propertyIDs.addAll(timelines[i].getPropertyIds()) ? HOLD_FIRST : HOLD_SUBSEQUENT; + return; + } + outer: for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < timelinesCount; _i3++) { + var timeline = timelines[_i3]; + var ids = timeline.getPropertyIds(); + if (!propertyIDs.addAll(ids)) timelineMode[_i3] = SUBSEQUENT;else if (!to || timeline instanceof AttachmentTimeline || timeline instanceof DrawOrderTimeline || timeline instanceof EventTimeline || !to.animation.hasTimeline(ids)) { + timelineMode[_i3] = FIRST; + } else { + for (var next = to.mixingTo; next; next = next.mixingTo) { + if (next.animation.hasTimeline(ids)) continue; + if (entry.mixDuration > 0) { + timelineMode[_i3] = HOLD_MIX; + timelineHoldMix[_i3] = next; + continue outer; + } + break; + } + timelineMode[_i3] = HOLD_FIRST; + } + } + } + }, { + key: "getCurrent", + value: function getCurrent(trackIndex) { + if (trackIndex >= this.tracks.length) return null; + return this.tracks[trackIndex]; + } + }, { + key: "addListener", + value: function addListener(listener) { + if (!listener) throw new Error("listener cannot be null."); + this.listeners.push(listener); + } + }, { + key: "removeListener", + value: function removeListener(listener) { + var index = this.listeners.indexOf(listener); + if (index >= 0) this.listeners.splice(index, 1); + } + }, { + key: "clearListeners", + value: function clearListeners() { + this.listeners.length = 0; + } + }, { + key: "clearListenerNotifications", + value: function clearListenerNotifications() { + this.queue.clear(); + } + }], [{ + key: "emptyAnimation", + value: function emptyAnimation() { + return AnimationState._emptyAnimation; + } + }]); + }(); + _defineProperty(AnimationState, "_emptyAnimation", new Animation("", [], 0)); + var TrackEntry = function () { + function TrackEntry() { + _classCallCheck(this, TrackEntry); + _defineProperty(this, "animation", null); + _defineProperty(this, "previous", null); + _defineProperty(this, "next", null); + _defineProperty(this, "mixingFrom", null); + _defineProperty(this, "mixingTo", null); + _defineProperty(this, "listener", null); + _defineProperty(this, "trackIndex", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "loop", false); + _defineProperty(this, "holdPrevious", false); + _defineProperty(this, "reverse", false); + _defineProperty(this, "shortestRotation", false); + _defineProperty(this, "eventThreshold", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixAttachmentThreshold", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "alphaAttachmentThreshold", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixDrawOrderThreshold", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "animationStart", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "animationEnd", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "animationLast", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "nextAnimationLast", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "delay", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "trackTime", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "trackLast", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "nextTrackLast", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "trackEnd", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "timeScale", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "alpha", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixTime", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "_mixDuration", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "interruptAlpha", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "totalAlpha", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixBlend", MixBlend.replace); + _defineProperty(this, "timelineMode", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "timelineHoldMix", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "timelinesRotation", new Array()); + } + return _createClass(TrackEntry, [{ + key: "mixDuration", + get: function get() { + return this._mixDuration; + }, + set: function set(mixDuration) { + this._mixDuration = mixDuration; + } + }, { + key: "setMixDurationWithDelay", + value: function setMixDurationWithDelay(mixDuration, delay) { + this._mixDuration = mixDuration; + if (this.previous != null && delay <= 0) delay += this.previous.getTrackComplete() - mixDuration; + this.delay = delay; + } + }, { + key: "reset", + value: function reset() { + = null; + this.previous = null; + this.mixingFrom = null; + this.mixingTo = null; + this.animation = null; + this.listener = null; + this.timelineMode.length = 0; + this.timelineHoldMix.length = 0; + this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; + } + }, { + key: "getAnimationTime", + value: function getAnimationTime() { + if (this.loop) { + var duration = this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; + if (duration == 0) return this.animationStart; + return this.trackTime % duration + this.animationStart; + } + return Math.min(this.trackTime + this.animationStart, this.animationEnd); + } + }, { + key: "setAnimationLast", + value: function setAnimationLast(animationLast) { + this.animationLast = animationLast; + this.nextAnimationLast = animationLast; + } + }, { + key: "isComplete", + value: function isComplete() { + return this.trackTime >= this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; + } + }, { + key: "resetRotationDirections", + value: function resetRotationDirections() { + this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; + } + }, { + key: "getTrackComplete", + value: function getTrackComplete() { + var duration = this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; + if (duration != 0) { + if (this.loop) return duration * (1 + (this.trackTime / duration | 0)); + if (this.trackTime < duration) return duration; + } + return this.trackTime; + } + }, { + key: "wasApplied", + value: function wasApplied() { + return this.nextTrackLast != -1; + } + }, { + key: "isNextReady", + value: function isNextReady() { + return != null && this.nextTrackLast - >= 0; + } + }]); + }(); + var EventQueue = function () { + function EventQueue(animState) { + _classCallCheck(this, EventQueue); + _defineProperty(this, "objects", []); + _defineProperty(this, "drainDisabled", false); + _defineProperty(this, "animState", void 0); + this.animState = animState; + } + return _createClass(EventQueue, [{ + key: "start", + value: function start(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.start); + this.objects.push(entry); + this.animState.animationsChanged = true; + } + }, { + key: "interrupt", + value: function interrupt(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.interrupt); + this.objects.push(entry); + } + }, { + key: "end", + value: function end(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.end); + this.objects.push(entry); + this.animState.animationsChanged = true; + } + }, { + key: "dispose", + value: function dispose(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.dispose); + this.objects.push(entry); + } + }, { + key: "complete", + value: function complete(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.complete); + this.objects.push(entry); + } + }, { + key: "event", + value: function event(entry, _event2) { + this.objects.push(EventType.event); + this.objects.push(entry); + this.objects.push(_event2); + } + }, { + key: "drain", + value: function drain() { + if (this.drainDisabled) return; + this.drainDisabled = true; + var objects = this.objects; + var listeners = this.animState.listeners; + for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i += 2) { + var type = objects[i]; + var entry = objects[i + 1]; + switch (type) { + case EventType.start: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.start) entry.listener.start(entry); + for (var ii = 0; ii < listeners.length; ii++) { + var listener = listeners[ii]; + if (listener.start) listener.start(entry); + } + break; + case EventType.interrupt: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.interrupt) entry.listener.interrupt(entry); + for (var _ii2 = 0; _ii2 < listeners.length; _ii2++) { + var _listener = listeners[_ii2]; + if (_listener.interrupt) _listener.interrupt(entry); + } + break; + case EventType.end: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.end) entry.listener.end(entry); + for (var _ii3 = 0; _ii3 < listeners.length; _ii3++) { + var _listener2 = listeners[_ii3]; + if (_listener2.end) _listener2.end(entry); + } + case EventType.dispose: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.dispose) entry.listener.dispose(entry); + for (var _ii4 = 0; _ii4 < listeners.length; _ii4++) { + var _listener3 = listeners[_ii4]; + if (_listener3.dispose) _listener3.dispose(entry); + } +; + break; + case EventType.complete: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.complete) entry.listener.complete(entry); + for (var _ii5 = 0; _ii5 < listeners.length; _ii5++) { + var _listener4 = listeners[_ii5]; + if (_listener4.complete) _listener4.complete(entry); + } + break; + case EventType.event: + var event = objects[i++ + 2]; + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.event) entry.listener.event(entry, event); + for (var _ii6 = 0; _ii6 < listeners.length; _ii6++) { + var _listener5 = listeners[_ii6]; + if (_listener5.event) _listener5.event(entry, event); + } + break; + } + } + this.clear(); + this.drainDisabled = false; + } + }, { + key: "clear", + value: function clear() { + this.objects.length = 0; + } + }]); + }(); + var EventType; + (function (EventType) { + EventType[EventType["start"] = 0] = "start"; + EventType[EventType["interrupt"] = 1] = "interrupt"; + EventType[EventType["end"] = 2] = "end"; + EventType[EventType["dispose"] = 3] = "dispose"; + EventType[EventType["complete"] = 4] = "complete"; + EventType[EventType["event"] = 5] = "event"; + })(EventType || (EventType = {})); + var AnimationStateAdapter = function () { + function AnimationStateAdapter() { + _classCallCheck(this, AnimationStateAdapter); + } + return _createClass(AnimationStateAdapter, [{ + key: "start", + value: function start(entry) {} + }, { + key: "interrupt", + value: function interrupt(entry) {} + }, { + key: "end", + value: function end(entry) {} + }, { + key: "dispose", + value: function dispose(entry) {} + }, { + key: "complete", + value: function complete(entry) {} + }, { + key: "event", + value: function event(entry, _event3) {} + }]); + }(); + var SUBSEQUENT = 0; + var FIRST = 1; + var HOLD_SUBSEQUENT = 2; + var HOLD_FIRST = 3; + var HOLD_MIX = 4; + var SETUP = 1; + var CURRENT = 2; + + var AnimationStateData = function () { + function AnimationStateData(skeletonData) { + _classCallCheck(this, AnimationStateData); + _defineProperty(this, "skeletonData", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "animationToMixTime", {}); + _defineProperty(this, "defaultMix", 0); + if (!skeletonData) throw new Error("skeletonData cannot be null."); + this.skeletonData = skeletonData; + } + return _createClass(AnimationStateData, [{ + key: "setMix", + value: function setMix(fromName, toName, duration) { + var from = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(fromName); + if (!from) throw new Error("Animation not found: " + fromName); + var to = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(toName); + if (!to) throw new Error("Animation not found: " + toName); + this.setMixWith(from, to, duration); + } + }, { + key: "setMixWith", + value: function setMixWith(from, to, duration) { + if (!from) throw new Error("from cannot be null."); + if (!to) throw new Error("to cannot be null."); + var key = + "." +; + this.animationToMixTime[key] = duration; + } + }, { + key: "getMix", + value: function getMix(from, to) { + var key = + "." +; + var value = this.animationToMixTime[key]; + return value === undefined ? this.defaultMix : value; + } + }]); + }(); + + function _callSuper$d(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var BoundingBoxAttachment = function (_VertexAttachment) { + function BoundingBoxAttachment(name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, BoundingBoxAttachment); + _this2 = _callSuper$d(this, BoundingBoxAttachment, [name]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "color", new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(BoundingBoxAttachment, _VertexAttachment); + return _createClass(BoundingBoxAttachment, [{ + key: "copy", + value: function copy() { + var copy = new BoundingBoxAttachment(; + this.copyTo(copy); + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + return copy; + } + }]); + }(VertexAttachment); + + function _callSuper$c(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var ClippingAttachment = function (_VertexAttachment) { + function ClippingAttachment(name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, ClippingAttachment); + _this2 = _callSuper$c(this, ClippingAttachment, [name]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "endSlot", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "color", new Color(0.2275, 0.2275, 0.8078, 1)); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(ClippingAttachment, _VertexAttachment); + return _createClass(ClippingAttachment, [{ + key: "copy", + value: function copy() { + var copy = new ClippingAttachment(; + this.copyTo(copy); + copy.endSlot = this.endSlot; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + return copy; + } + }]); + }(VertexAttachment); + + function _callSuper$b(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var Texture = function () { + function Texture(image) { + _classCallCheck(this, Texture); + _defineProperty(this, "_image", void 0); + this._image = image; + } + return _createClass(Texture, [{ + key: "getImage", + value: function getImage() { + return this._image; + } + }]); + }(); + var TextureFilter; + (function (TextureFilter) { + TextureFilter[TextureFilter["Nearest"] = 9728] = "Nearest"; + TextureFilter[TextureFilter["Linear"] = 9729] = "Linear"; + TextureFilter[TextureFilter["MipMap"] = 9987] = "MipMap"; + TextureFilter[TextureFilter["MipMapNearestNearest"] = 9984] = "MipMapNearestNearest"; + TextureFilter[TextureFilter["MipMapLinearNearest"] = 9985] = "MipMapLinearNearest"; + TextureFilter[TextureFilter["MipMapNearestLinear"] = 9986] = "MipMapNearestLinear"; + TextureFilter[TextureFilter["MipMapLinearLinear"] = 9987] = "MipMapLinearLinear"; + })(TextureFilter || (TextureFilter = {})); + var TextureWrap; + (function (TextureWrap) { + TextureWrap[TextureWrap["MirroredRepeat"] = 33648] = "MirroredRepeat"; + TextureWrap[TextureWrap["ClampToEdge"] = 33071] = "ClampToEdge"; + TextureWrap[TextureWrap["Repeat"] = 10497] = "Repeat"; + })(TextureWrap || (TextureWrap = {})); + var TextureRegion = _createClass(function TextureRegion() { + _classCallCheck(this, TextureRegion); + _defineProperty(this, "texture", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "u", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "v", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "u2", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "v2", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "width", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "height", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "degrees", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "offsetX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "offsetY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "originalWidth", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "originalHeight", 0); + }); + var FakeTexture = function (_Texture2) { + function FakeTexture() { + _classCallCheck(this, FakeTexture); + return _callSuper$b(this, FakeTexture, arguments); + } + _inherits(FakeTexture, _Texture2); + return _createClass(FakeTexture, [{ + key: "setFilters", + value: function setFilters(minFilter, magFilter) {} + }, { + key: "setWraps", + value: function setWraps(uWrap, vWrap) {} + }, { + key: "dispose", + value: function dispose() {} + }]); + }(Texture); + + function _callSuper$a(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var TextureAtlas = function () { + function TextureAtlas(atlasText) { + _classCallCheck(this, TextureAtlas); + _defineProperty(this, "pages", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "regions", new Array()); + var reader = new TextureAtlasReader(atlasText); + var entry = new Array(4); + var pageFields = {}; + pageFields["size"] = function (page) { + page.width = parseInt(entry[1]); + page.height = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + pageFields["format"] = function () {}; + pageFields["filter"] = function (page) { + page.minFilter = Utils.enumValue(TextureFilter, entry[1]); + page.magFilter = Utils.enumValue(TextureFilter, entry[2]); + }; + pageFields["repeat"] = function (page) { + if (entry[1].indexOf('x') != -1) page.uWrap = TextureWrap.Repeat; + if (entry[1].indexOf('y') != -1) page.vWrap = TextureWrap.Repeat; + }; + pageFields["pma"] = function (page) { + page.pma = entry[1] == "true"; + }; + var regionFields = {}; + regionFields["xy"] = function (region) { + region.x = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.y = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + regionFields["size"] = function (region) { + region.width = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.height = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + regionFields["bounds"] = function (region) { + region.x = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.y = parseInt(entry[2]); + region.width = parseInt(entry[3]); + region.height = parseInt(entry[4]); + }; + regionFields["offset"] = function (region) { + region.offsetX = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.offsetY = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + regionFields["orig"] = function (region) { + region.originalWidth = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.originalHeight = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + regionFields["offsets"] = function (region) { + region.offsetX = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.offsetY = parseInt(entry[2]); + region.originalWidth = parseInt(entry[3]); + region.originalHeight = parseInt(entry[4]); + }; + regionFields["rotate"] = function (region) { + var value = entry[1]; + if (value == "true") region.degrees = 90;else if (value != "false") region.degrees = parseInt(value); + }; + regionFields["index"] = function (region) { + region.index = parseInt(entry[1]); + }; + var line = reader.readLine(); + while (line && line.trim().length == 0) line = reader.readLine(); + while (true) { + if (!line || line.trim().length == 0) break; + if (reader.readEntry(entry, line) == 0) break; + line = reader.readLine(); + } + var page = null; + var names = null; + var values = null; + while (true) { + if (line === null) break; + if (line.trim().length == 0) { + page = null; + line = reader.readLine(); + } else if (!page) { + page = new TextureAtlasPage(line.trim()); + while (true) { + if (reader.readEntry(entry, line = reader.readLine()) == 0) break; + var field = pageFields[entry[0]]; + if (field) field(page); + } + this.pages.push(page); + } else { + var region = new TextureAtlasRegion(page, line); + while (true) { + var count = reader.readEntry(entry, line = reader.readLine()); + if (count == 0) break; + var _field = regionFields[entry[0]]; + if (_field) _field(region);else { + if (!names) names = []; + if (!values) values = []; + names.push(entry[0]); + var entryValues = []; + for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) entryValues.push(parseInt(entry[i + 1])); + values.push(entryValues); + } + } + if (region.originalWidth == 0 && region.originalHeight == 0) { + region.originalWidth = region.width; + region.originalHeight = region.height; + } + if (names && names.length > 0 && values && values.length > 0) { + region.names = names; + region.values = values; + names = null; + values = null; + } + region.u = region.x / page.width; + region.v = region.y / page.height; + if (region.degrees == 90) { + region.u2 = (region.x + region.height) / page.width; + region.v2 = (region.y + region.width) / page.height; + } else { + region.u2 = (region.x + region.width) / page.width; + region.v2 = (region.y + region.height) / page.height; + } + this.regions.push(region); + } + } + } + return _createClass(TextureAtlas, [{ + key: "findRegion", + value: function findRegion(name) { + for (var i = 0; i < this.regions.length; i++) { + if (this.regions[i].name == name) { + return this.regions[i]; + } + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "setTextures", + value: function setTextures(assetManager) { + var pathPrefix = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ""; + var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.pages), + _step; + try { + for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { + var page = _step.value; + page.setTexture(assetManager.get(pathPrefix +; + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator.f(); + } + } + }, { + key: "dispose", + value: function dispose() { + for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++) { + var _this$pages$i$texture; + (_this$pages$i$texture = this.pages[i].texture) === null || _this$pages$i$texture === void 0 || _this$pages$i$texture.dispose(); + } + } + }]); + }(); + var TextureAtlasReader = function () { + function TextureAtlasReader(text) { + _classCallCheck(this, TextureAtlasReader); + _defineProperty(this, "lines", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "index", 0); + this.lines = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); + } + return _createClass(TextureAtlasReader, [{ + key: "readLine", + value: function readLine() { + if (this.index >= this.lines.length) return null; + return this.lines[this.index++]; + } + }, { + key: "readEntry", + value: function readEntry(entry, line) { + if (!line) return 0; + line = line.trim(); + if (line.length == 0) return 0; + var colon = line.indexOf(':'); + if (colon == -1) return 0; + entry[0] = line.substr(0, colon).trim(); + for (var i = 1, lastMatch = colon + 1;; i++) { + var comma = line.indexOf(',', lastMatch); + if (comma == -1) { + entry[i] = line.substr(lastMatch).trim(); + return i; + } + entry[i] = line.substr(lastMatch, comma - lastMatch).trim(); + lastMatch = comma + 1; + if (i == 4) return 4; + } + } + }]); + }(); + var TextureAtlasPage = function () { + function TextureAtlasPage(name) { + _classCallCheck(this, TextureAtlasPage); + _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "minFilter", TextureFilter.Nearest); + _defineProperty(this, "magFilter", TextureFilter.Nearest); + _defineProperty(this, "uWrap", TextureWrap.ClampToEdge); + _defineProperty(this, "vWrap", TextureWrap.ClampToEdge); + _defineProperty(this, "texture", null); + _defineProperty(this, "width", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "height", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "pma", false); + _defineProperty(this, "regions", new Array()); + = name; + } + return _createClass(TextureAtlasPage, [{ + key: "setTexture", + value: function setTexture(texture) { + this.texture = texture; + texture.setFilters(this.minFilter, this.magFilter); + texture.setWraps(this.uWrap, this.vWrap); + var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.regions), + _step2; + try { + for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done;) { + var region = _step2.value; + region.texture = texture; + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator2.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator2.f(); + } + } + }]); + }(); + var TextureAtlasRegion = function (_TextureRegion) { + function TextureAtlasRegion(page, name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, TextureAtlasRegion); + _this2 = _callSuper$a(this, TextureAtlasRegion); + _defineProperty(_this2, "page", void 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "name", void 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "x", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "y", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offsetX", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offsetY", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "originalWidth", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "originalHeight", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "index", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "degrees", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "names", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "values", null); + = page; + = name; + page.regions.push(_this2); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(TextureAtlasRegion, _TextureRegion); + return _createClass(TextureAtlasRegion); + }(TextureRegion); + + function _callSuper$9(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var MeshAttachment = function (_VertexAttachment) { + function MeshAttachment(name, path) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, MeshAttachment); + _this2 = _callSuper$9(this, MeshAttachment, [name]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "region", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "path", void 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "regionUVs", []); + _defineProperty(_this2, "uvs", []); + _defineProperty(_this2, "triangles", []); + _defineProperty(_this2, "color", new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); + _defineProperty(_this2, "width", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "height", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "hullLength", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "edges", []); + _defineProperty(_this2, "parentMesh", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "sequence", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "tempColor", new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); + _this2.path = path; + return _this2; + } + _inherits(MeshAttachment, _VertexAttachment); + return _createClass(MeshAttachment, [{ + key: "updateRegion", + value: function updateRegion() { + if (!this.region) throw new Error("Region not set."); + var regionUVs = this.regionUVs; + if (!this.uvs || this.uvs.length != regionUVs.length) this.uvs = Utils.newFloatArray(regionUVs.length); + var uvs = this.uvs; + var n = this.uvs.length; + var u = this.region.u, + v = this.region.v, + width = 0, + height = 0; + if (this.region instanceof TextureAtlasRegion) { + var region = this.region, + page =; + var textureWidth = page.width, + textureHeight = page.height; + switch (region.degrees) { + case 90: + u -= (region.originalHeight - region.offsetY - region.height) / textureWidth; + v -= (region.originalWidth - region.offsetX - region.width) / textureHeight; + width = region.originalHeight / textureWidth; + height = region.originalWidth / textureHeight; + for (var i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { + uvs[i] = u + regionUVs[i + 1] * width; + uvs[i + 1] = v + (1 - regionUVs[i]) * height; + } + return; + case 180: + u -= (region.originalWidth - region.offsetX - region.width) / textureWidth; + v -= region.offsetY / textureHeight; + width = region.originalWidth / textureWidth; + height = region.originalHeight / textureHeight; + for (var _i = 0; _i < n; _i += 2) { + uvs[_i] = u + (1 - regionUVs[_i]) * width; + uvs[_i + 1] = v + (1 - regionUVs[_i + 1]) * height; + } + return; + case 270: + u -= region.offsetY / textureWidth; + v -= region.offsetX / textureHeight; + width = region.originalHeight / textureWidth; + height = region.originalWidth / textureHeight; + for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < n; _i2 += 2) { + uvs[_i2] = u + (1 - regionUVs[_i2 + 1]) * width; + uvs[_i2 + 1] = v + regionUVs[_i2] * height; + } + return; + } + u -= region.offsetX / textureWidth; + v -= (region.originalHeight - region.offsetY - region.height) / textureHeight; + width = region.originalWidth / textureWidth; + height = region.originalHeight / textureHeight; + } else if (!this.region) { + u = v = 0; + width = height = 1; + } else { + width = this.region.u2 - u; + height = this.region.v2 - v; + } + for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < n; _i3 += 2) { + uvs[_i3] = u + regionUVs[_i3] * width; + uvs[_i3 + 1] = v + regionUVs[_i3 + 1] * height; + } + } + }, { + key: "getParentMesh", + value: function getParentMesh() { + return this.parentMesh; + } + }, { + key: "setParentMesh", + value: function setParentMesh(parentMesh) { + this.parentMesh = parentMesh; + if (parentMesh) { + this.bones = parentMesh.bones; + this.vertices = parentMesh.vertices; + this.worldVerticesLength = parentMesh.worldVerticesLength; + this.regionUVs = parentMesh.regionUVs; + this.triangles = parentMesh.triangles; + this.hullLength = parentMesh.hullLength; + this.worldVerticesLength = parentMesh.worldVerticesLength; + } + } + }, { + key: "copy", + value: function copy() { + if (this.parentMesh) return this.newLinkedMesh(); + var copy = new MeshAttachment(, this.path); + copy.region = this.region; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + this.copyTo(copy); + copy.regionUVs = new Array(this.regionUVs.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.regionUVs, 0, copy.regionUVs, 0, this.regionUVs.length); + copy.uvs = new Array(this.uvs.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.uvs, 0, copy.uvs, 0, this.uvs.length); + copy.triangles = new Array(this.triangles.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.triangles, 0, copy.triangles, 0, this.triangles.length); + copy.hullLength = this.hullLength; + copy.sequence = this.sequence != null ? this.sequence.copy() : null; + if (this.edges) { + copy.edges = new Array(this.edges.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.edges, 0, copy.edges, 0, this.edges.length); + } + copy.width = this.width; + copy.height = this.height; + return copy; + } + }, { + key: "computeWorldVertices", + value: function computeWorldVertices(slot, start, count, worldVertices, offset, stride) { + if (this.sequence != null) this.sequence.apply(slot, this); + _get(_getPrototypeOf(MeshAttachment.prototype), "computeWorldVertices", this).call(this, slot, start, count, worldVertices, offset, stride); + } + }, { + key: "newLinkedMesh", + value: function newLinkedMesh() { + var copy = new MeshAttachment(, this.path); + copy.region = this.region; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + copy.timelineAttachment = this.timelineAttachment; + copy.setParentMesh(this.parentMesh ? this.parentMesh : this); + if (copy.region != null) copy.updateRegion(); + return copy; + } + }]); + }(VertexAttachment); + + function _callSuper$8(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var PathAttachment = function (_VertexAttachment) { + function PathAttachment(name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, PathAttachment); + _this2 = _callSuper$8(this, PathAttachment, [name]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "lengths", []); + _defineProperty(_this2, "closed", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "constantSpeed", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "color", new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(PathAttachment, _VertexAttachment); + return _createClass(PathAttachment, [{ + key: "copy", + value: function copy() { + var copy = new PathAttachment(; + this.copyTo(copy); + copy.lengths = new Array(this.lengths.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.lengths, 0, copy.lengths, 0, this.lengths.length); + copy.closed = closed; + copy.constantSpeed = this.constantSpeed; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + return copy; + } + }]); + }(VertexAttachment); + + function _callSuper$7(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var PointAttachment = function (_VertexAttachment) { + function PointAttachment(name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, PointAttachment); + _this2 = _callSuper$7(this, PointAttachment, [name]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "x", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "y", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "rotation", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "color", new Color(0.38, 0.94, 0, 1)); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(PointAttachment, _VertexAttachment); + return _createClass(PointAttachment, [{ + key: "computeWorldPosition", + value: function computeWorldPosition(bone, point) { + point.x = this.x * bone.a + this.y * bone.b + bone.worldX; + point.y = this.x * bone.c + this.y * bone.d + bone.worldY; + return point; + } + }, { + key: "computeWorldRotation", + value: function computeWorldRotation(bone) { + var r = this.rotation * MathUtils.degRad, + cos = Math.cos(r), + sin = Math.sin(r); + var x = cos * bone.a + sin * bone.b; + var y = cos * bone.c + sin * bone.d; + return MathUtils.atan2Deg(y, x); + } + }, { + key: "copy", + value: function copy() { + var copy = new PointAttachment(; + copy.x = this.x; + copy.y = this.y; + copy.rotation = this.rotation; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + return copy; + } + }]); + }(VertexAttachment); + + function _callSuper$6(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var RegionAttachment = function (_Attachment) { + function RegionAttachment(name, path) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, RegionAttachment); + _this2 = _callSuper$6(this, RegionAttachment, [name]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "x", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "y", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "scaleX", 1); + _defineProperty(_this2, "scaleY", 1); + _defineProperty(_this2, "rotation", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "width", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "height", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "color", new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); + _defineProperty(_this2, "path", void 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "region", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "sequence", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offset", Utils.newFloatArray(8)); + _defineProperty(_this2, "uvs", Utils.newFloatArray(8)); + _defineProperty(_this2, "tempColor", new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); + _this2.path = path; + return _this2; + } + _inherits(RegionAttachment, _Attachment); + return _createClass(RegionAttachment, [{ + key: "updateRegion", + value: function updateRegion() { + if (!this.region) throw new Error("Region not set."); + var region = this.region; + var uvs = this.uvs; + if (region == null) { + uvs[0] = 0; + uvs[1] = 0; + uvs[2] = 0; + uvs[3] = 1; + uvs[4] = 1; + uvs[5] = 1; + uvs[6] = 1; + uvs[7] = 0; + return; + } + var regionScaleX = this.width / this.region.originalWidth * this.scaleX; + var regionScaleY = this.height / this.region.originalHeight * this.scaleY; + var localX = -this.width / 2 * this.scaleX + this.region.offsetX * regionScaleX; + var localY = -this.height / 2 * this.scaleY + this.region.offsetY * regionScaleY; + var localX2 = localX + this.region.width * regionScaleX; + var localY2 = localY + this.region.height * regionScaleY; + var radians = this.rotation * MathUtils.degRad; + var cos = Math.cos(radians); + var sin = Math.sin(radians); + var x = this.x, + y = this.y; + var localXCos = localX * cos + x; + var localXSin = localX * sin; + var localYCos = localY * cos + y; + var localYSin = localY * sin; + var localX2Cos = localX2 * cos + x; + var localX2Sin = localX2 * sin; + var localY2Cos = localY2 * cos + y; + var localY2Sin = localY2 * sin; + var offset = this.offset; + offset[0] = localXCos - localYSin; + offset[1] = localYCos + localXSin; + offset[2] = localXCos - localY2Sin; + offset[3] = localY2Cos + localXSin; + offset[4] = localX2Cos - localY2Sin; + offset[5] = localY2Cos + localX2Sin; + offset[6] = localX2Cos - localYSin; + offset[7] = localYCos + localX2Sin; + if (region.degrees == 90) { + uvs[0] = region.u2; + uvs[1] = region.v2; + uvs[2] = region.u; + uvs[3] = region.v2; + uvs[4] = region.u; + uvs[5] = region.v; + uvs[6] = region.u2; + uvs[7] = region.v; + } else { + uvs[0] = region.u; + uvs[1] = region.v2; + uvs[2] = region.u; + uvs[3] = region.v; + uvs[4] = region.u2; + uvs[5] = region.v; + uvs[6] = region.u2; + uvs[7] = region.v2; + } + } + }, { + key: "computeWorldVertices", + value: function computeWorldVertices(slot, worldVertices, offset, stride) { + if (this.sequence != null) this.sequence.apply(slot, this); + var bone = slot.bone; + var vertexOffset = this.offset; + var x = bone.worldX, + y = bone.worldY; + var a = bone.a, + b = bone.b, + c = bone.c, + d = bone.d; + var offsetX = 0, + offsetY = 0; + offsetX = vertexOffset[0]; + offsetY = vertexOffset[1]; + worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x; + worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y; + offset += stride; + offsetX = vertexOffset[2]; + offsetY = vertexOffset[3]; + worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x; + worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y; + offset += stride; + offsetX = vertexOffset[4]; + offsetY = vertexOffset[5]; + worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x; + worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y; + offset += stride; + offsetX = vertexOffset[6]; + offsetY = vertexOffset[7]; + worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x; + worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y; + } + }, { + key: "copy", + value: function copy() { + var copy = new RegionAttachment(, this.path); + copy.region = this.region; + copy.x = this.x; + copy.y = this.y; + copy.scaleX = this.scaleX; + copy.scaleY = this.scaleY; + copy.rotation = this.rotation; + copy.width = this.width; + copy.height = this.height; + Utils.arrayCopy(this.uvs, 0, copy.uvs, 0, 8); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.offset, 0, copy.offset, 0, 8); + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + copy.sequence = this.sequence != null ? this.sequence.copy() : null; + return copy; + } + }]); + }(Attachment); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "X1", 0); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "Y1", 1); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C1R", 2); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C1G", 3); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C1B", 4); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C1A", 5); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "U1", 6); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "V1", 7); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "X2", 8); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "Y2", 9); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C2R", 10); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C2G", 11); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C2B", 12); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C2A", 13); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "U2", 14); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "V2", 15); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "X3", 16); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "Y3", 17); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C3R", 18); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C3G", 19); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C3B", 20); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C3A", 21); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "U3", 22); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "V3", 23); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "X4", 24); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "Y4", 25); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C4R", 26); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C4G", 27); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C4B", 28); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "C4A", 29); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "U4", 30); + _defineProperty(RegionAttachment, "V4", 31); + + var AtlasAttachmentLoader = function () { + function AtlasAttachmentLoader(atlas) { + _classCallCheck(this, AtlasAttachmentLoader); + _defineProperty(this, "atlas", void 0); + this.atlas = atlas; + } + return _createClass(AtlasAttachmentLoader, [{ + key: "loadSequence", + value: function loadSequence(name, basePath, sequence) { + var regions = sequence.regions; + for (var i = 0, n = regions.length; i < n; i++) { + var path = sequence.getPath(basePath, i); + var region = this.atlas.findRegion(path); + if (region == null) throw new Error("Region not found in atlas: " + path + " (sequence: " + name + ")"); + regions[i] = region; + } + } + }, { + key: "newRegionAttachment", + value: function newRegionAttachment(skin, name, path, sequence) { + var attachment = new RegionAttachment(name, path); + if (sequence != null) { + this.loadSequence(name, path, sequence); + } else { + var region = this.atlas.findRegion(path); + if (!region) throw new Error("Region not found in atlas: " + path + " (region attachment: " + name + ")"); + attachment.region = region; + } + return attachment; + } + }, { + key: "newMeshAttachment", + value: function newMeshAttachment(skin, name, path, sequence) { + var attachment = new MeshAttachment(name, path); + if (sequence != null) { + this.loadSequence(name, path, sequence); + } else { + var region = this.atlas.findRegion(path); + if (!region) throw new Error("Region not found in atlas: " + path + " (mesh attachment: " + name + ")"); + attachment.region = region; + } + return attachment; + } + }, { + key: "newBoundingBoxAttachment", + value: function newBoundingBoxAttachment(skin, name) { + return new BoundingBoxAttachment(name); + } + }, { + key: "newPathAttachment", + value: function newPathAttachment(skin, name) { + return new PathAttachment(name); + } + }, { + key: "newPointAttachment", + value: function newPointAttachment(skin, name) { + return new PointAttachment(name); + } + }, { + key: "newClippingAttachment", + value: function newClippingAttachment(skin, name) { + return new ClippingAttachment(name); + } + }]); + }(); + + var BoneData = _createClass(function BoneData(index, name, parent) { + _classCallCheck(this, BoneData); + _defineProperty(this, "index", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "parent", null); + _defineProperty(this, "length", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "x", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "y", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "rotation", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "scaleX", 1); + _defineProperty(this, "scaleY", 1); + _defineProperty(this, "shearX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "shearY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "inherit", Inherit.Normal); + _defineProperty(this, "skinRequired", false); + _defineProperty(this, "color", new Color()); + _defineProperty(this, "icon", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "visible", false); + if (index < 0) throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); + if (!name) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + this.index = index; + = name; + this.parent = parent; + }); + var Inherit; + (function (Inherit) { + Inherit[Inherit["Normal"] = 0] = "Normal"; + Inherit[Inherit["OnlyTranslation"] = 1] = "OnlyTranslation"; + Inherit[Inherit["NoRotationOrReflection"] = 2] = "NoRotationOrReflection"; + Inherit[Inherit["NoScale"] = 3] = "NoScale"; + Inherit[Inherit["NoScaleOrReflection"] = 4] = "NoScaleOrReflection"; + })(Inherit || (Inherit = {})); + + var Bone = function () { + function Bone(data, skeleton, parent) { + _classCallCheck(this, Bone); + _defineProperty(this, "data", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "skeleton", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "parent", null); + _defineProperty(this, "children", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "x", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "y", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "rotation", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "scaleX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "scaleY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "shearX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "shearY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "ax", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "ay", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "arotation", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "ascaleX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "ascaleY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "ashearX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "ashearY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "a", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "b", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "c", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "d", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "worldY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "worldX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "inherit", Inherit.Normal); + _defineProperty(this, "sorted", false); + _defineProperty(this, "active", false); + if (!data) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!skeleton) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + = data; + this.skeleton = skeleton; + this.parent = parent; + this.setToSetupPose(); + } + return _createClass(Bone, [{ + key: "isActive", + value: function isActive() { + return; + } + }, { + key: "update", + value: function update(physics) { + this.updateWorldTransformWith(, this.ay, this.arotation, this.ascaleX, this.ascaleY, this.ashearX, this.ashearY); + } + }, { + key: "updateWorldTransform", + value: function updateWorldTransform() { + this.updateWorldTransformWith(this.x, this.y, this.rotation, this.scaleX, this.scaleY, this.shearX, this.shearY); + } + }, { + key: "updateWorldTransformWith", + value: function updateWorldTransformWith(x, y, rotation, scaleX, scaleY, shearX, shearY) { + = x; + this.ay = y; + this.arotation = rotation; + this.ascaleX = scaleX; + this.ascaleY = scaleY; + this.ashearX = shearX; + this.ashearY = shearY; + var parent = this.parent; + if (!parent) { + var skeleton = this.skeleton; + var sx = skeleton.scaleX, + sy = skeleton.scaleY; + var rx = (rotation + shearX) * MathUtils.degRad; + var ry = (rotation + 90 + shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + this.a = Math.cos(rx) * scaleX * sx; + this.b = Math.cos(ry) * scaleY * sx; + this.c = Math.sin(rx) * scaleX * sy; + this.d = Math.sin(ry) * scaleY * sy; + this.worldX = x * sx + skeleton.x; + this.worldY = y * sy + skeleton.y; + return; + } + var pa = parent.a, + pb = parent.b, + pc = parent.c, + pd = parent.d; + this.worldX = pa * x + pb * y + parent.worldX; + this.worldY = pc * x + pd * y + parent.worldY; + switch (this.inherit) { + case Inherit.Normal: + { + var _rx = (rotation + shearX) * MathUtils.degRad; + var _ry = (rotation + 90 + shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + var la = Math.cos(_rx) * scaleX; + var lb = Math.cos(_ry) * scaleY; + var lc = Math.sin(_rx) * scaleX; + var ld = Math.sin(_ry) * scaleY; + this.a = pa * la + pb * lc; + this.b = pa * lb + pb * ld; + this.c = pc * la + pd * lc; + this.d = pc * lb + pd * ld; + return; + } + case Inherit.OnlyTranslation: + { + var _rx2 = (rotation + shearX) * MathUtils.degRad; + var _ry2 = (rotation + 90 + shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + this.a = Math.cos(_rx2) * scaleX; + this.b = Math.cos(_ry2) * scaleY; + this.c = Math.sin(_rx2) * scaleX; + this.d = Math.sin(_ry2) * scaleY; + break; + } + case Inherit.NoRotationOrReflection: + { + var s = pa * pa + pc * pc; + var prx = 0; + if (s > 0.0001) { + s = Math.abs(pa * pd - pb * pc) / s; + pa /= this.skeleton.scaleX; + pc /= this.skeleton.scaleY; + pb = pc * s; + pd = pa * s; + prx = Math.atan2(pc, pa) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } else { + pa = 0; + pc = 0; + prx = 90 - Math.atan2(pd, pb) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + var _rx3 = (rotation + shearX - prx) * MathUtils.degRad; + var _ry3 = (rotation + shearY - prx + 90) * MathUtils.degRad; + var _la = Math.cos(_rx3) * scaleX; + var _lb = Math.cos(_ry3) * scaleY; + var _lc = Math.sin(_rx3) * scaleX; + var _ld = Math.sin(_ry3) * scaleY; + this.a = pa * _la - pb * _lc; + this.b = pa * _lb - pb * _ld; + this.c = pc * _la + pd * _lc; + this.d = pc * _lb + pd * _ld; + break; + } + case Inherit.NoScale: + case Inherit.NoScaleOrReflection: + { + rotation *= MathUtils.degRad; + var cos = Math.cos(rotation), + sin = Math.sin(rotation); + var za = (pa * cos + pb * sin) / this.skeleton.scaleX; + var zc = (pc * cos + pd * sin) / this.skeleton.scaleY; + var _s = Math.sqrt(za * za + zc * zc); + if (_s > 0.00001) _s = 1 / _s; + za *= _s; + zc *= _s; + _s = Math.sqrt(za * za + zc * zc); + if (this.inherit == Inherit.NoScale && pa * pd - pb * pc < 0 != (this.skeleton.scaleX < 0 != this.skeleton.scaleY < 0)) _s = -_s; + rotation = Math.PI / 2 + Math.atan2(zc, za); + var zb = Math.cos(rotation) * _s; + var zd = Math.sin(rotation) * _s; + shearX *= MathUtils.degRad; + shearY = (90 + shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + var _la2 = Math.cos(shearX) * scaleX; + var _lb2 = Math.cos(shearY) * scaleY; + var _lc2 = Math.sin(shearX) * scaleX; + var _ld2 = Math.sin(shearY) * scaleY; + this.a = za * _la2 + zb * _lc2; + this.b = za * _lb2 + zb * _ld2; + this.c = zc * _la2 + zd * _lc2; + this.d = zc * _lb2 + zd * _ld2; + break; + } + } + this.a *= this.skeleton.scaleX; + this.b *= this.skeleton.scaleX; + this.c *= this.skeleton.scaleY; + this.d *= this.skeleton.scaleY; + } + }, { + key: "setToSetupPose", + value: function setToSetupPose() { + var data =; + this.x = data.x; + this.y = data.y; + this.rotation = data.rotation; + this.scaleX = data.scaleX; + this.scaleY = data.scaleY; + this.shearX = data.shearX; + this.shearY = data.shearY; + this.inherit = data.inherit; + } + }, { + key: "updateAppliedTransform", + value: function updateAppliedTransform() { + var parent = this.parent; + if (!parent) { + = this.worldX - this.skeleton.x; + this.ay = this.worldY - this.skeleton.y; + this.arotation = Math.atan2(this.c, this.a) * MathUtils.radDeg; + this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(this.a * this.a + this.c * this.c); + this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(this.b * this.b + this.d * this.d); + this.ashearX = 0; + this.ashearY = Math.atan2(this.a * this.b + this.c * this.d, this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c) * MathUtils.radDeg; + return; + } + var pa = parent.a, + pb = parent.b, + pc = parent.c, + pd = parent.d; + var pid = 1 / (pa * pd - pb * pc); + var ia = pd * pid, + ib = pb * pid, + ic = pc * pid, + id = pa * pid; + var dx = this.worldX - parent.worldX, + dy = this.worldY - parent.worldY; + = dx * ia - dy * ib; + this.ay = dy * id - dx * ic; + var ra, rb, rc, rd; + if (this.inherit == Inherit.OnlyTranslation) { + ra = this.a; + rb = this.b; + rc = this.c; + rd = this.d; + } else { + switch (this.inherit) { + case Inherit.NoRotationOrReflection: + { + var _s2 = Math.abs(pa * pd - pb * pc) / (pa * pa + pc * pc); + var sa = pa / this.skeleton.scaleX; + var sc = pc / this.skeleton.scaleY; + pb = -sc * _s2 * this.skeleton.scaleX; + pd = sa * _s2 * this.skeleton.scaleY; + pid = 1 / (pa * pd - pb * pc); + ia = pd * pid; + ib = pb * pid; + break; + } + case Inherit.NoScale: + case Inherit.NoScaleOrReflection: + var cos = MathUtils.cosDeg(this.rotation), + sin = MathUtils.sinDeg(this.rotation); + pa = (pa * cos + pb * sin) / this.skeleton.scaleX; + pc = (pc * cos + pd * sin) / this.skeleton.scaleY; + var s = Math.sqrt(pa * pa + pc * pc); + if (s > 0.00001) s = 1 / s; + pa *= s; + pc *= s; + s = Math.sqrt(pa * pa + pc * pc); + if (this.inherit == Inherit.NoScale && pid < 0 != (this.skeleton.scaleX < 0 != this.skeleton.scaleY < 0)) s = -s; + var r = MathUtils.PI / 2 + Math.atan2(pc, pa); + pb = Math.cos(r) * s; + pd = Math.sin(r) * s; + pid = 1 / (pa * pd - pb * pc); + ia = pd * pid; + ib = pb * pid; + ic = pc * pid; + id = pa * pid; + } + ra = ia * this.a - ib * this.c; + rb = ia * this.b - ib * this.d; + rc = id * this.c - ic * this.a; + rd = id * this.d - ic * this.b; + } + this.ashearX = 0; + this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(ra * ra + rc * rc); + if (this.ascaleX > 0.0001) { + var det = ra * rd - rb * rc; + this.ascaleY = det / this.ascaleX; + this.ashearY = -Math.atan2(ra * rb + rc * rd, det) * MathUtils.radDeg; + this.arotation = Math.atan2(rc, ra) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } else { + this.ascaleX = 0; + this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(rb * rb + rd * rd); + this.ashearY = 0; + this.arotation = 90 - Math.atan2(rd, rb) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + } + }, { + key: "getWorldRotationX", + value: function getWorldRotationX() { + return Math.atan2(this.c, this.a) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + }, { + key: "getWorldRotationY", + value: function getWorldRotationY() { + return Math.atan2(this.d, this.b) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + }, { + key: "getWorldScaleX", + value: function getWorldScaleX() { + return Math.sqrt(this.a * this.a + this.c * this.c); + } + }, { + key: "getWorldScaleY", + value: function getWorldScaleY() { + return Math.sqrt(this.b * this.b + this.d * this.d); + } + }, { + key: "worldToLocal", + value: function worldToLocal(world) { + var invDet = 1 / (this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c); + var x = world.x - this.worldX, + y = world.y - this.worldY; + world.x = x * this.d * invDet - y * this.b * invDet; + world.y = y * this.a * invDet - x * this.c * invDet; + return world; + } + }, { + key: "localToWorld", + value: function localToWorld(local) { + var x = local.x, + y = local.y; + local.x = x * this.a + y * this.b + this.worldX; + local.y = x * this.c + y * this.d + this.worldY; + return local; + } + }, { + key: "worldToParent", + value: function worldToParent(world) { + if (world == null) throw new Error("world cannot be null."); + return this.parent == null ? world : this.parent.worldToLocal(world); + } + }, { + key: "parentToWorld", + value: function parentToWorld(world) { + if (world == null) throw new Error("world cannot be null."); + return this.parent == null ? world : this.parent.localToWorld(world); + } + }, { + key: "worldToLocalRotation", + value: function worldToLocalRotation(worldRotation) { + var sin = MathUtils.sinDeg(worldRotation), + cos = MathUtils.cosDeg(worldRotation); + return Math.atan2(this.a * sin - this.c * cos, this.d * cos - this.b * sin) * MathUtils.radDeg + this.rotation - this.shearX; + } + }, { + key: "localToWorldRotation", + value: function localToWorldRotation(localRotation) { + localRotation -= this.rotation - this.shearX; + var sin = MathUtils.sinDeg(localRotation), + cos = MathUtils.cosDeg(localRotation); + return Math.atan2(cos * this.c + sin * this.d, cos * this.a + sin * this.b) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + }, { + key: "rotateWorld", + value: function rotateWorld(degrees) { + degrees *= MathUtils.degRad; + var sin = Math.sin(degrees), + cos = Math.cos(degrees); + var ra = this.a, + rb = this.b; + this.a = cos * ra - sin * this.c; + this.b = cos * rb - sin * this.d; + this.c = sin * ra + cos * this.c; + this.d = sin * rb + cos * this.d; + } + }]); + }(); + + var ConstraintData = _createClass(function ConstraintData(name, order, skinRequired) { + _classCallCheck(this, ConstraintData); + _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "order", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "skinRequired", void 0); + = name; + this.order = order; + this.skinRequired = skinRequired; + }); + + var AssetManagerBase = function () { + function AssetManagerBase(textureLoader) { + var pathPrefix = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ""; + var downloader = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : new Downloader(); + _classCallCheck(this, AssetManagerBase); + _defineProperty(this, "pathPrefix", ""); + _defineProperty(this, "textureLoader", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "downloader", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "assets", {}); + _defineProperty(this, "errors", {}); + _defineProperty(this, "toLoad", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "loaded", 0); + this.textureLoader = textureLoader; + this.pathPrefix = pathPrefix; + this.downloader = downloader; + } + return _createClass(AssetManagerBase, [{ + key: "start", + value: function start(path) { + this.toLoad++; + return this.pathPrefix + path; + } + }, { + key: "success", + value: function success(callback, path, asset) { + this.toLoad--; + this.loaded++; + this.assets[path] = asset; + if (callback) callback(path, asset); + } + }, { + key: "error", + value: function error(callback, path, message) { + this.toLoad--; + this.loaded++; + this.errors[path] = message; + if (callback) callback(path, message); + } + }, { + key: "loadAll", + value: function loadAll() { + var _this = this; + var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { + var check = function check() { + if (_this.isLoadingComplete()) { + if (_this.hasErrors()) reject(_this.errors);else resolve(_this); + return; + } + requestAnimationFrame(check); + }; + requestAnimationFrame(check); + }); + return promise; + } + }, { + key: "setRawDataURI", + value: function setRawDataURI(path, data) { + this.downloader.rawDataUris[this.pathPrefix + path] = data; + } + }, { + key: "loadBinary", + value: function loadBinary(path) { + var _this2 = this; + var success = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : function () {}; + var error = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : function () {}; + path = this.start(path); + this.downloader.downloadBinary(path, function (data) { + _this2.success(success, path, data); + }, function (status, responseText) { + _this2.error(error, path, "Couldn't load binary ".concat(path, ": status ").concat(status, ", ").concat(responseText)); + }); + } + }, { + key: "loadText", + value: function loadText(path) { + var _this3 = this; + var success = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : function () {}; + var error = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : function () {}; + path = this.start(path); + this.downloader.downloadText(path, function (data) { + _this3.success(success, path, data); + }, function (status, responseText) { + _this3.error(error, path, "Couldn't load text ".concat(path, ": status ").concat(status, ", ").concat(responseText)); + }); + } + }, { + key: "loadJson", + value: function loadJson(path) { + var _this4 = this; + var success = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : function () {}; + var error = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : function () {}; + path = this.start(path); + this.downloader.downloadJson(path, function (data) { + _this4.success(success, path, data); + }, function (status, responseText) { + _this4.error(error, path, "Couldn't load JSON ".concat(path, ": status ").concat(status, ", ").concat(responseText)); + }); + } + }, { + key: "loadTexture", + value: function loadTexture(path) { + var _this5 = this; + var success = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : function () {}; + var error = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : function () {}; + path = this.start(path); + var isBrowser = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && window.document); + var isWebWorker = !isBrowser; + if (isWebWorker) { + fetch(path, { + mode: "cors" + }).then(function (response) { + if (response.ok) return response.blob(); + _this5.error(error, path, "Couldn't load image: ".concat(path)); + return null; + }).then(function (blob) { + return blob ? createImageBitmap(blob, { + premultiplyAlpha: "none", + colorSpaceConversion: "none" + }) : null; + }).then(function (bitmap) { + if (bitmap) _this5.success(success, path, _this5.textureLoader(bitmap)); + }); + } else { + var image = new Image(); + image.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; + image.onload = function () { + _this5.success(success, path, _this5.textureLoader(image)); + }; + image.onerror = function () { + _this5.error(error, path, "Couldn't load image: ".concat(path)); + }; + if (this.downloader.rawDataUris[path]) path = this.downloader.rawDataUris[path]; + image.src = path; + } + } + }, { + key: "loadTextureAtlas", + value: function loadTextureAtlas(path) { + var _this6 = this; + var success = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : function () {}; + var error = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : function () {}; + var fileAlias = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; + var index = path.lastIndexOf("/"); + var parent = index >= 0 ? path.substring(0, index + 1) : ""; + path = this.start(path); + this.downloader.downloadText(path, function (atlasText) { + try { + var atlas = new TextureAtlas(atlasText); + var toLoad = atlas.pages.length, + abort = false; + var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(atlas.pages), + _step; + try { + var _loop = function _loop() { + var page = _step.value; + _this6.loadTexture(!fileAlias ? parent + : fileAlias[], function (imagePath, texture) { + if (!abort) { + page.setTexture(texture); + if (--toLoad == 0) _this6.success(success, path, atlas); + } + }, function (imagePath, message) { + if (!abort) _this6.error(error, path, "Couldn't load texture atlas ".concat(path, " page image: ").concat(imagePath)); + abort = true; + }); + }; + for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { + _loop(); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator.f(); + } + } catch (e) { + _this6.error(error, path, "Couldn't parse texture atlas ".concat(path, ": ").concat(e.message)); + } + }, function (status, responseText) { + _this6.error(error, path, "Couldn't load texture atlas ".concat(path, ": status ").concat(status, ", ").concat(responseText)); + }); + } + }, { + key: "get", + value: function get(path) { + return this.assets[this.pathPrefix + path]; + } + }, { + key: "require", + value: function require(path) { + path = this.pathPrefix + path; + var asset = this.assets[path]; + if (asset) return asset; + var error = this.errors[path]; + throw Error("Asset not found: " + path + (error ? "\n" + error : "")); + } + }, { + key: "remove", + value: function remove(path) { + path = this.pathPrefix + path; + var asset = this.assets[path]; + if (asset.dispose) asset.dispose(); + delete this.assets[path]; + return asset; + } + }, { + key: "removeAll", + value: function removeAll() { + for (var key in this.assets) { + var asset = this.assets[key]; + if (asset.dispose) asset.dispose(); + } + this.assets = {}; + } + }, { + key: "isLoadingComplete", + value: function isLoadingComplete() { + return this.toLoad == 0; + } + }, { + key: "getToLoad", + value: function getToLoad() { + return this.toLoad; + } + }, { + key: "getLoaded", + value: function getLoaded() { + return this.loaded; + } + }, { + key: "dispose", + value: function dispose() { + this.removeAll(); + } + }, { + key: "hasErrors", + value: function hasErrors() { + return Object.keys(this.errors).length > 0; + } + }, { + key: "getErrors", + value: function getErrors() { + return this.errors; + } + }]); + }(); + var Downloader = function () { + function Downloader() { + _classCallCheck(this, Downloader); + _defineProperty(this, "callbacks", {}); + _defineProperty(this, "rawDataUris", {}); + } + return _createClass(Downloader, [{ + key: "dataUriToString", + value: function dataUriToString(dataUri) { + if (!dataUri.startsWith("data:")) { + throw new Error("Not a data URI."); + } + var base64Idx = dataUri.indexOf("base64,"); + if (base64Idx != -1) { + base64Idx += "base64,".length; + return atob(dataUri.substr(base64Idx)); + } else { + return dataUri.substr(dataUri.indexOf(",") + 1); + } + } + }, { + key: "base64ToUint8Array", + value: function base64ToUint8Array(base64) { + var binary_string = window.atob(base64); + var len = binary_string.length; + var bytes = new Uint8Array(len); + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i); + } + return bytes; + } + }, { + key: "dataUriToUint8Array", + value: function dataUriToUint8Array(dataUri) { + if (!dataUri.startsWith("data:")) { + throw new Error("Not a data URI."); + } + var base64Idx = dataUri.indexOf("base64,"); + if (base64Idx == -1) throw new Error("Not a binary data URI."); + base64Idx += "base64,".length; + return this.base64ToUint8Array(dataUri.substr(base64Idx)); + } + }, { + key: "downloadText", + value: function downloadText(url, success, error) { + var _this7 = this; + if (this.start(url, success, error)) return; + if (this.rawDataUris[url]) { + try { + var dataUri = this.rawDataUris[url]; + this.finish(url, 200, this.dataUriToString(dataUri)); + } catch (e) { + this.finish(url, 400, JSON.stringify(e)); + } + return; + } + var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); + request.overrideMimeType("text/html"); +"GET", url, true); + var done = function done() { + _this7.finish(url, request.status, request.responseText); + }; + request.onload = done; + request.onerror = done; + request.send(); + } + }, { + key: "downloadJson", + value: function downloadJson(url, success, error) { + this.downloadText(url, function (data) { + success(JSON.parse(data)); + }, error); + } + }, { + key: "downloadBinary", + value: function downloadBinary(url, success, error) { + var _this8 = this; + if (this.start(url, success, error)) return; + if (this.rawDataUris[url]) { + try { + var dataUri = this.rawDataUris[url]; + this.finish(url, 200, this.dataUriToUint8Array(dataUri)); + } catch (e) { + this.finish(url, 400, JSON.stringify(e)); + } + return; + } + var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); +"GET", url, true); + request.responseType = "arraybuffer"; + var onerror = function onerror() { + _this8.finish(url, request.status, request.response); + }; + request.onload = function () { + if (request.status == 200 || request.status == 0) _this8.finish(url, 200, new Uint8Array(request.response));else onerror(); + }; + request.onerror = onerror; + request.send(); + } + }, { + key: "start", + value: function start(url, success, error) { + var callbacks = this.callbacks[url]; + try { + if (callbacks) return true; + this.callbacks[url] = callbacks = []; + } finally { + callbacks.push(success, error); + } + } + }, { + key: "finish", + value: function finish(url, status, data) { + var callbacks = this.callbacks[url]; + delete this.callbacks[url]; + var args = status == 200 || status == 0 ? [data] : [status, data]; + for (var i = args.length - 1, n = callbacks.length; i < n; i += 2) callbacks[i].apply(null, args); + } + }]); + }(); + + var Event = _createClass(function Event(time, data) { + _classCallCheck(this, Event); + _defineProperty(this, "data", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "intValue", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "floatValue", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "stringValue", null); + _defineProperty(this, "time", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "volume", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "balance", 0); + if (!data) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + this.time = time; + = data; + }); + + var EventData = _createClass(function EventData(name) { + _classCallCheck(this, EventData); + _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "intValue", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "floatValue", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "stringValue", null); + _defineProperty(this, "audioPath", null); + _defineProperty(this, "volume", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "balance", 0); + = name; + }); + + var IkConstraint = function () { + function IkConstraint(data, skeleton) { + _classCallCheck(this, IkConstraint); + _defineProperty(this, "data", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "bones", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "target", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "bendDirection", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "compress", false); + _defineProperty(this, "stretch", false); + _defineProperty(this, "mix", 1); + _defineProperty(this, "softness", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "active", false); + if (!data) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!skeleton) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + = data; + this.bones = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < data.bones.length; i++) { + var bone = skeleton.findBone(data.bones[i].name); + if (!bone) throw new Error("Couldn't find bone ".concat(data.bones[i].name)); + this.bones.push(bone); + } + var target = skeleton.findBone(; + if (!target) throw new Error("Couldn't find bone ".concat(; + = target; + this.mix = data.mix; + this.softness = data.softness; + this.bendDirection = data.bendDirection; + this.compress = data.compress; + this.stretch = data.stretch; + } + return _createClass(IkConstraint, [{ + key: "isActive", + value: function isActive() { + return; + } + }, { + key: "setToSetupPose", + value: function setToSetupPose() { + var data =; + this.mix = data.mix; + this.softness = data.softness; + this.bendDirection = data.bendDirection; + this.compress = data.compress; + this.stretch = data.stretch; + } + }, { + key: "update", + value: function update(physics) { + if (this.mix == 0) return; + var target =; + var bones = this.bones; + switch (bones.length) { + case 1: + this.apply1(bones[0], target.worldX, target.worldY, this.compress, this.stretch,, this.mix); + break; + case 2: + this.apply2(bones[0], bones[1], target.worldX, target.worldY, this.bendDirection, this.stretch,, this.softness, this.mix); + break; + } + } + }, { + key: "apply1", + value: function apply1(bone, targetX, targetY, compress, stretch, uniform, alpha) { + var p = bone.parent; + if (!p) throw new Error("IK bone must have parent."); + var pa = p.a, + pb = p.b, + pc = p.c, + pd = p.d; + var rotationIK = -bone.ashearX - bone.arotation, + tx = 0, + ty = 0; + switch (bone.inherit) { + case Inherit.OnlyTranslation: + tx = (targetX - bone.worldX) * MathUtils.signum(bone.skeleton.scaleX); + ty = (targetY - bone.worldY) * MathUtils.signum(bone.skeleton.scaleY); + break; + case Inherit.NoRotationOrReflection: + var s = Math.abs(pa * pd - pb * pc) / Math.max(0.0001, pa * pa + pc * pc); + var sa = pa / bone.skeleton.scaleX; + var sc = pc / bone.skeleton.scaleY; + pb = -sc * s * bone.skeleton.scaleX; + pd = sa * s * bone.skeleton.scaleY; + rotationIK += Math.atan2(sc, sa) * MathUtils.radDeg; + default: + var x = targetX - p.worldX, + y = targetY - p.worldY; + var d = pa * pd - pb * pc; + if (Math.abs(d) <= 0.0001) { + tx = 0; + ty = 0; + } else { + tx = (x * pd - y * pb) / d -; + ty = (y * pa - x * pc) / d - bone.ay; + } + } + rotationIK += Math.atan2(ty, tx) * MathUtils.radDeg; + if (bone.ascaleX < 0) rotationIK += 180; + if (rotationIK > 180) rotationIK -= 360;else if (rotationIK < -180) rotationIK += 360; + var sx = bone.ascaleX, + sy = bone.ascaleY; + if (compress || stretch) { + switch (bone.inherit) { + case Inherit.NoScale: + case Inherit.NoScaleOrReflection: + tx = targetX - bone.worldX; + ty = targetY - bone.worldY; + } + var b = * sx; + if (b > 0.0001) { + var dd = tx * tx + ty * ty; + if (compress && dd < b * b || stretch && dd > b * b) { + var _s = (Math.sqrt(dd) / b - 1) * alpha + 1; + sx *= _s; + if (uniform) sy *= _s; + } + } + } + bone.updateWorldTransformWith(, bone.ay, bone.arotation + rotationIK * alpha, sx, sy, bone.ashearX, bone.ashearY); + } + }, { + key: "apply2", + value: function apply2(parent, child, targetX, targetY, bendDir, stretch, uniform, softness, alpha) { + if (parent.inherit != Inherit.Normal || child.inherit != Inherit.Normal) return; + var px =, + py = parent.ay, + psx = parent.ascaleX, + psy = parent.ascaleY, + sx = psx, + sy = psy, + csx = child.ascaleX; + var os1 = 0, + os2 = 0, + s2 = 0; + if (psx < 0) { + psx = -psx; + os1 = 180; + s2 = -1; + } else { + os1 = 0; + s2 = 1; + } + if (psy < 0) { + psy = -psy; + s2 = -s2; + } + if (csx < 0) { + csx = -csx; + os2 = 180; + } else os2 = 0; + var cx =, + cy = 0, + cwx = 0, + cwy = 0, + a = parent.a, + b = parent.b, + c = parent.c, + d = parent.d; + var u = Math.abs(psx - psy) <= 0.0001; + if (!u || stretch) { + cy = 0; + cwx = a * cx + parent.worldX; + cwy = c * cx + parent.worldY; + } else { + cy = child.ay; + cwx = a * cx + b * cy + parent.worldX; + cwy = c * cx + d * cy + parent.worldY; + } + var pp = parent.parent; + if (!pp) throw new Error("IK parent must itself have a parent."); + a = pp.a; + b = pp.b; + c = pp.c; + d = pp.d; + var id = a * d - b * c, + x = cwx - pp.worldX, + y = cwy - pp.worldY; + id = Math.abs(id) <= 0.0001 ? 0 : 1 / id; + var dx = (x * d - y * b) * id - px, + dy = (y * a - x * c) * id - py; + var l1 = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy), + l2 = * csx, + a1, + a2; + if (l1 < 0.0001) { + this.apply1(parent, targetX, targetY, false, stretch, false, alpha); + child.updateWorldTransformWith(cx, cy, 0, child.ascaleX, child.ascaleY, child.ashearX, child.ashearY); + return; + } + x = targetX - pp.worldX; + y = targetY - pp.worldY; + var tx = (x * d - y * b) * id - px, + ty = (y * a - x * c) * id - py; + var dd = tx * tx + ty * ty; + if (softness != 0) { + softness *= psx * (csx + 1) * 0.5; + var td = Math.sqrt(dd), + sd = td - l1 - l2 * psx + softness; + if (sd > 0) { + var p = Math.min(1, sd / (softness * 2)) - 1; + p = (sd - softness * (1 - p * p)) / td; + tx -= p * tx; + ty -= p * ty; + dd = tx * tx + ty * ty; + } + } + outer: if (u) { + l2 *= psx; + var cos = (dd - l1 * l1 - l2 * l2) / (2 * l1 * l2); + if (cos < -1) { + cos = -1; + a2 = Math.PI * bendDir; + } else if (cos > 1) { + cos = 1; + a2 = 0; + if (stretch) { + a = (Math.sqrt(dd) / (l1 + l2) - 1) * alpha + 1; + sx *= a; + if (uniform) sy *= a; + } + } else a2 = Math.acos(cos) * bendDir; + a = l1 + l2 * cos; + b = l2 * Math.sin(a2); + a1 = Math.atan2(ty * a - tx * b, tx * a + ty * b); + } else { + a = psx * l2; + b = psy * l2; + var aa = a * a, + bb = b * b, + ta = Math.atan2(ty, tx); + c = bb * l1 * l1 + aa * dd - aa * bb; + var c1 = -2 * bb * l1, + c2 = bb - aa; + d = c1 * c1 - 4 * c2 * c; + if (d >= 0) { + var q = Math.sqrt(d); + if (c1 < 0) q = -q; + q = -(c1 + q) * 0.5; + var r0 = q / c2, + r1 = c / q; + var r = Math.abs(r0) < Math.abs(r1) ? r0 : r1; + if (r * r <= dd) { + y = Math.sqrt(dd - r * r) * bendDir; + a1 = ta - Math.atan2(y, r); + a2 = Math.atan2(y / psy, (r - l1) / psx); + break outer; + } + } + var minAngle = MathUtils.PI, + minX = l1 - a, + minDist = minX * minX, + minY = 0; + var maxAngle = 0, + maxX = l1 + a, + maxDist = maxX * maxX, + maxY = 0; + c = -a * l1 / (aa - bb); + if (c >= -1 && c <= 1) { + c = Math.acos(c); + x = a * Math.cos(c) + l1; + y = b * Math.sin(c); + d = x * x + y * y; + if (d < minDist) { + minAngle = c; + minDist = d; + minX = x; + minY = y; + } + if (d > maxDist) { + maxAngle = c; + maxDist = d; + maxX = x; + maxY = y; + } + } + if (dd <= (minDist + maxDist) * 0.5) { + a1 = ta - Math.atan2(minY * bendDir, minX); + a2 = minAngle * bendDir; + } else { + a1 = ta - Math.atan2(maxY * bendDir, maxX); + a2 = maxAngle * bendDir; + } + } + var os = Math.atan2(cy, cx) * s2; + var rotation = parent.arotation; + a1 = (a1 - os) * MathUtils.radDeg + os1 - rotation; + if (a1 > 180) a1 -= 360;else if (a1 < -180) a1 += 360; + parent.updateWorldTransformWith(px, py, rotation + a1 * alpha, sx, sy, 0, 0); + rotation = child.arotation; + a2 = ((a2 + os) * MathUtils.radDeg - child.ashearX) * s2 + os2 - rotation; + if (a2 > 180) a2 -= 360;else if (a2 < -180) a2 += 360; + child.updateWorldTransformWith(cx, cy, rotation + a2 * alpha, child.ascaleX, child.ascaleY, child.ashearX, child.ashearY); + } + }]); + }(); + + function _callSuper$5(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var IkConstraintData = function (_ConstraintData) { + function IkConstraintData(name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, IkConstraintData); + _this2 = _callSuper$5(this, IkConstraintData, [name, 0, false]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "bones", new Array()); + _defineProperty(_this2, "_target", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "bendDirection", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "compress", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "stretch", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "uniform", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mix", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "softness", 0); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(IkConstraintData, _ConstraintData); + return _createClass(IkConstraintData, [{ + key: "target", + get: function get() { + if (!this._target) throw new Error("BoneData not set.");else return this._target; + }, + set: function set(boneData) { + this._target = boneData; + } + }]); + }(ConstraintData); + + function _callSuper$4(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var PathConstraintData = function (_ConstraintData) { + function PathConstraintData(name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, PathConstraintData); + _this2 = _callSuper$4(this, PathConstraintData, [name, 0, false]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "bones", new Array()); + _defineProperty(_this2, "_target", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "positionMode", PositionMode.Fixed); + _defineProperty(_this2, "spacingMode", SpacingMode.Fixed); + _defineProperty(_this2, "rotateMode", RotateMode.Chain); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offsetRotation", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "position", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "spacing", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixRotate", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixX", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixY", 0); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(PathConstraintData, _ConstraintData); + return _createClass(PathConstraintData, [{ + key: "target", + get: function get() { + if (!this._target) throw new Error("SlotData not set.");else return this._target; + }, + set: function set(slotData) { + this._target = slotData; + } + }]); + }(ConstraintData); + var PositionMode; + (function (PositionMode) { + PositionMode[PositionMode["Fixed"] = 0] = "Fixed"; + PositionMode[PositionMode["Percent"] = 1] = "Percent"; + })(PositionMode || (PositionMode = {})); + var SpacingMode; + (function (SpacingMode) { + SpacingMode[SpacingMode["Length"] = 0] = "Length"; + SpacingMode[SpacingMode["Fixed"] = 1] = "Fixed"; + SpacingMode[SpacingMode["Percent"] = 2] = "Percent"; + SpacingMode[SpacingMode["Proportional"] = 3] = "Proportional"; + })(SpacingMode || (SpacingMode = {})); + var RotateMode; + (function (RotateMode) { + RotateMode[RotateMode["Tangent"] = 0] = "Tangent"; + RotateMode[RotateMode["Chain"] = 1] = "Chain"; + RotateMode[RotateMode["ChainScale"] = 2] = "ChainScale"; + })(RotateMode || (RotateMode = {})); + + var PathConstraint = function () { + function PathConstraint(data, skeleton) { + _classCallCheck(this, PathConstraint); + _defineProperty(this, "data", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "bones", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "target", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "position", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "spacing", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixRotate", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "spaces", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "positions", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "world", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "curves", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "lengths", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "segments", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "active", false); + if (!data) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!skeleton) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + = data; + this.bones = new Array(); + for (var i = 0, n = data.bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = skeleton.findBone(data.bones[i].name); + if (!bone) throw new Error("Couldn't find bone ".concat(data.bones[i].name, ".")); + this.bones.push(bone); + } + var target = skeleton.findSlot(; + if (!target) throw new Error("Couldn't find target bone ".concat(; + = target; + this.position = data.position; + this.spacing = data.spacing; + this.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + this.mixX = data.mixX; + this.mixY = data.mixY; + } + return _createClass(PathConstraint, [{ + key: "isActive", + value: function isActive() { + return; + } + }, { + key: "setToSetupPose", + value: function setToSetupPose() { + var data =; + this.position = data.position; + this.spacing = data.spacing; + this.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + this.mixX = data.mixX; + this.mixY = data.mixY; + } + }, { + key: "update", + value: function update(physics) { + var attachment =; + if (!(attachment instanceof PathAttachment)) return; + var mixRotate = this.mixRotate, + mixX = this.mixX, + mixY = this.mixY; + if (mixRotate == 0 && mixX == 0 && mixY == 0) return; + var data =; + var tangents = data.rotateMode == RotateMode.Tangent, + scale = data.rotateMode == RotateMode.ChainScale; + var bones = this.bones; + var boneCount = bones.length, + spacesCount = tangents ? boneCount : boneCount + 1; + var spaces = Utils.setArraySize(this.spaces, spacesCount), + lengths = scale ? this.lengths = Utils.setArraySize(this.lengths, boneCount) : []; + var spacing = this.spacing; + switch (data.spacingMode) { + case SpacingMode.Percent: + if (scale) { + for (var i = 0, n = spacesCount - 1; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + var setupLength =; + var x = setupLength * bone.a, + y = setupLength * bone.c; + lengths[i] = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); + } + } + Utils.arrayFill(spaces, 1, spacesCount, spacing); + break; + case SpacingMode.Proportional: + var sum = 0; + for (var _i = 0, _n = spacesCount - 1; _i < _n;) { + var _bone = bones[_i]; + var _setupLength =; + if (_setupLength < PathConstraint.epsilon) { + if (scale) lengths[_i] = 0; + spaces[++_i] = spacing; + } else { + var _x = _setupLength * _bone.a, + _y = _setupLength * _bone.c; + var length = Math.sqrt(_x * _x + _y * _y); + if (scale) lengths[_i] = length; + spaces[++_i] = length; + sum += length; + } + } + if (sum > 0) { + sum = spacesCount / sum * spacing; + for (var _i2 = 1; _i2 < spacesCount; _i2++) spaces[_i2] *= sum; + } + break; + default: + var lengthSpacing = data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length; + for (var _i3 = 0, _n2 = spacesCount - 1; _i3 < _n2;) { + var _bone2 = bones[_i3]; + var _setupLength2 =; + if (_setupLength2 < PathConstraint.epsilon) { + if (scale) lengths[_i3] = 0; + spaces[++_i3] = spacing; + } else { + var _x2 = _setupLength2 * _bone2.a, + _y2 = _setupLength2 * _bone2.c; + var _length = Math.sqrt(_x2 * _x2 + _y2 * _y2); + if (scale) lengths[_i3] = _length; + spaces[++_i3] = (lengthSpacing ? _setupLength2 + spacing : spacing) * _length / _setupLength2; + } + } + } + var positions = this.computeWorldPositions(attachment, spacesCount, tangents); + var boneX = positions[0], + boneY = positions[1], + offsetRotation = data.offsetRotation; + var tip = false; + if (offsetRotation == 0) tip = data.rotateMode == RotateMode.Chain;else { + tip = false; + var p =; + offsetRotation *= p.a * p.d - p.b * p.c > 0 ? MathUtils.degRad : -MathUtils.degRad; + } + for (var _i4 = 0, _p = 3; _i4 < boneCount; _i4++, _p += 3) { + var _bone3 = bones[_i4]; + _bone3.worldX += (boneX - _bone3.worldX) * mixX; + _bone3.worldY += (boneY - _bone3.worldY) * mixY; + var _x3 = positions[_p], + _y3 = positions[_p + 1], + dx = _x3 - boneX, + dy = _y3 - boneY; + if (scale) { + var _length2 = lengths[_i4]; + if (_length2 != 0) { + var s = (Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / _length2 - 1) * mixRotate + 1; + _bone3.a *= s; + _bone3.c *= s; + } + } + boneX = _x3; + boneY = _y3; + if (mixRotate > 0) { + var a = _bone3.a, + b = _bone3.b, + c = _bone3.c, + d = _bone3.d, + r = 0, + cos = 0, + sin = 0; + if (tangents) r = positions[_p - 1];else if (spaces[_i4 + 1] == 0) r = positions[_p + 2];else r = Math.atan2(dy, dx); + r -= Math.atan2(c, a); + if (tip) { + cos = Math.cos(r); + sin = Math.sin(r); + var _length3 =; + boneX += (_length3 * (cos * a - sin * c) - dx) * mixRotate; + boneY += (_length3 * (sin * a + cos * c) - dy) * mixRotate; + } else { + r += offsetRotation; + } + if (r > MathUtils.PI) r -= MathUtils.PI2;else if (r < -MathUtils.PI) r += MathUtils.PI2; + r *= mixRotate; + cos = Math.cos(r); + sin = Math.sin(r); + _bone3.a = cos * a - sin * c; + _bone3.b = cos * b - sin * d; + _bone3.c = sin * a + cos * c; + _bone3.d = sin * b + cos * d; + } + _bone3.updateAppliedTransform(); + } + } + }, { + key: "computeWorldPositions", + value: function computeWorldPositions(path, spacesCount, tangents) { + var target =; + var position = this.position; + var spaces = this.spaces, + out = Utils.setArraySize(this.positions, spacesCount * 3 + 2), + world =; + var closed = path.closed; + var verticesLength = path.worldVerticesLength, + curveCount = verticesLength / 6, + prevCurve = PathConstraint.NONE; + if (!path.constantSpeed) { + var lengths = path.lengths; + curveCount -= closed ? 1 : 2; + var _pathLength = lengths[curveCount]; + if ( == PositionMode.Percent) position *= _pathLength; + var _multiplier; + switch ( { + case SpacingMode.Percent: + _multiplier = _pathLength; + break; + case SpacingMode.Proportional: + _multiplier = _pathLength / spacesCount; + break; + default: + _multiplier = 1; + } + world = Utils.setArraySize(, 8); + for (var i = 0, o = 0, curve = 0; i < spacesCount; i++, o += 3) { + var space = spaces[i] * _multiplier; + position += space; + var p = position; + if (closed) { + p %= _pathLength; + if (p < 0) p += _pathLength; + curve = 0; + } else if (p < 0) { + if (prevCurve != PathConstraint.BEFORE) { + prevCurve = PathConstraint.BEFORE; + path.computeWorldVertices(target, 2, 4, world, 0, 2); + } + this.addBeforePosition(p, world, 0, out, o); + continue; + } else if (p > _pathLength) { + if (prevCurve != PathConstraint.AFTER) { + prevCurve = PathConstraint.AFTER; + path.computeWorldVertices(target, verticesLength - 6, 4, world, 0, 2); + } + this.addAfterPosition(p - _pathLength, world, 0, out, o); + continue; + } + for (;; curve++) { + var length = lengths[curve]; + if (p > length) continue; + if (curve == 0) p /= length;else { + var prev = lengths[curve - 1]; + p = (p - prev) / (length - prev); + } + break; + } + if (curve != prevCurve) { + prevCurve = curve; + if (closed && curve == curveCount) { + path.computeWorldVertices(target, verticesLength - 4, 4, world, 0, 2); + path.computeWorldVertices(target, 0, 4, world, 4, 2); + } else path.computeWorldVertices(target, curve * 6 + 2, 8, world, 0, 2); + } + this.addCurvePosition(p, world[0], world[1], world[2], world[3], world[4], world[5], world[6], world[7], out, o, tangents || i > 0 && space == 0); + } + return out; + } + if (closed) { + verticesLength += 2; + world = Utils.setArraySize(, verticesLength); + path.computeWorldVertices(target, 2, verticesLength - 4, world, 0, 2); + path.computeWorldVertices(target, 0, 2, world, verticesLength - 4, 2); + world[verticesLength - 2] = world[0]; + world[verticesLength - 1] = world[1]; + } else { + curveCount--; + verticesLength -= 4; + world = Utils.setArraySize(, verticesLength); + path.computeWorldVertices(target, 2, verticesLength, world, 0, 2); + } + var curves = Utils.setArraySize(this.curves, curveCount); + var pathLength = 0; + var x1 = world[0], + y1 = world[1], + cx1 = 0, + cy1 = 0, + cx2 = 0, + cy2 = 0, + x2 = 0, + y2 = 0; + var tmpx = 0, + tmpy = 0, + dddfx = 0, + dddfy = 0, + ddfx = 0, + ddfy = 0, + dfx = 0, + dfy = 0; + for (var _i5 = 0, w = 2; _i5 < curveCount; _i5++, w += 6) { + cx1 = world[w]; + cy1 = world[w + 1]; + cx2 = world[w + 2]; + cy2 = world[w + 3]; + x2 = world[w + 4]; + y2 = world[w + 5]; + tmpx = (x1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.1875; + tmpy = (y1 - cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.1875; + dddfx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - x1 + x2) * 0.09375; + dddfy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 - y1 + y2) * 0.09375; + ddfx = tmpx * 2 + dddfx; + ddfy = tmpy * 2 + dddfy; + dfx = (cx1 - x1) * 0.75 + tmpx + dddfx * 0.16666667; + dfy = (cy1 - y1) * 0.75 + tmpy + dddfy * 0.16666667; + pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + dfx += ddfx; + dfy += ddfy; + ddfx += dddfx; + ddfy += dddfy; + pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + dfx += ddfx; + dfy += ddfy; + pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + dfx += ddfx + dddfx; + dfy += ddfy + dddfy; + pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + curves[_i5] = pathLength; + x1 = x2; + y1 = y2; + } + if ( == PositionMode.Percent) position *= pathLength; + var multiplier; + switch ( { + case SpacingMode.Percent: + multiplier = pathLength; + break; + case SpacingMode.Proportional: + multiplier = pathLength / spacesCount; + break; + default: + multiplier = 1; + } + var segments = this.segments; + var curveLength = 0; + for (var _i6 = 0, _o = 0, _curve = 0, segment = 0; _i6 < spacesCount; _i6++, _o += 3) { + var _space = spaces[_i6] * multiplier; + position += _space; + var _p2 = position; + if (closed) { + _p2 %= pathLength; + if (_p2 < 0) _p2 += pathLength; + _curve = 0; + } else if (_p2 < 0) { + this.addBeforePosition(_p2, world, 0, out, _o); + continue; + } else if (_p2 > pathLength) { + this.addAfterPosition(_p2 - pathLength, world, verticesLength - 4, out, _o); + continue; + } + for (;; _curve++) { + var _length4 = curves[_curve]; + if (_p2 > _length4) continue; + if (_curve == 0) _p2 /= _length4;else { + var _prev = curves[_curve - 1]; + _p2 = (_p2 - _prev) / (_length4 - _prev); + } + break; + } + if (_curve != prevCurve) { + prevCurve = _curve; + var ii = _curve * 6; + x1 = world[ii]; + y1 = world[ii + 1]; + cx1 = world[ii + 2]; + cy1 = world[ii + 3]; + cx2 = world[ii + 4]; + cy2 = world[ii + 5]; + x2 = world[ii + 6]; + y2 = world[ii + 7]; + tmpx = (x1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.03; + tmpy = (y1 - cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.03; + dddfx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - x1 + x2) * 0.006; + dddfy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 - y1 + y2) * 0.006; + ddfx = tmpx * 2 + dddfx; + ddfy = tmpy * 2 + dddfy; + dfx = (cx1 - x1) * 0.3 + tmpx + dddfx * 0.16666667; + dfy = (cy1 - y1) * 0.3 + tmpy + dddfy * 0.16666667; + curveLength = Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + segments[0] = curveLength; + for (ii = 1; ii < 8; ii++) { + dfx += ddfx; + dfy += ddfy; + ddfx += dddfx; + ddfy += dddfy; + curveLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + segments[ii] = curveLength; + } + dfx += ddfx; + dfy += ddfy; + curveLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + segments[8] = curveLength; + dfx += ddfx + dddfx; + dfy += ddfy + dddfy; + curveLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + segments[9] = curveLength; + segment = 0; + } + _p2 *= curveLength; + for (;; segment++) { + var _length5 = segments[segment]; + if (_p2 > _length5) continue; + if (segment == 0) _p2 /= _length5;else { + var _prev2 = segments[segment - 1]; + _p2 = segment + (_p2 - _prev2) / (_length5 - _prev2); + } + break; + } + this.addCurvePosition(_p2 * 0.1, x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2, out, _o, tangents || _i6 > 0 && _space == 0); + } + return out; + } + }, { + key: "addBeforePosition", + value: function addBeforePosition(p, temp, i, out, o) { + var x1 = temp[i], + y1 = temp[i + 1], + dx = temp[i + 2] - x1, + dy = temp[i + 3] - y1, + r = Math.atan2(dy, dx); + out[o] = x1 + p * Math.cos(r); + out[o + 1] = y1 + p * Math.sin(r); + out[o + 2] = r; + } + }, { + key: "addAfterPosition", + value: function addAfterPosition(p, temp, i, out, o) { + var x1 = temp[i + 2], + y1 = temp[i + 3], + dx = x1 - temp[i], + dy = y1 - temp[i + 1], + r = Math.atan2(dy, dx); + out[o] = x1 + p * Math.cos(r); + out[o + 1] = y1 + p * Math.sin(r); + out[o + 2] = r; + } + }, { + key: "addCurvePosition", + value: function addCurvePosition(p, x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2, out, o, tangents) { + if (p == 0 || isNaN(p)) { + out[o] = x1; + out[o + 1] = y1; + out[o + 2] = Math.atan2(cy1 - y1, cx1 - x1); + return; + } + var tt = p * p, + ttt = tt * p, + u = 1 - p, + uu = u * u, + uuu = uu * u; + var ut = u * p, + ut3 = ut * 3, + uut3 = u * ut3, + utt3 = ut3 * p; + var x = x1 * uuu + cx1 * uut3 + cx2 * utt3 + x2 * ttt, + y = y1 * uuu + cy1 * uut3 + cy2 * utt3 + y2 * ttt; + out[o] = x; + out[o + 1] = y; + if (tangents) { + if (p < 0.001) out[o + 2] = Math.atan2(cy1 - y1, cx1 - x1);else out[o + 2] = Math.atan2(y - (y1 * uu + cy1 * ut * 2 + cy2 * tt), x - (x1 * uu + cx1 * ut * 2 + cx2 * tt)); + } + } + }]); + }(); + _defineProperty(PathConstraint, "NONE", -1); + _defineProperty(PathConstraint, "BEFORE", -2); + _defineProperty(PathConstraint, "AFTER", -3); + _defineProperty(PathConstraint, "epsilon", 0.00001); + + var PhysicsConstraint = function () { + function PhysicsConstraint(data, skeleton) { + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraint); + _defineProperty(this, "data", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "_bone", null); + _defineProperty(this, "inertia", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "strength", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "damping", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "massInverse", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "wind", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "gravity", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mix", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "_reset", true); + _defineProperty(this, "ux", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "uy", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "cx", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "cy", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "tx", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "ty", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "xOffset", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "xVelocity", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "yOffset", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "yVelocity", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "rotateOffset", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "rotateVelocity", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "scaleOffset", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "scaleVelocity", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "active", false); + _defineProperty(this, "skeleton", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "remaining", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "lastTime", 0); + = data; + this.skeleton = skeleton; + this.bone = skeleton.bones[data.bone.index]; + this.inertia = data.inertia; + this.strength = data.strength; + this.damping = data.damping; + this.massInverse = data.massInverse; + this.wind = data.wind; + this.gravity = data.gravity; + this.mix = data.mix; + } + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraint, [{ + key: "bone", + get: function get() { + if (!this._bone) throw new Error("Bone not set.");else return this._bone; + }, + set: function set(bone) { + this._bone = bone; + } + }, { + key: "reset", + value: function reset() { + this.remaining = 0; + this.lastTime = this.skeleton.time; + this._reset = true; + this.xOffset = 0; + this.xVelocity = 0; + this.yOffset = 0; + this.yVelocity = 0; + this.rotateOffset = 0; + this.rotateVelocity = 0; + this.scaleOffset = 0; + this.scaleVelocity = 0; + } + }, { + key: "setToSetupPose", + value: function setToSetupPose() { + var data =; + this.inertia = data.inertia; + this.strength = data.strength; + this.damping = data.damping; + this.massInverse = data.massInverse; + this.wind = data.wind; + this.gravity = data.gravity; + this.mix = data.mix; + } + }, { + key: "isActive", + value: function isActive() { + return; + } + }, { + key: "update", + value: function update(physics) { + var mix = this.mix; + if (mix == 0) return; + var x = > 0, + y = > 0, + rotateOrShearX = > 0 || > 0, + scaleX = > 0; + var bone = this.bone; + var l =; + switch (physics) { + case Physics.none: + return; + case Physics.reset: + this.reset(); + case Physics.update: + var delta = Math.max(this.skeleton.time - this.lastTime, 0); + this.remaining += delta; + this.lastTime = this.skeleton.time; + var bx = bone.worldX, + by = bone.worldY; + if (this._reset) { + this._reset = false; + this.ux = bx; + = by; + } else { + var a = this.remaining, + i = this.inertia, + q = * delta, + t =, + f =, + d = -1; + if (x || y) { + if (x) { + var u = (this.ux - bx) * i; + this.xOffset += u > q ? q : u < -q ? -q : u; + this.ux = bx; + } + if (y) { + var _u = ( - by) * i; + this.yOffset += _u > q ? q : _u < -q ? -q : _u; + = by; + } + if (a >= t) { + d = Math.pow(this.damping, 60 * t); + var m = this.massInverse * t, + e = this.strength, + w = this.wind * f, + g = (Skeleton.yDown ? -this.gravity : this.gravity) * f; + do { + if (x) { + this.xVelocity += (w - this.xOffset * e) * m; + this.xOffset += this.xVelocity * t; + this.xVelocity *= d; + } + if (y) { + this.yVelocity -= (g + this.yOffset * e) * m; + this.yOffset += this.yVelocity * t; + this.yVelocity *= d; + } + a -= t; + } while (a >= t); + } + if (x) bone.worldX += this.xOffset * mix *; + if (y) bone.worldY += this.yOffset * mix *; + } + if (rotateOrShearX || scaleX) { + var ca = Math.atan2(bone.c, bone.a), + c = 0, + s = 0, + mr = 0; + var dx = - bone.worldX, + dy = - bone.worldY; + if (dx > q) dx = q;else if (dx < -q) dx = -q; + if (dy > q) dy = q;else if (dy < -q) dy = -q; + if (rotateOrShearX) { + mr = ( + * mix; + var r = Math.atan2(dy + this.ty, dx + this.tx) - ca - this.rotateOffset * mr; + this.rotateOffset += (r - Math.ceil(r * MathUtils.invPI2 - 0.5) * MathUtils.PI2) * i; + r = this.rotateOffset * mr + ca; + c = Math.cos(r); + s = Math.sin(r); + if (scaleX) { + r = l * bone.getWorldScaleX(); + if (r > 0) this.scaleOffset += (dx * c + dy * s) * i / r; + } + } else { + c = Math.cos(ca); + s = Math.sin(ca); + var _r = l * bone.getWorldScaleX(); + if (_r > 0) this.scaleOffset += (dx * c + dy * s) * i / _r; + } + a = this.remaining; + if (a >= t) { + if (d == -1) d = Math.pow(this.damping, 60 * t); + var _m = this.massInverse * t, + _e = this.strength, + _w = this.wind, + _g = Skeleton.yDown ? -this.gravity : this.gravity, + h = l / f; + while (true) { + a -= t; + if (scaleX) { + this.scaleVelocity += (_w * c - _g * s - this.scaleOffset * _e) * _m; + this.scaleOffset += this.scaleVelocity * t; + this.scaleVelocity *= d; + } + if (rotateOrShearX) { + this.rotateVelocity -= ((_w * s + _g * c) * h + this.rotateOffset * _e) * _m; + this.rotateOffset += this.rotateVelocity * t; + this.rotateVelocity *= d; + if (a < t) break; + var _r2 = this.rotateOffset * mr + ca; + c = Math.cos(_r2); + s = Math.sin(_r2); + } else if (a < t) break; + } + } + } + this.remaining = a; + } + = bone.worldX; + = bone.worldY; + break; + case Physics.pose: + if (x) bone.worldX += this.xOffset * mix *; + if (y) bone.worldY += this.yOffset * mix *; + } + if (rotateOrShearX) { + var o = this.rotateOffset * mix, + _s = 0, + _c = 0, + _a = 0; + if ( > 0) { + var _r3 = 0; + if ( > 0) { + _r3 = o *; + _s = Math.sin(_r3); + _c = Math.cos(_r3); + _a = bone.b; + bone.b = _c * _a - _s * bone.d; + bone.d = _s * _a + _c * bone.d; + } + _r3 += o *; + _s = Math.sin(_r3); + _c = Math.cos(_r3); + _a = bone.a; + bone.a = _c * _a - _s * bone.c; + bone.c = _s * _a + _c * bone.c; + } else { + o *=; + _s = Math.sin(o); + _c = Math.cos(o); + _a = bone.a; + bone.a = _c * _a - _s * bone.c; + bone.c = _s * _a + _c * bone.c; + _a = bone.b; + bone.b = _c * _a - _s * bone.d; + bone.d = _s * _a + _c * bone.d; + } + } + if (scaleX) { + var _s2 = 1 + this.scaleOffset * mix *; + bone.a *= _s2; + bone.c *= _s2; + } + if (physics != Physics.pose) { + this.tx = l * bone.a; + this.ty = l * bone.c; + } + bone.updateAppliedTransform(); + } + }, { + key: "translate", + value: function translate(x, y) { + this.ux -= x; + -= y; + -= x; + -= y; + } + }, { + key: "rotate", + value: function rotate(x, y, degrees) { + var r = degrees * MathUtils.degRad, + cos = Math.cos(r), + sin = Math.sin(r); + var dx = - x, + dy = - y; + this.translate(dx * cos - dy * sin - dx, dx * sin + dy * cos - dy); + } + }]); + }(); + + var Slot = function () { + function Slot(data, bone) { + _classCallCheck(this, Slot); + _defineProperty(this, "data", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "bone", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "color", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "darkColor", null); + _defineProperty(this, "attachment", null); + _defineProperty(this, "attachmentState", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "sequenceIndex", -1); + _defineProperty(this, "deform", new Array()); + if (!data) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!bone) throw new Error("bone cannot be null."); + = data; + this.bone = bone; + this.color = new Color(); + this.darkColor = !data.darkColor ? null : new Color(); + this.setToSetupPose(); + } + return _createClass(Slot, [{ + key: "getSkeleton", + value: function getSkeleton() { + return this.bone.skeleton; + } + }, { + key: "getAttachment", + value: function getAttachment() { + return this.attachment; + } + }, { + key: "setAttachment", + value: function setAttachment(attachment) { + if (this.attachment == attachment) return; + if (!(attachment instanceof VertexAttachment) || !(this.attachment instanceof VertexAttachment) || attachment.timelineAttachment != this.attachment.timelineAttachment) { + this.deform.length = 0; + } + this.attachment = attachment; + this.sequenceIndex = -1; + } + }, { + key: "setToSetupPose", + value: function setToSetupPose() { + this.color.setFromColor(; + if (this.darkColor) this.darkColor.setFromColor(; + if (! this.attachment = null;else { + this.attachment = null; + this.setAttachment(this.bone.skeleton.getAttachment(,; + } + } + }]); + }(); + + var TransformConstraint = function () { + function TransformConstraint(data, skeleton) { + _classCallCheck(this, TransformConstraint); + _defineProperty(this, "data", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "bones", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "target", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixRotate", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixScaleX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixScaleY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mixShearY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "temp", new Vector2()); + _defineProperty(this, "active", false); + if (!data) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!skeleton) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + = data; + this.bones = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < data.bones.length; i++) { + var bone = skeleton.findBone(data.bones[i].name); + if (!bone) throw new Error("Couldn't find bone ".concat(data.bones[i].name, ".")); + this.bones.push(bone); + } + var target = skeleton.findBone(; + if (!target) throw new Error("Couldn't find target bone ".concat(, ".")); + = target; + this.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + this.mixX = data.mixX; + this.mixY = data.mixY; + this.mixScaleX = data.mixScaleX; + this.mixScaleY = data.mixScaleY; + this.mixShearY = data.mixShearY; + } + return _createClass(TransformConstraint, [{ + key: "isActive", + value: function isActive() { + return; + } + }, { + key: "setToSetupPose", + value: function setToSetupPose() { + var data =; + this.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + this.mixX = data.mixX; + this.mixY = data.mixY; + this.mixScaleX = data.mixScaleX; + this.mixScaleY = data.mixScaleY; + this.mixShearY = data.mixShearY; + } + }, { + key: "update", + value: function update(physics) { + if (this.mixRotate == 0 && this.mixX == 0 && this.mixY == 0 && this.mixScaleX == 0 && this.mixScaleY == 0 && this.mixShearY == 0) return; + if ( { + if ( this.applyRelativeLocal();else this.applyAbsoluteLocal(); + } else { + if ( this.applyRelativeWorld();else this.applyAbsoluteWorld(); + } + } + }, { + key: "applyAbsoluteWorld", + value: function applyAbsoluteWorld() { + var mixRotate = this.mixRotate, + mixX = this.mixX, + mixY = this.mixY, + mixScaleX = this.mixScaleX, + mixScaleY = this.mixScaleY, + mixShearY = this.mixShearY; + var translate = mixX != 0 || mixY != 0; + var target =; + var ta = target.a, + tb = target.b, + tc = target.c, + td = target.d; + var degRadReflect = ta * td - tb * tc > 0 ? MathUtils.degRad : -MathUtils.degRad; + var offsetRotation = * degRadReflect; + var offsetShearY = * degRadReflect; + var bones = this.bones; + for (var i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + if (mixRotate != 0) { + var a = bone.a, + b = bone.b, + c = bone.c, + d = bone.d; + var r = Math.atan2(tc, ta) - Math.atan2(c, a) + offsetRotation; + if (r > MathUtils.PI) r -= MathUtils.PI2;else if (r < -MathUtils.PI) r += MathUtils.PI2; + r *= mixRotate; + var cos = Math.cos(r), + sin = Math.sin(r); + bone.a = cos * a - sin * c; + bone.b = cos * b - sin * d; + bone.c = sin * a + cos * c; + bone.d = sin * b + cos * d; + } + if (translate) { + var temp = this.temp; + target.localToWorld(temp.set(,; + bone.worldX += (temp.x - bone.worldX) * mixX; + bone.worldY += (temp.y - bone.worldY) * mixY; + } + if (mixScaleX != 0) { + var s = Math.sqrt(bone.a * bone.a + bone.c * bone.c); + if (s != 0) s = (s + (Math.sqrt(ta * ta + tc * tc) - s + * mixScaleX) / s; + bone.a *= s; + bone.c *= s; + } + if (mixScaleY != 0) { + var _s = Math.sqrt(bone.b * bone.b + bone.d * bone.d); + if (_s != 0) _s = (_s + (Math.sqrt(tb * tb + td * td) - _s + * mixScaleY) / _s; + bone.b *= _s; + bone.d *= _s; + } + if (mixShearY > 0) { + var _b = bone.b, + _d = bone.d; + var by = Math.atan2(_d, _b); + var _r = Math.atan2(td, tb) - Math.atan2(tc, ta) - (by - Math.atan2(bone.c, bone.a)); + if (_r > MathUtils.PI) _r -= MathUtils.PI2;else if (_r < -MathUtils.PI) _r += MathUtils.PI2; + _r = by + (_r + offsetShearY) * mixShearY; + var _s2 = Math.sqrt(_b * _b + _d * _d); + bone.b = Math.cos(_r) * _s2; + bone.d = Math.sin(_r) * _s2; + } + bone.updateAppliedTransform(); + } + } + }, { + key: "applyRelativeWorld", + value: function applyRelativeWorld() { + var mixRotate = this.mixRotate, + mixX = this.mixX, + mixY = this.mixY, + mixScaleX = this.mixScaleX, + mixScaleY = this.mixScaleY, + mixShearY = this.mixShearY; + var translate = mixX != 0 || mixY != 0; + var target =; + var ta = target.a, + tb = target.b, + tc = target.c, + td = target.d; + var degRadReflect = ta * td - tb * tc > 0 ? MathUtils.degRad : -MathUtils.degRad; + var offsetRotation = * degRadReflect, + offsetShearY = * degRadReflect; + var bones = this.bones; + for (var i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + if (mixRotate != 0) { + var a = bone.a, + b = bone.b, + c = bone.c, + d = bone.d; + var r = Math.atan2(tc, ta) + offsetRotation; + if (r > MathUtils.PI) r -= MathUtils.PI2;else if (r < -MathUtils.PI) r += MathUtils.PI2; + r *= mixRotate; + var cos = Math.cos(r), + sin = Math.sin(r); + bone.a = cos * a - sin * c; + bone.b = cos * b - sin * d; + bone.c = sin * a + cos * c; + bone.d = sin * b + cos * d; + } + if (translate) { + var temp = this.temp; + target.localToWorld(temp.set(,; + bone.worldX += temp.x * mixX; + bone.worldY += temp.y * mixY; + } + if (mixScaleX != 0) { + var s = (Math.sqrt(ta * ta + tc * tc) - 1 + * mixScaleX + 1; + bone.a *= s; + bone.c *= s; + } + if (mixScaleY != 0) { + var _s3 = (Math.sqrt(tb * tb + td * td) - 1 + * mixScaleY + 1; + bone.b *= _s3; + bone.d *= _s3; + } + if (mixShearY > 0) { + var _r2 = Math.atan2(td, tb) - Math.atan2(tc, ta); + if (_r2 > MathUtils.PI) _r2 -= MathUtils.PI2;else if (_r2 < -MathUtils.PI) _r2 += MathUtils.PI2; + var _b2 = bone.b, + _d2 = bone.d; + _r2 = Math.atan2(_d2, _b2) + (_r2 - MathUtils.PI / 2 + offsetShearY) * mixShearY; + var _s4 = Math.sqrt(_b2 * _b2 + _d2 * _d2); + bone.b = Math.cos(_r2) * _s4; + bone.d = Math.sin(_r2) * _s4; + } + bone.updateAppliedTransform(); + } + } + }, { + key: "applyAbsoluteLocal", + value: function applyAbsoluteLocal() { + var mixRotate = this.mixRotate, + mixX = this.mixX, + mixY = this.mixY, + mixScaleX = this.mixScaleX, + mixScaleY = this.mixScaleY, + mixShearY = this.mixShearY; + var target =; + var bones = this.bones; + for (var i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + var rotation = bone.arotation; + if (mixRotate != 0) rotation += (target.arotation - rotation + * mixRotate; + var x =, + y = bone.ay; + x += ( - x + * mixX; + y += (target.ay - y + * mixY; + var scaleX = bone.ascaleX, + scaleY = bone.ascaleY; + if (mixScaleX != 0 && scaleX != 0) scaleX = (scaleX + (target.ascaleX - scaleX + * mixScaleX) / scaleX; + if (mixScaleY != 0 && scaleY != 0) scaleY = (scaleY + (target.ascaleY - scaleY + * mixScaleY) / scaleY; + var shearY = bone.ashearY; + if (mixShearY != 0) shearY += (target.ashearY - shearY + * mixShearY; + bone.updateWorldTransformWith(x, y, rotation, scaleX, scaleY, bone.ashearX, shearY); + } + } + }, { + key: "applyRelativeLocal", + value: function applyRelativeLocal() { + var mixRotate = this.mixRotate, + mixX = this.mixX, + mixY = this.mixY, + mixScaleX = this.mixScaleX, + mixScaleY = this.mixScaleY, + mixShearY = this.mixShearY; + var target =; + var bones = this.bones; + for (var i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + var rotation = bone.arotation + (target.arotation + * mixRotate; + var x = + ( + * mixX; + var y = bone.ay + (target.ay + * mixY; + var scaleX = bone.ascaleX * ((target.ascaleX - 1 + * mixScaleX + 1); + var scaleY = bone.ascaleY * ((target.ascaleY - 1 + * mixScaleY + 1); + var shearY = bone.ashearY + (target.ashearY + * mixShearY; + bone.updateWorldTransformWith(x, y, rotation, scaleX, scaleY, bone.ashearX, shearY); + } + } + }]); + }(); + + var Skeleton = function () { + function Skeleton(data) { + _classCallCheck(this, Skeleton); + _defineProperty(this, "data", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "bones", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "slots", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "drawOrder", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "ikConstraints", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "transformConstraints", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "pathConstraints", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "physicsConstraints", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "_updateCache", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "skin", null); + _defineProperty(this, "color", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "scaleX", 1); + _defineProperty(this, "_scaleY", 1); + _defineProperty(this, "x", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "y", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "time", 0); + if (!data) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + = data; + this.bones = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < data.bones.length; i++) { + var boneData = data.bones[i]; + var bone = void 0; + if (!boneData.parent) bone = new Bone(boneData, this, null);else { + var parent = this.bones[boneData.parent.index]; + bone = new Bone(boneData, this, parent); + parent.children.push(bone); + } + this.bones.push(bone); + } + this.slots = new Array(); + this.drawOrder = new Array(); + for (var _i = 0; _i < data.slots.length; _i++) { + var slotData = data.slots[_i]; + var _bone = this.bones[slotData.boneData.index]; + var slot = new Slot(slotData, _bone); + this.slots.push(slot); + this.drawOrder.push(slot); + } + this.ikConstraints = new Array(); + for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < data.ikConstraints.length; _i2++) { + var ikConstraintData = data.ikConstraints[_i2]; + this.ikConstraints.push(new IkConstraint(ikConstraintData, this)); + } + this.transformConstraints = new Array(); + for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < data.transformConstraints.length; _i3++) { + var transformConstraintData = data.transformConstraints[_i3]; + this.transformConstraints.push(new TransformConstraint(transformConstraintData, this)); + } + this.pathConstraints = new Array(); + for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < data.pathConstraints.length; _i4++) { + var pathConstraintData = data.pathConstraints[_i4]; + this.pathConstraints.push(new PathConstraint(pathConstraintData, this)); + } + this.physicsConstraints = new Array(); + for (var _i5 = 0; _i5 < data.physicsConstraints.length; _i5++) { + var physicsConstraintData = data.physicsConstraints[_i5]; + this.physicsConstraints.push(new PhysicsConstraint(physicsConstraintData, this)); + } + this.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + this.updateCache(); + } + return _createClass(Skeleton, [{ + key: "scaleY", + get: function get() { + return Skeleton.yDown ? -this._scaleY : this._scaleY; + }, + set: function set(scaleY) { + this._scaleY = scaleY; + } + }, { + key: "updateCache", + value: function updateCache() { + var updateCache = this._updateCache; + updateCache.length = 0; + var bones = this.bones; + for (var i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + bone.sorted =; + = !bone.sorted; + } + if ( { + var skinBones =; + for (var _i6 = 0, _n =; _i6 < _n; _i6++) { + var _bone2 = this.bones[skinBones[_i6].index]; + do { + _bone2.sorted = false; + = true; + _bone2 = _bone2.parent; + } while (_bone2); + } + } + var ikConstraints = this.ikConstraints; + var transformConstraints = this.transformConstraints; + var pathConstraints = this.pathConstraints; + var physicsConstraints = this.physicsConstraints; + var ikCount = ikConstraints.length, + transformCount = transformConstraints.length, + pathCount = pathConstraints.length, + physicsCount = this.physicsConstraints.length; + var constraintCount = ikCount + transformCount + pathCount + physicsCount; + outer: for (var _i7 = 0; _i7 < constraintCount; _i7++) { + for (var ii = 0; ii < ikCount; ii++) { + var constraint = ikConstraints[ii]; + if ( == _i7) { + this.sortIkConstraint(constraint); + continue outer; + } + } + for (var _ii = 0; _ii < transformCount; _ii++) { + var _constraint = transformConstraints[_ii]; + if ( == _i7) { + this.sortTransformConstraint(_constraint); + continue outer; + } + } + for (var _ii2 = 0; _ii2 < pathCount; _ii2++) { + var _constraint2 = pathConstraints[_ii2]; + if ( == _i7) { + this.sortPathConstraint(_constraint2); + continue outer; + } + } + for (var _ii3 = 0; _ii3 < physicsCount; _ii3++) { + var _constraint3 = physicsConstraints[_ii3]; + if ( == _i7) { + this.sortPhysicsConstraint(_constraint3); + continue outer; + } + } + } + for (var _i8 = 0, _n2 = bones.length; _i8 < _n2; _i8++) this.sortBone(bones[_i8]); + } + }, { + key: "sortIkConstraint", + value: function sortIkConstraint(constraint) { + = && (! || && Utils.contains(,, true)); + if (! return; + var target =; + this.sortBone(target); + var constrained = constraint.bones; + var parent = constrained[0]; + this.sortBone(parent); + if (constrained.length == 1) { + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + this.sortReset(parent.children); + } else { + var child = constrained[constrained.length - 1]; + this.sortBone(child); + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + this.sortReset(parent.children); + child.sorted = true; + } + } + }, { + key: "sortPathConstraint", + value: function sortPathConstraint(constraint) { + = && (! || && Utils.contains(,, true)); + if (! return; + var slot =; + var slotIndex =; + var slotBone = slot.bone; + if ( this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(, slotIndex, slotBone); + if ( && != this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(, slotIndex, slotBone); + for (var i = 0, n =; i < n; i++) this.sortPathConstraintAttachment([i], slotIndex, slotBone); + var attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment instanceof PathAttachment) this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(attachment, slotBone); + var constrained = constraint.bones; + var boneCount = constrained.length; + for (var _i9 = 0; _i9 < boneCount; _i9++) this.sortBone(constrained[_i9]); + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + for (var _i10 = 0; _i10 < boneCount; _i10++) this.sortReset(constrained[_i10].children); + for (var _i11 = 0; _i11 < boneCount; _i11++) constrained[_i11].sorted = true; + } + }, { + key: "sortTransformConstraint", + value: function sortTransformConstraint(constraint) { + = && (! || && Utils.contains(,, true)); + if (! return; + this.sortBone(; + var constrained = constraint.bones; + var boneCount = constrained.length; + if ( { + for (var i = 0; i < boneCount; i++) { + var child = constrained[i]; + this.sortBone(child.parent); + this.sortBone(child); + } + } else { + for (var _i12 = 0; _i12 < boneCount; _i12++) { + this.sortBone(constrained[_i12]); + } + } + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + for (var _i13 = 0; _i13 < boneCount; _i13++) this.sortReset(constrained[_i13].children); + for (var _i14 = 0; _i14 < boneCount; _i14++) constrained[_i14].sorted = true; + } + }, { + key: "sortPathConstraintAttachment", + value: function sortPathConstraintAttachment(skin, slotIndex, slotBone) { + var attachments = skin.attachments[slotIndex]; + if (!attachments) return; + for (var key in attachments) { + this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(attachments[key], slotBone); + } + } + }, { + key: "sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith", + value: function sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(attachment, slotBone) { + if (!(attachment instanceof PathAttachment)) return; + var pathBones = attachment.bones; + if (!pathBones) this.sortBone(slotBone);else { + var bones = this.bones; + for (var i = 0, n = pathBones.length; i < n;) { + var nn = pathBones[i++]; + nn += i; + while (i < nn) this.sortBone(bones[pathBones[i++]]); + } + } + } + }, { + key: "sortPhysicsConstraint", + value: function sortPhysicsConstraint(constraint) { + var bone = constraint.bone; + = && (! || != null && Utils.contains(,, true)); + if (! return; + this.sortBone(bone); + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + this.sortReset(bone.children); + bone.sorted = true; + } + }, { + key: "sortBone", + value: function sortBone(bone) { + if (!bone) return; + if (bone.sorted) return; + var parent = bone.parent; + if (parent) this.sortBone(parent); + bone.sorted = true; + this._updateCache.push(bone); + } + }, { + key: "sortReset", + value: function sortReset(bones) { + for (var i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + if (! continue; + if (bone.sorted) this.sortReset(bone.children); + bone.sorted = false; + } + } + }, { + key: "updateWorldTransform", + value: function updateWorldTransform(physics) { + if (physics === undefined || physics === null) throw new Error("physics is undefined"); + var bones = this.bones; + for (var i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + = bone.x; + bone.ay = bone.y; + bone.arotation = bone.rotation; + bone.ascaleX = bone.scaleX; + bone.ascaleY = bone.scaleY; + bone.ashearX = bone.shearX; + bone.ashearY = bone.shearY; + } + var updateCache = this._updateCache; + for (var _i15 = 0, _n3 = updateCache.length; _i15 < _n3; _i15++) updateCache[_i15].update(physics); + } + }, { + key: "updateWorldTransformWith", + value: function updateWorldTransformWith(physics, parent) { + var rootBone = this.getRootBone(); + if (!rootBone) throw new Error("Root bone must not be null."); + var pa = parent.a, + pb = parent.b, + pc = parent.c, + pd = parent.d; + rootBone.worldX = pa * this.x + pb * this.y + parent.worldX; + rootBone.worldY = pc * this.x + pd * this.y + parent.worldY; + var rx = (rootBone.rotation + rootBone.shearX) * MathUtils.degRad; + var ry = (rootBone.rotation + 90 + rootBone.shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + var la = Math.cos(rx) * rootBone.scaleX; + var lb = Math.cos(ry) * rootBone.scaleY; + var lc = Math.sin(rx) * rootBone.scaleX; + var ld = Math.sin(ry) * rootBone.scaleY; + rootBone.a = (pa * la + pb * lc) * this.scaleX; + rootBone.b = (pa * lb + pb * ld) * this.scaleX; + rootBone.c = (pc * la + pd * lc) * this.scaleY; + rootBone.d = (pc * lb + pd * ld) * this.scaleY; + var updateCache = this._updateCache; + for (var i = 0, n = updateCache.length; i < n; i++) { + var updatable = updateCache[i]; + if (updatable != rootBone) updatable.update(physics); + } + } + }, { + key: "setToSetupPose", + value: function setToSetupPose() { + this.setBonesToSetupPose(); + this.setSlotsToSetupPose(); + } + }, { + key: "setBonesToSetupPose", + value: function setBonesToSetupPose() { + var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.bones), + _step; + try { + for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { + var bone = _step.value; + bone.setToSetupPose(); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator.f(); + } + var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.ikConstraints), + _step2; + try { + for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done;) { + var constraint = _step2.value; + constraint.setToSetupPose(); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator2.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator2.f(); + } + var _iterator3 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.transformConstraints), + _step3; + try { + for (_iterator3.s(); !(_step3 = _iterator3.n()).done;) { + var _constraint4 = _step3.value; + _constraint4.setToSetupPose(); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator3.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator3.f(); + } + var _iterator4 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.pathConstraints), + _step4; + try { + for (_iterator4.s(); !(_step4 = _iterator4.n()).done;) { + var _constraint5 = _step4.value; + _constraint5.setToSetupPose(); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator4.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator4.f(); + } + var _iterator5 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.physicsConstraints), + _step5; + try { + for (_iterator5.s(); !(_step5 = _iterator5.n()).done;) { + var _constraint6 = _step5.value; + _constraint6.setToSetupPose(); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator5.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator5.f(); + } + } + }, { + key: "setSlotsToSetupPose", + value: function setSlotsToSetupPose() { + var slots = this.slots; + Utils.arrayCopy(slots, 0, this.drawOrder, 0, slots.length); + for (var i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) slots[i].setToSetupPose(); + } + }, { + key: "getRootBone", + value: function getRootBone() { + if (this.bones.length == 0) return null; + return this.bones[0]; + } + }, { + key: "findBone", + value: function findBone(boneName) { + if (!boneName) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); + var bones = this.bones; + for (var i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + if ( == boneName) return bone; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "findSlot", + value: function findSlot(slotName) { + if (!slotName) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); + var slots = this.slots; + for (var i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) { + var slot = slots[i]; + if ( == slotName) return slot; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "setSkinByName", + value: function setSkinByName(skinName) { + var skin =; + if (!skin) throw new Error("Skin not found: " + skinName); + this.setSkin(skin); + } + }, { + key: "setSkin", + value: function setSkin(newSkin) { + if (newSkin == return; + if (newSkin) { + if ( newSkin.attachAll(this,;else { + var slots = this.slots; + for (var i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) { + var slot = slots[i]; + var name =; + if (name) { + var attachment = newSkin.getAttachment(i, name); + if (attachment) slot.setAttachment(attachment); + } + } + } + } + = newSkin; + this.updateCache(); + } + }, { + key: "getAttachmentByName", + value: function getAttachmentByName(slotName, attachmentName) { + var slot =; + if (!slot) throw new Error("Can't find slot with name ".concat(slotName)); + return this.getAttachment(slot.index, attachmentName); + } + }, { + key: "getAttachment", + value: function getAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName) { + if (!attachmentName) throw new Error("attachmentName cannot be null."); + if ( { + var attachment =, attachmentName); + if (attachment) return attachment; + } + if ( return, attachmentName); + return null; + } + }, { + key: "setAttachment", + value: function setAttachment(slotName, attachmentName) { + if (!slotName) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); + var slots = this.slots; + for (var i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) { + var slot = slots[i]; + if ( == slotName) { + var attachment = null; + if (attachmentName) { + attachment = this.getAttachment(i, attachmentName); + if (!attachment) throw new Error("Attachment not found: " + attachmentName + ", for slot: " + slotName); + } + slot.setAttachment(attachment); + return; + } + } + throw new Error("Slot not found: " + slotName); + } + }, { + key: "findIkConstraint", + value: function findIkConstraint(constraintName) { + var _this$ikConstraints$f; + if (!constraintName) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + return (_this$ikConstraints$f = this.ikConstraints.find(function (constraint) { + return == constraintName; + })) !== null && _this$ikConstraints$f !== void 0 ? _this$ikConstraints$f : null; + } + }, { + key: "findTransformConstraint", + value: function findTransformConstraint(constraintName) { + var _this$transformConstr; + if (!constraintName) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + return (_this$transformConstr = this.transformConstraints.find(function (constraint) { + return == constraintName; + })) !== null && _this$transformConstr !== void 0 ? _this$transformConstr : null; + } + }, { + key: "findPathConstraint", + value: function findPathConstraint(constraintName) { + var _this$pathConstraints; + if (!constraintName) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + return (_this$pathConstraints = this.pathConstraints.find(function (constraint) { + return == constraintName; + })) !== null && _this$pathConstraints !== void 0 ? _this$pathConstraints : null; + } + }, { + key: "findPhysicsConstraint", + value: function findPhysicsConstraint(constraintName) { + var _this$physicsConstrai; + if (constraintName == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + return (_this$physicsConstrai = this.physicsConstraints.find(function (constraint) { + return == constraintName; + })) !== null && _this$physicsConstrai !== void 0 ? _this$physicsConstrai : null; + } + }, { + key: "getBoundsRect", + value: function getBoundsRect() { + var offset = new Vector2(); + var size = new Vector2(); + this.getBounds(offset, size); + return { + x: offset.x, + y: offset.y, + width: size.x, + height: size.y + }; + } + }, { + key: "getBounds", + value: function getBounds(offset, size) { + var temp = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : new Array(2); + var clipper = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null; + if (!offset) throw new Error("offset cannot be null."); + if (!size) throw new Error("size cannot be null."); + var drawOrder = this.drawOrder; + var minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, + minY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, + maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, + maxY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; + for (var i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++) { + var slot = drawOrder[i]; + if (! continue; + var verticesLength = 0; + var vertices = null; + var triangles = null; + var attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) { + verticesLength = 8; + vertices = Utils.setArraySize(temp, verticesLength, 0); + attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, vertices, 0, 2); + triangles = Skeleton.quadTriangles; + } else if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) { + var mesh = attachment; + verticesLength = mesh.worldVerticesLength; + vertices = Utils.setArraySize(temp, verticesLength, 0); + mesh.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, verticesLength, vertices, 0, 2); + triangles = mesh.triangles; + } else if (attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment && clipper != null) { + clipper.clipStart(slot, attachment); + continue; + } + if (vertices && triangles) { + if (clipper != null && clipper.isClipping()) { + clipper.clipTriangles(vertices, triangles, triangles.length); + vertices = clipper.clippedVertices; + verticesLength = clipper.clippedVertices.length; + } + for (var ii = 0, nn = vertices.length; ii < nn; ii += 2) { + var x = vertices[ii], + y = vertices[ii + 1]; + minX = Math.min(minX, x); + minY = Math.min(minY, y); + maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); + maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); + } + } + if (clipper != null) clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); + } + if (clipper != null) clipper.clipEnd(); + offset.set(minX, minY); + size.set(maxX - minX, maxY - minY); + } + }, { + key: "update", + value: function update(delta) { + this.time += delta; + } + }, { + key: "physicsTranslate", + value: function physicsTranslate(x, y) { + var physicsConstraints = this.physicsConstraints; + for (var i = 0, n = physicsConstraints.length; i < n; i++) physicsConstraints[i].translate(x, y); + } + }, { + key: "physicsRotate", + value: function physicsRotate(x, y, degrees) { + var physicsConstraints = this.physicsConstraints; + for (var i = 0, n = physicsConstraints.length; i < n; i++) physicsConstraints[i].rotate(x, y, degrees); + } + }]); + }(); + _defineProperty(Skeleton, "quadTriangles", [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0]); + _defineProperty(Skeleton, "yDown", false); + var Physics; + (function (Physics) { + Physics[Physics["none"] = 0] = "none"; + Physics[Physics["reset"] = 1] = "reset"; + Physics[Physics["update"] = 2] = "update"; + Physics[Physics["pose"] = 3] = "pose"; + })(Physics || (Physics = {})); + + function _callSuper$3(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var PhysicsConstraintData = function (_ConstraintData) { + function PhysicsConstraintData(name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, PhysicsConstraintData); + _this2 = _callSuper$3(this, PhysicsConstraintData, [name, 0, false]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "_bone", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "x", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "y", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "rotate", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "scaleX", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "shearX", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "limit", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "step", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "inertia", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "strength", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "damping", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "massInverse", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "wind", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "gravity", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mix", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "inertiaGlobal", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "strengthGlobal", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "dampingGlobal", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "massGlobal", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "windGlobal", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "gravityGlobal", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixGlobal", false); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(PhysicsConstraintData, _ConstraintData); + return _createClass(PhysicsConstraintData, [{ + key: "bone", + get: function get() { + if (!this._bone) throw new Error("BoneData not set.");else return this._bone; + }, + set: function set(boneData) { + this._bone = boneData; + } + }]); + }(ConstraintData); + + var SkeletonData = function () { + function SkeletonData() { + _classCallCheck(this, SkeletonData); + _defineProperty(this, "name", null); + _defineProperty(this, "bones", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "slots", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "skins", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "defaultSkin", null); + _defineProperty(this, "events", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "animations", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "ikConstraints", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "transformConstraints", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "pathConstraints", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "physicsConstraints", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "x", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "y", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "width", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "height", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "referenceScale", 100); + _defineProperty(this, "version", null); + _defineProperty(this, "hash", null); + _defineProperty(this, "fps", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "imagesPath", null); + _defineProperty(this, "audioPath", null); + } + return _createClass(SkeletonData, [{ + key: "findBone", + value: function findBone(boneName) { + if (!boneName) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); + var bones = this.bones; + for (var i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + var bone = bones[i]; + if ( == boneName) return bone; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "findSlot", + value: function findSlot(slotName) { + if (!slotName) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); + var slots = this.slots; + for (var i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) { + var slot = slots[i]; + if ( == slotName) return slot; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "findSkin", + value: function findSkin(skinName) { + if (!skinName) throw new Error("skinName cannot be null."); + var skins = this.skins; + for (var i = 0, n = skins.length; i < n; i++) { + var skin = skins[i]; + if ( == skinName) return skin; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "findEvent", + value: function findEvent(eventDataName) { + if (!eventDataName) throw new Error("eventDataName cannot be null."); + var events =; + for (var i = 0, n = events.length; i < n; i++) { + var event = events[i]; + if ( == eventDataName) return event; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "findAnimation", + value: function findAnimation(animationName) { + if (!animationName) throw new Error("animationName cannot be null."); + var animations = this.animations; + for (var i = 0, n = animations.length; i < n; i++) { + var animation = animations[i]; + if ( == animationName) return animation; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "findIkConstraint", + value: function findIkConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + var ikConstraints = this.ikConstraints; + for (var i = 0, n = ikConstraints.length; i < n; i++) { + var constraint = ikConstraints[i]; + if ( == constraintName) return constraint; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "findTransformConstraint", + value: function findTransformConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + var transformConstraints = this.transformConstraints; + for (var i = 0, n = transformConstraints.length; i < n; i++) { + var constraint = transformConstraints[i]; + if ( == constraintName) return constraint; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "findPathConstraint", + value: function findPathConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + var pathConstraints = this.pathConstraints; + for (var i = 0, n = pathConstraints.length; i < n; i++) { + var constraint = pathConstraints[i]; + if ( == constraintName) return constraint; + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "findPhysicsConstraint", + value: function findPhysicsConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + var physicsConstraints = this.physicsConstraints; + for (var i = 0, n = physicsConstraints.length; i < n; i++) { + var constraint = physicsConstraints[i]; + if ( == constraintName) return constraint; + } + return null; + } + }]); + }(); + + var SkinEntry = _createClass(function SkinEntry() { + var slotIndex = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; + var name = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; + var attachment = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; + _classCallCheck(this, SkinEntry); + _defineProperty(this, "slotIndex", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "attachment", void 0); + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + = name; + this.attachment = attachment; + }); + var Skin = function () { + function Skin(name) { + _classCallCheck(this, Skin); + _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "attachments", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "bones", Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "constraints", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "color", new Color(0.99607843, 0.61960787, 0.30980393, 1)); + if (!name) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + = name; + } + return _createClass(Skin, [{ + key: "setAttachment", + value: function setAttachment(slotIndex, name, attachment) { + if (!attachment) throw new Error("attachment cannot be null."); + var attachments = this.attachments; + if (slotIndex >= attachments.length) attachments.length = slotIndex + 1; + if (!attachments[slotIndex]) attachments[slotIndex] = {}; + attachments[slotIndex][name] = attachment; + } + }, { + key: "addSkin", + value: function addSkin(skin) { + for (var i = 0; i < skin.bones.length; i++) { + var bone = skin.bones[i]; + var contained = false; + for (var ii = 0; ii < this.bones.length; ii++) { + if (this.bones[ii] == bone) { + contained = true; + break; + } + } + if (!contained) this.bones.push(bone); + } + for (var _i = 0; _i < skin.constraints.length; _i++) { + var constraint = skin.constraints[_i]; + var _contained = false; + for (var _ii = 0; _ii < this.constraints.length; _ii++) { + if (this.constraints[_ii] == constraint) { + _contained = true; + break; + } + } + if (!_contained) this.constraints.push(constraint); + } + var attachments = skin.getAttachments(); + for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < attachments.length; _i2++) { + var attachment = attachments[_i2]; + this.setAttachment(attachment.slotIndex,, attachment.attachment); + } + } + }, { + key: "copySkin", + value: function copySkin(skin) { + for (var i = 0; i < skin.bones.length; i++) { + var bone = skin.bones[i]; + var contained = false; + for (var ii = 0; ii < this.bones.length; ii++) { + if (this.bones[ii] == bone) { + contained = true; + break; + } + } + if (!contained) this.bones.push(bone); + } + for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < skin.constraints.length; _i3++) { + var constraint = skin.constraints[_i3]; + var _contained2 = false; + for (var _ii2 = 0; _ii2 < this.constraints.length; _ii2++) { + if (this.constraints[_ii2] == constraint) { + _contained2 = true; + break; + } + } + if (!_contained2) this.constraints.push(constraint); + } + var attachments = skin.getAttachments(); + for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < attachments.length; _i4++) { + var attachment = attachments[_i4]; + if (!attachment.attachment) continue; + if (attachment.attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) { + attachment.attachment = attachment.attachment.newLinkedMesh(); + this.setAttachment(attachment.slotIndex,, attachment.attachment); + } else { + attachment.attachment = attachment.attachment.copy(); + this.setAttachment(attachment.slotIndex,, attachment.attachment); + } + } + } + }, { + key: "getAttachment", + value: function getAttachment(slotIndex, name) { + var dictionary = this.attachments[slotIndex]; + return dictionary ? dictionary[name] : null; + } + }, { + key: "removeAttachment", + value: function removeAttachment(slotIndex, name) { + var dictionary = this.attachments[slotIndex]; + if (dictionary) delete dictionary[name]; + } + }, { + key: "getAttachments", + value: function getAttachments() { + var entries = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < this.attachments.length; i++) { + var slotAttachments = this.attachments[i]; + if (slotAttachments) { + for (var name in slotAttachments) { + var attachment = slotAttachments[name]; + if (attachment) entries.push(new SkinEntry(i, name, attachment)); + } + } + } + return entries; + } + }, { + key: "getAttachmentsForSlot", + value: function getAttachmentsForSlot(slotIndex, attachments) { + var slotAttachments = this.attachments[slotIndex]; + if (slotAttachments) { + for (var name in slotAttachments) { + var attachment = slotAttachments[name]; + if (attachment) attachments.push(new SkinEntry(slotIndex, name, attachment)); + } + } + } + }, { + key: "clear", + value: function clear() { + this.attachments.length = 0; + this.bones.length = 0; + this.constraints.length = 0; + } + }, { + key: "attachAll", + value: function attachAll(skeleton, oldSkin) { + var slotIndex = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < skeleton.slots.length; i++) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[i]; + var slotAttachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (slotAttachment && slotIndex < oldSkin.attachments.length) { + var dictionary = oldSkin.attachments[slotIndex]; + for (var key in dictionary) { + var skinAttachment = dictionary[key]; + if (slotAttachment == skinAttachment) { + var attachment = this.getAttachment(slotIndex, key); + if (attachment) slot.setAttachment(attachment); + break; + } + } + } + slotIndex++; + } + } + }]); + }(); + + var SlotData = _createClass(function SlotData(index, name, boneData) { + _classCallCheck(this, SlotData); + _defineProperty(this, "index", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "boneData", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "color", new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); + _defineProperty(this, "darkColor", null); + _defineProperty(this, "attachmentName", null); + _defineProperty(this, "blendMode", BlendMode.Normal); + _defineProperty(this, "visible", true); + if (index < 0) throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); + if (!name) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + if (!boneData) throw new Error("boneData cannot be null."); + this.index = index; + = name; + this.boneData = boneData; + }); + var BlendMode; + (function (BlendMode) { + BlendMode[BlendMode["Normal"] = 0] = "Normal"; + BlendMode[BlendMode["Additive"] = 1] = "Additive"; + BlendMode[BlendMode["Multiply"] = 2] = "Multiply"; + BlendMode[BlendMode["Screen"] = 3] = "Screen"; + })(BlendMode || (BlendMode = {})); + + function _callSuper$2(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var TransformConstraintData = function (_ConstraintData) { + function TransformConstraintData(name) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, TransformConstraintData); + _this2 = _callSuper$2(this, TransformConstraintData, [name, 0, false]); + _defineProperty(_this2, "bones", new Array()); + _defineProperty(_this2, "_target", null); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixRotate", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixX", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixY", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixScaleX", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixScaleY", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "mixShearY", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offsetRotation", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offsetX", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offsetY", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offsetScaleX", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offsetScaleY", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "offsetShearY", 0); + _defineProperty(_this2, "relative", false); + _defineProperty(_this2, "local", false); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(TransformConstraintData, _ConstraintData); + return _createClass(TransformConstraintData, [{ + key: "target", + get: function get() { + if (!this._target) throw new Error("BoneData not set.");else return this._target; + }, + set: function set(boneData) { + this._target = boneData; + } + }]); + }(ConstraintData); + + var SkeletonBinary = function () { + function SkeletonBinary(attachmentLoader) { + _classCallCheck(this, SkeletonBinary); + _defineProperty(this, "scale", 1); + _defineProperty(this, "attachmentLoader", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "linkedMeshes", new Array()); + this.attachmentLoader = attachmentLoader; + } + return _createClass(SkeletonBinary, [{ + key: "readSkeletonData", + value: function readSkeletonData(binary) { + var scale = this.scale; + var skeletonData = new SkeletonData(); + = ""; + var input = new BinaryInput(binary); + var lowHash = input.readInt32(); + var highHash = input.readInt32(); + skeletonData.hash = highHash == 0 && lowHash == 0 ? null : highHash.toString(16) + lowHash.toString(16); + skeletonData.version = input.readString(); + skeletonData.x = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.y = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.width = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.height = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.referenceScale = input.readFloat() * scale; + var nonessential = input.readBoolean(); + if (nonessential) { + skeletonData.fps = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.imagesPath = input.readString(); + skeletonData.audioPath = input.readString(); + } + var n = 0; + n = input.readInt(true); + for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { + var str = input.readString(); + if (!str) throw new Error("String in string table must not be null."); + input.strings.push(str); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (var _i = 0; _i < n; _i++) { + var name = input.readString(); + if (!name) throw new Error("Bone name must not be null."); + var parent = _i == 0 ? null : skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + var data = new BoneData(_i, name, parent); + data.rotation = input.readFloat(); + data.x = input.readFloat() * scale; + data.y = input.readFloat() * scale; + data.scaleX = input.readFloat(); + data.scaleY = input.readFloat(); + data.shearX = input.readFloat(); + data.shearY = input.readFloat(); + data.length = input.readFloat() * scale; + data.inherit = input.readByte(); + data.skinRequired = input.readBoolean(); + if (nonessential) { + var _input$readString; + Color.rgba8888ToColor(data.color, input.readInt32()); + data.icon = (_input$readString = input.readString()) !== null && _input$readString !== void 0 ? _input$readString : undefined; + data.visible = input.readBoolean(); + } + skeletonData.bones.push(data); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < n; _i2++) { + var slotName = input.readString(); + if (!slotName) throw new Error("Slot name must not be null."); + var boneData = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + var _data = new SlotData(_i2, slotName, boneData); + Color.rgba8888ToColor(_data.color, input.readInt32()); + var darkColor = input.readInt32(); + if (darkColor != -1) Color.rgb888ToColor(_data.darkColor = new Color(), darkColor); + _data.attachmentName = input.readStringRef(); + _data.blendMode = input.readInt(true); + if (nonessential) _data.visible = input.readBoolean(); + skeletonData.slots.push(_data); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (var _i3 = 0, nn; _i3 < n; _i3++) { + var _name = input.readString(); + if (!_name) throw new Error("IK constraint data name must not be null."); + var _data2 = new IkConstraintData(_name); + _data2.order = input.readInt(true); + nn = input.readInt(true); + for (var ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++) _data2.bones.push(skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]); + = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + var flags = input.readByte(); + _data2.skinRequired = (flags & 1) != 0; + _data2.bendDirection = (flags & 2) != 0 ? 1 : -1; + _data2.compress = (flags & 4) != 0; + _data2.stretch = (flags & 8) != 0; + _data2.uniform = (flags & 16) != 0; + if ((flags & 32) != 0) _data2.mix = (flags & 64) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1; + if ((flags & 128) != 0) _data2.softness = input.readFloat() * scale; + skeletonData.ikConstraints.push(_data2); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (var _i4 = 0, _nn; _i4 < n; _i4++) { + var _name2 = input.readString(); + if (!_name2) throw new Error("Transform constraint data name must not be null."); + var _data3 = new TransformConstraintData(_name2); + _data3.order = input.readInt(true); + _nn = input.readInt(true); + for (var _ii = 0; _ii < _nn; _ii++) _data3.bones.push(skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]); + = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + var _flags = input.readByte(); + _data3.skinRequired = (_flags & 1) != 0; + _data3.local = (_flags & 2) != 0; + _data3.relative = (_flags & 4) != 0; + if ((_flags & 8) != 0) _data3.offsetRotation = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags & 16) != 0) _data3.offsetX = input.readFloat() * scale; + if ((_flags & 32) != 0) _data3.offsetY = input.readFloat() * scale; + if ((_flags & 64) != 0) _data3.offsetScaleX = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags & 128) != 0) _data3.offsetScaleY = input.readFloat(); + _flags = input.readByte(); + if ((_flags & 1) != 0) _data3.offsetShearY = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags & 2) != 0) _data3.mixRotate = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags & 4) != 0) _data3.mixX = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags & 8) != 0) _data3.mixY = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags & 16) != 0) _data3.mixScaleX = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags & 32) != 0) _data3.mixScaleY = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags & 64) != 0) _data3.mixShearY = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.transformConstraints.push(_data3); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (var _i5 = 0, _nn2; _i5 < n; _i5++) { + var _name3 = input.readString(); + if (!_name3) throw new Error("Path constraint data name must not be null."); + var _data4 = new PathConstraintData(_name3); + _data4.order = input.readInt(true); + _data4.skinRequired = input.readBoolean(); + _nn2 = input.readInt(true); + for (var _ii2 = 0; _ii2 < _nn2; _ii2++) _data4.bones.push(skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]); + = skeletonData.slots[input.readInt(true)]; + var _flags2 = input.readByte(); + _data4.positionMode = _flags2 & 1; + _data4.spacingMode = _flags2 >> 1 & 3; + _data4.rotateMode = _flags2 >> 3 & 3; + if ((_flags2 & 128) != 0) _data4.offsetRotation = input.readFloat(); + _data4.position = input.readFloat(); + if (_data4.positionMode == PositionMode.Fixed) _data4.position *= scale; + _data4.spacing = input.readFloat(); + if (_data4.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length || _data4.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Fixed) _data4.spacing *= scale; + _data4.mixRotate = input.readFloat(); + _data4.mixX = input.readFloat(); + _data4.mixY = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.pathConstraints.push(_data4); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (var _i6 = 0, _nn3; _i6 < n; _i6++) { + var _name4 = input.readString(); + if (!_name4) throw new Error("Physics constraint data name must not be null."); + var _data5 = new PhysicsConstraintData(_name4); + _data5.order = input.readInt(true); + _data5.bone = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + var _flags3 = input.readByte(); + _data5.skinRequired = (_flags3 & 1) != 0; + if ((_flags3 & 2) != 0) _data5.x = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags3 & 4) != 0) _data5.y = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags3 & 8) != 0) _data5.rotate = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags3 & 16) != 0) _data5.scaleX = input.readFloat(); + if ((_flags3 & 32) != 0) _data5.shearX = input.readFloat(); + _data5.limit = ((_flags3 & 64) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 5000) * scale; + _data5.step = 1 / input.readUnsignedByte(); + _data5.inertia = input.readFloat(); + _data5.strength = input.readFloat(); + _data5.damping = input.readFloat(); + _data5.massInverse = (_flags3 & 128) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1; + _data5.wind = input.readFloat(); + _data5.gravity = input.readFloat(); + _flags3 = input.readByte(); + if ((_flags3 & 1) != 0) _data5.inertiaGlobal = true; + if ((_flags3 & 2) != 0) _data5.strengthGlobal = true; + if ((_flags3 & 4) != 0) _data5.dampingGlobal = true; + if ((_flags3 & 8) != 0) _data5.massGlobal = true; + if ((_flags3 & 16) != 0) _data5.windGlobal = true; + if ((_flags3 & 32) != 0) _data5.gravityGlobal = true; + if ((_flags3 & 64) != 0) _data5.mixGlobal = true; + _data5.mix = (_flags3 & 128) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1; + skeletonData.physicsConstraints.push(_data5); + } + var defaultSkin = this.readSkin(input, skeletonData, true, nonessential); + if (defaultSkin) { + skeletonData.defaultSkin = defaultSkin; + skeletonData.skins.push(defaultSkin); + } + { + var _i7 = skeletonData.skins.length; + Utils.setArraySize(skeletonData.skins, n = _i7 + input.readInt(true)); + for (; _i7 < n; _i7++) { + var skin = this.readSkin(input, skeletonData, false, nonessential); + if (!skin) throw new Error("readSkin() should not have returned null."); + skeletonData.skins[_i7] = skin; + } + } + n = this.linkedMeshes.length; + for (var _i8 = 0; _i8 < n; _i8++) { + var linkedMesh = this.linkedMeshes[_i8]; + var _skin = skeletonData.skins[linkedMesh.skinIndex]; + if (!linkedMesh.parent) throw new Error("Linked mesh parent must not be null"); + var _parent = _skin.getAttachment(linkedMesh.slotIndex, linkedMesh.parent); + if (!_parent) throw new Error("Parent mesh not found: ".concat(linkedMesh.parent)); + linkedMesh.mesh.timelineAttachment = linkedMesh.inheritTimeline ? _parent : linkedMesh.mesh; + linkedMesh.mesh.setParentMesh(_parent); + if (linkedMesh.mesh.region != null) linkedMesh.mesh.updateRegion(); + } + this.linkedMeshes.length = 0; + n = input.readInt(true); + for (var _i9 = 0; _i9 < n; _i9++) { + var eventName = input.readString(); + if (!eventName) throw new Error("Event data name must not be null"); + var _data6 = new EventData(eventName); + _data6.intValue = input.readInt(false); + _data6.floatValue = input.readFloat(); + _data6.stringValue = input.readString(); + _data6.audioPath = input.readString(); + if (_data6.audioPath) { + _data6.volume = input.readFloat(); + _data6.balance = input.readFloat(); + } +; + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (var _i10 = 0; _i10 < n; _i10++) { + var animationName = input.readString(); + if (!animationName) throw new Error("Animatio name must not be null."); + skeletonData.animations.push(this.readAnimation(input, animationName, skeletonData)); + } + return skeletonData; + } + }, { + key: "readSkin", + value: function readSkin(input, skeletonData, defaultSkin, nonessential) { + var skin = null; + var slotCount = 0; + if (defaultSkin) { + slotCount = input.readInt(true); + if (slotCount == 0) return null; + skin = new Skin("default"); + } else { + var skinName = input.readString(); + if (!skinName) throw new Error("Skin name must not be null."); + skin = new Skin(skinName); + if (nonessential) Color.rgba8888ToColor(skin.color, input.readInt32()); + skin.bones.length = input.readInt(true); + for (var i = 0, n = skin.bones.length; i < n; i++) skin.bones[i] = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + for (var _i11 = 0, _n = input.readInt(true); _i11 < _n; _i11++) skin.constraints.push(skeletonData.ikConstraints[input.readInt(true)]); + for (var _i12 = 0, _n2 = input.readInt(true); _i12 < _n2; _i12++) skin.constraints.push(skeletonData.transformConstraints[input.readInt(true)]); + for (var _i13 = 0, _n3 = input.readInt(true); _i13 < _n3; _i13++) skin.constraints.push(skeletonData.pathConstraints[input.readInt(true)]); + for (var _i14 = 0, _n4 = input.readInt(true); _i14 < _n4; _i14++) skin.constraints.push(skeletonData.physicsConstraints[input.readInt(true)]); + slotCount = input.readInt(true); + } + for (var _i15 = 0; _i15 < slotCount; _i15++) { + var slotIndex = input.readInt(true); + for (var ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) { + var name = input.readStringRef(); + if (!name) throw new Error("Attachment name must not be null"); + var attachment = this.readAttachment(input, skeletonData, skin, slotIndex, name, nonessential); + if (attachment) skin.setAttachment(slotIndex, name, attachment); + } + } + return skin; + } + }, { + key: "readAttachment", + value: function readAttachment(input, skeletonData, skin, slotIndex, attachmentName, nonessential) { + var scale = this.scale; + var flags = input.readByte(); + var name = (flags & 8) != 0 ? input.readStringRef() : attachmentName; + if (!name) throw new Error("Attachment name must not be null"); + switch (flags & 7) { + case AttachmentType.Region: + { + var path = (flags & 16) != 0 ? input.readStringRef() : null; + var color = (flags & 32) != 0 ? input.readInt32() : 0xffffffff; + var sequence = (flags & 64) != 0 ? this.readSequence(input) : null; + var rotation = (flags & 128) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 0; + var x = input.readFloat(); + var y = input.readFloat(); + var scaleX = input.readFloat(); + var scaleY = input.readFloat(); + var width = input.readFloat(); + var height = input.readFloat(); + if (!path) path = name; + var region = this.attachmentLoader.newRegionAttachment(skin, name, path, sequence); + if (!region) return null; + region.path = path; + region.x = x * scale; + region.y = y * scale; + region.scaleX = scaleX; + region.scaleY = scaleY; + region.rotation = rotation; + region.width = width * scale; + region.height = height * scale; + Color.rgba8888ToColor(region.color, color); + region.sequence = sequence; + if (sequence == null) region.updateRegion(); + return region; + } + case AttachmentType.BoundingBox: + { + var vertices = this.readVertices(input, (flags & 16) != 0); + var _color = nonessential ? input.readInt32() : 0; + var box = this.attachmentLoader.newBoundingBoxAttachment(skin, name); + if (!box) return null; + box.worldVerticesLength = vertices.length; + box.vertices = vertices.vertices; + box.bones = vertices.bones; + if (nonessential) Color.rgba8888ToColor(box.color, _color); + return box; + } + case AttachmentType.Mesh: + { + var _path = (flags & 16) != 0 ? input.readStringRef() : name; + var _color2 = (flags & 32) != 0 ? input.readInt32() : 0xffffffff; + var _sequence = (flags & 64) != 0 ? this.readSequence(input) : null; + var hullLength = input.readInt(true); + var _vertices = this.readVertices(input, (flags & 128) != 0); + var uvs = this.readFloatArray(input, _vertices.length, 1); + var triangles = this.readShortArray(input, (_vertices.length - hullLength - 2) * 3); + var edges = []; + var _width = 0, + _height = 0; + if (nonessential) { + edges = this.readShortArray(input, input.readInt(true)); + _width = input.readFloat(); + _height = input.readFloat(); + } + if (!_path) _path = name; + var mesh = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(skin, name, _path, _sequence); + if (!mesh) return null; + mesh.path = _path; + Color.rgba8888ToColor(mesh.color, _color2); + mesh.bones = _vertices.bones; + mesh.vertices = _vertices.vertices; + mesh.worldVerticesLength = _vertices.length; + mesh.triangles = triangles; + mesh.regionUVs = uvs; + if (_sequence == null) mesh.updateRegion(); + mesh.hullLength = hullLength << 1; + mesh.sequence = _sequence; + if (nonessential) { + mesh.edges = edges; + mesh.width = _width * scale; + mesh.height = _height * scale; + } + return mesh; + } + case AttachmentType.LinkedMesh: + { + var _path2 = (flags & 16) != 0 ? input.readStringRef() : name; + if (_path2 == null) throw new Error("Path of linked mesh must not be null"); + var _color3 = (flags & 32) != 0 ? input.readInt32() : 0xffffffff; + var _sequence2 = (flags & 64) != 0 ? this.readSequence(input) : null; + var inheritTimelines = (flags & 128) != 0; + var skinIndex = input.readInt(true); + var parent = input.readStringRef(); + var _width2 = 0, + _height2 = 0; + if (nonessential) { + _width2 = input.readFloat(); + _height2 = input.readFloat(); + } + var _mesh = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(skin, name, _path2, _sequence2); + if (!_mesh) return null; + _mesh.path = _path2; + Color.rgba8888ToColor(_mesh.color, _color3); + _mesh.sequence = _sequence2; + if (nonessential) { + _mesh.width = _width2 * scale; + _mesh.height = _height2 * scale; + } + this.linkedMeshes.push(new LinkedMesh$1(_mesh, skinIndex, slotIndex, parent, inheritTimelines)); + return _mesh; + } + case AttachmentType.Path: + { + var closed = (flags & 16) != 0; + var constantSpeed = (flags & 32) != 0; + var _vertices2 = this.readVertices(input, (flags & 64) != 0); + var lengths = Utils.newArray(_vertices2.length / 6, 0); + for (var i = 0, n = lengths.length; i < n; i++) lengths[i] = input.readFloat() * scale; + var _color4 = nonessential ? input.readInt32() : 0; + var _path3 = this.attachmentLoader.newPathAttachment(skin, name); + if (!_path3) return null; + _path3.closed = closed; + _path3.constantSpeed = constantSpeed; + _path3.worldVerticesLength = _vertices2.length; + _path3.vertices = _vertices2.vertices; + _path3.bones = _vertices2.bones; + _path3.lengths = lengths; + if (nonessential) Color.rgba8888ToColor(_path3.color, _color4); + return _path3; + } + case AttachmentType.Point: + { + var _rotation = input.readFloat(); + var _x = input.readFloat(); + var _y = input.readFloat(); + var _color5 = nonessential ? input.readInt32() : 0; + var point = this.attachmentLoader.newPointAttachment(skin, name); + if (!point) return null; + point.x = _x * scale; + point.y = _y * scale; + point.rotation = _rotation; + if (nonessential) Color.rgba8888ToColor(point.color, _color5); + return point; + } + case AttachmentType.Clipping: + { + var endSlotIndex = input.readInt(true); + var _vertices3 = this.readVertices(input, (flags & 16) != 0); + var _color6 = nonessential ? input.readInt32() : 0; + var clip = this.attachmentLoader.newClippingAttachment(skin, name); + if (!clip) return null; + clip.endSlot = skeletonData.slots[endSlotIndex]; + clip.worldVerticesLength = _vertices3.length; + clip.vertices = _vertices3.vertices; + clip.bones = _vertices3.bones; + if (nonessential) Color.rgba8888ToColor(clip.color, _color6); + return clip; + } + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "readSequence", + value: function readSequence(input) { + var sequence = new Sequence(input.readInt(true)); + sequence.start = input.readInt(true); + sequence.digits = input.readInt(true); + sequence.setupIndex = input.readInt(true); + return sequence; + } + }, { + key: "readVertices", + value: function readVertices(input, weighted) { + var scale = this.scale; + var vertexCount = input.readInt(true); + var vertices = new Vertices(); + vertices.length = vertexCount << 1; + if (!weighted) { + vertices.vertices = this.readFloatArray(input, vertices.length, scale); + return vertices; + } + var weights = new Array(); + var bonesArray = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { + var boneCount = input.readInt(true); + bonesArray.push(boneCount); + for (var ii = 0; ii < boneCount; ii++) { + bonesArray.push(input.readInt(true)); + weights.push(input.readFloat() * scale); + weights.push(input.readFloat() * scale); + weights.push(input.readFloat()); + } + } + vertices.vertices = Utils.toFloatArray(weights); + vertices.bones = bonesArray; + return vertices; + } + }, { + key: "readFloatArray", + value: function readFloatArray(input, n, scale) { + var array = new Array(n); + if (scale == 1) { + for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) array[i] = input.readFloat(); + } else { + for (var _i16 = 0; _i16 < n; _i16++) array[_i16] = input.readFloat() * scale; + } + return array; + } + }, { + key: "readShortArray", + value: function readShortArray(input, n) { + var array = new Array(n); + for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) array[i] = input.readInt(true); + return array; + } + }, { + key: "readAnimation", + value: function readAnimation(input, name, skeletonData) { + input.readInt(true); + var timelines = new Array(); + var scale = this.scale; + for (var i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) { + var slotIndex = input.readInt(true); + for (var ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) { + var timelineType = input.readByte(); + var frameCount = input.readInt(true); + var frameLast = frameCount - 1; + switch (timelineType) { + case SLOT_ATTACHMENT: + { + var timeline = new AttachmentTimeline(frameCount, slotIndex); + for (var frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) timeline.setFrame(frame, input.readFloat(), input.readStringRef()); + timelines.push(timeline); + break; + } + case SLOT_RGBA: + { + var bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + var _timeline = new RGBATimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex); + var time = input.readFloat(); + var r = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var g = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var b = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var a = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + for (var _frame = 0, bezier = 0;; _frame++) { + _timeline.setFrame(_frame, time, r, g, b, a); + if (_frame == frameLast) break; + var time2 = input.readFloat(); + var r2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var g2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var b2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var a2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + _timeline.setStepped(_frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, _timeline, bezier++, _frame, 0, time, time2, r, r2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline, bezier++, _frame, 1, time, time2, g, g2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline, bezier++, _frame, 2, time, time2, b, b2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline, bezier++, _frame, 3, time, time2, a, a2, 1); + } + time = time2; + r = r2; + g = g2; + b = b2; + a = a2; + } + timelines.push(_timeline); + break; + } + case SLOT_RGB: + { + var _bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + var _timeline2 = new RGBTimeline(frameCount, _bezierCount, slotIndex); + var _time = input.readFloat(); + var _r = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _g = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _b = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + for (var _frame2 = 0, _bezier = 0;; _frame2++) { + _timeline2.setFrame(_frame2, _time, _r, _g, _b); + if (_frame2 == frameLast) break; + var _time2 = input.readFloat(); + var _r2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _g2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _b2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + _timeline2.setStepped(_frame2); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, _timeline2, _bezier++, _frame2, 0, _time, _time2, _r, _r2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline2, _bezier++, _frame2, 1, _time, _time2, _g, _g2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline2, _bezier++, _frame2, 2, _time, _time2, _b, _b2, 1); + } + _time = _time2; + _r = _r2; + _g = _g2; + _b = _b2; + } + timelines.push(_timeline2); + break; + } + case SLOT_RGBA2: + { + var _bezierCount2 = input.readInt(true); + var _timeline3 = new RGBA2Timeline(frameCount, _bezierCount2, slotIndex); + var _time3 = input.readFloat(); + var _r3 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _g3 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _b3 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _a = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _r4 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _g4 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _b4 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + for (var _frame3 = 0, _bezier2 = 0;; _frame3++) { + _timeline3.setFrame(_frame3, _time3, _r3, _g3, _b3, _a, _r4, _g4, _b4); + if (_frame3 == frameLast) break; + var _time4 = input.readFloat(); + var nr = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var ng = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var nb = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var na = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var nr2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var ng2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var nb2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + _timeline3.setStepped(_frame3); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, _timeline3, _bezier2++, _frame3, 0, _time3, _time4, _r3, nr, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline3, _bezier2++, _frame3, 1, _time3, _time4, _g3, ng, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline3, _bezier2++, _frame3, 2, _time3, _time4, _b3, nb, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline3, _bezier2++, _frame3, 3, _time3, _time4, _a, na, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline3, _bezier2++, _frame3, 4, _time3, _time4, _r4, nr2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline3, _bezier2++, _frame3, 5, _time3, _time4, _g4, ng2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline3, _bezier2++, _frame3, 6, _time3, _time4, _b4, nb2, 1); + } + _time3 = _time4; + _r3 = nr; + _g3 = ng; + _b3 = nb; + _a = na; + _r4 = nr2; + _g4 = ng2; + _b4 = nb2; + } + timelines.push(_timeline3); + break; + } + case SLOT_RGB2: + { + var _bezierCount3 = input.readInt(true); + var _timeline4 = new RGB2Timeline(frameCount, _bezierCount3, slotIndex); + var _time5 = input.readFloat(); + var _r5 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _g5 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _b5 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _r6 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _g6 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _b6 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + for (var _frame4 = 0, _bezier3 = 0;; _frame4++) { + _timeline4.setFrame(_frame4, _time5, _r5, _g5, _b5, _r6, _g6, _b6); + if (_frame4 == frameLast) break; + var _time6 = input.readFloat(); + var _nr = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _ng = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _nb = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _nr2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _ng2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + var _nb2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255.0; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + _timeline4.setStepped(_frame4); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, _timeline4, _bezier3++, _frame4, 0, _time5, _time6, _r5, _nr, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline4, _bezier3++, _frame4, 1, _time5, _time6, _g5, _ng, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline4, _bezier3++, _frame4, 2, _time5, _time6, _b5, _nb, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline4, _bezier3++, _frame4, 3, _time5, _time6, _r6, _nr2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline4, _bezier3++, _frame4, 4, _time5, _time6, _g6, _ng2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline4, _bezier3++, _frame4, 5, _time5, _time6, _b6, _nb2, 1); + } + _time5 = _time6; + _r5 = _nr; + _g5 = _ng; + _b5 = _nb; + _r6 = _nr2; + _g6 = _ng2; + _b6 = _nb2; + } + timelines.push(_timeline4); + break; + } + case SLOT_ALPHA: + { + var _timeline5 = new AlphaTimeline(frameCount, input.readInt(true), slotIndex); + var _time7 = input.readFloat(), + _a2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + for (var _frame5 = 0, _bezier4 = 0;; _frame5++) { + _timeline5.setFrame(_frame5, _time7, _a2); + if (_frame5 == frameLast) break; + var _time8 = input.readFloat(); + var _a3 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + _timeline5.setStepped(_frame5); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, _timeline5, _bezier4++, _frame5, 0, _time7, _time8, _a2, _a3, 1); + } + _time7 = _time8; + _a2 = _a3; + } + timelines.push(_timeline5); + } + } + } + } + for (var _i17 = 0, _n5 = input.readInt(true); _i17 < _n5; _i17++) { + var boneIndex = input.readInt(true); + for (var _ii3 = 0, _nn4 = input.readInt(true); _ii3 < _nn4; _ii3++) { + var type = input.readByte(), + _frameCount = input.readInt(true); + if (type == BONE_INHERIT) { + var _timeline6 = new InheritTimeline(_frameCount, boneIndex); + for (var _frame6 = 0; _frame6 < _frameCount; _frame6++) { + _timeline6.setFrame(_frame6, input.readFloat(), input.readByte()); + } + timelines.push(_timeline6); + continue; + } + var _bezierCount4 = input.readInt(true); + switch (type) { + case BONE_ROTATE: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new RotateTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_TRANSLATE: + timelines.push(readTimeline2$1(input, new TranslateTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), scale)); + break; + case BONE_TRANSLATEX: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new TranslateXTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), scale)); + break; + case BONE_TRANSLATEY: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new TranslateYTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), scale)); + break; + case BONE_SCALE: + timelines.push(readTimeline2$1(input, new ScaleTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SCALEX: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new ScaleXTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SCALEY: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new ScaleYTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SHEAR: + timelines.push(readTimeline2$1(input, new ShearTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SHEARX: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new ShearXTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SHEARY: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new ShearYTimeline(_frameCount, _bezierCount4, boneIndex), 1)); + } + } + } + for (var _i18 = 0, _n6 = input.readInt(true); _i18 < _n6; _i18++) { + var index = input.readInt(true), + _frameCount2 = input.readInt(true), + _frameLast = _frameCount2 - 1; + var _timeline7 = new IkConstraintTimeline(_frameCount2, input.readInt(true), index); + var flags = input.readByte(); + var _time9 = input.readFloat(), + mix = (flags & 1) != 0 ? (flags & 2) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1 : 0; + var softness = (flags & 4) != 0 ? input.readFloat() * scale : 0; + for (var _frame7 = 0, _bezier5 = 0;; _frame7++) { + _timeline7.setFrame(_frame7, _time9, mix, softness, (flags & 8) != 0 ? 1 : -1, (flags & 16) != 0, (flags & 32) != 0); + if (_frame7 == _frameLast) break; + flags = input.readByte(); + var _time10 = input.readFloat(), + mix2 = (flags & 1) != 0 ? (flags & 2) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1 : 0; + var softness2 = (flags & 4) != 0 ? input.readFloat() * scale : 0; + if ((flags & 64) != 0) { + _timeline7.setStepped(_frame7); + } else if ((flags & 128) != 0) { + setBezier(input, _timeline7, _bezier5++, _frame7, 0, _time9, _time10, mix, mix2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline7, _bezier5++, _frame7, 1, _time9, _time10, softness, softness2, scale); + } + _time9 = _time10; + mix = mix2; + softness = softness2; + } + timelines.push(_timeline7); + } + for (var _i19 = 0, _n7 = input.readInt(true); _i19 < _n7; _i19++) { + var _index = input.readInt(true), + _frameCount3 = input.readInt(true), + _frameLast2 = _frameCount3 - 1; + var _timeline8 = new TransformConstraintTimeline(_frameCount3, input.readInt(true), _index); + var _time11 = input.readFloat(), + mixRotate = input.readFloat(), + mixX = input.readFloat(), + mixY = input.readFloat(), + mixScaleX = input.readFloat(), + mixScaleY = input.readFloat(), + mixShearY = input.readFloat(); + for (var _frame8 = 0, _bezier6 = 0;; _frame8++) { + _timeline8.setFrame(_frame8, _time11, mixRotate, mixX, mixY, mixScaleX, mixScaleY, mixShearY); + if (_frame8 == _frameLast2) break; + var _time12 = input.readFloat(), + mixRotate2 = input.readFloat(), + mixX2 = input.readFloat(), + mixY2 = input.readFloat(), + mixScaleX2 = input.readFloat(), + mixScaleY2 = input.readFloat(), + mixShearY2 = input.readFloat(); + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + _timeline8.setStepped(_frame8); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, _timeline8, _bezier6++, _frame8, 0, _time11, _time12, mixRotate, mixRotate2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline8, _bezier6++, _frame8, 1, _time11, _time12, mixX, mixX2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline8, _bezier6++, _frame8, 2, _time11, _time12, mixY, mixY2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline8, _bezier6++, _frame8, 3, _time11, _time12, mixScaleX, mixScaleX2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline8, _bezier6++, _frame8, 4, _time11, _time12, mixScaleY, mixScaleY2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline8, _bezier6++, _frame8, 5, _time11, _time12, mixShearY, mixShearY2, 1); + } + _time11 = _time12; + mixRotate = mixRotate2; + mixX = mixX2; + mixY = mixY2; + mixScaleX = mixScaleX2; + mixScaleY = mixScaleY2; + mixShearY = mixShearY2; + } + timelines.push(_timeline8); + } + for (var _i20 = 0, _n8 = input.readInt(true); _i20 < _n8; _i20++) { + var _index2 = input.readInt(true); + var data = skeletonData.pathConstraints[_index2]; + for (var _ii4 = 0, _nn5 = input.readInt(true); _ii4 < _nn5; _ii4++) { + var _type = input.readByte(), + _frameCount4 = input.readInt(true), + _bezierCount5 = input.readInt(true); + switch (_type) { + case PATH_POSITION: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new PathConstraintPositionTimeline(_frameCount4, _bezierCount5, _index2), data.positionMode == PositionMode.Fixed ? scale : 1)); + break; + case PATH_SPACING: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new PathConstraintSpacingTimeline(_frameCount4, _bezierCount5, _index2), data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length || data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Fixed ? scale : 1)); + break; + case PATH_MIX: + var _timeline9 = new PathConstraintMixTimeline(_frameCount4, _bezierCount5, _index2); + var _time13 = input.readFloat(), + _mixRotate = input.readFloat(), + _mixX = input.readFloat(), + _mixY = input.readFloat(); + for (var _frame9 = 0, _bezier7 = 0, _frameLast3 = _timeline9.getFrameCount() - 1;; _frame9++) { + _timeline9.setFrame(_frame9, _time13, _mixRotate, _mixX, _mixY); + if (_frame9 == _frameLast3) break; + var _time14 = input.readFloat(), + _mixRotate2 = input.readFloat(), + _mixX2 = input.readFloat(), + _mixY2 = input.readFloat(); + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + _timeline9.setStepped(_frame9); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, _timeline9, _bezier7++, _frame9, 0, _time13, _time14, _mixRotate, _mixRotate2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline9, _bezier7++, _frame9, 1, _time13, _time14, _mixX, _mixX2, 1); + setBezier(input, _timeline9, _bezier7++, _frame9, 2, _time13, _time14, _mixY, _mixY2, 1); + } + _time13 = _time14; + _mixRotate = _mixRotate2; + _mixX = _mixX2; + _mixY = _mixY2; + } + timelines.push(_timeline9); + } + } + } + for (var _i21 = 0, _n9 = input.readInt(true); _i21 < _n9; _i21++) { + var _index3 = input.readInt(true) - 1; + for (var _ii5 = 0, _nn6 = input.readInt(true); _ii5 < _nn6; _ii5++) { + var _type2 = input.readByte(), + _frameCount5 = input.readInt(true); + if (_type2 == PHYSICS_RESET) { + var _timeline10 = new PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline(_frameCount5, _index3); + for (var _frame10 = 0; _frame10 < _frameCount5; _frame10++) _timeline10.setFrame(_frame10, input.readFloat()); + timelines.push(_timeline10); + continue; + } + var _bezierCount6 = input.readInt(true); + switch (_type2) { + case PHYSICS_INERTIA: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline(_frameCount5, _bezierCount6, _index3), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_STRENGTH: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline(_frameCount5, _bezierCount6, _index3), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_DAMPING: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline(_frameCount5, _bezierCount6, _index3), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_MASS: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline(_frameCount5, _bezierCount6, _index3), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_WIND: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline(_frameCount5, _bezierCount6, _index3), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_GRAVITY: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline(_frameCount5, _bezierCount6, _index3), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_MIX: + timelines.push(readTimeline1$1(input, new PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline(_frameCount5, _bezierCount6, _index3), 1)); + } + } + } + for (var _i22 = 0, _n10 = input.readInt(true); _i22 < _n10; _i22++) { + var skin = skeletonData.skins[input.readInt(true)]; + for (var _ii6 = 0, _nn7 = input.readInt(true); _ii6 < _nn7; _ii6++) { + var _slotIndex = input.readInt(true); + for (var iii = 0, nnn = input.readInt(true); iii < nnn; iii++) { + var attachmentName = input.readStringRef(); + if (!attachmentName) throw new Error("attachmentName must not be null."); + var attachment = skin.getAttachment(_slotIndex, attachmentName); + var _timelineType = input.readByte(); + var _frameCount6 = input.readInt(true); + var _frameLast4 = _frameCount6 - 1; + switch (_timelineType) { + case ATTACHMENT_DEFORM: + { + var vertexAttachment = attachment; + var weighted = vertexAttachment.bones; + var vertices = vertexAttachment.vertices; + var deformLength = weighted ? vertices.length / 3 * 2 : vertices.length; + var _bezierCount7 = input.readInt(true); + var _timeline11 = new DeformTimeline(_frameCount6, _bezierCount7, _slotIndex, vertexAttachment); + var _time15 = input.readFloat(); + for (var _frame11 = 0, _bezier8 = 0;; _frame11++) { + var deform = void 0; + var end = input.readInt(true); + if (end == 0) deform = weighted ? Utils.newFloatArray(deformLength) : vertices;else { + deform = Utils.newFloatArray(deformLength); + var start = input.readInt(true); + end += start; + if (scale == 1) { + for (var v = start; v < end; v++) deform[v] = input.readFloat(); + } else { + for (var _v = start; _v < end; _v++) deform[_v] = input.readFloat() * scale; + } + if (!weighted) { + for (var _v2 = 0, vn = deform.length; _v2 < vn; _v2++) deform[_v2] += vertices[_v2]; + } + } + _timeline11.setFrame(_frame11, _time15, deform); + if (_frame11 == _frameLast4) break; + var _time16 = input.readFloat(); + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + _timeline11.setStepped(_frame11); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, _timeline11, _bezier8++, _frame11, 0, _time15, _time16, 0, 1, 1); + } + _time15 = _time16; + } + timelines.push(_timeline11); + break; + } + case ATTACHMENT_SEQUENCE: + { + var _timeline12 = new SequenceTimeline(_frameCount6, _slotIndex, attachment); + for (var _frame12 = 0; _frame12 < _frameCount6; _frame12++) { + var _time17 = input.readFloat(); + var modeAndIndex = input.readInt32(); + _timeline12.setFrame(_frame12, _time17, SequenceModeValues[modeAndIndex & 0xf], modeAndIndex >> 4, input.readFloat()); + } + timelines.push(_timeline12); + break; + } + } + } + } + } + var drawOrderCount = input.readInt(true); + if (drawOrderCount > 0) { + var _timeline13 = new DrawOrderTimeline(drawOrderCount); + var slotCount = skeletonData.slots.length; + for (var _i23 = 0; _i23 < drawOrderCount; _i23++) { + var _time18 = input.readFloat(); + var offsetCount = input.readInt(true); + var drawOrder = Utils.newArray(slotCount, 0); + for (var _ii7 = slotCount - 1; _ii7 >= 0; _ii7--) drawOrder[_ii7] = -1; + var unchanged = Utils.newArray(slotCount - offsetCount, 0); + var originalIndex = 0, + unchangedIndex = 0; + for (var _ii8 = 0; _ii8 < offsetCount; _ii8++) { + var _slotIndex2 = input.readInt(true); + while (originalIndex != _slotIndex2) unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++; + drawOrder[originalIndex + input.readInt(true)] = originalIndex++; + } + while (originalIndex < slotCount) unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++; + for (var _ii9 = slotCount - 1; _ii9 >= 0; _ii9--) if (drawOrder[_ii9] == -1) drawOrder[_ii9] = unchanged[--unchangedIndex]; + _timeline13.setFrame(_i23, _time18, drawOrder); + } + timelines.push(_timeline13); + } + var eventCount = input.readInt(true); + if (eventCount > 0) { + var _timeline14 = new EventTimeline(eventCount); + for (var _i24 = 0; _i24 < eventCount; _i24++) { + var _time19 = input.readFloat(); + var eventData =[input.readInt(true)]; + var event = new Event(_time19, eventData); + event.intValue = input.readInt(false); + event.floatValue = input.readFloat(); + event.stringValue = input.readString(); + if (event.stringValue == null) event.stringValue = eventData.stringValue; + if ( { + event.volume = input.readFloat(); + event.balance = input.readFloat(); + } + _timeline14.setFrame(_i24, event); + } + timelines.push(_timeline14); + } + var duration = 0; + for (var _i25 = 0, _n11 = timelines.length; _i25 < _n11; _i25++) duration = Math.max(duration, timelines[_i25].getDuration()); + return new Animation(name, timelines, duration); + } + }]); + }(); + var BinaryInput = function () { + function BinaryInput(data) { + var strings = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : new Array(); + var index = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; + var buffer = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : new DataView(data.buffer); + _classCallCheck(this, BinaryInput); + _defineProperty(this, "strings", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "index", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "buffer", void 0); + this.strings = strings; + this.index = index; + this.buffer = buffer; + } + return _createClass(BinaryInput, [{ + key: "readByte", + value: function readByte() { + return this.buffer.getInt8(this.index++); + } + }, { + key: "readUnsignedByte", + value: function readUnsignedByte() { + return this.buffer.getUint8(this.index++); + } + }, { + key: "readShort", + value: function readShort() { + var value = this.buffer.getInt16(this.index); + this.index += 2; + return value; + } + }, { + key: "readInt32", + value: function readInt32() { + var value = this.buffer.getInt32(this.index); + this.index += 4; + return value; + } + }, { + key: "readInt", + value: function readInt(optimizePositive) { + var b = this.readByte(); + var result = b & 0x7F; + if ((b & 0x80) != 0) { + b = this.readByte(); + result |= (b & 0x7F) << 7; + if ((b & 0x80) != 0) { + b = this.readByte(); + result |= (b & 0x7F) << 14; + if ((b & 0x80) != 0) { + b = this.readByte(); + result |= (b & 0x7F) << 21; + if ((b & 0x80) != 0) { + b = this.readByte(); + result |= (b & 0x7F) << 28; + } + } + } + } + return optimizePositive ? result : result >>> 1 ^ -(result & 1); + } + }, { + key: "readStringRef", + value: function readStringRef() { + var index = this.readInt(true); + return index == 0 ? null : this.strings[index - 1]; + } + }, { + key: "readString", + value: function readString() { + var byteCount = this.readInt(true); + switch (byteCount) { + case 0: + return null; + case 1: + return ""; + } + byteCount--; + var chars = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < byteCount;) { + var b = this.readUnsignedByte(); + switch (b >> 4) { + case 12: + case 13: + chars += String.fromCharCode((b & 0x1F) << 6 | this.readByte() & 0x3F); + i += 2; + break; + case 14: + chars += String.fromCharCode((b & 0x0F) << 12 | (this.readByte() & 0x3F) << 6 | this.readByte() & 0x3F); + i += 3; + break; + default: + chars += String.fromCharCode(b); + i++; + } + } + return chars; + } + }, { + key: "readFloat", + value: function readFloat() { + var value = this.buffer.getFloat32(this.index); + this.index += 4; + return value; + } + }, { + key: "readBoolean", + value: function readBoolean() { + return this.readByte() != 0; + } + }]); + }(); + var LinkedMesh$1 = _createClass(function LinkedMesh(mesh, skinIndex, slotIndex, parent, inheritDeform) { + _classCallCheck(this, LinkedMesh); + _defineProperty(this, "parent", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "skinIndex", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "slotIndex", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mesh", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "inheritTimeline", void 0); + this.mesh = mesh; + this.skinIndex = skinIndex; + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + this.parent = parent; + this.inheritTimeline = inheritDeform; + }); + var Vertices = _createClass(function Vertices() { + var bones = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; + var vertices = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; + var length = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; + _classCallCheck(this, Vertices); + _defineProperty(this, "bones", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "vertices", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "length", void 0); + this.bones = bones; + this.vertices = vertices; + this.length = length; + }); + var AttachmentType; + (function (AttachmentType) { + AttachmentType[AttachmentType["Region"] = 0] = "Region"; + AttachmentType[AttachmentType["BoundingBox"] = 1] = "BoundingBox"; + AttachmentType[AttachmentType["Mesh"] = 2] = "Mesh"; + AttachmentType[AttachmentType["LinkedMesh"] = 3] = "LinkedMesh"; + AttachmentType[AttachmentType["Path"] = 4] = "Path"; + AttachmentType[AttachmentType["Point"] = 5] = "Point"; + AttachmentType[AttachmentType["Clipping"] = 6] = "Clipping"; + })(AttachmentType || (AttachmentType = {})); + function readTimeline1$1(input, timeline, scale) { + var time = input.readFloat(), + value = input.readFloat() * scale; + for (var frame = 0, bezier = 0, frameLast = timeline.getFrameCount() - 1;; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, value); + if (frame == frameLast) break; + var time2 = input.readFloat(), + value2 = input.readFloat() * scale; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, value, value2, scale); + } + time = time2; + value = value2; + } + return timeline; + } + function readTimeline2$1(input, timeline, scale) { + var time = input.readFloat(), + value1 = input.readFloat() * scale, + value2 = input.readFloat() * scale; + for (var frame = 0, bezier = 0, frameLast = timeline.getFrameCount() - 1;; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, value1, value2); + if (frame == frameLast) break; + var time2 = input.readFloat(), + nvalue1 = input.readFloat() * scale, + nvalue2 = input.readFloat() * scale; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, value1, nvalue1, scale); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 1, time, time2, value2, nvalue2, scale); + } + time = time2; + value1 = nvalue1; + value2 = nvalue2; + } + return timeline; + } + function setBezier(input, timeline, bezier, frame, value, time1, time2, value1, value2, scale) { + timeline.setBezier(bezier, frame, value, time1, value1, input.readFloat(), input.readFloat() * scale, input.readFloat(), input.readFloat() * scale, time2, value2); + } + var BONE_ROTATE = 0; + var BONE_TRANSLATE = 1; + var BONE_TRANSLATEX = 2; + var BONE_TRANSLATEY = 3; + var BONE_SCALE = 4; + var BONE_SCALEX = 5; + var BONE_SCALEY = 6; + var BONE_SHEAR = 7; + var BONE_SHEARX = 8; + var BONE_SHEARY = 9; + var BONE_INHERIT = 10; + var SLOT_ATTACHMENT = 0; + var SLOT_RGBA = 1; + var SLOT_RGB = 2; + var SLOT_RGBA2 = 3; + var SLOT_RGB2 = 4; + var SLOT_ALPHA = 5; + var ATTACHMENT_DEFORM = 0; + var ATTACHMENT_SEQUENCE = 1; + var PATH_POSITION = 0; + var PATH_SPACING = 1; + var PATH_MIX = 2; + var PHYSICS_INERTIA = 0; + var PHYSICS_STRENGTH = 1; + var PHYSICS_DAMPING = 2; + var PHYSICS_MASS = 4; + var PHYSICS_WIND = 5; + var PHYSICS_GRAVITY = 6; + var PHYSICS_MIX = 7; + var PHYSICS_RESET = 8; + var CURVE_STEPPED = 1; + var CURVE_BEZIER = 2; + + var SkeletonBounds = function () { + function SkeletonBounds() { + _classCallCheck(this, SkeletonBounds); + _defineProperty(this, "minX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "minY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "maxX", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "maxY", 0); + _defineProperty(this, "boundingBoxes", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "polygons", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "polygonPool", new Pool(function () { + return Utils.newFloatArray(16); + })); + } + return _createClass(SkeletonBounds, [{ + key: "update", + value: function update(skeleton, updateAabb) { + if (!skeleton) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + var boundingBoxes = this.boundingBoxes; + var polygons = this.polygons; + var polygonPool = this.polygonPool; + var slots = skeleton.slots; + var slotCount = slots.length; + boundingBoxes.length = 0; + polygonPool.freeAll(polygons); + polygons.length = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < slotCount; i++) { + var slot = slots[i]; + if (! continue; + var attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment instanceof BoundingBoxAttachment) { + var boundingBox = attachment; + boundingBoxes.push(boundingBox); + var polygon = polygonPool.obtain(); + if (polygon.length != boundingBox.worldVerticesLength) { + polygon = Utils.newFloatArray(boundingBox.worldVerticesLength); + } + polygons.push(polygon); + boundingBox.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, boundingBox.worldVerticesLength, polygon, 0, 2); + } + } + if (updateAabb) { + this.aabbCompute(); + } else { + this.minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; + this.minY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; + this.maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; + this.maxY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; + } + } + }, { + key: "aabbCompute", + value: function aabbCompute() { + var minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, + minY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, + maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, + maxY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; + var polygons = this.polygons; + for (var i = 0, n = polygons.length; i < n; i++) { + var polygon = polygons[i]; + var vertices = polygon; + for (var ii = 0, nn = polygon.length; ii < nn; ii += 2) { + var x = vertices[ii]; + var y = vertices[ii + 1]; + minX = Math.min(minX, x); + minY = Math.min(minY, y); + maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); + maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); + } + } + this.minX = minX; + this.minY = minY; + this.maxX = maxX; + this.maxY = maxY; + } + }, { + key: "aabbContainsPoint", + value: function aabbContainsPoint(x, y) { + return x >= this.minX && x <= this.maxX && y >= this.minY && y <= this.maxY; + } + }, { + key: "aabbIntersectsSegment", + value: function aabbIntersectsSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var minX = this.minX; + var minY = this.minY; + var maxX = this.maxX; + var maxY = this.maxY; + if (x1 <= minX && x2 <= minX || y1 <= minY && y2 <= minY || x1 >= maxX && x2 >= maxX || y1 >= maxY && y2 >= maxY) return false; + var m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); + var y = m * (minX - x1) + y1; + if (y > minY && y < maxY) return true; + y = m * (maxX - x1) + y1; + if (y > minY && y < maxY) return true; + var x = (minY - y1) / m + x1; + if (x > minX && x < maxX) return true; + x = (maxY - y1) / m + x1; + if (x > minX && x < maxX) return true; + return false; + } + }, { + key: "aabbIntersectsSkeleton", + value: function aabbIntersectsSkeleton(bounds) { + return this.minX < bounds.maxX && this.maxX > bounds.minX && this.minY < bounds.maxY && this.maxY > bounds.minY; + } + }, { + key: "containsPoint", + value: function containsPoint(x, y) { + var polygons = this.polygons; + for (var i = 0, n = polygons.length; i < n; i++) if (this.containsPointPolygon(polygons[i], x, y)) return this.boundingBoxes[i]; + return null; + } + }, { + key: "containsPointPolygon", + value: function containsPointPolygon(polygon, x, y) { + var vertices = polygon; + var nn = polygon.length; + var prevIndex = nn - 2; + var inside = false; + for (var ii = 0; ii < nn; ii += 2) { + var vertexY = vertices[ii + 1]; + var prevY = vertices[prevIndex + 1]; + if (vertexY < y && prevY >= y || prevY < y && vertexY >= y) { + var vertexX = vertices[ii]; + if (vertexX + (y - vertexY) / (prevY - vertexY) * (vertices[prevIndex] - vertexX) < x) inside = !inside; + } + prevIndex = ii; + } + return inside; + } + }, { + key: "intersectsSegment", + value: function intersectsSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var polygons = this.polygons; + for (var i = 0, n = polygons.length; i < n; i++) if (this.intersectsSegmentPolygon(polygons[i], x1, y1, x2, y2)) return this.boundingBoxes[i]; + return null; + } + }, { + key: "intersectsSegmentPolygon", + value: function intersectsSegmentPolygon(polygon, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var vertices = polygon; + var nn = polygon.length; + var width12 = x1 - x2, + height12 = y1 - y2; + var det1 = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2; + var x3 = vertices[nn - 2], + y3 = vertices[nn - 1]; + for (var ii = 0; ii < nn; ii += 2) { + var x4 = vertices[ii], + y4 = vertices[ii + 1]; + var det2 = x3 * y4 - y3 * x4; + var width34 = x3 - x4, + height34 = y3 - y4; + var det3 = width12 * height34 - height12 * width34; + var x = (det1 * width34 - width12 * det2) / det3; + if ((x >= x3 && x <= x4 || x >= x4 && x <= x3) && (x >= x1 && x <= x2 || x >= x2 && x <= x1)) { + var y = (det1 * height34 - height12 * det2) / det3; + if ((y >= y3 && y <= y4 || y >= y4 && y <= y3) && (y >= y1 && y <= y2 || y >= y2 && y <= y1)) return true; + } + x3 = x4; + y3 = y4; + } + return false; + } + }, { + key: "getPolygon", + value: function getPolygon(boundingBox) { + if (!boundingBox) throw new Error("boundingBox cannot be null."); + var index = this.boundingBoxes.indexOf(boundingBox); + return index == -1 ? null : this.polygons[index]; + } + }, { + key: "getWidth", + value: function getWidth() { + return this.maxX - this.minX; + } + }, { + key: "getHeight", + value: function getHeight() { + return this.maxY - this.minY; + } + }]); + }(); + + var Triangulator = function () { + function Triangulator() { + _classCallCheck(this, Triangulator); + _defineProperty(this, "convexPolygons", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "convexPolygonsIndices", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "indicesArray", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "isConcaveArray", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "triangles", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "polygonPool", new Pool(function () { + return new Array(); + })); + _defineProperty(this, "polygonIndicesPool", new Pool(function () { + return new Array(); + })); + } + return _createClass(Triangulator, [{ + key: "triangulate", + value: function triangulate(verticesArray) { + var vertices = verticesArray; + var vertexCount = verticesArray.length >> 1; + var indices = this.indicesArray; + indices.length = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) indices[i] = i; + var isConcave = this.isConcaveArray; + isConcave.length = 0; + for (var _i = 0, n = vertexCount; _i < n; ++_i) isConcave[_i] = Triangulator.isConcave(_i, vertexCount, vertices, indices); + var triangles = this.triangles; + triangles.length = 0; + while (vertexCount > 3) { + var previous = vertexCount - 1, + _i2 = 0, + next = 1; + while (true) { + outer: if (!isConcave[_i2]) { + var p1 = indices[previous] << 1, + p2 = indices[_i2] << 1, + p3 = indices[next] << 1; + var p1x = vertices[p1], + p1y = vertices[p1 + 1]; + var p2x = vertices[p2], + p2y = vertices[p2 + 1]; + var p3x = vertices[p3], + p3y = vertices[p3 + 1]; + for (var ii = (next + 1) % vertexCount; ii != previous; ii = (ii + 1) % vertexCount) { + if (!isConcave[ii]) continue; + var v = indices[ii] << 1; + var vx = vertices[v], + vy = vertices[v + 1]; + if (Triangulator.positiveArea(p3x, p3y, p1x, p1y, vx, vy)) { + if (Triangulator.positiveArea(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, vx, vy)) { + if (Triangulator.positiveArea(p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, vx, vy)) break outer; + } + } + } + break; + } + if (next == 0) { + do { + if (!isConcave[_i2]) break; + _i2--; + } while (_i2 > 0); + break; + } + previous = _i2; + _i2 = next; + next = (next + 1) % vertexCount; + } + triangles.push(indices[(vertexCount + _i2 - 1) % vertexCount]); + triangles.push(indices[_i2]); + triangles.push(indices[(_i2 + 1) % vertexCount]); + indices.splice(_i2, 1); + isConcave.splice(_i2, 1); + vertexCount--; + var previousIndex = (vertexCount + _i2 - 1) % vertexCount; + var nextIndex = _i2 == vertexCount ? 0 : _i2; + isConcave[previousIndex] = Triangulator.isConcave(previousIndex, vertexCount, vertices, indices); + isConcave[nextIndex] = Triangulator.isConcave(nextIndex, vertexCount, vertices, indices); + } + if (vertexCount == 3) { + triangles.push(indices[2]); + triangles.push(indices[0]); + triangles.push(indices[1]); + } + return triangles; + } + }, { + key: "decompose", + value: function decompose(verticesArray, triangles) { + var vertices = verticesArray; + var convexPolygons = this.convexPolygons; + this.polygonPool.freeAll(convexPolygons); + convexPolygons.length = 0; + var convexPolygonsIndices = this.convexPolygonsIndices; + this.polygonIndicesPool.freeAll(convexPolygonsIndices); + convexPolygonsIndices.length = 0; + var polygonIndices = this.polygonIndicesPool.obtain(); + polygonIndices.length = 0; + var polygon = this.polygonPool.obtain(); + polygon.length = 0; + var fanBaseIndex = -1, + lastWinding = 0; + for (var i = 0, n = triangles.length; i < n; i += 3) { + var t1 = triangles[i] << 1, + t2 = triangles[i + 1] << 1, + t3 = triangles[i + 2] << 1; + var x1 = vertices[t1], + y1 = vertices[t1 + 1]; + var x2 = vertices[t2], + y2 = vertices[t2 + 1]; + var x3 = vertices[t3], + y3 = vertices[t3 + 1]; + var merged = false; + if (fanBaseIndex == t1) { + var o = polygon.length - 4; + var winding1 = Triangulator.winding(polygon[o], polygon[o + 1], polygon[o + 2], polygon[o + 3], x3, y3); + var winding2 = Triangulator.winding(x3, y3, polygon[0], polygon[1], polygon[2], polygon[3]); + if (winding1 == lastWinding && winding2 == lastWinding) { + polygon.push(x3); + polygon.push(y3); + polygonIndices.push(t3); + merged = true; + } + } + if (!merged) { + if (polygon.length > 0) { + convexPolygons.push(polygon); + convexPolygonsIndices.push(polygonIndices); + } else { +; +; + } + polygon = this.polygonPool.obtain(); + polygon.length = 0; + polygon.push(x1); + polygon.push(y1); + polygon.push(x2); + polygon.push(y2); + polygon.push(x3); + polygon.push(y3); + polygonIndices = this.polygonIndicesPool.obtain(); + polygonIndices.length = 0; + polygonIndices.push(t1); + polygonIndices.push(t2); + polygonIndices.push(t3); + lastWinding = Triangulator.winding(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); + fanBaseIndex = t1; + } + } + if (polygon.length > 0) { + convexPolygons.push(polygon); + convexPolygonsIndices.push(polygonIndices); + } + for (var _i3 = 0, _n = convexPolygons.length; _i3 < _n; _i3++) { + polygonIndices = convexPolygonsIndices[_i3]; + if (polygonIndices.length == 0) continue; + var firstIndex = polygonIndices[0]; + var lastIndex = polygonIndices[polygonIndices.length - 1]; + polygon = convexPolygons[_i3]; + var _o = polygon.length - 4; + var prevPrevX = polygon[_o], + prevPrevY = polygon[_o + 1]; + var prevX = polygon[_o + 2], + prevY = polygon[_o + 3]; + var firstX = polygon[0], + firstY = polygon[1]; + var secondX = polygon[2], + secondY = polygon[3]; + var winding = Triangulator.winding(prevPrevX, prevPrevY, prevX, prevY, firstX, firstY); + for (var ii = 0; ii < _n; ii++) { + if (ii == _i3) continue; + var otherIndices = convexPolygonsIndices[ii]; + if (otherIndices.length != 3) continue; + var otherFirstIndex = otherIndices[0]; + var otherSecondIndex = otherIndices[1]; + var otherLastIndex = otherIndices[2]; + var otherPoly = convexPolygons[ii]; + var _x = otherPoly[otherPoly.length - 2], + _y = otherPoly[otherPoly.length - 1]; + if (otherFirstIndex != firstIndex || otherSecondIndex != lastIndex) continue; + var _winding = Triangulator.winding(prevPrevX, prevPrevY, prevX, prevY, _x, _y); + var _winding2 = Triangulator.winding(_x, _y, firstX, firstY, secondX, secondY); + if (_winding == winding && _winding2 == winding) { + otherPoly.length = 0; + otherIndices.length = 0; + polygon.push(_x); + polygon.push(_y); + polygonIndices.push(otherLastIndex); + prevPrevX = prevX; + prevPrevY = prevY; + prevX = _x; + prevY = _y; + ii = 0; + } + } + } + for (var _i4 = convexPolygons.length - 1; _i4 >= 0; _i4--) { + polygon = convexPolygons[_i4]; + if (polygon.length == 0) { + convexPolygons.splice(_i4, 1); +; + polygonIndices = convexPolygonsIndices[_i4]; + convexPolygonsIndices.splice(_i4, 1); +; + } + } + return convexPolygons; + } + }], [{ + key: "isConcave", + value: function isConcave(index, vertexCount, vertices, indices) { + var previous = indices[(vertexCount + index - 1) % vertexCount] << 1; + var current = indices[index] << 1; + var next = indices[(index + 1) % vertexCount] << 1; + return !this.positiveArea(vertices[previous], vertices[previous + 1], vertices[current], vertices[current + 1], vertices[next], vertices[next + 1]); + } + }, { + key: "positiveArea", + value: function positiveArea(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) { + return p1x * (p3y - p2y) + p2x * (p1y - p3y) + p3x * (p2y - p1y) >= 0; + } + }, { + key: "winding", + value: function winding(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) { + var px = p2x - p1x, + py = p2y - p1y; + return p3x * py - p3y * px + px * p1y - p1x * py >= 0 ? 1 : -1; + } + }]); + }(); + + var SkeletonClipping = function () { + function SkeletonClipping() { + _classCallCheck(this, SkeletonClipping); + _defineProperty(this, "triangulator", new Triangulator()); + _defineProperty(this, "clippingPolygon", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "clipOutput", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "clippedVertices", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "clippedTriangles", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "scratch", new Array()); + _defineProperty(this, "clipAttachment", null); + _defineProperty(this, "clippingPolygons", null); + } + return _createClass(SkeletonClipping, [{ + key: "clipStart", + value: function clipStart(slot, clip) { + if (this.clipAttachment) return 0; + this.clipAttachment = clip; + var n = clip.worldVerticesLength; + var vertices = Utils.setArraySize(this.clippingPolygon, n); + clip.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, n, vertices, 0, 2); + var clippingPolygon = this.clippingPolygon; + SkeletonClipping.makeClockwise(clippingPolygon); + var clippingPolygons = this.clippingPolygons = this.triangulator.decompose(clippingPolygon, this.triangulator.triangulate(clippingPolygon)); + for (var i = 0, _n = clippingPolygons.length; i < _n; i++) { + var polygon = clippingPolygons[i]; + SkeletonClipping.makeClockwise(polygon); + polygon.push(polygon[0]); + polygon.push(polygon[1]); + } + return clippingPolygons.length; + } + }, { + key: "clipEndWithSlot", + value: function clipEndWithSlot(slot) { + if (this.clipAttachment && this.clipAttachment.endSlot == this.clipEnd(); + } + }, { + key: "clipEnd", + value: function clipEnd() { + if (!this.clipAttachment) return; + this.clipAttachment = null; + this.clippingPolygons = null; + this.clippedVertices.length = 0; + this.clippedTriangles.length = 0; + this.clippingPolygon.length = 0; + } + }, { + key: "isClipping", + value: function isClipping() { + return this.clipAttachment != null; + } + }, { + key: "clipTriangles", + value: function clipTriangles(vertices, triangles, trianglesLength, uvs, light, dark, twoColor) { + if (uvs && light && dark && typeof twoColor === 'boolean') this.clipTrianglesRender(vertices, triangles, trianglesLength, uvs, light, dark, twoColor);else this.clipTrianglesNoRender(vertices, triangles, trianglesLength); + } + }, { + key: "clipTrianglesNoRender", + value: function clipTrianglesNoRender(vertices, triangles, trianglesLength) { + var clipOutput = this.clipOutput, + clippedVertices = this.clippedVertices; + var clippedTriangles = this.clippedTriangles; + var polygons = this.clippingPolygons; + var polygonsCount = polygons.length; + var index = 0; + clippedVertices.length = 0; + clippedTriangles.length = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < trianglesLength; i += 3) { + var vertexOffset = triangles[i] << 1; + var x1 = vertices[vertexOffset], + y1 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + vertexOffset = triangles[i + 1] << 1; + var x2 = vertices[vertexOffset], + y2 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + vertexOffset = triangles[i + 2] << 1; + var x3 = vertices[vertexOffset], + y3 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + for (var p = 0; p < polygonsCount; p++) { + var s = clippedVertices.length; + if (this.clip(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, polygons[p], clipOutput)) { + var clipOutputLength = clipOutput.length; + if (clipOutputLength == 0) continue; + var clipOutputCount = clipOutputLength >> 1; + var clipOutputItems = this.clipOutput; + var clippedVerticesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedVertices, s + clipOutputCount * 2); + for (var ii = 0; ii < clipOutputLength; ii += 2, s += 2) { + var x = clipOutputItems[ii], + y = clipOutputItems[ii + 1]; + clippedVerticesItems[s] = x; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 1] = y; + } + s = clippedTriangles.length; + var clippedTrianglesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedTriangles, s + 3 * (clipOutputCount - 2)); + clipOutputCount--; + for (var _ii = 1; _ii < clipOutputCount; _ii++, s += 3) { + clippedTrianglesItems[s] = index; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 1] = index + _ii; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 2] = index + _ii + 1; + } + index += clipOutputCount + 1; + } else { + var _clippedVerticesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedVertices, s + 3 * 2); + _clippedVerticesItems[s] = x1; + _clippedVerticesItems[s + 1] = y1; + _clippedVerticesItems[s + 2] = x2; + _clippedVerticesItems[s + 3] = y2; + _clippedVerticesItems[s + 4] = x3; + _clippedVerticesItems[s + 5] = y3; + s = clippedTriangles.length; + var _clippedTrianglesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedTriangles, s + 3); + _clippedTrianglesItems[s] = index; + _clippedTrianglesItems[s + 1] = index + 1; + _clippedTrianglesItems[s + 2] = index + 2; + index += 3; + break; + } + } + } + } + }, { + key: "clipTrianglesRender", + value: function clipTrianglesRender(vertices, triangles, trianglesLength, uvs, light, dark, twoColor) { + var clipOutput = this.clipOutput, + clippedVertices = this.clippedVertices; + var clippedTriangles = this.clippedTriangles; + var polygons = this.clippingPolygons; + var polygonsCount = polygons.length; + var vertexSize = twoColor ? 12 : 8; + var index = 0; + clippedVertices.length = 0; + clippedTriangles.length = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < trianglesLength; i += 3) { + var vertexOffset = triangles[i] << 1; + var x1 = vertices[vertexOffset], + y1 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + var u1 = uvs[vertexOffset], + v1 = uvs[vertexOffset + 1]; + vertexOffset = triangles[i + 1] << 1; + var x2 = vertices[vertexOffset], + y2 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + var u2 = uvs[vertexOffset], + v2 = uvs[vertexOffset + 1]; + vertexOffset = triangles[i + 2] << 1; + var x3 = vertices[vertexOffset], + y3 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + var u3 = uvs[vertexOffset], + v3 = uvs[vertexOffset + 1]; + for (var p = 0; p < polygonsCount; p++) { + var s = clippedVertices.length; + if (this.clip(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, polygons[p], clipOutput)) { + var clipOutputLength = clipOutput.length; + if (clipOutputLength == 0) continue; + var d0 = y2 - y3, + d1 = x3 - x2, + d2 = x1 - x3, + d4 = y3 - y1; + var d = 1 / (d0 * d2 + d1 * (y1 - y3)); + var clipOutputCount = clipOutputLength >> 1; + var clipOutputItems = this.clipOutput; + var clippedVerticesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedVertices, s + clipOutputCount * vertexSize); + for (var ii = 0; ii < clipOutputLength; ii += 2, s += vertexSize) { + var x = clipOutputItems[ii], + y = clipOutputItems[ii + 1]; + clippedVerticesItems[s] = x; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 1] = y; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 2] = light.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 3] = light.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 4] = light.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 5] = light.a; + var c0 = x - x3, + c1 = y - y3; + var a = (d0 * c0 + d1 * c1) * d; + var b = (d4 * c0 + d2 * c1) * d; + var c = 1 - a - b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 6] = u1 * a + u2 * b + u3 * c; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 7] = v1 * a + v2 * b + v3 * c; + if (twoColor) { + clippedVerticesItems[s + 8] = dark.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 9] = dark.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 10] = dark.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 11] = dark.a; + } + } + s = clippedTriangles.length; + var clippedTrianglesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedTriangles, s + 3 * (clipOutputCount - 2)); + clipOutputCount--; + for (var _ii2 = 1; _ii2 < clipOutputCount; _ii2++, s += 3) { + clippedTrianglesItems[s] = index; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 1] = index + _ii2; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 2] = index + _ii2 + 1; + } + index += clipOutputCount + 1; + } else { + var _clippedVerticesItems2 = Utils.setArraySize(clippedVertices, s + 3 * vertexSize); + _clippedVerticesItems2[s] = x1; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 1] = y1; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 2] = light.r; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 3] = light.g; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 4] = light.b; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 5] = light.a; + if (!twoColor) { + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 6] = u1; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 7] = v1; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 8] = x2; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 9] = y2; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 10] = light.r; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 11] = light.g; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 12] = light.b; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 13] = light.a; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 14] = u2; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 15] = v2; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 16] = x3; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 17] = y3; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 18] = light.r; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 19] = light.g; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 20] = light.b; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 21] = light.a; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 22] = u3; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 23] = v3; + } else { + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 6] = u1; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 7] = v1; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 8] = dark.r; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 9] = dark.g; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 10] = dark.b; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 11] = dark.a; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 12] = x2; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 13] = y2; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 14] = light.r; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 15] = light.g; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 16] = light.b; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 17] = light.a; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 18] = u2; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 19] = v2; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 20] = dark.r; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 21] = dark.g; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 22] = dark.b; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 23] = dark.a; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 24] = x3; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 25] = y3; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 26] = light.r; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 27] = light.g; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 28] = light.b; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 29] = light.a; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 30] = u3; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 31] = v3; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 32] = dark.r; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 33] = dark.g; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 34] = dark.b; + _clippedVerticesItems2[s + 35] = dark.a; + } + s = clippedTriangles.length; + var _clippedTrianglesItems2 = Utils.setArraySize(clippedTriangles, s + 3); + _clippedTrianglesItems2[s] = index; + _clippedTrianglesItems2[s + 1] = index + 1; + _clippedTrianglesItems2[s + 2] = index + 2; + index += 3; + break; + } + } + } + } + }, { + key: "clip", + value: function clip(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, clippingArea, output) { + var originalOutput = output; + var clipped = false; + var input; + if (clippingArea.length % 4 >= 2) { + input = output; + output = this.scratch; + } else input = this.scratch; + input.length = 0; + input.push(x1); + input.push(y1); + input.push(x2); + input.push(y2); + input.push(x3); + input.push(y3); + input.push(x1); + input.push(y1); + output.length = 0; + var clippingVerticesLast = clippingArea.length - 4; + var clippingVertices = clippingArea; + for (var i = 0;; i += 2) { + var edgeX = clippingVertices[i], + edgeY = clippingVertices[i + 1]; + var ex = edgeX - clippingVertices[i + 2], + ey = edgeY - clippingVertices[i + 3]; + var outputStart = output.length; + var inputVertices = input; + for (var ii = 0, nn = input.length - 2; ii < nn;) { + var inputX = inputVertices[ii], + inputY = inputVertices[ii + 1]; + ii += 2; + var inputX2 = inputVertices[ii], + inputY2 = inputVertices[ii + 1]; + var s2 = ey * (edgeX - inputX2) > ex * (edgeY - inputY2); + var s1 = ey * (edgeX - inputX) - ex * (edgeY - inputY); + if (s1 > 0) { + if (s2) { + output.push(inputX2); + output.push(inputY2); + continue; + } + var ix = inputX2 - inputX, + iy = inputY2 - inputY, + t = s1 / (ix * ey - iy * ex); + if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) { + output.push(inputX + ix * t); + output.push(inputY + iy * t); + } else { + output.push(inputX2); + output.push(inputY2); + continue; + } + } else if (s2) { + var _ix = inputX2 - inputX, + _iy = inputY2 - inputY, + _t = s1 / (_ix * ey - _iy * ex); + if (_t >= 0 && _t <= 1) { + output.push(inputX + _ix * _t); + output.push(inputY + _iy * _t); + output.push(inputX2); + output.push(inputY2); + } else { + output.push(inputX2); + output.push(inputY2); + continue; + } + } + clipped = true; + } + if (outputStart == output.length) { + originalOutput.length = 0; + return true; + } + output.push(output[0]); + output.push(output[1]); + if (i == clippingVerticesLast) break; + var temp = output; + output = input; + output.length = 0; + input = temp; + } + if (originalOutput != output) { + originalOutput.length = 0; + for (var _i = 0, n = output.length - 2; _i < n; _i++) originalOutput[_i] = output[_i]; + } else originalOutput.length = originalOutput.length - 2; + return clipped; + } + }], [{ + key: "makeClockwise", + value: function makeClockwise(polygon) { + var vertices = polygon; + var verticeslength = polygon.length; + var area = vertices[verticeslength - 2] * vertices[1] - vertices[0] * vertices[verticeslength - 1], + p1x = 0, + p1y = 0, + p2x = 0, + p2y = 0; + for (var i = 0, n = verticeslength - 3; i < n; i += 2) { + p1x = vertices[i]; + p1y = vertices[i + 1]; + p2x = vertices[i + 2]; + p2y = vertices[i + 3]; + area += p1x * p2y - p2x * p1y; + } + if (area < 0) return; + for (var _i2 = 0, lastX = verticeslength - 2, _n2 = verticeslength >> 1; _i2 < _n2; _i2 += 2) { + var x = vertices[_i2], + y = vertices[_i2 + 1]; + var other = lastX - _i2; + vertices[_i2] = vertices[other]; + vertices[_i2 + 1] = vertices[other + 1]; + vertices[other] = x; + vertices[other + 1] = y; + } + } + }]); + }(); + + var SkeletonJson = function () { + function SkeletonJson(attachmentLoader) { + _classCallCheck(this, SkeletonJson); + _defineProperty(this, "attachmentLoader", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "scale", 1); + _defineProperty(this, "linkedMeshes", new Array()); + this.attachmentLoader = attachmentLoader; + } + return _createClass(SkeletonJson, [{ + key: "readSkeletonData", + value: function readSkeletonData(json) { + var scale = this.scale; + var skeletonData = new SkeletonData(); + var root = typeof json === "string" ? JSON.parse(json) : json; + var skeletonMap = root.skeleton; + if (skeletonMap) { + var _skeletonMap$images, _skeletonMap$audio; + skeletonData.hash = skeletonMap.hash; + skeletonData.version = skeletonMap.spine; + skeletonData.x = skeletonMap.x; + skeletonData.y = skeletonMap.y; + skeletonData.width = skeletonMap.width; + skeletonData.height = skeletonMap.height; + skeletonData.referenceScale = getValue(skeletonMap, "referenceScale", 100) * scale; + skeletonData.fps = skeletonMap.fps; + skeletonData.imagesPath = (_skeletonMap$images = skeletonMap.images) !== null && _skeletonMap$images !== void 0 ? _skeletonMap$images : null; + skeletonData.audioPath = (_skeletonMap$audio = !== null && _skeletonMap$audio !== void 0 ? _skeletonMap$audio : null; + } + if (root.bones) { + for (var i = 0; i < root.bones.length; i++) { + var boneMap = root.bones[i]; + var parent = null; + var parentName = getValue(boneMap, "parent", null); + if (parentName) parent = skeletonData.findBone(parentName); + var data = new BoneData(skeletonData.bones.length,, parent); + data.length = getValue(boneMap, "length", 0) * scale; + data.x = getValue(boneMap, "x", 0) * scale; + data.y = getValue(boneMap, "y", 0) * scale; + data.rotation = getValue(boneMap, "rotation", 0); + data.scaleX = getValue(boneMap, "scaleX", 1); + data.scaleY = getValue(boneMap, "scaleY", 1); + data.shearX = getValue(boneMap, "shearX", 0); + data.shearY = getValue(boneMap, "shearY", 0); + data.inherit = Utils.enumValue(Inherit, getValue(boneMap, "inherit", "Normal")); + data.skinRequired = getValue(boneMap, "skin", false); + var color = getValue(boneMap, "color", null); + if (color) data.color.setFromString(color); + skeletonData.bones.push(data); + } + } + if (root.slots) { + for (var _i = 0; _i < root.slots.length; _i++) { + var slotMap = root.slots[_i]; + var slotName =; + var boneData = skeletonData.findBone(slotMap.bone); + if (!boneData) throw new Error("Couldn't find bone ".concat(slotMap.bone, " for slot ").concat(slotName)); + var _data = new SlotData(skeletonData.slots.length, slotName, boneData); + var _color = getValue(slotMap, "color", null); + if (_color) _data.color.setFromString(_color); + var dark = getValue(slotMap, "dark", null); + if (dark) _data.darkColor = Color.fromString(dark); + _data.attachmentName = getValue(slotMap, "attachment", null); + _data.blendMode = Utils.enumValue(BlendMode, getValue(slotMap, "blend", "normal")); + _data.visible = getValue(slotMap, "visible", true); + skeletonData.slots.push(_data); + } + } + if (root.ik) { + for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < root.ik.length; _i2++) { + var constraintMap = root.ik[_i2]; + var _data2 = new IkConstraintData(; + _data2.order = getValue(constraintMap, "order", 0); + _data2.skinRequired = getValue(constraintMap, "skin", false); + for (var ii = 0; ii < constraintMap.bones.length; ii++) { + var bone = skeletonData.findBone(constraintMap.bones[ii]); + if (!bone) throw new Error("Couldn't find bone ".concat(constraintMap.bones[ii], " for IK constraint ").concat(, ".")); + _data2.bones.push(bone); + } + var target = skeletonData.findBone(; + if (!target) throw new Error("Couldn't find target bone ".concat(, " for IK constraint ").concat(, ".")); + = target; + _data2.mix = getValue(constraintMap, "mix", 1); + _data2.softness = getValue(constraintMap, "softness", 0) * scale; + _data2.bendDirection = getValue(constraintMap, "bendPositive", true) ? 1 : -1; + _data2.compress = getValue(constraintMap, "compress", false); + _data2.stretch = getValue(constraintMap, "stretch", false); + _data2.uniform = getValue(constraintMap, "uniform", false); + skeletonData.ikConstraints.push(_data2); + } + } + if (root.transform) { + for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < root.transform.length; _i3++) { + var _constraintMap = root.transform[_i3]; + var _data3 = new TransformConstraintData(; + _data3.order = getValue(_constraintMap, "order", 0); + _data3.skinRequired = getValue(_constraintMap, "skin", false); + for (var _ii = 0; _ii < _constraintMap.bones.length; _ii++) { + var boneName = _constraintMap.bones[_ii]; + var _bone = skeletonData.findBone(boneName); + if (!_bone) throw new Error("Couldn't find bone ".concat(boneName, " for transform constraint ").concat(, ".")); + _data3.bones.push(_bone); + } + var targetName =; + var _target = skeletonData.findBone(targetName); + if (!_target) throw new Error("Couldn't find target bone ".concat(targetName, " for transform constraint ").concat(, ".")); + = _target; + _data3.local = getValue(_constraintMap, "local", false); + _data3.relative = getValue(_constraintMap, "relative", false); + _data3.offsetRotation = getValue(_constraintMap, "rotation", 0); + _data3.offsetX = getValue(_constraintMap, "x", 0) * scale; + _data3.offsetY = getValue(_constraintMap, "y", 0) * scale; + _data3.offsetScaleX = getValue(_constraintMap, "scaleX", 0); + _data3.offsetScaleY = getValue(_constraintMap, "scaleY", 0); + _data3.offsetShearY = getValue(_constraintMap, "shearY", 0); + _data3.mixRotate = getValue(_constraintMap, "mixRotate", 1); + _data3.mixX = getValue(_constraintMap, "mixX", 1); + _data3.mixY = getValue(_constraintMap, "mixY", _data3.mixX); + _data3.mixScaleX = getValue(_constraintMap, "mixScaleX", 1); + _data3.mixScaleY = getValue(_constraintMap, "mixScaleY", _data3.mixScaleX); + _data3.mixShearY = getValue(_constraintMap, "mixShearY", 1); + skeletonData.transformConstraints.push(_data3); + } + } + if (root.path) { + for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < root.path.length; _i4++) { + var _constraintMap2 = root.path[_i4]; + var _data4 = new PathConstraintData(; + _data4.order = getValue(_constraintMap2, "order", 0); + _data4.skinRequired = getValue(_constraintMap2, "skin", false); + for (var _ii2 = 0; _ii2 < _constraintMap2.bones.length; _ii2++) { + var _boneName = _constraintMap2.bones[_ii2]; + var _bone2 = skeletonData.findBone(_boneName); + if (!_bone2) throw new Error("Couldn't find bone ".concat(_boneName, " for path constraint ").concat(, ".")); + _data4.bones.push(_bone2); + } + var _targetName =; + var _target2 = skeletonData.findSlot(_targetName); + if (!_target2) throw new Error("Couldn't find target slot ".concat(_targetName, " for path constraint ").concat(, ".")); + = _target2; + _data4.positionMode = Utils.enumValue(PositionMode, getValue(_constraintMap2, "positionMode", "Percent")); + _data4.spacingMode = Utils.enumValue(SpacingMode, getValue(_constraintMap2, "spacingMode", "Length")); + _data4.rotateMode = Utils.enumValue(RotateMode, getValue(_constraintMap2, "rotateMode", "Tangent")); + _data4.offsetRotation = getValue(_constraintMap2, "rotation", 0); + _data4.position = getValue(_constraintMap2, "position", 0); + if (_data4.positionMode == PositionMode.Fixed) _data4.position *= scale; + _data4.spacing = getValue(_constraintMap2, "spacing", 0); + if (_data4.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length || _data4.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Fixed) _data4.spacing *= scale; + _data4.mixRotate = getValue(_constraintMap2, "mixRotate", 1); + _data4.mixX = getValue(_constraintMap2, "mixX", 1); + _data4.mixY = getValue(_constraintMap2, "mixY", _data4.mixX); + skeletonData.pathConstraints.push(_data4); + } + } + if (root.physics) { + for (var _i5 = 0; _i5 < root.physics.length; _i5++) { + var _constraintMap3 = root.physics[_i5]; + var _data5 = new PhysicsConstraintData(; + _data5.order = getValue(_constraintMap3, "order", 0); + _data5.skinRequired = getValue(_constraintMap3, "skin", false); + var _boneName2 = _constraintMap3.bone; + var _bone3 = skeletonData.findBone(_boneName2); + if (_bone3 == null) throw new Error("Physics bone not found: " + _boneName2); + _data5.bone = _bone3; + _data5.x = getValue(_constraintMap3, "x", 0); + _data5.y = getValue(_constraintMap3, "y", 0); + _data5.rotate = getValue(_constraintMap3, "rotate", 0); + _data5.scaleX = getValue(_constraintMap3, "scaleX", 0); + _data5.shearX = getValue(_constraintMap3, "shearX", 0); + _data5.limit = getValue(_constraintMap3, "limit", 5000) * scale; + _data5.step = 1 / getValue(_constraintMap3, "fps", 60); + _data5.inertia = getValue(_constraintMap3, "inertia", 1); + _data5.strength = getValue(_constraintMap3, "strength", 100); + _data5.damping = getValue(_constraintMap3, "damping", 1); + _data5.massInverse = 1 / getValue(_constraintMap3, "mass", 1); + _data5.wind = getValue(_constraintMap3, "wind", 0); + _data5.gravity = getValue(_constraintMap3, "gravity", 0); + _data5.mix = getValue(_constraintMap3, "mix", 1); + _data5.inertiaGlobal = getValue(_constraintMap3, "inertiaGlobal", false); + _data5.strengthGlobal = getValue(_constraintMap3, "strengthGlobal", false); + _data5.dampingGlobal = getValue(_constraintMap3, "dampingGlobal", false); + _data5.massGlobal = getValue(_constraintMap3, "massGlobal", false); + _data5.windGlobal = getValue(_constraintMap3, "windGlobal", false); + _data5.gravityGlobal = getValue(_constraintMap3, "gravityGlobal", false); + _data5.mixGlobal = getValue(_constraintMap3, "mixGlobal", false); + skeletonData.physicsConstraints.push(_data5); + } + } + if (root.skins) { + for (var _i6 = 0; _i6 < root.skins.length; _i6++) { + var skinMap = root.skins[_i6]; + var skin = new Skin(; + if (skinMap.bones) { + for (var _ii3 = 0; _ii3 < skinMap.bones.length; _ii3++) { + var _boneName3 = skinMap.bones[_ii3]; + var _bone4 = skeletonData.findBone(_boneName3); + if (!_bone4) throw new Error("Couldn't find bone ".concat(_boneName3, " for skin ").concat(, ".")); + skin.bones.push(_bone4); + } + } + if (skinMap.ik) { + for (var _ii4 = 0; _ii4 < skinMap.ik.length; _ii4++) { + var constraintName = skinMap.ik[_ii4]; + var constraint = skeletonData.findIkConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) throw new Error("Couldn't find IK constraint ".concat(constraintName, " for skin ").concat(, ".")); + skin.constraints.push(constraint); + } + } + if (skinMap.transform) { + for (var _ii5 = 0; _ii5 < skinMap.transform.length; _ii5++) { + var _constraintName = skinMap.transform[_ii5]; + var _constraint = skeletonData.findTransformConstraint(_constraintName); + if (!_constraint) throw new Error("Couldn't find transform constraint ".concat(_constraintName, " for skin ").concat(, ".")); + skin.constraints.push(_constraint); + } + } + if (skinMap.path) { + for (var _ii6 = 0; _ii6 < skinMap.path.length; _ii6++) { + var _constraintName2 = skinMap.path[_ii6]; + var _constraint2 = skeletonData.findPathConstraint(_constraintName2); + if (!_constraint2) throw new Error("Couldn't find path constraint ".concat(_constraintName2, " for skin ").concat(, ".")); + skin.constraints.push(_constraint2); + } + } + if (skinMap.physics) { + for (var _ii7 = 0; _ii7 < skinMap.physics.length; _ii7++) { + var _constraintName3 = skinMap.physics[_ii7]; + var _constraint3 = skeletonData.findPhysicsConstraint(_constraintName3); + if (!_constraint3) throw new Error("Couldn't find physics constraint ".concat(_constraintName3, " for skin ").concat(, ".")); + skin.constraints.push(_constraint3); + } + } + for (var _slotName in skinMap.attachments) { + var slot = skeletonData.findSlot(_slotName); + if (!slot) throw new Error("Couldn't find slot ".concat(_slotName, " for skin ").concat(, ".")); + var _slotMap = skinMap.attachments[_slotName]; + for (var entryName in _slotMap) { + var attachment = this.readAttachment(_slotMap[entryName], skin, slot.index, entryName, skeletonData); + if (attachment) skin.setAttachment(slot.index, entryName, attachment); + } + } + skeletonData.skins.push(skin); + if ( == "default") skeletonData.defaultSkin = skin; + } + } + for (var _i7 = 0, n = this.linkedMeshes.length; _i7 < n; _i7++) { + var linkedMesh = this.linkedMeshes[_i7]; + var _skin = ! ? skeletonData.defaultSkin : skeletonData.findSkin(; + if (!_skin) throw new Error("Skin not found: ".concat(; + var _parent = _skin.getAttachment(linkedMesh.slotIndex, linkedMesh.parent); + if (!_parent) throw new Error("Parent mesh not found: ".concat(linkedMesh.parent)); + linkedMesh.mesh.timelineAttachment = linkedMesh.inheritTimeline ? _parent : linkedMesh.mesh; + linkedMesh.mesh.setParentMesh(_parent); + if (linkedMesh.mesh.region != null) linkedMesh.mesh.updateRegion(); + } + this.linkedMeshes.length = 0; + if ( { + for (var eventName in { + var eventMap =[eventName]; + var _data6 = new EventData(eventName); + _data6.intValue = getValue(eventMap, "int", 0); + _data6.floatValue = getValue(eventMap, "float", 0); + _data6.stringValue = getValue(eventMap, "string", ""); + _data6.audioPath = getValue(eventMap, "audio", null); + if (_data6.audioPath) { + _data6.volume = getValue(eventMap, "volume", 1); + _data6.balance = getValue(eventMap, "balance", 0); + } +; + } + } + if (root.animations) { + for (var animationName in root.animations) { + var animationMap = root.animations[animationName]; + this.readAnimation(animationMap, animationName, skeletonData); + } + } + return skeletonData; + } + }, { + key: "readAttachment", + value: function readAttachment(map, skin, slotIndex, name, skeletonData) { + var scale = this.scale; + name = getValue(map, "name", name); + switch (getValue(map, "type", "region")) { + case "region": + { + var path = getValue(map, "path", name); + var sequence = this.readSequence(getValue(map, "sequence", null)); + var region = this.attachmentLoader.newRegionAttachment(skin, name, path, sequence); + if (!region) return null; + region.path = path; + region.x = getValue(map, "x", 0) * scale; + region.y = getValue(map, "y", 0) * scale; + region.scaleX = getValue(map, "scaleX", 1); + region.scaleY = getValue(map, "scaleY", 1); + region.rotation = getValue(map, "rotation", 0); + region.width = map.width * scale; + region.height = map.height * scale; + region.sequence = sequence; + var color = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (color) region.color.setFromString(color); + if (region.region != null) region.updateRegion(); + return region; + } + case "boundingbox": + { + var box = this.attachmentLoader.newBoundingBoxAttachment(skin, name); + if (!box) return null; + this.readVertices(map, box, map.vertexCount << 1); + var _color2 = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (_color2) box.color.setFromString(_color2); + return box; + } + case "mesh": + case "linkedmesh": + { + var _path = getValue(map, "path", name); + var _sequence = this.readSequence(getValue(map, "sequence", null)); + var mesh = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(skin, name, _path, _sequence); + if (!mesh) return null; + mesh.path = _path; + var _color3 = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (_color3) mesh.color.setFromString(_color3); + mesh.width = getValue(map, "width", 0) * scale; + mesh.height = getValue(map, "height", 0) * scale; + mesh.sequence = _sequence; + var parent = getValue(map, "parent", null); + if (parent) { + this.linkedMeshes.push(new LinkedMesh(mesh, getValue(map, "skin", null), slotIndex, parent, getValue(map, "timelines", true))); + return mesh; + } + var uvs = map.uvs; + this.readVertices(map, mesh, uvs.length); + mesh.triangles = map.triangles; + mesh.regionUVs = uvs; + if (mesh.region != null) mesh.updateRegion(); + mesh.edges = getValue(map, "edges", null); + mesh.hullLength = getValue(map, "hull", 0) * 2; + return mesh; + } + case "path": + { + var _path2 = this.attachmentLoader.newPathAttachment(skin, name); + if (!_path2) return null; + _path2.closed = getValue(map, "closed", false); + _path2.constantSpeed = getValue(map, "constantSpeed", true); + var vertexCount = map.vertexCount; + this.readVertices(map, _path2, vertexCount << 1); + var lengths = Utils.newArray(vertexCount / 3, 0); + for (var i = 0; i < map.lengths.length; i++) lengths[i] = map.lengths[i] * scale; + _path2.lengths = lengths; + var _color4 = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (_color4) _path2.color.setFromString(_color4); + return _path2; + } + case "point": + { + var point = this.attachmentLoader.newPointAttachment(skin, name); + if (!point) return null; + point.x = getValue(map, "x", 0) * scale; + point.y = getValue(map, "y", 0) * scale; + point.rotation = getValue(map, "rotation", 0); + var _color5 = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (_color5) point.color.setFromString(_color5); + return point; + } + case "clipping": + { + var clip = this.attachmentLoader.newClippingAttachment(skin, name); + if (!clip) return null; + var end = getValue(map, "end", null); + if (end) clip.endSlot = skeletonData.findSlot(end); + var _vertexCount = map.vertexCount; + this.readVertices(map, clip, _vertexCount << 1); + var _color6 = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (_color6) clip.color.setFromString(_color6); + return clip; + } + } + return null; + } + }, { + key: "readSequence", + value: function readSequence(map) { + if (map == null) return null; + var sequence = new Sequence(getValue(map, "count", 0)); + sequence.start = getValue(map, "start", 1); + sequence.digits = getValue(map, "digits", 0); + sequence.setupIndex = getValue(map, "setup", 0); + return sequence; + } + }, { + key: "readVertices", + value: function readVertices(map, attachment, verticesLength) { + var scale = this.scale; + attachment.worldVerticesLength = verticesLength; + var vertices = map.vertices; + if (verticesLength == vertices.length) { + var scaledVertices = Utils.toFloatArray(vertices); + if (scale != 1) { + for (var i = 0, n = vertices.length; i < n; i++) scaledVertices[i] *= scale; + } + attachment.vertices = scaledVertices; + return; + } + var weights = new Array(); + var bones = new Array(); + for (var _i8 = 0, _n = vertices.length; _i8 < _n;) { + var boneCount = vertices[_i8++]; + bones.push(boneCount); + for (var nn = _i8 + boneCount * 4; _i8 < nn; _i8 += 4) { + bones.push(vertices[_i8]); + weights.push(vertices[_i8 + 1] * scale); + weights.push(vertices[_i8 + 2] * scale); + weights.push(vertices[_i8 + 3]); + } + } + attachment.bones = bones; + attachment.vertices = Utils.toFloatArray(weights); + } + }, { + key: "readAnimation", + value: function readAnimation(map, name, skeletonData) { + var scale = this.scale; + var timelines = new Array(); + if (map.slots) { + for (var slotName in map.slots) { + var slotMap = map.slots[slotName]; + var slot = skeletonData.findSlot(slotName); + if (!slot) throw new Error("Slot not found: " + slotName); + var slotIndex = slot.index; + for (var timelineName in slotMap) { + var timelineMap = slotMap[timelineName]; + if (!timelineMap) continue; + var frames = timelineMap.length; + if (timelineName == "attachment") { + var timeline = new AttachmentTimeline(frames, slotIndex); + for (var frame = 0; frame < frames; frame++) { + var keyMap = timelineMap[frame]; + timeline.setFrame(frame, getValue(keyMap, "time", 0), getValue(keyMap, "name", null)); + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } else if (timelineName == "rgba") { + var _timeline = new RGBATimeline(frames, frames << 2, slotIndex); + var _keyMap = timelineMap[0]; + var time = getValue(_keyMap, "time", 0); + var color = Color.fromString(_keyMap.color); + for (var _frame = 0, bezier = 0;; _frame++) { + _timeline.setFrame(_frame, time, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); + var nextMap = timelineMap[_frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + _timeline.shrink(bezier); + break; + } + var time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + var newColor = Color.fromString(nextMap.color); + var curve = _keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, _timeline, bezier, _frame, 0, time, time2, color.r, newColor.r, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, _timeline, bezier, _frame, 1, time, time2, color.g, newColor.g, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, _timeline, bezier, _frame, 2, time, time2, color.b, newColor.b, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, _timeline, bezier, _frame, 3, time, time2, color.a, newColor.a, 1); + } + time = time2; + color = newColor; + _keyMap = nextMap; + } + timelines.push(_timeline); + } else if (timelineName == "rgb") { + var _timeline2 = new RGBTimeline(frames, frames * 3, slotIndex); + var _keyMap2 = timelineMap[0]; + var _time = getValue(_keyMap2, "time", 0); + var _color7 = Color.fromString(_keyMap2.color); + for (var _frame2 = 0, _bezier = 0;; _frame2++) { + _timeline2.setFrame(_frame2, _time, _color7.r, _color7.g, _color7.b); + var _nextMap = timelineMap[_frame2 + 1]; + if (!_nextMap) { + _timeline2.shrink(_bezier); + break; + } + var _time2 = getValue(_nextMap, "time", 0); + var _newColor = Color.fromString(_nextMap.color); + var _curve = _keyMap2.curve; + if (_curve) { + _bezier = readCurve(_curve, _timeline2, _bezier, _frame2, 0, _time, _time2, _color7.r, _newColor.r, 1); + _bezier = readCurve(_curve, _timeline2, _bezier, _frame2, 1, _time, _time2, _color7.g, _newColor.g, 1); + _bezier = readCurve(_curve, _timeline2, _bezier, _frame2, 2, _time, _time2, _color7.b, _newColor.b, 1); + } + _time = _time2; + _color7 = _newColor; + _keyMap2 = _nextMap; + } + timelines.push(_timeline2); + } else if (timelineName == "alpha") { + timelines.push(readTimeline1(timelineMap, new AlphaTimeline(frames, frames, slotIndex), 0, 1)); + } else if (timelineName == "rgba2") { + var _timeline3 = new RGBA2Timeline(frames, frames * 7, slotIndex); + var _keyMap3 = timelineMap[0]; + var _time3 = getValue(_keyMap3, "time", 0); + var _color8 = Color.fromString(_keyMap3.light); + var color2 = Color.fromString(_keyMap3.dark); + for (var _frame3 = 0, _bezier2 = 0;; _frame3++) { + _timeline3.setFrame(_frame3, _time3, _color8.r, _color8.g, _color8.b, _color8.a, color2.r, color2.g, color2.b); + var _nextMap2 = timelineMap[_frame3 + 1]; + if (!_nextMap2) { + _timeline3.shrink(_bezier2); + break; + } + var _time4 = getValue(_nextMap2, "time", 0); + var _newColor2 = Color.fromString(_nextMap2.light); + var newColor2 = Color.fromString(_nextMap2.dark); + var _curve2 = _keyMap3.curve; + if (_curve2) { + _bezier2 = readCurve(_curve2, _timeline3, _bezier2, _frame3, 0, _time3, _time4, _color8.r, _newColor2.r, 1); + _bezier2 = readCurve(_curve2, _timeline3, _bezier2, _frame3, 1, _time3, _time4, _color8.g, _newColor2.g, 1); + _bezier2 = readCurve(_curve2, _timeline3, _bezier2, _frame3, 2, _time3, _time4, _color8.b, _newColor2.b, 1); + _bezier2 = readCurve(_curve2, _timeline3, _bezier2, _frame3, 3, _time3, _time4, _color8.a, _newColor2.a, 1); + _bezier2 = readCurve(_curve2, _timeline3, _bezier2, _frame3, 4, _time3, _time4, color2.r, newColor2.r, 1); + _bezier2 = readCurve(_curve2, _timeline3, _bezier2, _frame3, 5, _time3, _time4, color2.g, newColor2.g, 1); + _bezier2 = readCurve(_curve2, _timeline3, _bezier2, _frame3, 6, _time3, _time4, color2.b, newColor2.b, 1); + } + _time3 = _time4; + _color8 = _newColor2; + color2 = newColor2; + _keyMap3 = _nextMap2; + } + timelines.push(_timeline3); + } else if (timelineName == "rgb2") { + var _timeline4 = new RGB2Timeline(frames, frames * 6, slotIndex); + var _keyMap4 = timelineMap[0]; + var _time5 = getValue(_keyMap4, "time", 0); + var _color9 = Color.fromString(_keyMap4.light); + var _color10 = Color.fromString(_keyMap4.dark); + for (var _frame4 = 0, _bezier3 = 0;; _frame4++) { + _timeline4.setFrame(_frame4, _time5, _color9.r, _color9.g, _color9.b, _color10.r, _color10.g, _color10.b); + var _nextMap3 = timelineMap[_frame4 + 1]; + if (!_nextMap3) { + _timeline4.shrink(_bezier3); + break; + } + var _time6 = getValue(_nextMap3, "time", 0); + var _newColor3 = Color.fromString(_nextMap3.light); + var _newColor4 = Color.fromString(_nextMap3.dark); + var _curve3 = _keyMap4.curve; + if (_curve3) { + _bezier3 = readCurve(_curve3, _timeline4, _bezier3, _frame4, 0, _time5, _time6, _color9.r, _newColor3.r, 1); + _bezier3 = readCurve(_curve3, _timeline4, _bezier3, _frame4, 1, _time5, _time6, _color9.g, _newColor3.g, 1); + _bezier3 = readCurve(_curve3, _timeline4, _bezier3, _frame4, 2, _time5, _time6, _color9.b, _newColor3.b, 1); + _bezier3 = readCurve(_curve3, _timeline4, _bezier3, _frame4, 3, _time5, _time6, _color10.r, _newColor4.r, 1); + _bezier3 = readCurve(_curve3, _timeline4, _bezier3, _frame4, 4, _time5, _time6, _color10.g, _newColor4.g, 1); + _bezier3 = readCurve(_curve3, _timeline4, _bezier3, _frame4, 5, _time5, _time6, _color10.b, _newColor4.b, 1); + } + _time5 = _time6; + _color9 = _newColor3; + _color10 = _newColor4; + _keyMap4 = _nextMap3; + } + timelines.push(_timeline4); + } + } + } + } + if (map.bones) { + for (var boneName in map.bones) { + var boneMap = map.bones[boneName]; + var bone = skeletonData.findBone(boneName); + if (!bone) throw new Error("Bone not found: " + boneName); + var boneIndex = bone.index; + for (var _timelineName in boneMap) { + var _timelineMap = boneMap[_timelineName]; + var _frames = _timelineMap.length; + if (_frames == 0) continue; + if (_timelineName === "rotate") { + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap, new RotateTimeline(_frames, _frames, boneIndex), 0, 1)); + } else if (_timelineName === "translate") { + var _timeline5 = new TranslateTimeline(_frames, _frames << 1, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline2(_timelineMap, _timeline5, "x", "y", 0, scale)); + } else if (_timelineName === "translatex") { + var _timeline6 = new TranslateXTimeline(_frames, _frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap, _timeline6, 0, scale)); + } else if (_timelineName === "translatey") { + var _timeline7 = new TranslateYTimeline(_frames, _frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap, _timeline7, 0, scale)); + } else if (_timelineName === "scale") { + var _timeline8 = new ScaleTimeline(_frames, _frames << 1, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline2(_timelineMap, _timeline8, "x", "y", 1, 1)); + } else if (_timelineName === "scalex") { + var _timeline9 = new ScaleXTimeline(_frames, _frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap, _timeline9, 1, 1)); + } else if (_timelineName === "scaley") { + var _timeline10 = new ScaleYTimeline(_frames, _frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap, _timeline10, 1, 1)); + } else if (_timelineName === "shear") { + var _timeline11 = new ShearTimeline(_frames, _frames << 1, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline2(_timelineMap, _timeline11, "x", "y", 0, 1)); + } else if (_timelineName === "shearx") { + var _timeline12 = new ShearXTimeline(_frames, _frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap, _timeline12, 0, 1)); + } else if (_timelineName === "sheary") { + var _timeline13 = new ShearYTimeline(_frames, _frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap, _timeline13, 0, 1)); + } else if (_timelineName === "inherit") { + var _timeline14 = new InheritTimeline(_frames, bone.index); + for (var _frame5 = 0; _frame5 < _timelineMap.length; _frame5++) { + var aFrame = _timelineMap[_frame5]; + _timeline14.setFrame(_frame5, getValue(aFrame, "time", 0), Utils.enumValue(Inherit, getValue(aFrame, "inherit", "Normal"))); + } + timelines.push(_timeline14); + } + } + } + } + if (map.ik) { + for (var constraintName in map.ik) { + var constraintMap = map.ik[constraintName]; + var _keyMap5 = constraintMap[0]; + if (!_keyMap5) continue; + var constraint = skeletonData.findIkConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) throw new Error("IK Constraint not found: " + constraintName); + var constraintIndex = skeletonData.ikConstraints.indexOf(constraint); + var _timeline15 = new IkConstraintTimeline(constraintMap.length, constraintMap.length << 1, constraintIndex); + var _time7 = getValue(_keyMap5, "time", 0); + var mix = getValue(_keyMap5, "mix", 1); + var softness = getValue(_keyMap5, "softness", 0) * scale; + for (var _frame6 = 0, _bezier4 = 0;; _frame6++) { + _timeline15.setFrame(_frame6, _time7, mix, softness, getValue(_keyMap5, "bendPositive", true) ? 1 : -1, getValue(_keyMap5, "compress", false), getValue(_keyMap5, "stretch", false)); + var _nextMap4 = constraintMap[_frame6 + 1]; + if (!_nextMap4) { + _timeline15.shrink(_bezier4); + break; + } + var _time8 = getValue(_nextMap4, "time", 0); + var mix2 = getValue(_nextMap4, "mix", 1); + var softness2 = getValue(_nextMap4, "softness", 0) * scale; + var _curve4 = _keyMap5.curve; + if (_curve4) { + _bezier4 = readCurve(_curve4, _timeline15, _bezier4, _frame6, 0, _time7, _time8, mix, mix2, 1); + _bezier4 = readCurve(_curve4, _timeline15, _bezier4, _frame6, 1, _time7, _time8, softness, softness2, scale); + } + _time7 = _time8; + mix = mix2; + softness = softness2; + _keyMap5 = _nextMap4; + } + timelines.push(_timeline15); + } + } + if (map.transform) { + for (var _constraintName4 in map.transform) { + var _timelineMap2 = map.transform[_constraintName4]; + var _keyMap6 = _timelineMap2[0]; + if (!_keyMap6) continue; + var _constraint4 = skeletonData.findTransformConstraint(_constraintName4); + if (!_constraint4) throw new Error("Transform constraint not found: " + _constraintName4); + var _constraintIndex = skeletonData.transformConstraints.indexOf(_constraint4); + var _timeline16 = new TransformConstraintTimeline(_timelineMap2.length, _timelineMap2.length * 6, _constraintIndex); + var _time9 = getValue(_keyMap6, "time", 0); + var mixRotate = getValue(_keyMap6, "mixRotate", 1); + var mixX = getValue(_keyMap6, "mixX", 1); + var mixY = getValue(_keyMap6, "mixY", mixX); + var mixScaleX = getValue(_keyMap6, "mixScaleX", 1); + var mixScaleY = getValue(_keyMap6, "mixScaleY", mixScaleX); + var mixShearY = getValue(_keyMap6, "mixShearY", 1); + for (var _frame7 = 0, _bezier5 = 0;; _frame7++) { + _timeline16.setFrame(_frame7, _time9, mixRotate, mixX, mixY, mixScaleX, mixScaleY, mixShearY); + var _nextMap5 = _timelineMap2[_frame7 + 1]; + if (!_nextMap5) { + _timeline16.shrink(_bezier5); + break; + } + var _time10 = getValue(_nextMap5, "time", 0); + var mixRotate2 = getValue(_nextMap5, "mixRotate", 1); + var mixX2 = getValue(_nextMap5, "mixX", 1); + var mixY2 = getValue(_nextMap5, "mixY", mixX2); + var mixScaleX2 = getValue(_nextMap5, "mixScaleX", 1); + var mixScaleY2 = getValue(_nextMap5, "mixScaleY", mixScaleX2); + var mixShearY2 = getValue(_nextMap5, "mixShearY", 1); + var _curve5 = _keyMap6.curve; + if (_curve5) { + _bezier5 = readCurve(_curve5, _timeline16, _bezier5, _frame7, 0, _time9, _time10, mixRotate, mixRotate2, 1); + _bezier5 = readCurve(_curve5, _timeline16, _bezier5, _frame7, 1, _time9, _time10, mixX, mixX2, 1); + _bezier5 = readCurve(_curve5, _timeline16, _bezier5, _frame7, 2, _time9, _time10, mixY, mixY2, 1); + _bezier5 = readCurve(_curve5, _timeline16, _bezier5, _frame7, 3, _time9, _time10, mixScaleX, mixScaleX2, 1); + _bezier5 = readCurve(_curve5, _timeline16, _bezier5, _frame7, 4, _time9, _time10, mixScaleY, mixScaleY2, 1); + _bezier5 = readCurve(_curve5, _timeline16, _bezier5, _frame7, 5, _time9, _time10, mixShearY, mixShearY2, 1); + } + _time9 = _time10; + mixRotate = mixRotate2; + mixX = mixX2; + mixY = mixY2; + mixScaleX = mixScaleX2; + mixScaleY = mixScaleY2; + mixScaleX = mixScaleX2; + _keyMap6 = _nextMap5; + } + timelines.push(_timeline16); + } + } + if (map.path) { + for (var _constraintName5 in map.path) { + var _constraintMap4 = map.path[_constraintName5]; + var _constraint5 = skeletonData.findPathConstraint(_constraintName5); + if (!_constraint5) throw new Error("Path constraint not found: " + _constraintName5); + var _constraintIndex2 = skeletonData.pathConstraints.indexOf(_constraint5); + for (var _timelineName2 in _constraintMap4) { + var _timelineMap3 = _constraintMap4[_timelineName2]; + var _keyMap7 = _timelineMap3[0]; + if (!_keyMap7) continue; + var _frames2 = _timelineMap3.length; + if (_timelineName2 === "position") { + var _timeline17 = new PathConstraintPositionTimeline(_frames2, _frames2, _constraintIndex2); + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap3, _timeline17, 0, _constraint5.positionMode == PositionMode.Fixed ? scale : 1)); + } else if (_timelineName2 === "spacing") { + var _timeline18 = new PathConstraintSpacingTimeline(_frames2, _frames2, _constraintIndex2); + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap3, _timeline18, 0, _constraint5.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length || _constraint5.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Fixed ? scale : 1)); + } else if (_timelineName2 === "mix") { + var _timeline19 = new PathConstraintMixTimeline(_frames2, _frames2 * 3, _constraintIndex2); + var _time11 = getValue(_keyMap7, "time", 0); + var _mixRotate = getValue(_keyMap7, "mixRotate", 1); + var _mixX = getValue(_keyMap7, "mixX", 1); + var _mixY = getValue(_keyMap7, "mixY", _mixX); + for (var _frame8 = 0, _bezier6 = 0;; _frame8++) { + _timeline19.setFrame(_frame8, _time11, _mixRotate, _mixX, _mixY); + var _nextMap6 = _timelineMap3[_frame8 + 1]; + if (!_nextMap6) { + _timeline19.shrink(_bezier6); + break; + } + var _time12 = getValue(_nextMap6, "time", 0); + var _mixRotate2 = getValue(_nextMap6, "mixRotate", 1); + var _mixX2 = getValue(_nextMap6, "mixX", 1); + var _mixY2 = getValue(_nextMap6, "mixY", _mixX2); + var _curve6 = _keyMap7.curve; + if (_curve6) { + _bezier6 = readCurve(_curve6, _timeline19, _bezier6, _frame8, 0, _time11, _time12, _mixRotate, _mixRotate2, 1); + _bezier6 = readCurve(_curve6, _timeline19, _bezier6, _frame8, 1, _time11, _time12, _mixX, _mixX2, 1); + _bezier6 = readCurve(_curve6, _timeline19, _bezier6, _frame8, 2, _time11, _time12, _mixY, _mixY2, 1); + } + _time11 = _time12; + _mixRotate = _mixRotate2; + _mixX = _mixX2; + _mixY = _mixY2; + _keyMap7 = _nextMap6; + } + timelines.push(_timeline19); + } + } + } + } + if (map.physics) { + for (var _constraintName6 in map.physics) { + var _constraintMap5 = map.physics[_constraintName6]; + var _constraintIndex3 = -1; + if (_constraintName6.length > 0) { + var _constraint6 = skeletonData.findPhysicsConstraint(_constraintName6); + if (!_constraint6) throw new Error("Physics constraint not found: " + _constraintName6); + _constraintIndex3 = skeletonData.physicsConstraints.indexOf(_constraint6); + } + for (var _timelineName3 in _constraintMap5) { + var _timelineMap4 = _constraintMap5[_timelineName3]; + var _keyMap8 = _timelineMap4[0]; + if (!_keyMap8) continue; + var _frames3 = _timelineMap4.length; + if (_timelineName3 == "reset") { + var _timeline20 = new PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline(_frames3, _constraintIndex3); + for (var _frame9 = 0; _keyMap8 != null; _keyMap8 = _timelineMap4[_frame9 + 1], _frame9++) _timeline20.setFrame(_frame9, getValue(_keyMap8, "time", 0)); + timelines.push(_timeline20); + continue; + } + var _timeline21 = void 0; + if (_timelineName3 == "inertia") _timeline21 = new PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline(_frames3, _frames3, _constraintIndex3);else if (_timelineName3 == "strength") _timeline21 = new PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline(_frames3, _frames3, _constraintIndex3);else if (_timelineName3 == "damping") _timeline21 = new PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline(_frames3, _frames3, _constraintIndex3);else if (_timelineName3 == "mass") _timeline21 = new PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline(_frames3, _frames3, _constraintIndex3);else if (_timelineName3 == "wind") _timeline21 = new PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline(_frames3, _frames3, _constraintIndex3);else if (_timelineName3 == "gravity") _timeline21 = new PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline(_frames3, _frames3, _constraintIndex3);else if (_timelineName3 == "mix") _timeline21 = new PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline(_frames3, _frames3, _constraintIndex3);else continue; + timelines.push(readTimeline1(_timelineMap4, _timeline21, 0, 1)); + } + } + } + if (map.attachments) { + for (var attachmentsName in map.attachments) { + var attachmentsMap = map.attachments[attachmentsName]; + var skin = skeletonData.findSkin(attachmentsName); + if (!skin) throw new Error("Skin not found: " + attachmentsName); + for (var slotMapName in attachmentsMap) { + var _slotMap2 = attachmentsMap[slotMapName]; + var _slot = skeletonData.findSlot(slotMapName); + if (!_slot) throw new Error("Slot not found: " + slotMapName); + var _slotIndex = _slot.index; + for (var attachmentMapName in _slotMap2) { + var attachmentMap = _slotMap2[attachmentMapName]; + var attachment = skin.getAttachment(_slotIndex, attachmentMapName); + for (var timelineMapName in attachmentMap) { + var _timelineMap5 = attachmentMap[timelineMapName]; + var _keyMap9 = _timelineMap5[0]; + if (!_keyMap9) continue; + if (timelineMapName == "deform") { + var weighted = attachment.bones; + var vertices = attachment.vertices; + var deformLength = weighted ? vertices.length / 3 * 2 : vertices.length; + var _timeline22 = new DeformTimeline(_timelineMap5.length, _timelineMap5.length, _slotIndex, attachment); + var _time13 = getValue(_keyMap9, "time", 0); + for (var _frame10 = 0, _bezier7 = 0;; _frame10++) { + var deform = void 0; + var verticesValue = getValue(_keyMap9, "vertices", null); + if (!verticesValue) deform = weighted ? Utils.newFloatArray(deformLength) : vertices;else { + deform = Utils.newFloatArray(deformLength); + var start = getValue(_keyMap9, "offset", 0); + Utils.arrayCopy(verticesValue, 0, deform, start, verticesValue.length); + if (scale != 1) { + for (var i = start, n = i + verticesValue.length; i < n; i++) deform[i] *= scale; + } + if (!weighted) { + for (var _i9 = 0; _i9 < deformLength; _i9++) deform[_i9] += vertices[_i9]; + } + } + _timeline22.setFrame(_frame10, _time13, deform); + var _nextMap7 = _timelineMap5[_frame10 + 1]; + if (!_nextMap7) { + _timeline22.shrink(_bezier7); + break; + } + var _time14 = getValue(_nextMap7, "time", 0); + var _curve7 = _keyMap9.curve; + if (_curve7) _bezier7 = readCurve(_curve7, _timeline22, _bezier7, _frame10, 0, _time13, _time14, 0, 1, 1); + _time13 = _time14; + _keyMap9 = _nextMap7; + } + timelines.push(_timeline22); + } else if (timelineMapName == "sequence") { + var _timeline23 = new SequenceTimeline(_timelineMap5.length, _slotIndex, attachment); + var lastDelay = 0; + for (var _frame11 = 0; _frame11 < _timelineMap5.length; _frame11++) { + var delay = getValue(_keyMap9, "delay", lastDelay); + var _time15 = getValue(_keyMap9, "time", 0); + var mode = SequenceMode[getValue(_keyMap9, "mode", "hold")]; + var index = getValue(_keyMap9, "index", 0); + _timeline23.setFrame(_frame11, _time15, mode, index, delay); + lastDelay = delay; + _keyMap9 = _timelineMap5[_frame11 + 1]; + } + timelines.push(_timeline23); + } + } + } + } + } + } + if (map.drawOrder) { + var _timeline24 = new DrawOrderTimeline(map.drawOrder.length); + var slotCount = skeletonData.slots.length; + var _frame12 = 0; + for (var _i10 = 0; _i10 < map.drawOrder.length; _i10++, _frame12++) { + var drawOrderMap = map.drawOrder[_i10]; + var drawOrder = null; + var offsets = getValue(drawOrderMap, "offsets", null); + if (offsets) { + drawOrder = Utils.newArray(slotCount, -1); + var unchanged = Utils.newArray(slotCount - offsets.length, 0); + var originalIndex = 0, + unchangedIndex = 0; + for (var ii = 0; ii < offsets.length; ii++) { + var offsetMap = offsets[ii]; + var _slot2 = skeletonData.findSlot(offsetMap.slot); + if (!_slot2) throw new Error("Slot not found: " + _slot2); + var _slotIndex2 = _slot2.index; + while (originalIndex != _slotIndex2) unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++; + drawOrder[originalIndex + offsetMap.offset] = originalIndex++; + } + while (originalIndex < slotCount) unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++; + for (var _ii8 = slotCount - 1; _ii8 >= 0; _ii8--) if (drawOrder[_ii8] == -1) drawOrder[_ii8] = unchanged[--unchangedIndex]; + } + _timeline24.setFrame(_frame12, getValue(drawOrderMap, "time", 0), drawOrder); + } + timelines.push(_timeline24); + } + if ( { + var _timeline25 = new EventTimeline(; + var _frame13 = 0; + for (var _i11 = 0; _i11 <; _i11++, _frame13++) { + var eventMap =[_i11]; + var eventData = skeletonData.findEvent(; + if (!eventData) throw new Error("Event not found: " +; + var event = new Event(Utils.toSinglePrecision(getValue(eventMap, "time", 0)), eventData); + event.intValue = getValue(eventMap, "int", eventData.intValue); + event.floatValue = getValue(eventMap, "float", eventData.floatValue); + event.stringValue = getValue(eventMap, "string", eventData.stringValue); + if ( { + event.volume = getValue(eventMap, "volume", 1); + event.balance = getValue(eventMap, "balance", 0); + } + _timeline25.setFrame(_frame13, event); + } + timelines.push(_timeline25); + } + var duration = 0; + for (var _i12 = 0, _n2 = timelines.length; _i12 < _n2; _i12++) duration = Math.max(duration, timelines[_i12].getDuration()); + skeletonData.animations.push(new Animation(name, timelines, duration)); + } + }]); + }(); + var LinkedMesh = _createClass(function LinkedMesh(mesh, skin, slotIndex, parent, inheritDeform) { + _classCallCheck(this, LinkedMesh); + _defineProperty(this, "parent", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "skin", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "slotIndex", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "mesh", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "inheritTimeline", void 0); + this.mesh = mesh; + = skin; + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + this.parent = parent; + this.inheritTimeline = inheritDeform; + }); + function readTimeline1(keys, timeline, defaultValue, scale) { + var keyMap = keys[0]; + var time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + var value = getValue(keyMap, "value", defaultValue) * scale; + var bezier = 0; + for (var frame = 0;; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, value); + var nextMap = keys[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + return timeline; + } + var time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + var value2 = getValue(nextMap, "value", defaultValue) * scale; + if (keyMap.curve) bezier = readCurve(keyMap.curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, value, value2, scale); + time = time2; + value = value2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + } + function readTimeline2(keys, timeline, name1, name2, defaultValue, scale) { + var keyMap = keys[0]; + var time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + var value1 = getValue(keyMap, name1, defaultValue) * scale; + var value2 = getValue(keyMap, name2, defaultValue) * scale; + var bezier = 0; + for (var frame = 0;; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, value1, value2); + var nextMap = keys[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + return timeline; + } + var time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + var nvalue1 = getValue(nextMap, name1, defaultValue) * scale; + var nvalue2 = getValue(nextMap, name2, defaultValue) * scale; + var curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, value1, nvalue1, scale); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 1, time, time2, value2, nvalue2, scale); + } + time = time2; + value1 = nvalue1; + value2 = nvalue2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + } + function readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, value, time1, time2, value1, value2, scale) { + if (curve == "stepped") { + timeline.setStepped(frame); + return bezier; + } + var i = value << 2; + var cx1 = curve[i]; + var cy1 = curve[i + 1] * scale; + var cx2 = curve[i + 2]; + var cy2 = curve[i + 3] * scale; + timeline.setBezier(bezier, frame, value, time1, value1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, time2, value2); + return bezier + 1; + } + function getValue(map, property, defaultValue) { + return map[property] !== undefined ? map[property] : defaultValue; + } + + (function () { + if (typeof Math.fround === "undefined") { + Math.fround = function (array) { + return function (x) { + return array[0] = x, array[0]; + }; + }(new Float32Array(1)); + } + })(); + + var spine = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ + __proto__: null, + AlphaTimeline: AlphaTimeline, + Animation: Animation, + AnimationState: AnimationState, + AnimationStateAdapter: AnimationStateAdapter, + AnimationStateData: AnimationStateData, + AssetManagerBase: AssetManagerBase, + AtlasAttachmentLoader: AtlasAttachmentLoader, + Attachment: Attachment, + AttachmentTimeline: AttachmentTimeline, + BinaryInput: BinaryInput, + get BlendMode () { return BlendMode; }, + Bone: Bone, + BoneData: BoneData, + BoundingBoxAttachment: BoundingBoxAttachment, + CURRENT: CURRENT, + ClippingAttachment: ClippingAttachment, + Color: Color, + ConstraintData: ConstraintData, + CurveTimeline: CurveTimeline, + CurveTimeline1: CurveTimeline1, + CurveTimeline2: CurveTimeline2, + DebugUtils: DebugUtils, + DeformTimeline: DeformTimeline, + Downloader: Downloader, + DrawOrderTimeline: DrawOrderTimeline, + Event: Event, + EventData: EventData, + EventQueue: EventQueue, + EventTimeline: EventTimeline, + get EventType () { return EventType; }, + FIRST: FIRST, + FakeTexture: FakeTexture, + HOLD_FIRST: HOLD_FIRST, + HOLD_MIX: HOLD_MIX, + HOLD_SUBSEQUENT: HOLD_SUBSEQUENT, + IkConstraint: IkConstraint, + IkConstraintData: IkConstraintData, + IkConstraintTimeline: IkConstraintTimeline, + get Inherit () { return Inherit; }, + InheritTimeline: InheritTimeline, + IntSet: IntSet, + Interpolation: Interpolation, + MathUtils: MathUtils, + MeshAttachment: MeshAttachment, + get MixBlend () { return MixBlend; }, + get MixDirection () { return MixDirection; }, + PathAttachment: PathAttachment, + PathConstraint: PathConstraint, + PathConstraintData: PathConstraintData, + PathConstraintMixTimeline: PathConstraintMixTimeline, + PathConstraintPositionTimeline: PathConstraintPositionTimeline, + PathConstraintSpacingTimeline: PathConstraintSpacingTimeline, + get Physics () { return Physics; }, + PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline: PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline: PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline: PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline: PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline: PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline: PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline: PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintTimeline: PhysicsConstraintTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline: PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline, + PointAttachment: PointAttachment, + Pool: Pool, + get PositionMode () { return PositionMode; }, + Pow: Pow, + PowOut: PowOut, + RGB2Timeline: RGB2Timeline, + RGBA2Timeline: RGBA2Timeline, + RGBATimeline: RGBATimeline, + RGBTimeline: RGBTimeline, + RegionAttachment: RegionAttachment, + get RotateMode () { return RotateMode; }, + RotateTimeline: RotateTimeline, + SETUP: SETUP, + SUBSEQUENT: SUBSEQUENT, + ScaleTimeline: ScaleTimeline, + ScaleXTimeline: ScaleXTimeline, + ScaleYTimeline: ScaleYTimeline, + SequenceTimeline: SequenceTimeline, + ShearTimeline: ShearTimeline, + ShearXTimeline: ShearXTimeline, + ShearYTimeline: ShearYTimeline, + Skeleton: Skeleton, + SkeletonBinary: SkeletonBinary, + SkeletonBounds: SkeletonBounds, + SkeletonClipping: SkeletonClipping, + SkeletonData: SkeletonData, + SkeletonJson: SkeletonJson, + Skin: Skin, + SkinEntry: SkinEntry, + Slot: Slot, + SlotData: SlotData, + get SpacingMode () { return SpacingMode; }, + StringSet: StringSet, + Texture: Texture, + TextureAtlas: TextureAtlas, + TextureAtlasPage: TextureAtlasPage, + TextureAtlasRegion: TextureAtlasRegion, + get TextureFilter () { return TextureFilter; }, + TextureRegion: TextureRegion, + get TextureWrap () { return TextureWrap; }, + TimeKeeper: TimeKeeper, + Timeline: Timeline, + TrackEntry: TrackEntry, + TransformConstraint: TransformConstraint, + TransformConstraintData: TransformConstraintData, + TransformConstraintTimeline: TransformConstraintTimeline, + TranslateTimeline: TranslateTimeline, + TranslateXTimeline: TranslateXTimeline, + TranslateYTimeline: TranslateYTimeline, + Triangulator: Triangulator, + Utils: Utils, + Vector2: Vector2, + VertexAttachment: VertexAttachment, + WindowedMean: WindowedMean + }); + + var TO_TEXTURE_FILTER = { + 9728: pc.FILTER_NEAREST, + 9729: pc.FILTER_LINEAR, + 9984: pc.FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, + 9985: pc.FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, + 9986: pc.FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, + 9987: pc.FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR + }; + var TO_UV_WRAP_MODE = { + 33648: pc.ADDRESS_MIRRORED_REPEAT, + 33071: pc.ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, + 10487: pc.ADDRESS_REPEAT + }; + var SpineTextureWrapper = function () { + function SpineTextureWrapper(texture) { + _classCallCheck(this, SpineTextureWrapper); + this._image = { + width: texture.width, + height: texture.height + }; + this.pcTexture = texture; + } + return _createClass(SpineTextureWrapper, [{ + key: "setFilters", + value: function setFilters(minFilter, magFilter) { + this.pcTexture.minFilter = TO_TEXTURE_FILTER[minFilter]; + this.pcTexture.magFilter = TO_TEXTURE_FILTER[magFilter]; + } + }, { + key: "setWraps", + value: function setWraps(uWrap, vWrap) { + this.pcTexture.addressU = TO_UV_WRAP_MODE[uWrap]; + this.pcTexture.addressV = TO_UV_WRAP_MODE[vWrap]; + } + }, { + key: "getImage", + value: function getImage() { + return this._image; + } + }, { + key: "dispose", + value: function dispose() { + this.pcTexture.destroy(); + } + }]); + }(); + + function getDefaultExportFromCjs (x) { + return x && x.__esModule &&, 'default') ? x['default'] : x; + } + + var SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION = '2.0.0'; + var MAX_LENGTH$1 = 256; + var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1 = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991; + var MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH = 16; + var MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH = MAX_LENGTH$1 - 6; + var RELEASE_TYPES = ['major', 'premajor', 'minor', 'preminor', 'patch', 'prepatch', 'prerelease']; + var constants = { + MAX_LENGTH: MAX_LENGTH$1, + MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH: MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, + MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH: MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH, + MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1, + RELEASE_TYPES: RELEASE_TYPES, + SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION: SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION, + FLAG_INCLUDE_PRERELEASE: 1, + FLAG_LOOSE: 2 + }; + var constants$1 = getDefaultExportFromCjs(constants); + + var debug$1 = (typeof process === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(process)) === 'object' && process.env && process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\bsemver\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG) ? function () { + var _console; + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + return (_console = console).error.apply(_console, ['SEMVER'].concat(args)); + } : function () {}; + var debug_1 = debug$1; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(debug_1); + + var re$2 = {exports: {}}; + + (function (module, exports) { + var MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH = constants.MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, + MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH = constants.MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH, + MAX_LENGTH = constants.MAX_LENGTH; + var debug = debug_1; + exports = module.exports = {}; + var re = = []; + var safeRe = exports.safeRe = []; + var src = exports.src = []; + var t = exports.t = {}; + var R = 0; + var LETTERDASHNUMBER = '[a-zA-Z0-9-]'; + var safeRegexReplacements = [['\\s', 1], ['\\d', MAX_LENGTH], [LETTERDASHNUMBER, MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH]]; + var makeSafeRegex = function makeSafeRegex(value) { + for (var _i = 0, _safeRegexReplacement = safeRegexReplacements; _i < _safeRegexReplacement.length; _i++) { + var _safeRegexReplacement2 = _slicedToArray(_safeRegexReplacement[_i], 2), + token = _safeRegexReplacement2[0], + max = _safeRegexReplacement2[1]; + value = value.split("".concat(token, "*")).join("".concat(token, "{0,").concat(max, "}")).split("".concat(token, "+")).join("".concat(token, "{1,").concat(max, "}")); + } + return value; + }; + var createToken = function createToken(name, value, isGlobal) { + var safe = makeSafeRegex(value); + var index = R++; + debug(name, index, value); + t[name] = index; + src[index] = value; + re[index] = new RegExp(value, isGlobal ? 'g' : undefined); + safeRe[index] = new RegExp(safe, isGlobal ? 'g' : undefined); + }; + createToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIER', '0|[1-9]\\d*'); + createToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE', '\\d+'); + createToken('NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER', "\\d*[a-zA-Z-]".concat(LETTERDASHNUMBER, "*")); + createToken('MAINVERSION', "(".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], ")\\.") + "(".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], ")\\.") + "(".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], ")")); + createToken('MAINVERSIONLOOSE', "(".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], ")\\.") + "(".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], ")\\.") + "(".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], ")")); + createToken('PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER', "(?:".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], "|").concat(src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER], ")")); + createToken('PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE', "(?:".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], "|").concat(src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER], ")")); + createToken('PRERELEASE', "(?:-(".concat(src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER], "(?:\\.").concat(src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER], ")*))")); + createToken('PRERELEASELOOSE', "(?:-?(".concat(src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], "(?:\\.").concat(src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], ")*))")); + createToken('BUILDIDENTIFIER', "".concat(LETTERDASHNUMBER, "+")); + createToken('BUILD', "(?:\\+(".concat(src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER], "(?:\\.").concat(src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER], ")*))")); + createToken('FULLPLAIN', "v?".concat(src[t.MAINVERSION]).concat(src[t.PRERELEASE], "?").concat(src[t.BUILD], "?")); + createToken('FULL', "^".concat(src[t.FULLPLAIN], "$")); + createToken('LOOSEPLAIN', "[v=\\s]*".concat(src[t.MAINVERSIONLOOSE]).concat(src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE], "?").concat(src[t.BUILD], "?")); + createToken('LOOSE', "^".concat(src[t.LOOSEPLAIN], "$")); + createToken('GTLT', '((?:<|>)?=?)'); + createToken('XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE', "".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], "|x|X|\\*")); + createToken('XRANGEIDENTIFIER', "".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], "|x|X|\\*")); + createToken('XRANGEPLAIN', "[v=\\s]*(".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER], ")") + "(?:\\.(".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER], ")") + "(?:\\.(".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER], ")") + "(?:".concat(src[t.PRERELEASE], ")?").concat(src[t.BUILD], "?") + ")?)?"); + createToken('XRANGEPLAINLOOSE', "[v=\\s]*(".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], ")") + "(?:\\.(".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], ")") + "(?:\\.(".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], ")") + "(?:".concat(src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE], ")?").concat(src[t.BUILD], "?") + ")?)?"); + createToken('XRANGE', "^".concat(src[t.GTLT], "\\s*").concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], "$")); + createToken('XRANGELOOSE', "^".concat(src[t.GTLT], "\\s*").concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], "$")); + createToken('COERCEPLAIN', "".concat('(^|[^\\d])' + '(\\d{1,').concat(MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, "})") + "(?:\\.(\\d{1,".concat(MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, "}))?") + "(?:\\.(\\d{1,".concat(MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, "}))?")); + createToken('COERCE', "".concat(src[t.COERCEPLAIN], "(?:$|[^\\d])")); + createToken('COERCEFULL', src[t.COERCEPLAIN] + "(?:".concat(src[t.PRERELEASE], ")?") + "(?:".concat(src[t.BUILD], ")?") + "(?:$|[^\\d])"); + createToken('COERCERTL', src[t.COERCE], true); + createToken('COERCERTLFULL', src[t.COERCEFULL], true); + createToken('LONETILDE', '(?:~>?)'); + createToken('TILDETRIM', "(\\s*)".concat(src[t.LONETILDE], "\\s+"), true); + exports.tildeTrimReplace = '$1~'; + createToken('TILDE', "^".concat(src[t.LONETILDE]).concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], "$")); + createToken('TILDELOOSE', "^".concat(src[t.LONETILDE]).concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], "$")); + createToken('LONECARET', '(?:\\^)'); + createToken('CARETTRIM', "(\\s*)".concat(src[t.LONECARET], "\\s+"), true); + exports.caretTrimReplace = '$1^'; + createToken('CARET', "^".concat(src[t.LONECARET]).concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], "$")); + createToken('CARETLOOSE', "^".concat(src[t.LONECARET]).concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], "$")); + createToken('COMPARATORLOOSE', "^".concat(src[t.GTLT], "\\s*(").concat(src[t.LOOSEPLAIN], ")$|^$")); + createToken('COMPARATOR', "^".concat(src[t.GTLT], "\\s*(").concat(src[t.FULLPLAIN], ")$|^$")); + createToken('COMPARATORTRIM', "(\\s*)".concat(src[t.GTLT], "\\s*(").concat(src[t.LOOSEPLAIN], "|").concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], ")"), true); + exports.comparatorTrimReplace = '$1$2$3'; + createToken('HYPHENRANGE', "^\\s*(".concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], ")") + "\\s+-\\s+" + "(".concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], ")") + "\\s*$"); + createToken('HYPHENRANGELOOSE', "^\\s*(".concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], ")") + "\\s+-\\s+" + "(".concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], ")") + "\\s*$"); + createToken('STAR', '(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*'); + createToken('GTE0', '^\\s*>=\\s*0\\.0\\.0\\s*$'); + createToken('GTE0PRE', '^\\s*>=\\s*0\\.0\\.0-0\\s*$'); + })(re$2, re$2.exports); + var reExports = re$2.exports; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(reExports); + + var looseOption = Object.freeze({ + loose: true + }); + var emptyOpts = Object.freeze({}); + var parseOptions$1 = function parseOptions(options) { + if (!options) { + return emptyOpts; + } + if (_typeof(options) !== 'object') { + return looseOption; + } + return options; + }; + var parseOptions_1 = parseOptions$1; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(parseOptions_1); + + var numeric = /^[0-9]+$/; + var compareIdentifiers$1 = function compareIdentifiers(a, b) { + var anum = numeric.test(a); + var bnum = numeric.test(b); + if (anum && bnum) { + a = +a; + b = +b; + } + return a === b ? 0 : anum && !bnum ? -1 : bnum && !anum ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 1; + }; + var rcompareIdentifiers = function rcompareIdentifiers(a, b) { + return compareIdentifiers$1(b, a); + }; + var identifiers = { + compareIdentifiers: compareIdentifiers$1, + rcompareIdentifiers: rcompareIdentifiers + }; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(identifiers); + + var debug = debug_1; + var MAX_LENGTH = constants.MAX_LENGTH, + MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = constants.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; + var re$1 = reExports.safeRe, + t$1 = reExports.t; + var parseOptions = parseOptions_1; + var compareIdentifiers = identifiers.compareIdentifiers; + var SemVer$3 = function () { + function SemVer(version, options) { + _classCallCheck(this, SemVer); + options = parseOptions(options); + if (version instanceof SemVer) { + if (version.loose === !!options.loose && version.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) { + return version; + } else { + version = version.version; + } + } else if (typeof version !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError("Invalid version. Must be a string. Got type \"".concat(_typeof(version), "\".")); + } + if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH) { + throw new TypeError("version is longer than ".concat(MAX_LENGTH, " characters")); + } + debug('SemVer', version, options); + this.options = options; + this.loose = !!options.loose; + this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease; + var m = version.trim().match(options.loose ? re$1[t$1.LOOSE] : re$1[t$1.FULL]); + if (!m) { + throw new TypeError("Invalid Version: ".concat(version)); + } + this.raw = version; + this.major = +m[1]; + this.minor = +m[2]; + this.patch = +m[3]; + if (this.major > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.major < 0) { + throw new TypeError('Invalid major version'); + } + if (this.minor > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.minor < 0) { + throw new TypeError('Invalid minor version'); + } + if (this.patch > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.patch < 0) { + throw new TypeError('Invalid patch version'); + } + if (!m[4]) { + this.prerelease = []; + } else { + this.prerelease = m[4].split('.').map(function (id) { + if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(id)) { + var num = +id; + if (num >= 0 && num < MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { + return num; + } + } + return id; + }); + } + = m[5] ? m[5].split('.') : []; + this.format(); + } + return _createClass(SemVer, [{ + key: "format", + value: function format() { + this.version = "".concat(this.major, ".").concat(this.minor, ".").concat(this.patch); + if (this.prerelease.length) { + this.version += "-".concat(this.prerelease.join('.')); + } + return this.version; + } + }, { + key: "toString", + value: function toString() { + return this.version; + } + }, { + key: "compare", + value: function compare(other) { + debug('', this.version, this.options, other); + if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) { + if (typeof other === 'string' && other === this.version) { + return 0; + } + other = new SemVer(other, this.options); + } + if (other.version === this.version) { + return 0; + } + return this.compareMain(other) || this.comparePre(other); + } + }, { + key: "compareMain", + value: function compareMain(other) { + if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) { + other = new SemVer(other, this.options); + } + return compareIdentifiers(this.major, other.major) || compareIdentifiers(this.minor, other.minor) || compareIdentifiers(this.patch, other.patch); + } + }, { + key: "comparePre", + value: function comparePre(other) { + if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) { + other = new SemVer(other, this.options); + } + if (this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) { + return -1; + } else if (!this.prerelease.length && other.prerelease.length) { + return 1; + } else if (!this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) { + return 0; + } + var i = 0; + do { + var a = this.prerelease[i]; + var b = other.prerelease[i]; + debug('prerelease compare', i, a, b); + if (a === undefined && b === undefined) { + return 0; + } else if (b === undefined) { + return 1; + } else if (a === undefined) { + return -1; + } else if (a === b) { + continue; + } else { + return compareIdentifiers(a, b); + } + } while (++i); + } + }, { + key: "compareBuild", + value: function compareBuild(other) { + if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) { + other = new SemVer(other, this.options); + } + var i = 0; + do { + var a =[i]; + var b =[i]; + debug('build compare', i, a, b); + if (a === undefined && b === undefined) { + return 0; + } else if (b === undefined) { + return 1; + } else if (a === undefined) { + return -1; + } else if (a === b) { + continue; + } else { + return compareIdentifiers(a, b); + } + } while (++i); + } + }, { + key: "inc", + value: function inc(release, identifier, identifierBase) { + switch (release) { + case 'premajor': + this.prerelease.length = 0; + this.patch = 0; + this.minor = 0; + this.major++; +'pre', identifier, identifierBase); + break; + case 'preminor': + this.prerelease.length = 0; + this.patch = 0; + this.minor++; +'pre', identifier, identifierBase); + break; + case 'prepatch': + this.prerelease.length = 0; +'patch', identifier, identifierBase); +'pre', identifier, identifierBase); + break; + case 'prerelease': + if (this.prerelease.length === 0) { +'patch', identifier, identifierBase); + } +'pre', identifier, identifierBase); + break; + case 'major': + if (this.minor !== 0 || this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) { + this.major++; + } + this.minor = 0; + this.patch = 0; + this.prerelease = []; + break; + case 'minor': + if (this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) { + this.minor++; + } + this.patch = 0; + this.prerelease = []; + break; + case 'patch': + if (this.prerelease.length === 0) { + this.patch++; + } + this.prerelease = []; + break; + case 'pre': + { + var base = Number(identifierBase) ? 1 : 0; + if (!identifier && identifierBase === false) { + throw new Error('invalid increment argument: identifier is empty'); + } + if (this.prerelease.length === 0) { + this.prerelease = [base]; + } else { + var i = this.prerelease.length; + while (--i >= 0) { + if (typeof this.prerelease[i] === 'number') { + this.prerelease[i]++; + i = -2; + } + } + if (i === -1) { + if (identifier === this.prerelease.join('.') && identifierBase === false) { + throw new Error('invalid increment argument: identifier already exists'); + } + this.prerelease.push(base); + } + } + if (identifier) { + var prerelease = [identifier, base]; + if (identifierBase === false) { + prerelease = [identifier]; + } + if (compareIdentifiers(this.prerelease[0], identifier) === 0) { + if (isNaN(this.prerelease[1])) { + this.prerelease = prerelease; + } + } else { + this.prerelease = prerelease; + } + } + break; + } + default: + throw new Error("invalid increment argument: ".concat(release)); + } + this.raw = this.format(); + if ( { + this.raw += "+".concat('.')); + } + return this; + } + }]); + }(); + var semver$1 = SemVer$3; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(semver$1); + + var SemVer$2 = semver$1; + var parse$2 = function parse(version, options) { + var throwErrors = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; + if (version instanceof SemVer$2) { + return version; + } + try { + return new SemVer$2(version, options); + } catch (er) { + if (!throwErrors) { + return null; + } + throw er; + } + }; + var parse_1 = parse$2; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(parse_1); + + var parse$1 = parse_1; + var valid = function valid(version, options) { + var v = parse$1(version, options); + return v ? v.version : null; + }; + var valid_1 = valid; + var valid$1 = getDefaultExportFromCjs(valid_1); + + var SemVer$1 = semver$1; + var parse = parse_1; + var re = reExports.safeRe, + t = reExports.t; + var coerce = function coerce(version, options) { + if (version instanceof SemVer$1) { + return version; + } + if (typeof version === 'number') { + version = String(version); + } + if (typeof version !== 'string') { + return null; + } + options = options || {}; + var match = null; + if (!options.rtl) { + match = version.match(options.includePrerelease ? re[t.COERCEFULL] : re[t.COERCE]); + } else { + var coerceRtlRegex = options.includePrerelease ? re[t.COERCERTLFULL] : re[t.COERCERTL]; + var next; + while ((next = coerceRtlRegex.exec(version)) && (!match || match.index + match[0].length !== version.length)) { + if (!match || next.index + next[0].length !== match.index + match[0].length) { + match = next; + } + coerceRtlRegex.lastIndex = next.index + next[1].length + next[2].length; + } + coerceRtlRegex.lastIndex = -1; + } + if (match === null) { + return null; + } + var major = match[2]; + var minor = match[3] || '0'; + var patch = match[4] || '0'; + var prerelease = options.includePrerelease && match[5] ? "-".concat(match[5]) : ''; + var build = options.includePrerelease && match[6] ? "+".concat(match[6]) : ''; + return parse("".concat(major, ".").concat(minor, ".").concat(patch).concat(prerelease).concat(build), options); + }; + var coerce_1 = coerce; + var coerce$1 = getDefaultExportFromCjs(coerce_1); + + var LRUCache = function () { + function LRUCache() { + _classCallCheck(this, LRUCache); + this.max = 1000; + = new Map(); + } + return _createClass(LRUCache, [{ + key: "get", + value: function get(key) { + var value =; + if (value === undefined) { + return undefined; + } else { +; +, value); + return value; + } + } + }, { + key: "delete", + value: function _delete(key) { + if ( { +; + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(key, value) { + var deleted = this.delete(key); + if (!deleted && value !== undefined) { + if ( >= this.max) { + var firstKey =; + this.delete(firstKey); + } +, value); + } + return this; + } + }]); + }(); + var lrucache = LRUCache; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(lrucache); + + var SemVer = semver$1; + var compare$6 = function compare(a, b, loose) { + return new SemVer(a, loose).compare(new SemVer(b, loose)); + }; + var compare_1 = compare$6; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(compare_1); + + var compare$5 = compare_1; + var eq$1 = function eq(a, b, loose) { + return compare$5(a, b, loose) === 0; + }; + var eq_1 = eq$1; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(eq_1); + + var compare$4 = compare_1; + var neq$1 = function neq(a, b, loose) { + return compare$4(a, b, loose) !== 0; + }; + var neq_1 = neq$1; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(neq_1); + + var compare$3 = compare_1; + var gt$1 = function gt(a, b, loose) { + return compare$3(a, b, loose) > 0; + }; + var gt_1 = gt$1; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(gt_1); + + var compare$2 = compare_1; + var gte$1 = function gte(a, b, loose) { + return compare$2(a, b, loose) >= 0; + }; + var gte_1 = gte$1; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(gte_1); + + var compare$1 = compare_1; + var lt$1 = function lt(a, b, loose) { + return compare$1(a, b, loose) < 0; + }; + var lt_1 = lt$1; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(lt_1); + + var compare = compare_1; + var lte$1 = function lte(a, b, loose) { + return compare(a, b, loose) <= 0; + }; + var lte_1 = lte$1; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(lte_1); + + var eq = eq_1; + var neq = neq_1; + var gt = gt_1; + var gte = gte_1; + var lt = lt_1; + var lte = lte_1; + var cmp = function cmp(a, op, b, loose) { + switch (op) { + case '===': + if (_typeof(a) === 'object') { + a = a.version; + } + if (_typeof(b) === 'object') { + b = b.version; + } + return a === b; + case '!==': + if (_typeof(a) === 'object') { + a = a.version; + } + if (_typeof(b) === 'object') { + b = b.version; + } + return a !== b; + case '': + case '=': + case '==': + return eq(a, b, loose); + case '!=': + return neq(a, b, loose); + case '>': + return gt(a, b, loose); + case '>=': + return gte(a, b, loose); + case '<': + return lt(a, b, loose); + case '<=': + return lte(a, b, loose); + default: + throw new TypeError("Invalid operator: ".concat(op)); + } + }; + var cmp_1 = cmp; + getDefaultExportFromCjs(cmp_1); + + var comparator; + var hasRequiredComparator; + function requireComparator() { + if (hasRequiredComparator) return comparator; + hasRequiredComparator = 1; + var ANY = Symbol('SemVer ANY'); + var Comparator = function () { + function Comparator(comp, options) { + _classCallCheck(this, Comparator); + options = parseOptions(options); + if (comp instanceof Comparator) { + if (comp.loose === !!options.loose) { + return comp; + } else { + comp = comp.value; + } + } + comp = comp.trim().split(/\s+/).join(' '); + debug('comparator', comp, options); + this.options = options; + this.loose = !!options.loose; + this.parse(comp); + if (this.semver === ANY) { + this.value = ''; + } else { + this.value = this.operator + this.semver.version; + } + debug('comp', this); + } + return _createClass(Comparator, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse(comp) { + var r = this.options.loose ? re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re[t.COMPARATOR]; + var m = comp.match(r); + if (!m) { + throw new TypeError("Invalid comparator: ".concat(comp)); + } + this.operator = m[1] !== undefined ? m[1] : ''; + if (this.operator === '=') { + this.operator = ''; + } + if (!m[2]) { + this.semver = ANY; + } else { + this.semver = new SemVer(m[2], this.options.loose); + } + } + }, { + key: "toString", + value: function toString() { + return this.value; + } + }, { + key: "test", + value: function test(version) { + debug('Comparator.test', version, this.options.loose); + if (this.semver === ANY || version === ANY) { + return true; + } + if (typeof version === 'string') { + try { + version = new SemVer(version, this.options); + } catch (er) { + return false; + } + } + return cmp(version, this.operator, this.semver, this.options); + } + }, { + key: "intersects", + value: function intersects(comp, options) { + if (!(comp instanceof Comparator)) { + throw new TypeError('a Comparator is required'); + } + if (this.operator === '') { + if (this.value === '') { + return true; + } + return new Range(comp.value, options).test(this.value); + } else if (comp.operator === '') { + if (comp.value === '') { + return true; + } + return new Range(this.value, options).test(comp.semver); + } + options = parseOptions(options); + if (options.includePrerelease && (this.value === '<0.0.0-0' || comp.value === '<0.0.0-0')) { + return false; + } + if (!options.includePrerelease && (this.value.startsWith('<0.0.0') || comp.value.startsWith('<0.0.0'))) { + return false; + } + if (this.operator.startsWith('>') && comp.operator.startsWith('>')) { + return true; + } + if (this.operator.startsWith('<') && comp.operator.startsWith('<')) { + return true; + } + if (this.semver.version === comp.semver.version && this.operator.includes('=') && comp.operator.includes('=')) { + return true; + } + if (cmp(this.semver, '<', comp.semver, options) && this.operator.startsWith('>') && comp.operator.startsWith('<')) { + return true; + } + if (cmp(this.semver, '>', comp.semver, options) && this.operator.startsWith('<') && comp.operator.startsWith('>')) { + return true; + } + return false; + } + }], [{ + key: "ANY", + get: function get() { + return ANY; + } + }]); + }(); + comparator = Comparator; + var parseOptions = parseOptions_1; + var re = reExports.safeRe, + t = reExports.t; + var cmp = cmp_1; + var debug = debug_1; + var SemVer = semver$1; + var Range = requireRange(); + return comparator; + } + + var range; + var hasRequiredRange; + function requireRange() { + if (hasRequiredRange) return range; + hasRequiredRange = 1; + var Range = function () { + function Range(range, options) { + var _this = this; + _classCallCheck(this, Range); + options = parseOptions(options); + if (range instanceof Range) { + if (range.loose === !!options.loose && range.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) { + return range; + } else { + return new Range(range.raw, options); + } + } + if (range instanceof Comparator) { + this.raw = range.value; + this.set = [[range]]; + this.format(); + return this; + } + this.options = options; + this.loose = !!options.loose; + this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease; + this.raw = range.trim().split(/\s+/).join(' '); + this.set = this.raw.split('||').map(function (r) { + return _this.parseRange(r.trim()); + }).filter(function (c) { + return c.length; + }); + if (!this.set.length) { + throw new TypeError("Invalid SemVer Range: ".concat(this.raw)); + } + if (this.set.length > 1) { + var first = this.set[0]; + this.set = this.set.filter(function (c) { + return !isNullSet(c[0]); + }); + if (this.set.length === 0) { + this.set = [first]; + } else if (this.set.length > 1) { + var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.set), + _step; + try { + for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { + var c = _step.value; + if (c.length === 1 && isAny(c[0])) { + this.set = [c]; + break; + } + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator.f(); + } + } + } + this.format(); + } + return _createClass(Range, [{ + key: "format", + value: function format() { + this.range = (comps) { + return comps.join(' ').trim(); + }).join('||').trim(); + return this.range; + } + }, { + key: "toString", + value: function toString() { + return this.range; + } + }, { + key: "parseRange", + value: function parseRange(range) { + var _this2 = this; + var memoOpts = (this.options.includePrerelease && FLAG_INCLUDE_PRERELEASE) | (this.options.loose && FLAG_LOOSE); + var memoKey = memoOpts + ':' + range; + var cached = cache.get(memoKey); + if (cached) { + return cached; + } + var loose = this.options.loose; + var hr = loose ? re[t.HYPHENRANGELOOSE] : re[t.HYPHENRANGE]; + range = range.replace(hr, hyphenReplace(this.options.includePrerelease)); + debug('hyphen replace', range); + range = range.replace(re[t.COMPARATORTRIM], comparatorTrimReplace); + debug('comparator trim', range); + range = range.replace(re[t.TILDETRIM], tildeTrimReplace); + debug('tilde trim', range); + range = range.replace(re[t.CARETTRIM], caretTrimReplace); + debug('caret trim', range); + var rangeList = range.split(' ').map(function (comp) { + return parseComparator(comp, _this2.options); + }).join(' ').split(/\s+/).map(function (comp) { + return replaceGTE0(comp, _this2.options); + }); + if (loose) { + rangeList = rangeList.filter(function (comp) { + debug('loose invalid filter', comp, _this2.options); + return !!comp.match(re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE]); + }); + } + debug('range list', rangeList); + var rangeMap = new Map(); + var comparators = (comp) { + return new Comparator(comp, _this2.options); + }); + var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(comparators), + _step2; + try { + for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done;) { + var comp = _step2.value; + if (isNullSet(comp)) { + return [comp]; + } + rangeMap.set(comp.value, comp); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator2.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator2.f(); + } + if (rangeMap.size > 1 && rangeMap.has('')) { + rangeMap.delete(''); + } + var result = _toConsumableArray(rangeMap.values()); + cache.set(memoKey, result); + return result; + } + }, { + key: "intersects", + value: function intersects(range, options) { + if (!(range instanceof Range)) { + throw new TypeError('a Range is required'); + } + return this.set.some(function (thisComparators) { + return isSatisfiable(thisComparators, options) && range.set.some(function (rangeComparators) { + return isSatisfiable(rangeComparators, options) && thisComparators.every(function (thisComparator) { + return rangeComparators.every(function (rangeComparator) { + return thisComparator.intersects(rangeComparator, options); + }); + }); + }); + }); + } + }, { + key: "test", + value: function test(version) { + if (!version) { + return false; + } + if (typeof version === 'string') { + try { + version = new SemVer(version, this.options); + } catch (er) { + return false; + } + } + for (var i = 0; i < this.set.length; i++) { + if (testSet(this.set[i], version, this.options)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + }]); + }(); + range = Range; + var LRU = lrucache; + var cache = new LRU(); + var parseOptions = parseOptions_1; + var Comparator = requireComparator(); + var debug = debug_1; + var SemVer = semver$1; + var re = reExports.safeRe, + t = reExports.t, + comparatorTrimReplace = reExports.comparatorTrimReplace, + tildeTrimReplace = reExports.tildeTrimReplace, + caretTrimReplace = reExports.caretTrimReplace; + var FLAG_INCLUDE_PRERELEASE = constants.FLAG_INCLUDE_PRERELEASE, + FLAG_LOOSE = constants.FLAG_LOOSE; + var isNullSet = function isNullSet(c) { + return c.value === '<0.0.0-0'; + }; + var isAny = function isAny(c) { + return c.value === ''; + }; + var isSatisfiable = function isSatisfiable(comparators, options) { + var result = true; + var remainingComparators = comparators.slice(); + var testComparator = remainingComparators.pop(); + while (result && remainingComparators.length) { + result = remainingComparators.every(function (otherComparator) { + return testComparator.intersects(otherComparator, options); + }); + testComparator = remainingComparators.pop(); + } + return result; + }; + var parseComparator = function parseComparator(comp, options) { + debug('comp', comp, options); + comp = replaceCarets(comp, options); + debug('caret', comp); + comp = replaceTildes(comp, options); + debug('tildes', comp); + comp = replaceXRanges(comp, options); + debug('xrange', comp); + comp = replaceStars(comp, options); + debug('stars', comp); + return comp; + }; + var isX = function isX(id) { + return !id || id.toLowerCase() === 'x' || id === '*'; + }; + var replaceTildes = function replaceTildes(comp, options) { + return comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map(function (c) { + return replaceTilde(c, options); + }).join(' '); + }; + var replaceTilde = function replaceTilde(comp, options) { + var r = options.loose ? re[t.TILDELOOSE] : re[t.TILDE]; + return comp.replace(r, function (_, M, m, p, pr) { + debug('tilde', comp, _, M, m, p, pr); + var ret; + if (isX(M)) { + ret = ''; + } else if (isX(m)) { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".0.0 <").concat(+M + 1, ".0.0-0"); + } else if (isX(p)) { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".0 <").concat(M, ".").concat(+m + 1, ".0-0"); + } else if (pr) { + debug('replaceTilde pr', pr); + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(p, "-").concat(pr, " <").concat(M, ".").concat(+m + 1, ".0-0"); + } else { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(p, " <").concat(M, ".").concat(+m + 1, ".0-0"); + } + debug('tilde return', ret); + return ret; + }); + }; + var replaceCarets = function replaceCarets(comp, options) { + return comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map(function (c) { + return replaceCaret(c, options); + }).join(' '); + }; + var replaceCaret = function replaceCaret(comp, options) { + debug('caret', comp, options); + var r = options.loose ? re[t.CARETLOOSE] : re[t.CARET]; + var z = options.includePrerelease ? '-0' : ''; + return comp.replace(r, function (_, M, m, p, pr) { + debug('caret', comp, _, M, m, p, pr); + var ret; + if (isX(M)) { + ret = ''; + } else if (isX(m)) { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".0.0").concat(z, " <").concat(+M + 1, ".0.0-0"); + } else if (isX(p)) { + if (M === '0') { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".0").concat(z, " <").concat(M, ".").concat(+m + 1, ".0-0"); + } else { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".0").concat(z, " <").concat(+M + 1, ".0.0-0"); + } + } else if (pr) { + debug('replaceCaret pr', pr); + if (M === '0') { + if (m === '0') { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(p, "-").concat(pr, " <").concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(+p + 1, "-0"); + } else { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(p, "-").concat(pr, " <").concat(M, ".").concat(+m + 1, ".0-0"); + } + } else { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(p, "-").concat(pr, " <").concat(+M + 1, ".0.0-0"); + } + } else { + debug('no pr'); + if (M === '0') { + if (m === '0') { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(p).concat(z, " <").concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(+p + 1, "-0"); + } else { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(p).concat(z, " <").concat(M, ".").concat(+m + 1, ".0-0"); + } + } else { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(p, " <").concat(+M + 1, ".0.0-0"); + } + } + debug('caret return', ret); + return ret; + }); + }; + var replaceXRanges = function replaceXRanges(comp, options) { + debug('replaceXRanges', comp, options); + return comp.split(/\s+/).map(function (c) { + return replaceXRange(c, options); + }).join(' '); + }; + var replaceXRange = function replaceXRange(comp, options) { + comp = comp.trim(); + var r = options.loose ? re[t.XRANGELOOSE] : re[t.XRANGE]; + return comp.replace(r, function (ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr) { + debug('xRange', comp, ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr); + var xM = isX(M); + var xm = xM || isX(m); + var xp = xm || isX(p); + var anyX = xp; + if (gtlt === '=' && anyX) { + gtlt = ''; + } + pr = options.includePrerelease ? '-0' : ''; + if (xM) { + if (gtlt === '>' || gtlt === '<') { + ret = '<0.0.0-0'; + } else { + ret = '*'; + } + } else if (gtlt && anyX) { + if (xm) { + m = 0; + } + p = 0; + if (gtlt === '>') { + gtlt = '>='; + if (xm) { + M = +M + 1; + m = 0; + p = 0; + } else { + m = +m + 1; + p = 0; + } + } else if (gtlt === '<=') { + gtlt = '<'; + if (xm) { + M = +M + 1; + } else { + m = +m + 1; + } + } + if (gtlt === '<') { + pr = '-0'; + } + ret = "".concat(gtlt + M, ".").concat(m, ".").concat(p).concat(pr); + } else if (xm) { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".0.0").concat(pr, " <").concat(+M + 1, ".0.0-0"); + } else if (xp) { + ret = ">=".concat(M, ".").concat(m, ".0").concat(pr, " <").concat(M, ".").concat(+m + 1, ".0-0"); + } + debug('xRange return', ret); + return ret; + }); + }; + var replaceStars = function replaceStars(comp, options) { + debug('replaceStars', comp, options); + return comp.trim().replace(re[t.STAR], ''); + }; + var replaceGTE0 = function replaceGTE0(comp, options) { + debug('replaceGTE0', comp, options); + return comp.trim().replace(re[options.includePrerelease ? t.GTE0PRE : t.GTE0], ''); + }; + var hyphenReplace = function hyphenReplace(incPr) { + return function ($0, from, fM, fm, fp, fpr, fb, to, tM, tm, tp, tpr) { + if (isX(fM)) { + from = ''; + } else if (isX(fm)) { + from = ">=".concat(fM, ".0.0").concat(incPr ? '-0' : ''); + } else if (isX(fp)) { + from = ">=".concat(fM, ".").concat(fm, ".0").concat(incPr ? '-0' : ''); + } else if (fpr) { + from = ">=".concat(from); + } else { + from = ">=".concat(from).concat(incPr ? '-0' : ''); + } + if (isX(tM)) { + to = ''; + } else if (isX(tm)) { + to = "<".concat(+tM + 1, ".0.0-0"); + } else if (isX(tp)) { + to = "<".concat(tM, ".").concat(+tm + 1, ".0-0"); + } else if (tpr) { + to = "<=".concat(tM, ".").concat(tm, ".").concat(tp, "-").concat(tpr); + } else if (incPr) { + to = "<".concat(tM, ".").concat(tm, ".").concat(+tp + 1, "-0"); + } else { + to = "<=".concat(to); + } + return "".concat(from, " ").concat(to).trim(); + }; + }; + var testSet = function testSet(set, version, options) { + for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { + if (!set[i].test(version)) { + return false; + } + } + if (version.prerelease.length && !options.includePrerelease) { + for (var _i = 0; _i < set.length; _i++) { + debug(set[_i].semver); + if (set[_i].semver === Comparator.ANY) { + continue; + } + if (set[_i].semver.prerelease.length > 0) { + var allowed = set[_i].semver; + if (allowed.major === version.major && allowed.minor === version.minor && allowed.patch === version.patch) { + return true; + } + } + } + return false; + } + return true; + }; + return range; + } + + var Range = requireRange(); + var satisfies = function satisfies(version, range, options) { + try { + range = new Range(range, options); + } catch (er) { + return false; + } + return range.test(version); + }; + var satisfies_1 = satisfies; + var satisfies$1 = getDefaultExportFromCjs(satisfies_1); + + var semver = { + valid: valid$1, + coerce: coerce$1, + satisfies: satisfies$1, + SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION: constants$1.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION + }; + + var ATTACHMENT_TYPE = { + NULL: 0, + MESH: 1, + REGION: 2 + }; + var QUAD_TRIANGLES = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0]; + var Spine = function () { + function Spine(app, atlasData, skeletonData, textureData) { + _classCallCheck(this, Spine); + _defineProperty(this, "autoUpdate", true); + _defineProperty(this, "skeleton", void 0); + _defineProperty(this, "states", void 0); + this._app = app; + this._position = new pc__namespace.Vec3(); + var atlas; + if (TextureAtlas.length === 1) { + atlas = new TextureAtlas(atlasData); + var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(atlas.pages), + _step; + try { + for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { + var page = _step.value; + page.setTexture(new SpineTextureWrapper(textureData[])); + } + } catch (err) { + _iterator.e(err); + } finally { + _iterator.f(); + } + } else { + atlas = new TextureAtlas(atlasData, function (path) { + return new SpineTextureWrapper(textureData[path]); + }); + } + var json = new SkeletonJson(new AtlasAttachmentLoader(atlas)); + json.scale *= 0.01; + var _skeletonData = json.readSkeletonData(skeletonData); + this.skeletonVersion = semver.valid(semver.coerce(_skeletonData.version)); + this._spine_3_6_0 = semver.satisfies(this.skeletonVersion, '<=3.6.0'); + this._spine_3_7_99 = semver.satisfies(this.skeletonVersion, '<=3.7.99'); + this._spine_4_0_X = semver.satisfies(this.skeletonVersion, '~4.0.0'); + this._spine_4_1_X = semver.satisfies(this.skeletonVersion, '~4.1.23'); + this.skeleton = new Skeleton(_skeletonData); + this.skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); + this.stateData = new AnimationStateData(; + this.states = [new AnimationState(this.stateData)]; + this.clipper = new SkeletonClipping(); + this._node = new pc__namespace.GraphNode(); + this._meshes = []; + this._meshInstances = []; + this._materials = {}; + this._tint = {}; + this._aabb = new pc__namespace.BoundingBox(); + this._aabbTempArray = []; + this._aabbTempOffset = new pc__namespace.Vec2(); + this._aabbTempSize = new pc__namespace.Vec2(); + this._renderCounts = { + vertexCount: 0, + indexCount: 0 + }; + this._vertexFormat = null; + this._vertexBuffer = null; + this._indexBuffer = null; + this._priority = 0; + this._timeScale = 1; + this._layers = [pc__namespace.LAYERID_UI]; + this.init(); + this._hidden = false; + } + return _createClass(Spine, [{ + key: "destroy", + value: function destroy() { + this.removeFromLayers(); + for (var i = 0; i < this._meshInstances.length; i++) { + this._meshInstances[i].mesh.vertexBuffer = null; + this._meshInstances[i].mesh.indexBuffer.length = 0; + this._meshInstances[i].material = null; + } + if (this._vertexBuffer) { + this._vertexBuffer.destroy(); + this._vertexBuffer = null; + } + if (this._indexBuffer) { + this._indexBuffer.destroy(); + this._indexBuffer = null; + } + this._meshInstances = []; + this.skeleton = null; + this.stateData = null; + this._materials = {}; + this._node = null; + } + }, { + key: "hide", + value: function hide() { + if (this._hidden) return; + for (var i = 0, n = this._meshInstances.length; i < n; i++) { + this._meshInstances[i].visible = false; + } + this._hidden = true; + } + }, { + key: "show", + value: function show() { + if (!this._hidden) return; + for (var i = 0, n = this._meshInstances.length; i < n; i++) { + this._meshInstances[i].visible = true; + } + this._hidden = false; + } + }, { + key: "init", + value: function init() { + this._vertexFormat = new pc__namespace.VertexFormat(this._app.graphicsDevice, [{ + semantic: pc__namespace.SEMANTIC_POSITION, + components: 2, + type: pc__namespace.TYPE_FLOAT32 + }, { + semantic: pc__namespace.SEMANTIC_NORMAL, + components: 4, + type: pc__namespace.TYPE_UINT8, + normalize: true + }, { + semantic: pc__namespace.SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0, + components: 2, + type: pc__namespace.TYPE_FLOAT32 + }, { + semantic: pc__namespace.SEMANTIC_COLOR, + components: 4, + type: pc__namespace.TYPE_UINT8, + normalize: true + }]); + var drawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder; + for (var i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++) { + this.initSlot(drawOrder[i]); + } + } + }, { + key: "initSlot", + value: function initSlot(slot) { + slot.positions = []; + slot.uvs = []; + slot.indices = []; + slot.vertexColor = {}; + slot._active = { + name: '', + type: ATTACHMENT_TYPE.NULL + }; + this.initAttachment(slot); + } + }, { + key: "createMaterial", + value: function createMaterial(texture) { + var material = new pc__namespace.StandardMaterial(); + material.emissiveMap = texture; + material.emissiveVertexColor = true; + material.opacityMap = texture; + material.opacityVertexColor = true; + material.depthWrite = false; + material.cull = pc__namespace.CULLFACE_NONE; + material.blendType = pc__namespace.BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED; + if (this._spine_3_6_0) { + var alphaPremul = ['gl_FragColor.rgb *= vVertexColor.a;', 'gl_FragColor.a = dAlpha;'].join('\n'); + material.chunks.outputAlphaPremulPS = alphaPremul; + } + material.update(); + return material; + } + }, { + key: "initAttachment", + value: function initAttachment(slot) { + var attachment = slot.attachment; + if (attachment) { + =; + if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) { + slot._active.type = ATTACHMENT_TYPE.REGION; + } else if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) { + slot._active.type = ATTACHMENT_TYPE.MESH; + } + var texture = null; + if (attachment.region) { + if (attachment.region.texture) { + texture = attachment.region.texture.pcTexture; + } + if ( && { + texture =; + } + } + if (texture) { + if (texture instanceof pc__namespace.StandardMaterial) { + this._materials[] = texture; + slot.material =; + } else { + var key = null; + if ( { + key =; + } else if (texture.getSource() instanceof Image) { + key = texture.getSource().getAttribute('src'); + } + if (key) { + if (this._materials[key] === undefined) { + var material = this.createMaterial(texture); + this._materials[key] = material; + } + slot.material = key; + } + } + } + } + } + }, { + key: "updateSlot", + value: function updateSlot(slot, clipper) { + var attachment = slot.attachment; + var name =; + var type = attachment instanceof RegionAttachment ? ATTACHMENT_TYPE.REGION : attachment instanceof MeshAttachment ? ATTACHMENT_TYPE.MESH : ATTACHMENT_TYPE.NULL; + if ( !== name || slot._active.type !== type) { + this.initAttachment(slot); + } + slot.positions.length = 0; + if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) { + if (this._spine_4_1_X) { + attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, slot.positions, 0, 2); + } else { + attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot.bone, slot.positions, 0, 2); + } + } else if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) { + attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, attachment.worldVerticesLength, slot.positions, 0, 2); + } + var tint = this._tint[name]; + slot.vertexColor = { + r: Math.round(255 * slot.color.r * (tint ? tint.r : 1)), + g: Math.round(255 * slot.color.g * (tint ? tint.g : 1)), + b: Math.round(255 * slot.color.b * (tint ? tint.b : 1)), + a: Math.round(255 * slot.color.a * (tint ? tint.a : 1)) + }; + var srcTriangles = attachment.triangles || QUAD_TRIANGLES; + var i; + var count; + if (clipper.isClipping()) { + var twoColorTint = false; + clipper.clipTriangles(slot.positions, 0, srcTriangles, srcTriangles.length, attachment.uvs, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, twoColorTint); + slot.positions.length = 0; + slot.uvs.length = 0; + var vertexSize = twoColorTint ? 12 : 8; + count = clipper.clippedVertices.length; + for (i = 0; i < count; i += vertexSize) { + slot.positions.push(clipper.clippedVertices[i], clipper.clippedVertices[i + 1]); + slot.uvs.push(clipper.clippedVertices[i + 6], 1 - clipper.clippedVertices[i + 7]); + } + slot.indices = clipper.clippedTriangles.slice(); + } else { + slot.uvs.length = 0; + count = slot.positions.length; + for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { + slot.uvs.push(attachment.uvs[i], 1 - attachment.uvs[i + 1]); + } + slot.indices = srcTriangles; + } + this._renderCounts.vertexCount += slot.positions.length / 2; + this._renderCounts.indexCount += slot.indices.length; + } + }, { + key: "updateSkeleton", + value: function updateSkeleton(dt) { + this._renderCounts.vertexCount = 0; + this._renderCounts.indexCount = 0; + var clipper = this.clipper; + var inRange = false; + inRange = true; + var drawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder; + var count = drawOrder.length; + for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { + var slot = drawOrder[i]; + if (!this._spine_3_7_99) { + if (! { + clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); + continue; + } + } + if (!inRange) { + clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); + continue; + } + var attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment) { + clipper.clipStart(slot, attachment); + continue; + } else if (!(attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) && !(attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)) { + if (!this._spine_3_7_99) clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); + continue; + } + this.updateSlot(slot, clipper); + } + } + }, { + key: "render", + value: function render() { + this._meshInstances.forEach(function (instance) { + instance.material = null; + }); + this.removeFromLayers(); + this._meshes = []; + this._meshInstances.length = 0; + if (this._renderCounts.indexCount > 0 && this._renderCounts.vertexCount > 0) { + this.skeleton.getBounds(this._aabbTempOffset, this._aabbTempSize, this._aabbTempArray); + = new pc__namespace.Vec3(this._aabbTempOffset.x, this._aabbTempOffset.y, 0); + this._aabb.halfExtents = new pc__namespace.Vec3(0.5 * this._aabbTempSize.x, 0.5 * this._aabbTempSize.y, 0); + if (!this._vertexBuffer || this._vertexBuffer.getNumVertices() < this._renderCounts.vertexCount) { + if (this._vertexBuffer) this._vertexBuffer.destroy(); + this._vertexBuffer = new pc__namespace.VertexBuffer(this._app.graphicsDevice, this._vertexFormat, this._renderCounts.vertexCount); + } + if (!this._indexBuffer || this._indexBuffer.getNumIndices() < this._renderCounts.indexCount) { + if (this._indexBuffer) this._indexBuffer.destroy(); + this._indexBuffer = new pc__namespace.IndexBuffer(this._app.graphicsDevice, pc__namespace.INDEXFORMAT_UINT16, this._renderCounts.indexCount); + } + var currentMaterialKey = null; + var batchStartIndex = 0; + var batchIndexCount = 0; + var dstVertices = new pc__namespace.VertexIterator(this._vertexBuffer); + var dstIndices = new Uint16Array(this._indexBuffer.lock()); + var dstIndexOffset = 0; + var dstVertexOffset = 0; + var drawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder; + var count = drawOrder.length; + for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { + var slot = drawOrder[i]; + if (slot.attachment && slot.material && slot.positions.length > 0 && slot.indices.length > 0) { + if (currentMaterialKey && currentMaterialKey !== slot.material) { + this.SubmitBatch(batchStartIndex, batchIndexCount, currentMaterialKey); + currentMaterialKey = slot.material; + batchStartIndex = dstIndexOffset; + batchIndexCount = 0; + } + currentMaterialKey = slot.material; + var positions = slot.positions; + var r = slot.vertexColor.r; + var g = slot.vertexColor.g; + var b = slot.vertexColor.b; + var a = slot.vertexColor.a; + var uvs = slot.uvs; + var j = void 0; + var posCount = positions.length / 2; + for (j = 0; j < posCount; j++) { + dstVertices.element[pc__namespace.SEMANTIC_POSITION].set(positions[j * 2], positions[j * 2 + 1]); + dstVertices.element[pc__namespace.SEMANTIC_NORMAL].set(0, 255, 0, 0); + dstVertices.element[pc__namespace.SEMANTIC_COLOR].set(r, g, b, a); + dstVertices.element[pc__namespace.SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0].set(uvs[j * 2], 1.0 - uvs[j * 2 + 1]); +; + } + var indices = slot.indices; + var indCount = indices.length; + for (j = 0; j < indCount; j++) dstIndices[dstIndexOffset + j] = indices[j] + dstVertexOffset; + batchIndexCount += indCount; + dstIndexOffset += indCount; + dstVertexOffset += posCount; + } + } + dstVertices.end(); + this._indexBuffer.unlock(); + this.SubmitBatch(batchStartIndex, batchIndexCount, currentMaterialKey); + } + this.addToLayers(); + } + }, { + key: "SubmitBatch", + value: function SubmitBatch(indexBase, indexCount, materialKey) { + if (indexCount > 0) { + var mesh = new pc__namespace.Mesh(this._app.graphicsDevice); + mesh.vertexBuffer = this._vertexBuffer; + mesh.indexBuffer[0] = this._indexBuffer; + mesh.primitive[0].type = pc__namespace.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES; + mesh.primitive[0].base = indexBase; + mesh.primitive[0].count = indexCount; + mesh.primitive[0].indexed = true; + mesh.aabb = this._aabb; + this._meshes.push(mesh); + var mi = new pc__namespace.MeshInstance(mesh, this._materials[materialKey], this._node); + mi.drawOrder = this.priority + this._meshInstances.length; + mi.visible = !this._hidden; + this._meshInstances.push(mi); + } + } + }, { + key: "update", + value: function update(dt) { + if (this._hidden) return; + dt *= this._timeScale; + var i; + var n = this.states.length; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + this.states[i].update(dt); + } + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + this.states[i].apply(this.skeleton); + } + if (this.autoUpdate) { + this.skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); + } + this.updateSkeleton(); + this.render(); + } + }, { + key: "setPosition", + value: function setPosition(p) { + this._position.copy(p); + } + }, { + key: "setTint", + value: function setTint(name, color) { + this._tint[name] = color; + } + }, { + key: "removeFromLayers", + value: function removeFromLayers() { + if (this._meshInstances.length) { + for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) { + var layer = this._app.scene.layers.getLayerById(this._layers[i]); + if (layer) layer.removeMeshInstances(this._meshInstances); + } + } + } + }, { + key: "addToLayers", + value: function addToLayers() { + if (this._meshInstances.length) { + for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) { + var layer = this._app.scene.layers.getLayerById(this._layers[i]); + if (layer) layer.addMeshInstances(this._meshInstances); + } + } + } + }, { + key: "state", + get: function get() { + return this.states[0]; + } + }, { + key: "priority", + get: function get() { + return this._priority; + }, + set: function set(value) { + this._priority = value; + } + }, { + key: "timeScale", + get: function get() { + return this._timeScale; + }, + set: function set(value) { + this._timeScale = value; + } + }, { + key: "layers", + get: function get() { + return this._layers; + }, + set: function set(value) { + this.removeFromLayers(); + this._layers = value || []; + this.addToLayers(); + } + }]); + }(); + + function _callSuper$1(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var SpineComponent = function (_Component) { + function SpineComponent(system, entity) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, SpineComponent); + _this2 = _callSuper$1(this, SpineComponent, [system, entity]); + _this2.on('set_atlasAsset', _this2.onSetAsset, _this2); + _this2.on('set_textureAssets', _this2.onSetAssets, _this2); + _this2.on('set_skeletonAsset', _this2.onSetAsset, _this2); + _this2.on('set_atlasData', _this2.onSetResource, _this2); + _this2.on('set_textures', _this2.onSetResource, _this2); + _this2.on('set_skeletonData', _this2.onSetResource, _this2); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(SpineComponent, _Component); + return _createClass(SpineComponent, [{ + key: "_createSpine", + value: function _createSpine() { + if ( { +; + = null; + } + var textureData = {}; + for (var i = 0, n = this.textureAssets.length; i < n; i++) { + var asset =[i]); + var path = ? : asset.file ? asset.file.filename : null; + if (!path) { + path = pc.path.getBasename(asset.file.url); + } + var query = path.indexOf('?'); + if (query !== -1) path = path.substring(0, query); + textureData[path] = asset.resource; + } + = new Spine(, this.atlasData, this.skeletonData, textureData); + this.state =; + this.states =; + this.skeleton =; + this.entity.addChild(; + } + }, { + key: "_onAssetReady", + value: function _onAssetReady(_ref) { + var type = _ref.type, + resource = _ref.resource; + if (type === 'texture') { + this.textures.push(resource); + } + if (type === 'json') { + this.skeletonData = resource; + } + if (type === 'text') { + this.atlasData = resource; + } + } + }, { + key: "_onAssetAdd", + value: function _onAssetAdd(asset) { +'change', this.onAssetChanged, this); + asset.on('change', this.onAssetChanged, this); +'remove', this.onAssetRemoved, this); + asset.on('remove', this.onAssetRemoved, this); + asset.ready(this._onAssetReady, this); +; + } + }, { + key: "onSetResource", + value: function onSetResource() { + if ( && && { + this._createSpine(); + } + } + }, { + key: "onSetAsset", + value: function onSetAsset(name, oldValue, newValue) { + var registry =; + var asset = null; + if (oldValue) { + asset = registry.get(oldValue); + if (asset) { +'change', this.onAssetChanged); +'remove', this.onAssetRemoved); + } + } + if (newValue) { + var id = newValue; + if (newValue instanceof pc.Asset) { + id =; +[name] = id; + } + asset = registry.get(id); + if (asset) { + this._onAssetAdd(asset); + } else { + registry.on("add:".concat(id)); + } + } + } + }, { + key: "onSetAssets", + value: function onSetAssets(name, oldValue, newValue) { + var registry =; + var asset = null; + var i; + var n; + if (oldValue.length) { + for (i = 0, n = oldValue.length; i < n; i++) { + asset = registry.get(oldValue[i]); + if (asset) { +'change', this.onAssetChanged); +'remove', this.onAssetRemoved); + } + } + } + if (newValue && newValue.length) { + var ids = (v) { + if (v instanceof pc.Asset) { + return; + } + return v; + }); + for (i = 0, n = newValue.length; i < n; i++) { + asset = registry.get(ids[i]); + if (asset) { + this._onAssetAdd(asset); + } else { + registry.on("add:".concat(ids[i])); + } + } + } + } + }, { + key: "onAssetChanged", + value: function onAssetChanged(asset, attribute, newValue, oldValue) {} + }, { + key: "onAssetRemoved", + value: function onAssetRemoved(asset) {} + }, { + key: "onEnable", + value: function onEnable() { +; + var spine =; + if (spine) { + spine.addToLayers(); + } + } + }, { + key: "onDisable", + value: function onDisable() { +; + var spine =; + if (spine) { + spine.removeFromLayers(); + } + } + }, { + key: "hide", + value: function hide() { + if ( { +; + } + } + }, { + key: "show", + value: function show() { + if ( { +; + } + } + }, { + key: "removeComponent", + value: function removeComponent() { + var asset; + if (this.atlasAsset) { + asset =; + if (asset) { +'change', this.onAssetChanged); +'remove', this.onAssetRemoved); + } + } + if (this.skeletonAsset) { + asset =; + if (asset) { +'change', this.onAssetChanged); +'remove', this.onAssetRemoved); + } + } + if (this.textureAssets && this.textureAssets.length) { + for (var i = 0; i < this.textureAssets.length; i++) { + asset =[i]); + if (asset) { +'change', this.onAssetChanged); +'remove', this.onAssetRemoved); + } + } + } + } + }]); + }(pc.Component); + + var SpineComponentData = _createClass(function SpineComponentData() { + _classCallCheck(this, SpineComponentData); + this.enabled = true; + this.atlasAsset = null; + this.textureAssets = []; + this.skeletonAsset = null; + this.speed = 1; + this.spine = null; + this.atlasData = null; + this.textures = []; + this.skeletonData = null; + }); + + function _callSuper(_this, derived, args) { + function isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; + try { + return !, [], function () {})); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + derived = _getPrototypeOf(derived); + return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct(derived, args || [], _getPrototypeOf(_this).constructor) : derived.apply(_this, args)); + } + var SpineComponentSystem = function (_ComponentSystem) { + function SpineComponentSystem(app) { + var _this2; + _classCallCheck(this, SpineComponentSystem); + _this2 = _callSuper(this, SpineComponentSystem, [app]); + = 'spine'; + _this2.ComponentType = SpineComponent; + _this2.DataType = SpineComponentData; + _this2.schema = ['enabled', 'atlasAsset', 'textureAssets', 'skeletonAsset', 'atlasData', 'textures', 'skeletonData', 'speed', 'spine']; + _this2.on('beforeremove', _this2.onBeforeRemove, _this2); +'update', _this2.onUpdate, _this2); + return _this2; + } + _inherits(SpineComponentSystem, _ComponentSystem); + return _createClass(SpineComponentSystem, [{ + key: "initializeComponentData", + value: function initializeComponentData(component, data, properties) { + properties = ['enabled', 'atlasAsset', 'textureAssets', 'skeletonAsset', 'atlasData', 'textures', 'skeletonData', 'spine']; + _get(_getPrototypeOf(SpineComponentSystem.prototype), "initializeComponentData", this).call(this, component, data, properties); + } + }, { + key: "onBeforeRemove", + value: function onBeforeRemove(entity, component) { + var data =; + if (data.spine) { + data.spine.destroy(); + } + entity.spine.removeComponent(); + } + }, { + key: "onUpdate", + value: function onUpdate(dt) { + var components =; + for (var id in components) { + if (components.hasOwnProperty(id)) { + var component = components[id]; + var componentData =; + if (componentData.enabled && component.entity.enabled) { + if (componentData.spine) { + componentData.spine.setPosition(component.entity.getPosition()); + componentData.spine.update(componentData.speed * dt); + } + } + } + } + } + }]); + }(pc.ComponentSystem); + + (function () { + var app = pc__namespace.Application.getApplication(); + var system = new SpineComponentSystem(app); +; + })(); + + return spine; + +})(pc); diff --git a/build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.min.js b/build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b26867 --- /dev/null +++ b/build/playcanvas-spine.4.2.min.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +var spine=function(t){"use strict";function e(t){var e=Object.create(null);return t&&Object.keys(t).forEach((function(n){if("default"!==n){var a=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,n);Object.defineProperty(e,n,a.get?a:{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[n]}})}})),e.default=t,Object.freeze(e)}var n,a,r=e(t);function i(t){return i="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},i(t)}function s(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function o(t,e){for(var n=0;nt.length)&&(e=t.length);for(var n=0,a=new Array(e);n=t.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[a++]}},e:function(t){throw t},f:r}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var i,s=!0,o=!1;return{s:function(){},n:function(){var;return s=t.done,t},e:function(t){o=!0,i=t},f:function(){try{s||null==n.return||n.return()}finally{if(o)throw i}}}}function w(t){var e=function(t,e){if("object"!=typeof t||null===t)return t;var n=t[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(void 0!==n){var,e||"default");if("object"!=typeof a)return a;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return("string"===e?String:Number)(t)}(t,"string");return"symbol"==typeof e?e:String(e)}function b(t,e,n){return e=u(e),d(t,function(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return!,[],(function(){})))}catch(t){return!1}}()?Reflect.construct(e,n||[],u(t).constructor):e.apply(t,n))}var x=h((function t(){s(this,t),l(this,"array",new Array)}),[{key:"add",value:function(t){var e=this.contains(t);return this.array[0|t]=0|t,!e}},{key:"contains",value:function(t){return null!=this.array[0|t]}},{key:"remove",value:function(t){this.array[0|t]=void 0}},{key:"clear",value:function(){this.array.length=0}}]),I=h((function t(){s(this,t),l(this,"entries",{}),l(this,"size",0)}),[{key:"add",value:function(t){var e=this.entries[t];return this.entries[t]=!0,!e&&(this.size++,!0)}},{key:"addAll",value:function(t){for(var e=this.size,n=0,a=t.length;n0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0,n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:0,a=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:0,r=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:0;s(this,t),l(this,"r",void 0),l(this,"g",void 0),l(this,"b",void 0),l(this,"a",void 0),this.r=e,this.g=n,this.b=a,this.a=r}return h(t,[{key:"set",value:function(t,e,n,a){return this.r=t,this.g=e,this.b=n,this.a=a,this.clamp()}},{key:"setFromColor",value:function(t){return this.r=t.r,this.g=t.g,this.b=t.b,this.a=t.a,this}},{key:"setFromString",value:function(t){return t="#"==t.charAt(0)?t.substr(1):t,this.r=parseInt(t.substr(0,2),16)/255,this.g=parseInt(t.substr(2,2),16)/255,this.b=parseInt(t.substr(4,2),16)/255,this.a=8!=t.length?1:parseInt(t.substr(6,2),16)/255,this}},{key:"add",value:function(t,e,n,a){return this.r+=t,this.g+=e,this.b+=n,this.a+=a,this.clamp()}},{key:"clamp",value:function(){return this.r<0?this.r=0:this.r>1&&(this.r=1),this.g<0?this.g=0:this.g>1&&(this.g=1),this.b<0?this.b=0:this.b>1&&(this.b=1),this.a<0?this.a=0:this.a>1&&(this.a=1),this}},{key:"toRgb888",value:function(){var t=function(t){return("0"+(255*t).toString(16)).slice(-2)};return Number("0x"+t(this.r)+t(this.g)+t(this.b))}}],[{key:"rgba8888ToColor",value:function(t,e){t.r=((4278190080&e)>>>24)/255,t.g=((16711680&e)>>>16)/255,t.b=((65280&e)>>>8)/255,t.a=(255&e)/255}},{key:"rgb888ToColor",value:function(t,e){t.r=((16711680&e)>>>16)/255,t.g=((65280&e)>>>8)/255,t.b=(255&e)/255}},{key:"fromString",value:function(e){return(new t).setFromString(e)}}])}();l(E,"WHITE",new(n=E)(1,1,1,1)),l(E,"RED",new n(1,0,0,1)),l(E,"GREEN",new n(0,1,0,1)),l(E,"BLUE",new n(0,0,1,1)),l(E,"MAGENTA",new n(1,0,1,1));var A=function(){function t(){s(this,t)}return h(t,null,[{key:"clamp",value:function(t,e,n){return tn?n:t}},{key:"cosDeg",value:function(e){return Math.cos(e*t.degRad)}},{key:"sinDeg",value:function(e){return Math.sin(e*t.degRad)}},{key:"atan2Deg",value:function(e,n){return Math.atan2(e,n)*t.degRad}},{key:"signum",value:function(t){return t>0?1:t<0?-1:0}},{key:"toInt",value:function(t){return t>0?Math.floor(t):Math.ceil(t)}},{key:"cbrt",value:function(t){var e=Math.pow(Math.abs(t),1/3);return t<0?-e:e}},{key:"randomTriangular",value:function(e,n){return t.randomTriangularWith(e,n,.5*(e+n))}},{key:"randomTriangularWith",value:function(t,e,n){var a=Math.random(),r=e-t;return a<=(n-t)/r?t+Math.sqrt(a*r*(n-t)):e-Math.sqrt((1-a)*r*(e-n))}},{key:"isPowerOfTwo",value:function(t){return t&&0==(t&t-1)}}])}();a=A,l(A,"PI",3.1415927),l(A,"PI2",2*a.PI),l(A,"invPI2",1/a.PI2),l(A,"radiansToDegrees",180/a.PI),l(A,"radDeg",a.radiansToDegrees),l(A,"degreesToRadians",a.PI/180),l(A,"degRad",a.degreesToRadians);var S=h((function t(){s(this,t)}),[{key:"apply",value:function(t,e,n){return t+(e-t)*this.applyInternal(n)}}]),R=function(t){function e(t){var n;return s(this,e),l(n=b(this,e),"power",2),n.power=t,n}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"applyInternal",value:function(t){return t<=.5?Math.pow(2*t,this.power)/2:Math.pow(2*(t-1),this.power)/(this.power%2==0?-2:2)+1}}])}(S),T=function(t){function e(t){return s(this,e),b(this,e,[t])}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"applyInternal",value:function(t){return Math.pow(t-1,this.power)*(this.power%2==0?-1:1)+1}}])}(R),C=function(){function t(){s(this,t)}return h(t,null,[{key:"arrayCopy",value:function(t,e,n,a,r){for(var i=e,s=a;i2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:0,a=t.length;if(a==e)return t;if(t.length=e,a2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:0;return e.length>=n?e:t.setArraySize(e,n,a)}},{key:"newArray",value:function(t,e){for(var n=new Array(t),a=0;a0?this.items.pop():this.instantiator()}},{key:"free",value:function(t){t.reset&&t.reset(),this.items.push(t)}},{key:"freeAll",value:function(t){for(var e=0;e0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0,n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:0;s(this,t),l(this,"x",void 0),l(this,"y",void 0),this.x=e,this.y=n}),[{key:"set",value:function(t,e){return this.x=t,this.y=e,this}},{key:"length",value:function(){var t=this.x,e=this.y;return Math.sqrt(t*t+e*e)}},{key:"normalize",value:function(){var t=this.length();return 0!=t&&(this.x/=t,this.y/=t),this}}]),Y=h((function t(){s(this,t),l(this,"maxDelta",.064),l(this,"framesPerSecond",0),l(this,"delta",0),l(this,"totalTime",0),l(this,"lastTime",,l(this,"frameCount",0),l(this,"frameTime",0)}),[{key:"update",value:function(){var;,,,>this.maxDelta&&(,this.lastTime=t,this.frameCount++,this.frameTime>1&&(this.framesPerSecond=this.frameCount/this.frameTime,this.frameTime=0,this.frameCount=0)}}]),X=h((function t(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:32;s(this,t),l(this,"values",void 0),l(this,"addedValues",0),l(this,"lastValue",0),l(this,"mean",0),l(this,"dirty",!0),this.values=new Array(e)}),[{key:"hasEnoughData",value:function(){return this.addedValues>=this.values.length}},{key:"addValue",value:function(t){this.addedValuesthis.values.length-1&&(this.lastValue=0),this.dirty=!0}},{key:"getMean",value:function(){if(this.hasEnoughData()){if(this.dirty){for(var t=0,e=0;e>1)*i;var s=t.bone.skeleton,o=t.deform,h=this.vertices,l=this.bones;if(l){for(var c=0,u=0,f=0;f0&&(h=o);for(var O=t.bone,N=O.worldX,L=O.worldY,_=O.a,B=O.b,D=O.c,V=O.d,U=e,q=r;q=this.regions.length&&(n=this.regions.length-1);var a=this.regions[n];e.region!=a&&(e.region=a,e.updateRegion())}},{key:"getPath",value:function(t,e){for(var n=t,a=(this.start+e).toString(),r=this.digits-a.length;r>0;r--)n+="0";return n+=a}}],[{key:"nextID",value:function(){return t._nextID++}}])}();l(_,"_nextID",0),function(t){t[t.hold=0]="hold",t[t.once=1]="once",t[t.loop=2]="loop",t[t.pingpong=3]="pingpong",t[t.onceReverse=4]="onceReverse",t[t.loopReverse=5]="loopReverse",t[t.pingpongReverse=6]="pingpongReverse"}(L||(L={}));var B=[L.hold,L.once,L.loop,L.pingpong,L.onceReverse,L.loopReverse,L.pingpongReverse];function D(t,e,n){return e=u(e),d(t,function(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return!,[],(function(){})))}catch(t){return!1}}()?Reflect.construct(e,n||[],u(t).constructor):e.apply(t,n))}var V,U,q=h((function t(e,n,a){if(s(this,t),l(this,"name",void 0),l(this,"timelines",[]),l(this,"timelineIds",new I),l(this,"duration",void 0),!e)throw new Error("name cannot be null.");,this.setTimelines(n),this.duration=a}),[{key:"setTimelines",value:function(t){if(!t)throw new Error("timelines cannot be null.");this.timelines=t,this.timelineIds.clear();for(var e=0;e0&&(e%=this.duration));for(var h=this.timelines,l=0,c=h.length;le)return a-1;return n-1}},{key:"search",value:function(t,e,n){for(var a=t.length,r=n;re)return r-n;return a-n}}]),z=function(t){function e(t,n,a){var r;return s(this,e),l(r=D(this,e,[t,a]),"curves",void 0),r.curves=C.newFloatArray(t+18*n),r.curves[t-1]=1,r}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"setLinear",value:function(t){this.curves[t]=0}},{key:"setStepped",value:function(t){this.curves[t]=1}},{key:"shrink",value:function(t){var e=this.getFrameCount()+18*t;if(this.curves.length>e){var n=C.newFloatArray(e);C.arrayCopy(this.curves,0,n,0,e),this.curves=n}}},{key:"setBezier",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s,o,h,l,c){var u=this.curves,f=this.getFrameCount()+18*t;0==n&&(u[e]=2+f);for(var d=.03*(a-2*i+o),v=.03*(r-2*s+h),m=.006*(3*(i-o)-a+l),p=.006*(3*(s-h)-r+c),g=2*d+m,y=2*v+p,k=.3*(i-a)+d+.16666667*m,w=.3*(s-r)+v+.16666667*p,b=a+k,x=r+w,I=f+18;ft){var i=this.frames[e],s=this.frames[e+n];return s+(t-i)/(r[a]-i)*(r[a+1]-s)}var o=a+18;for(a+=2;a=t){var h=r[a-2],l=r[a-1];return l+(t-h)/(r[a]-h)*(r[a+1]-l)}e+=this.getFrameEntries();var c=r[o-2],u=r[o-1];return u+(t-c)/(this.frames[e]-c)*(this.frames[e+n]-u)}}])}(G),j=function(t){function e(t,n,a){return s(this,e),D(this,e,[t,n,[a]])}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"getFrameEntries",value:function(){return 2}},{key:"setFrame",value:function(t,e,n){t<<=1,this.frames[t]=e,this.frames[t+1]=n}},{key:"getCurveValue",value:function(t){for(var e=this.frames,n=e.length-2,a=2;a<=n;a+=2)if(e[a]>t){n=a-2;break}var r=this.curves[n>>1];switch(r){case 0:var i=e[n],s=e[n+1];return s+(t-i)/(e[n+2]-i)*(e[n+2+1]-s);case 1:return e[n+1]}return this.getBezierValue(t,n,1,r-2)}},{key:"getRelativeValue",value:function(t,e,n,a,r){if(t>2];switch(m){case 0:var p=h[v];u=h[v+1],f=h[v+2],d=h[v+3];var g=(n-p)/(h[v+4]-p);u+=(h[v+4+1]-u)*g,f+=(h[v+4+2]-f)*g,d+=(h[v+4+3]-d)*g;break;case 1:u=h[v+1],f=h[v+2],d=h[v+3];break;default:u=this.getBezierValue(n,v,1,m-2),f=this.getBezierValue(n,v,2,m+18-2),d=this.getBezierValue(n,v,3,m+36-2)}if(1==r)l.r=u,l.g=f,l.b=d;else{if(i==V.setup){var;l.r=y.r,l.g=y.g,l.b=y.b}l.r+=(u-l.r)*r,l.g+=(f-l.g)*r,l.b+=(d-l.b)*r}}}}}])}(z),ht=function(t){function e(t,n,a){var r;return s(this,e),l(r=D(this,e,[t,n,W.alpha+"|"+a]),"slotIndex",0),r.slotIndex=a,r}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"apply",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s){var o=t.slots[this.slotIndex];if({var h=o.color;if(n>3];switch(b){case 0:var x=h[w];d=h[w+1],v=h[w+2],m=h[w+3],p=h[w+4],g=h[w+5],y=h[w+6],k=h[w+7];var I=(n-x)/(h[w+8]-x);d+=(h[w+8+1]-d)*I,v+=(h[w+8+2]-v)*I,m+=(h[w+8+3]-m)*I,p+=(h[w+8+4]-p)*I,g+=(h[w+8+5]-g)*I,y+=(h[w+8+6]-y)*I,k+=(h[w+8+7]-k)*I;break;case 1:d=h[w+1],v=h[w+2],m=h[w+3],p=h[w+4],g=h[w+5],y=h[w+6],k=h[w+7];break;default:d=this.getBezierValue(n,w,1,b-2),v=this.getBezierValue(n,w,2,b+18-2),m=this.getBezierValue(n,w,3,b+36-2),p=this.getBezierValue(n,w,4,b+54-2),g=this.getBezierValue(n,w,5,b+72-2),y=this.getBezierValue(n,w,6,b+90-2),k=this.getBezierValue(n,w,7,b+108-2)}if(1==r)l.set(d,v,m,p),c.r=g,c.g=y,c.b=k;else{if(i==V.setup){l.setFromColor(;var;c.r=E.r,c.g=E.g,c.b=E.b}l.add((d-l.r)*r,(v-l.g)*r,(m-l.b)*r,(p-l.a)*r),c.r+=(g-c.r)*r,c.g+=(y-c.g)*r,c.b+=(k-c.b)*r}}}}}])}(z),ct=function(t){function e(t,n,a){var r;return s(this,e),l(r=D(this,e,[t,n,[W.rgb+"|"+a,W.rgb2+"|"+a]]),"slotIndex",0),r.slotIndex=a,r}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"getFrameEntries",value:function(){return 7}},{key:"setFrame",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s,o){t*=7,this.frames[t]=e,this.frames[t+1]=n,this.frames[t+2]=a,this.frames[t+3]=r,this.frames[t+4]=i,this.frames[t+5]=s,this.frames[t+6]=o}},{key:"apply",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s){var o=t.slots[this.slotIndex];if({var h=this.frames,l=o.color,c=o.darkColor;if(nt){var i=this.frames[e];return n[a+1]*(t-i)/(n[a]-i)}var s=a+18;for(a+=2;a=t){var o=n[a-2],h=n[a-1];return h+(t-o)/(n[a]-o)*(n[a+1]-h)}var l=n[s-2],c=n[s-1];return c+(1-c)*(t-l)/(this.frames[e+this.getFrameEntries()]-l)}},{key:"apply",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s){var o=t.slots[this.slotIndex];if({var h=o.getAttachment();if(h&&h instanceof N&&h.timelineAttachment==this.attachment){var l=o.deform;0==l.length&&(i=V.setup);var c=this.vertices,u=c[0].length,f=this.frames;if(n=f[f.length-1]){var p=c[f.length-1];if(1==r)if(i==V.add){var g=h;if(g.bones)for(var y=0;yn)this.apply(t,e,Number.MAX_VALUE,a,r,i,s),e=-1;else if(e>=o[h-1])return;if(!(n0&&o[l-1]==c;)l--;for(;l=o[l];l++)a.push([l])}}}}])}(G);l(dt,"propertyIds",[""+W.event]);var vt=function(t){function e(t){var n;return s(this,e),l(n=D(this,e,[t,e.propertyIds]),"drawOrders",void 0),n.drawOrders=new Array(t),n}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"getFrameCount",value:function(){return this.frames.length}},{key:"setFrame",value:function(t,e,n){this.frames[t]=e,this.drawOrders[t]=n}},{key:"apply",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s){if(s!=U.mixOut)if(n>2];switch(d){case 0:var v=h[f];l=h[f+1],c=h[f+2],u=h[f+3];var m=(n-v)/(h[f+4]-v);l+=(h[f+4+1]-l)*m,c+=(h[f+4+2]-c)*m,u+=(h[f+4+3]-u)*m;break;case 1:l=h[f+1],c=h[f+2],u=h[f+3];break;default:l=this.getBezierValue(n,f,1,d-2),c=this.getBezierValue(n,f,2,d+18-2),u=this.getBezierValue(n,f,3,d+36-2)}if(i==V.setup){var;o.mixRotate=p.mixRotate+(l-p.mixRotate)*r,o.mixX=p.mixX+(c-p.mixX)*r,o.mixY=p.mixY+(u-p.mixY)*r}else o.mixRotate+=(l-o.mixRotate)*r,o.mixX+=(c-o.mixX)*r,o.mixY+=(u-o.mixY)*r}}}}])}(z),wt=function(t){function e(t,n,a,r){var i;return s(this,e),l(i=D(this,e,[t,n,r+"|"+a]),"constraintIndex",0),i.constraintIndex=a,i}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"apply",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s){var o;if(-1==this.constraintIndex){var h,l=n>=this.frames[0]?this.getCurveValue(n):0,c=k(t.physicsConstraints);try{for(c.s();!(h=c.n()).done;){var u=h.value;,this.getAbsoluteValue2(n,r,i,this.get(u),this.setup(u),l))}}catch(t){c.e(t)}finally{c.f()}}else(o=t.physicsConstraints[this.constraintIndex]).active&&this.set(o,this.getAbsoluteValue(n,r,i,this.get(o),this.setup(o)))}}])}(j),bt=function(t){function e(t,n,a){return s(this,e),D(this,e,[t,n,a,W.physicsConstraintInertia])}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"setup",value:function(t){return}},{key:"get",value:function(t){return t.inertia}},{key:"set",value:function(t,e){t.inertia=e}},{key:"global",value:function(t){return t.inertiaGlobal}}])}(wt),xt=function(t){function e(t,n,a){return s(this,e),D(this,e,[t,n,a,W.physicsConstraintStrength])}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"setup",value:function(t){return}},{key:"get",value:function(t){return t.strength}},{key:"set",value:function(t,e){t.strength=e}},{key:"global",value:function(t){return t.strengthGlobal}}])}(wt),It=function(t){function e(t,n,a){return s(this,e),D(this,e,[t,n,a,W.physicsConstraintDamping])}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"setup",value:function(t){return}},{key:"get",value:function(t){return t.damping}},{key:"set",value:function(t,e){t.damping=e}},{key:"global",value:function(t){return t.dampingGlobal}}])}(wt),Et=function(t){function e(t,n,a){return s(this,e),D(this,e,[t,n,a,W.physicsConstraintMass])}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"setup",value:function(t){return 1/}},{key:"get",value:function(t){return 1/t.massInverse}},{key:"set",value:function(t,e){t.massInverse=1/e}},{key:"global",value:function(t){return t.massGlobal}}])}(wt),At=function(t){function e(t,n,a){return s(this,e),D(this,e,[t,n,a,W.physicsConstraintWind])}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"setup",value:function(t){return}},{key:"get",value:function(t){return t.wind}},{key:"set",value:function(t,e){t.wind=e}},{key:"global",value:function(t){return t.windGlobal}}])}(wt),St=function(t){function e(t,n,a){return s(this,e),D(this,e,[t,n,a,W.physicsConstraintGravity])}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"setup",value:function(t){return}},{key:"get",value:function(t){return t.gravity}},{key:"set",value:function(t,e){t.gravity=e}},{key:"global",value:function(t){return t.gravityGlobal}}])}(wt),Rt=function(t){function e(t,n,a){return s(this,e),D(this,e,[t,n,a,W.physicsConstraintMix])}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"setup",value:function(t){return}},{key:"get",value:function(t){return t.mix}},{key:"set",value:function(t,e){t.mix=e}},{key:"global",value:function(t){return t.mixGlobal}}])}(wt),Tt=function(t){function e(t,n){var a;return s(this,e),l(a=D(this,e,[t,e.propertyIds]),"constraintIndex",void 0),a.constraintIndex=n,a}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"getFrameCount",value:function(){return this.frames.length}},{key:"setFrame",value:function(t,e){this.frames[t]=e}},{key:"apply",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s){var o;if(-1==this.constraintIndex||(o=t.physicsConstraints[this.constraintIndex]).active){var h=this.frames;if(e>n)this.apply(t,e,Number.MAX_VALUE,[],r,i,s),e=-1;else if(e>=h[h.length-1])return;if(!(n=h[G.search1(h,e)+1]))if(null!=o)o.reset();else{var l,c=k(t.physicsConstraints);try{for(c.s();!(l=c.n()).done;){var u=l.value;}}catch(t){c.e(t)}finally{c.f()}}}}}])}(G);l(Tt,"propertyIds",[W.physicsConstraintReset.toString()]);var Ct=function(t){function e(t,n,a){var r;return s(this,e),l(r=D(this,e,[t,[W.sequence+"|"+n+"|"]]),"slotIndex",void 0),l(r,"attachment",void 0),r.slotIndex=n,r.attachment=a,r}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"getFrameEntries",value:function(){return e.ENTRIES}},{key:"getSlotIndex",value:function(){return this.slotIndex}},{key:"getAttachment",value:function(){return this.attachment}},{key:"setFrame",value:function(t,n,a,r,i){var s=this.frames;s[t*=e.ENTRIES]=n,s[t+e.MODE]=a|r<<4,s[t+e.DELAY]=i}},{key:"apply",value:function(t,n,a,r,i,s,o){var h=t.slots[this.slotIndex];if({var l=h.attachment,c=this.attachment;if(l==c||l instanceof N&&l.timelineAttachment==c){var u=this.frames;if(a>4,g=this.attachment.sequence.regions.length,y=B[15&v];if(y!=L.hold)switch(p+=(a-d)/m+1e-5|0,y){case L.once:p=Math.min(g-1,p);break;case L.loop:p%=g;break;case L.pingpong:var k=(g<<1)-2;(p=0==k?0:p%k)>=g&&(p=k-p);break;case L.onceReverse:p=Math.max(g-1-p,0);break;case L.loopReverse:p=g-1-p%g;break;case L.pingpongReverse:var w=(g<<1)-2;(p=0==w?0:(p+g-1)%w)>=g&&(p=w-p)}h.sequenceIndex=p}}}}}}])}(G);l(Ct,"ENTRIES",3),l(Ct,"MODE",1),l(Ct,"DELAY",2);var Mt=function(){function t(e){s(this,t),l(this,"data",void 0),l(this,"tracks",new Array),l(this,"timeScale",1),l(this,"unkeyedState",0),l(this,"events",new Array),l(this,"listeners",new Array),l(this,"queue",new 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n.animationLast=n.nextAnimationLast,n.trackLast=n.nextTrackLast,t.mixTime>0&&t.mixTime>=t.mixDuration?(0!=n.totalAlpha&&0!=t.mixDuration||(t.mixingFrom=n.mixingFrom,n.mixingFrom&&(n.mixingFrom.mixingTo=t),t.interruptAlpha=n.interruptAlpha,this.queue.end(n)),a):(n.trackTime+=e*n.timeScale,t.mixTime+=e,!1)}},{key:"apply",value:function(t){if(!t)throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null.");this.animationsChanged&&this._animationsChanged();for(var,n=this.tracks,a=!1,r=0,i=n.length;r0)){a=!0;var o=0==r?V.first:s.mixBlend,h=s.alpha;s.mixingFrom?h*=this.applyMixingFrom(s,t,o):s.trackTime>=s.trackEnd&&!;var l=h>=s.alphaAttachmentThreshold,c=s.animationLast,u=s.getAnimationTime(),f=u,d=e;s.reverse&&(f=s.animation.duration-f,d=null);var v=s.animation.timelines,m=v.length;if(0==r&&1==h||o==V.add){0==r&&(l=!0);for(var p=0;p1&&(r=1),n!=V.first&&(n=a.mixBlend));var i=r=a.alphaAttachmentThreshold):(C.webkit602BugfixHelper(E,n),s&&b instanceof vt&&I==V.setup&&(x=U.mixIn),b.apply(e,u,d,v,E,I,x))}}return t.mixDuration>0&&this.queueEvents(a,f),,a.nextAnimationLast=f,a.nextTrackLast=a.trackTime,r}},{key:"applyAttachmentTimeline",value:function(t,e,n,a,r){var i=e.slots[t.slotIndex];,g=d>=0;Math.abs(v)<=90&&A.signum(v)!=A.signum(f)&&(Math.abs(d-m)>180?(u+=360*A.signum(d),g=p):0!=m?u-=360*A.signum(d):g=p),g!=p&&(u+=360*A.signum(d)),i[s]=u}i[s+1]=f,h.rotation=l+u*a}}else t.apply(e,0,n,null,1,r,U.mixIn)}},{key:"queueEvents",value:function(t,e){for(var n=t.animationStart,a=t.animationEnd,r=a-n,i=t.trackLast%r,,o=0,h=s.length;oa||this.queue.event(t,l)}var c=!1;if(t.loop)if(0==r)c=!0;else{var u=Math.floor(t.trackTime/r);c=u>0&&u>Math.floor(t.trackLast/r)}else c=e>=a&&t.animationLast=this.tracks.length)){var e=this.tracks[t];if(e){this.queue.end(e),this.clearNext(e);for(var n=e;;){var a=n.mixingFrom;if(!a)break;this.queue.end(a),n.mixingFrom=null,n.mixingTo=null,n=a}this.tracks[e.trackIndex]=null,this.queue.drain()}}}},{key:"setCurrent",value:function(t,e,n){var 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0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2],a=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:0,;if(!r)throw new Error("Animation not found: "+e);return this.addAnimationWith(t,r,n,a)}},{key:"addAnimationWith",value:function(t,e){var n=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2],a=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:0;if(!e)throw new Error("animation cannot be null.");var r=this.expandToIndex(t);if(r)for(;;);var i=this.trackEntry(t,e,n,r);return r?(,i.previous=r,a<=0&&(a+=r.getTrackComplete()-i.mixDuration)):(this.setCurrent(t,i,!0),this.queue.drain()),i.delay=a,i}},{key:"setEmptyAnimation",value:function(e){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:0,a=this.setAnimationWith(e,t.emptyAnimation(),!1);return a.mixDuration=n,a.trackEnd=n,a}},{key:"addEmptyAnimation",value:function(e){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:0,a=arguments.length>2&&void 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g=(n+i)*A.degRad,y=(n+90+s)*A.degRad,k=Math.cos(g)*a,w=Math.cos(y)*r,b=Math.sin(g)*a,x=Math.sin(y)*r;return this.a=d*k+v*b,this.b=d*w+v*x,this.c=m*k+p*b,void(this.d=m*w+p*x);case re.OnlyTranslation:var I=(n+i)*A.degRad,E=(n+90+s)*A.degRad;this.a=Math.cos(I)*a,this.b=Math.cos(E)*r,this.c=Math.sin(I)*a,this.d=Math.sin(E)*r;break;case re.NoRotationOrReflection:var S=d*d+m*m,R=0;S>1e-4?(S=Math.abs(d*p-v*m)/S,d/=this.skeleton.scaleX,v=(m/=this.skeleton.scaleY)*S,p=d*S,R=Math.atan2(m,d)*A.radDeg):(d=0,m=0,R=90-Math.atan2(p,v)*A.radDeg);var T=(n+i-R)*A.degRad,C=(n+s-R+90)*A.degRad,M=Math.cos(T)*a,F=Math.cos(C)*r,P=Math.sin(T)*a,Y=Math.sin(C)*r;this.a=d*M-v*P,this.b=d*F-v*Y,this.c=m*M+p*P,this.d=m*F+p*Y;break;case re.NoScale:case re.NoScaleOrReflection:n*=A.degRad;var X=Math.cos(n),O=Math.sin(n),N=(d*X+v*O)/this.skeleton.scaleX,L=(m*X+p*O)/this.skeleton.scaleY,_=Math.sqrt(N*N+L*L);_>1e-5&&(_=1/_),N*=_,L*=_,_=Math.sqrt(N*N+L*L),this.inherit==re.NoScale&&d*p-v*m<0!=(this.skeleton.scaleX<0!=this.skeleton.scaleY<0)&&(_=-_),n=Math.PI/2+Math.atan2(L,N);var B=Math.cos(n)*_,D=Math.sin(n)*_;i*=A.degRad,s=(90+s)*A.degRad;var V=Math.cos(i)*a,U=Math.cos(s)*r,q=Math.sin(i)*a,W=Math.sin(s)*r;this.a=N*V+B*q,this.b=N*U+B*W,this.c=L*V+D*q,this.d=L*U+D*W}this.a*=this.skeleton.scaleX,this.b*=this.skeleton.scaleX,this.c*=this.skeleton.scaleY,this.d*=this.skeleton.scaleY}},{key:"setToSetupPose",value:function(){var;this.x=t.x,this.y=t.y,this.rotation=t.rotation,this.scaleX=t.scaleX,this.scaleY=t.scaleY,this.shearX=t.shearX,this.shearY=t.shearY,this.inherit=t.inherit}},{key:"updateAppliedTransform",value:function(){var t=this.parent;if(!t)return,this.ay=this.worldY-this.skeleton.y,this.arotation=Math.atan2(this.c,this.a)*A.radDeg,this.ascaleX=Math.sqrt(this.a*this.a+this.c*this.c),this.ascaleY=Math.sqrt(this.b*this.b+this.d*this.d),this.ashearX=0,void(this.ashearY=Math.atan2(this.a*this.b+this.c*this.d,this.a*this.d-this.b*this.c)*A.radDeg);var e,n,a,r,i=t.a,s=t.b,o=t.c,h=t.d,l=1/(i*h-s*o),c=h*l,u=s*l,f=o*l,d=i*l,v=this.worldX-t.worldX,m=this.worldY-t.worldY;if(*c-m*u,this.ay=m*d-v*f,this.inherit==re.OnlyTranslation)e=this.a,n=this.b,a=this.c,r=this.d;else{switch(this.inherit){case re.NoRotationOrReflection:var p=Math.abs(i*h-s*o)/(i*i+o*o),g=i/this.skeleton.scaleX;s=-o/this.skeleton.scaleY*p*this.skeleton.scaleX,c=(h=g*p*this.skeleton.scaleY)*(l=1/(i*h-s*o)),u=s*l;break;case re.NoScale:case re.NoScaleOrReflection:var y=A.cosDeg(this.rotation),k=A.sinDeg(this.rotation);i=(i*y+s*k)/this.skeleton.scaleX,o=(o*y+h*k)/this.skeleton.scaleY;var w=Math.sqrt(i*i+o*o);w>1e-5&&(w=1/w),i*=w,o*=w,w=Math.sqrt(i*i+o*o),this.inherit==re.NoScale&&l<0!=(this.skeleton.scaleX<0!=this.skeleton.scaleY<0)&&(w=-w);var b=A.PI/2+Math.atan2(o,i);s=Math.cos(b)*w,c=(h=Math.sin(b)*w)*(l=1/(i*h-s*o)),u=s*l,f=o*l,d=i*l}e=c*this.a-u*this.c,n=c*this.b-u*this.d,a=d*this.c-f*this.a,r=d*this.d-f*this.b}if(this.ashearX=0,this.ascaleX=Math.sqrt(e*e+a*a),this.ascaleX>1e-4){var x=e*r-n*a;this.ascaleY=x/this.ascaleX,this.ashearY=-Math.atan2(e*n+a*r,x)*A.radDeg,this.arotation=Math.atan2(a,e)*A.radDeg}else this.ascaleX=0,this.ascaleY=Math.sqrt(n*n+r*r),this.ashearY=0,this.arotation=90-Math.atan2(r,n)*A.radDeg}},{key:"getWorldRotationX",value:function(){return Math.atan2(this.c,this.a)*A.radDeg}},{key:"getWorldRotationY",value:function(){return Math.atan2(this.d,this.b)*A.radDeg}},{key:"getWorldScaleX",value:function(){return Math.sqrt(this.a*this.a+this.c*this.c)}},{key:"getWorldScaleY",value:function(){return Math.sqrt(this.b*this.b+this.d*this.d)}},{key:"worldToLocal",value:function(t){var e=1/(this.a*this.d-this.b*this.c),n=t.x-this.worldX,a=t.y-this.worldY;return t.x=n*this.d*e-a*this.b*e,t.y=a*this.a*e-n*this.c*e,t}},{key:"localToWorld",value:function(t){var e=t.x,n=t.y;return t.x=e*this.a+n*this.b+this.worldX,t.y=e*this.c+n*this.d+this.worldY,t}},{key:"worldToParent",value:function(t){if(null==t)throw new Error("world cannot be null.");return null==this.parent?t:this.parent.worldToLocal(t)}},{key:"parentToWorld",value:function(t){if(null==t)throw new Error("world cannot be null.");return null==this.parent?t:this.parent.localToWorld(t)}},{key:"worldToLocalRotation",value:function(t){var e=A.sinDeg(t),n=A.cosDeg(t);return Math.atan2(this.a*e-this.c*n,this.d*n-this.b*e)*A.radDeg+this.rotation-this.shearX}},{key:"localToWorldRotation",value:function(t){t-=this.rotation-this.shearX;var e=A.sinDeg(t),n=A.cosDeg(t);return 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S=(Math.sqrt(E)/I-1)*s+1;b*=S,i&&(x*=S)}}}t.updateWorldTransformWith(,t.ay,t.arotation+f*s,b,x,t.ashearX,t.ashearY)}},{key:"apply2",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s,o,h){if(t.inherit==re.Normal&&e.inherit==re.Normal){var,c=t.ay,u=t.ascaleX,f=t.ascaleY,d=u,v=f,m=e.ascaleX,p=0,g=0,y=0;u<0?(u=-u,p=180,y=-1):(p=0,y=1),f<0&&(f=-f,y=-y),m<0?(m=-m,g=180):g=0;var,w=0,b=0,x=0,I=t.a,E=t.b,S=t.c,R=t.d,T=Math.abs(u-f)<=1e-4;!T||i?(w=0,b=I*k+t.worldX,x=S*k+t.worldY):(b=I*k+E*(w=e.ay)+t.worldX,x=S*k+R*w+t.worldY);var C=t.parent;if(!C)throw new Error("IK parent must itself have a parent.");I=C.a,E=C.b,S=C.c;var M,F,P=I*(R=C.d)-E*S,Y=b-C.worldX,X=x-C.worldY,O=(Y*R-X*E)*(P=Math.abs(P)<=1e-4?0:1/P)-l,N=(X*I-Y*S)*P-c,L=Math.sqrt(O*O+N*N),*m;if(L<1e-4)return this.apply1(t,n,a,!1,i,!1,h),void e.updateWorldTransformWith(k,w,0,e.ascaleX,e.ascaleY,e.ashearX,e.ashearY);var B=((Y=n-C.worldX)*R-(X=a-C.worldY)*E)*P-l,D=(X*I-Y*S)*P-c,V=B*B+D*D;if(0!=o){o*=u*(m+1)*.5;var U=Math.sqrt(V),q=U-L-_*u+o;if(q>0){var W=Math.min(1,q/(2*o))-1;V=(B-=(W=(q-o*(1-W*W))/U)*B)*B+(D-=W*D)*D}}t:if(T){var G=(V-L*L-(_*=u)*_)/(2*L*_);G<-1?(G=-1,F=Math.PI*r):G>1?(G=1,F=0,i&&(d*=I=(Math.sqrt(V)/(L+_)-1)*h+1,s&&(v*=I))):F=Math.acos(G)*r,I=L+_*G,E=_*Math.sin(F),M=Math.atan2(D*I-B*E,B*I+D*E)}else{var z=(I=u*_)*I,j=(E=f*_)*E,H=Math.atan2(D,B),$=-2*j*L,J=j-z;if((R=$*$-4*J*(S=j*L*L+z*V-z*j))>=0){var K=Math.sqrt(R);$<0&&(K=-K);var Q=(K=.5*-($+K))/J,Z=S/K,tt=Math.abs(Q)=-1&&S<=1&&(S=Math.acos(S),(R=(Y=I*Math.cos(S)+L)*Y+(X=E*Math.sin(S))*X)ot&&(it=S,ot=R,st=Y,ht=X)),V<=.5*(at+ot)?(M=H-Math.atan2(rt*r,nt),F=et*r):(M=H-Math.atan2(ht*r,st),F=it*r)}var lt=Math.atan2(w,k)*y,ct=t.arotation;(M=(M-lt)*A.radDeg+p-ct)>180?M-=360:M<-180&&(M+=360),t.updateWorldTransformWith(l,c,ct+M*h,d,v,0,0),ct=e.arotation,(F=((F+lt)*A.radDeg-e.ashearX)*y+g-ct)>180?F-=360:F<-180&&(F+=360),e.updateWorldTransformWith(k,w,ct+F*h,e.ascaleX,e.ascaleY,e.ashearX,e.ashearY)}}}]);var ve=function(t){function e(t){var n,a,r,i;return s(this,e),a=this,i=[t,0,!1],r=u(r=e),l(n=d(a,function(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return!,[],(function(){})))}catch(t){return!1}}()?Reflect.construct(r,i||[],u(a).constructor):r.apply(a,i)),"bones",new Array),l(n,"_target",null),l(n,"bendDirection",0),l(n,"compress",!1),l(n,"stretch",!1),l(n,"uniform",!1),l(n,"mix",0),l(n,"softness",0),n}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"target",get:function(){if(this._target)return this._target;throw new Error("BoneData not set.")},set:function(t){this._target=t}}])}(he);var me,pe,ge,ye=function(t){function e(t){var n,a,r,i;return s(this,e),a=this,i=[t,0,!1],r=u(r=e),l(n=d(a,function(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return!,[],(function(){})))}catch(t){return!1}}()?Reflect.construct(r,i||[],u(a).constructor):r.apply(a,i)),"bones",new Array),l(n,"_target",null),l(n,"positionMode",me.Fixed),l(n,"spacingMode",pe.Fixed),l(n,"rotateMode",ge.Chain),l(n,"offsetRotation",0),l(n,"position",0),l(n,"spacing",0),l(n,"mixRotate",0),l(n,"mixX",0),l(n,"mixY",0),n}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"target",get:function(){if(this._target)return this._target;throw new Error("SlotData not set.")},set:function(t){this._target=t}}])}(he);!function(t){t[t.Fixed=0]="Fixed",t[t.Percent=1]="Percent"}(me||(me={})),function(t){t[t.Length=0]="Length",t[t.Fixed=1]="Fixed",t[t.Percent=2]="Percent",t[t.Proportional=3]="Proportional"}(pe||(pe={})),function(t){t[t.Tangent=0]="Tangent",t[t.Chain=1]="Chain",t[t.ChainScale=2]="ChainScale"}(ge||(ge={}));var ke=function(){function t(e,n){if(s(this,t),l(this,"data",void 0),l(this,"bones",void 0),l(this,"target",void 0),l(this,"position",0),l(this,"spacing",0),l(this,"mixRotate",0),l(this,"mixX",0),l(this,"mixY",0),l(this,"spaces",new Array),l(this,"positions",new Array),l(this,"world",new Array),l(this,"curves",new Array),l(this,"lengths",new Array),l(this,"segments",new Array),l(this,"active",!1),!e)throw new Error("data cannot be null.");if(!n)throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null.");,this.bones=new Array;for(var a=0,r=e.bones.length;a0){b=u/b*v;for(var F=1;F0?A.degRad:-A.degRad}for(var z=0,j=3;z0){var et=H.a,nt=H.b,at=H.c,rt=H.d,it=0,st=0,ot=0;if(it=o?D[j-1]:0==f[z+1]?D[j+2]:Math.atan2(Q,K),it-=Math.atan2(at,et),W){st=Math.cos(it),ot=Math.sin(it);var;V+=(ht*(st*et-ot*at)-K)*a,U+=(ht*(ot*et+st*at)-Q)*a}else it+=q;it>A.PI?it-=A.PI2:it<-A.PI&&(it+=A.PI2),it*=a,st=Math.cos(it),ot=Math.sin(it),H.a=st*et-ot*at,H.b=st*nt-ot*rt,H.c=ot*et+st*at,H.d=ot*nt+st*rt}H.updateAppliedTransform()}}}}},{key:"computeWorldPositions",value:function(e,n,a){var,i=this.position,s=this.spaces,o=C.setArraySize(this.positions,3*n+2),,l=e.closed,c=e.worldVerticesLength,u=c/6,f=t.NONE;if(!e.constantSpeed){var d,v=e.lengths,m=v[u-=l?1:2];switch(*=m),{case pe.Percent:d=m;break;case pe.Proportional:d=m/n;break;default:d=1}h=C.setArraySize(,8);for(var p=0,g=0,y=0;pm){f!=t.AFTER&&(f=t.AFTER,e.computeWorldVertices(r,c-6,4,h,0,2)),this.addAfterPosition(w-m,h,0,o,g);continue}}for(;;y++){var b=v[y];if(!(w>b)){if(0==y)w/=b;else{var x=v[y-1];w=(w-x)/(b-x)}break}}y!=f&&(f=y,l&&y==u?(e.computeWorldVertices(r,c-4,4,h,0,2),e.computeWorldVertices(r,0,4,h,4,2)):e.computeWorldVertices(r,6*y+2,8,h,0,2)),this.addCurvePosition(w,h[0],h[1],h[2],h[3],h[4],h[5],h[6],h[7],o,g,a||p>0&&0==k)}return o}l?(c+=2,h=C.setArraySize(,c),e.computeWorldVertices(r,2,c-4,h,0,2),e.computeWorldVertices(r,0,2,h,c-4,2),h[c-2]=h[0],h[c-1]=h[1]):(u--,c-=4,h=C.setArraySize(,c),e.computeWorldVertices(r,2,c,h,0,2));for(var I,E=C.setArraySize(this.curves,u),A=0,S=h[0],R=h[1],T=0,M=0,F=0,P=0,Y=0,X=0,O=0,N=0,L=0,_=0,B=0,D=0,V=0,U=0,q=0,W=2;qA){this.addAfterPosition(Q-A,h,c-4,o,H);continue}}for(;;$++){var Z=E[$];if(!(Q>Z)){if(0==$)Q/=Z;else{var tt=E[$-1];Q=(Q-tt)/(Z-tt)}break}}if($!=f){f=$;var et=6*$;for(S=h[et],R=h[et+1],T=h[et+2],M=h[et+3],F=h[et+4],P=h[et+5],B=2*(O=.03*(S-2*T+F))+(L=.006*(3*(T-F)-S+(Y=h[et+6]))),D=2*(N=.03*(R-2*M+P))+(_=.006*(3*(M-P)-R+(X=h[et+7]))),V=.3*(T-S)+O+.16666667*L,U=.3*(M-R)+N+.16666667*_,z=Math.sqrt(V*V+U*U),G[0]=z,et=1;et<8;et++)V+=B,U+=D,B+=L,D+=_,z+=Math.sqrt(V*V+U*U),G[et]=z;V+=B,U+=D,z+=Math.sqrt(V*V+U*U),G[8]=z,V+=B+L,U+=D+_,z+=Math.sqrt(V*V+U*U),G[9]=z,J=0}for(Q*=z;;J++){var nt=G[J];if(!(Q>nt)){if(0==J)Q/=nt;else{var at=G[J-1];Q=J+(Q-at)/(nt-at)}break}}this.addCurvePosition(.1*Q,S,R,T,M,F,P,Y,X,o,H,a||j>0&&0==K)}return o}},{key:"addBeforePosition",value:function(t,e,n,a,r){var i=e[n],s=e[n+1],o=e[n+2]-i,h=e[n+3]-s,l=Math.atan2(h,o);a[r]=i+t*Math.cos(l),a[r+1]=s+t*Math.sin(l),a[r+2]=l}},{key:"addAfterPosition",value:function(t,e,n,a,r){var i=e[n+2],s=e[n+3],o=i-e[n],h=s-e[n+1],l=Math.atan2(h,o);a[r]=i+t*Math.cos(l),a[r+1]=s+t*Math.sin(l),a[r+2]=l}},{key:"addCurvePosition",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i,s,o,h,l,c,u){if(0==t||isNaN(t))return l[c]=e,l[c+1]=n,void(l[c+2]=Math.atan2(r-n,a-e));var f=t*t,d=f*t,v=1-t,m=v*v,p=m*v,g=v*t,y=3*g,k=v*y,w=y*t,b=e*p+a*k+i*w+o*d,x=n*p+r*k+s*w+h*d;l[c]=b,l[c+1]=x,u&&(l[c+2]=t<.001?Math.atan2(r-n,a-e):Math.atan2(x-(n*m+r*g*2+s*f),b-(e*m+a*g*2+i*f)))}}])}();l(ke,"NONE",-1),l(ke,"BEFORE",-2),l(ke,"AFTER",-3),l(ke,"epsilon",1e-5);var we,be=h((function t(e,n){s(this,t),l(this,"data",void 0),l(this,"_bone",null),l(this,"inertia",0),l(this,"strength",0),l(this,"damping",0),l(this,"massInverse",0),l(this,"wind",0),l(this,"gravity",0),l(this,"mix",0),l(this,"_reset",!0),l(this,"ux",0),l(this,"uy",0),l(this,"cx",0),l(this,"cy",0),l(this,"tx",0),l(this,"ty",0),l(this,"xOffset",0),l(this,"xVelocity",0),l(this,"yOffset",0),l(this,"yVelocity",0),l(this,"rotateOffset",0),l(this,"rotateVelocity",0),l(this,"scaleOffset",0),l(this,"scaleVelocity",0),l(this,"active",!1),l(this,"skeleton",void 0),l(this,"remaining",0),l(this,"lastTime",0),,this.skeleton=n,this.bone=n.bones[e.bone.index],this.inertia=e.inertia,this.strength=e.strength,this.damping=e.damping,this.massInverse=e.massInverse,this.wind=e.wind,this.gravity=e.gravity,this.mix=e.mix}),[{key:"bone",get:function(){if(this._bone)return this._bone;throw new Error("Bone not set.")},set:function(t){this._bone=t}},{key:"reset",value:function(){this.remaining=0,this.lastTime=this.skeleton.time,this._reset=!0,this.xOffset=0,this.xVelocity=0,this.yOffset=0,this.yVelocity=0,this.rotateOffset=0,this.rotateVelocity=0,this.scaleOffset=0,this.scaleVelocity=0}},{key:"setToSetupPose",value:function(){var;this.inertia=t.inertia,this.strength=t.strength,this.damping=t.damping,this.massInverse=t.massInverse,this.wind=t.wind,this.gravity=t.gravity,this.mix=t.mix}},{key:"isActive",value:function(){return}},{key:"update",value:function(t){var e=this.mix;if(0!=e){var>0,>0,>0||>0,>0,s=this.bone,;switch(t){case we.none:return;case we.reset:this.reset();case we.update:var h=Math.max(this.skeleton.time-this.lastTime,0);this.remaining+=h,this.lastTime=this.skeleton.time;var l=s.worldX,c=s.worldY;if(this._reset)this._reset=!1,this.ux=l,;else{var u=this.remaining,f=this.inertia,*h,,,p=-1;if(n||a){if(n){var g=(this.ux-l)*f;this.xOffset+=g>d?d:g<-d?-d:g,this.ux=l}if(a){var y=(*f;this.yOffset+=y>d?d:y<-d?-d:y,}if(u>=v){p=Math.pow(this.damping,60*v);var k=this.massInverse*v,w=this.strength,b=this.wind*m,x=(Ee.yDown?-this.gravity:this.gravity)*m;do{n&&(this.xVelocity+=(b-this.xOffset*w)*k,this.xOffset+=this.xVelocity*v,this.xVelocity*=p),a&&(this.yVelocity-=(x+this.yOffset*w)*k,this.yOffset+=this.yVelocity*v,this.yVelocity*=p),u-=v}while(u>=v)}n&&(s.worldX+=this.xOffset*e*,a&&(s.worldY+=this.yOffset*e*}if(r||i){var I=Math.atan2(s.c,s.a),E=0,S=0,R=0,,;if(T>d?T=d:T<-d&&(T=-d),C>d?C=d:C<-d&&(C=-d),r){R=(*e;var M=Math.atan2(C+this.ty,T+this.tx)-I-this.rotateOffset*R;this.rotateOffset+=(M-Math.ceil(M*A.invPI2-.5)*A.PI2)*f,M=this.rotateOffset*R+I,E=Math.cos(M),S=Math.sin(M),i&&(M=o*s.getWorldScaleX())>0&&(this.scaleOffset+=(T*E+C*S)*f/M)}else{E=Math.cos(I),S=Math.sin(I);var F=o*s.getWorldScaleX();F>0&&(this.scaleOffset+=(T*E+C*S)*f/F)}if((u=this.remaining)>=v){-1==p&&(p=Math.pow(this.damping,60*v));for(var P=this.massInverse*v,Y=this.strength,X=this.wind,O=Ee.yDown?-this.gravity:this.gravity,N=o/m;;)if(u-=v,i&&(this.scaleVelocity+=(X*E-O*S-this.scaleOffset*Y)*P,this.scaleOffset+=this.scaleVelocity*v,this.scaleVelocity*=p),r){if(this.rotateVelocity-=((X*S+O*E)*N+this.rotateOffset*Y)*P,this.rotateOffset+=this.rotateVelocity*v,this.rotateVelocity*=p,u0){var U=0;>0&&(U=_*,B=Math.sin(U),D=Math.cos(U),V=s.b,s.b=D*V-B*s.d,s.d=B*V+D*s.d),U+=_*,B=Math.sin(U),D=Math.cos(U),V=s.a,s.a=D*V-B*s.c,s.c=B*V+D*s.c}else _*,B=Math.sin(_),D=Math.cos(_),V=s.a,s.a=D*V-B*s.c,s.c=B*V+D*s.c,V=s.b,s.b=D*V-B*s.d,s.d=B*V+D*s.d}if(i){var q=1+this.scaleOffset*e*;s.a*=q,s.c*=q}t!=we.pose&&(this.tx=o*s.a,this.ty=o*s.c),s.updateAppliedTransform()}}},{key:"translate",value:function(t,e){this.ux-=t,,,}},{key:"rotate",value:function(t,e,n){var a=n*A.degRad,r=Math.cos(a),i=Math.sin(a),,;this.translate(s*r-o*i-s,s*i+o*r-o)}}]),xe=h((function t(e,n){if(s(this,t),l(this,"data",void 0),l(this,"bone",void 0),l(this,"color",void 0),l(this,"darkColor",null),l(this,"attachment",null),l(this,"attachmentState",0),l(this,"sequenceIndex",-1),l(this,"deform",new Array),!e)throw new Error("data cannot be null.");if(!n)throw new Error("bone cannot be null.");,this.bone=n,this.color=new E,this.darkColor=e.darkColor?new E:null,this.setToSetupPose()}),[{key:"getSkeleton",value:function(){return this.bone.skeleton}},{key:"getAttachment",value:function(){return this.attachment}},{key:"setAttachment",value:function(t){this.attachment!=t&&(t instanceof N&&this.attachment instanceof N&&t.timelineAttachment==this.attachment.timelineAttachment||(this.deform.length=0),this.attachment=t,this.sequenceIndex=-1)}},{key:"setToSetupPose",value:function(){this.color.setFromColor(,this.darkColor&&this.darkColor.setFromColor(,,this.setAttachment(this.bone.skeleton.getAttachment(,}}]),Ie=h((function t(e,n){if(s(this,t),l(this,"data",void 0),l(this,"bones",void 0),l(this,"target",void 0),l(this,"mixRotate",0),l(this,"mixX",0),l(this,"mixY",0),l(this,"mixScaleX",0),l(this,"mixScaleY",0),l(this,"mixShearY",0),l(this,"temp",new P),l(this,"active",!1),!e)throw new Error("data cannot be null.");if(!n)throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null.");,this.bones=new Array;for(var a=0;a0?A.degRad:-A.degRad,*f,*f,m=this.bones,p=0,g=m.length;pA.PI?I-=A.PI2:I<-A.PI&&(I+=A.PI2),I*=t;var E=Math.cos(I),S=Math.sin(I);y.a=E*k-S*b,y.b=E*w-S*x,y.c=S*k+E*b,y.d=S*w+E*x}if(s){var R=this.temp;o.localToWorld(R.set(,,y.worldX+=(R.x-y.worldX)*e,y.worldY+=(R.y-y.worldY)*n}if(0!=a){var T=Math.sqrt(y.a*y.a+y.c*y.c);0!=T&&(T=(T+(Math.sqrt(h*h+c*c)*a)/T),y.a*=T,y.c*=T}if(0!=r){var C=Math.sqrt(y.b*y.b+y.d*y.d);0!=C&&(C=(C+(Math.sqrt(l*l+u*u)*r)/C),y.b*=C,y.d*=C}if(i>0){var M=y.b,F=y.d,P=Math.atan2(F,M),Y=Math.atan2(u,l)-Math.atan2(c,h)-(P-Math.atan2(y.c,y.a));Y>A.PI?Y-=A.PI2:Y<-A.PI&&(Y+=A.PI2),Y=P+(Y+v)*i;var X=Math.sqrt(M*M+F*F);y.b=Math.cos(Y)*X,y.d=Math.sin(Y)*X}y.updateAppliedTransform()}}},{key:"applyRelativeWorld",value:function(){for(var t=this.mixRotate,e=this.mixX,n=this.mixY,a=this.mixScaleX,r=this.mixScaleY,i=this.mixShearY,s=0!=e||0!=n,,h=o.a,l=o.b,c=o.c,u=o.d,f=h*u-l*c>0?A.degRad:-A.degRad,*f,*f,m=this.bones,p=0,g=m.length;pA.PI?I-=A.PI2:I<-A.PI&&(I+=A.PI2),I*=t;var E=Math.cos(I),S=Math.sin(I);y.a=E*k-S*b,y.b=E*w-S*x,y.c=S*k+E*b,y.d=S*w+E*x}if(s){var R=this.temp;o.localToWorld(R.set(,,y.worldX+=R.x*e,y.worldY+=R.y*n}if(0!=a){var T=(Math.sqrt(h*h+c*c)*a+1;y.a*=T,y.c*=T}if(0!=r){var C=(Math.sqrt(l*l+u*u)*r+1;y.b*=C,y.d*=C}if(i>0){var M=Math.atan2(u,l)-Math.atan2(c,h);M>A.PI?M-=A.PI2:M<-A.PI&&(M+=A.PI2);var F=y.b,P=y.d;M=Math.atan2(P,F)+(M-A.PI/2+v)*i;var Y=Math.sqrt(F*F+P*P);y.b=Math.cos(M)*Y,y.d=Math.sin(M)*Y}y.updateAppliedTransform()}}},{key:"applyAbsoluteLocal",value:function(){for(var t=this.mixRotate,e=this.mixX,n=this.mixY,a=this.mixScaleX,r=this.mixScaleY,i=this.mixShearY,,o=this.bones,h=0,l=o.length;h2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:new Array(2),r=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:null;if(!e)throw new Error("offset cannot be null.");if(!n)throw new Error("size cannot be null.");for(var i=this.drawOrder,s=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,o=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,h=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,l=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,c=0,u=i.length;c0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0,n=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0,a=arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:void 0;s(this,t),l(this,"slotIndex",void 0),l(this,"name",void 0),l(this,"attachment",void 0),this.slotIndex=e,,this.attachment=a})),Ce=h((function t(e){if(s(this,t),l(this,"name",void 0),l(this,"attachments",new Array),l(this,"bones",Array()),l(this,"constraints",new Array),l(this,"color",new E(.99607843,.61960787,.30980393,1)),!e)throw new Error("name cannot be null.");}),[{key:"setAttachment",value:function(t,e,n){if(!n)throw new Error("attachment cannot be null.");var a=this.attachments;t>=a.length&&(a.length=t+1),a[t]||(a[t]={}),a[t][e]=n}},{key:"addSkin",value:function(t){for(var e=0;e= 0.");if(!n)throw new Error("name cannot be null.");if(!a)throw new Error("boneData cannot be null.");this.index=e,,this.boneData=a}));!function(t){t[t.Normal=0]="Normal",t[t.Additive=1]="Additive",t[t.Multiply=2]="Multiply",t[t.Screen=3]="Screen"}(Ae||(Ae={}));var Fe,Pe=function(t){function e(t){var n,a,r,i;return s(this,e),a=this,i=[t,0,!1],r=u(r=e),l(n=d(a,function(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return!,[],(function(){})))}catch(t){return!1}}()?Reflect.construct(r,i||[],u(a).constructor):r.apply(a,i)),"bones",new Array),l(n,"_target",null),l(n,"mixRotate",0),l(n,"mixX",0),l(n,"mixY",0),l(n,"mixScaleX",0),l(n,"mixScaleY",0),l(n,"mixShearY",0),l(n,"offsetRotation",0),l(n,"offsetX",0),l(n,"offsetY",0),l(n,"offsetScaleX",0),l(n,"offsetScaleY",0),l(n,"offsetShearY",0),l(n,"relative",!1),l(n,"local",!1),n}return c(e,t),h(e,[{key:"target",get:function(){if(this._target)return this._target;throw new Error("BoneData not set.")},set:function(t){this._target=t}}])}(he),Ye=h((function t(e){s(this,t),l(this,"scale",1),l(this,"attachmentLoader",void 0),l(this,"linkedMeshes",new Array),this.attachmentLoader=e}),[{key:"readSkeletonData",value:function(t){var e=this.scale,n=new Re;"";var a=new Xe(t),r=a.readInt32(),i=a.readInt32();n.hash=0==i&&0==r?null:i.toString(16)+r.toString(16),n.version=a.readString(),n.x=a.readFloat(),n.y=a.readFloat(),n.width=a.readFloat(),n.height=a.readFloat(),n.referenceScale=a.readFloat()*e;var s=a.readBoolean();s&&(n.fps=a.readFloat(),n.imagesPath=a.readString(),n.audioPath=a.readString());var o=0;o=a.readInt(!0);for(var h=0;h>1&3,L.rotateMode=B>>3&3,0!=(128&B)&&(L.offsetRotation=a.readFloat()),L.position=a.readFloat(),L.positionMode==me.Fixed&&(L.position*=e),L.spacing=a.readFloat(),L.spacingMode!=pe.Length&&L.spacingMode!=pe.Fixed||(L.spacing*=e),L.mixRotate=a.readFloat(),L.mixX=a.readFloat(),L.mixY=a.readFloat(),n.pathConstraints.push(L)}o=a.readInt(!0);for(var D=0;D>4,t.readFloat())}a.push(tr)}}var rr=t.readInt(!0);if(rr>0){for(var ir=new vt(rr),sr=n.slots.length,or=0;or=0;ur--)cr[ur]=-1;for(var fr=C.newArray(sr-lr,0),dr=0,vr=0,mr=0;mr=0;gr--)-1==cr[gr]&&(cr[gr]=fr[--vr]);ir.setFrame(or,hr,cr)}a.push(ir)}var yr=t.readInt(!0);if(yr>0){for(var kr=new dt(yr),wr=0;wr1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:new Array,a=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:0,r=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:new DataView(e.buffer);s(this,t),l(this,"strings",void 0),l(this,"index",void 0),l(this,"buffer",void 0),this.strings=n,this.index=a,this.buffer=r}),[{key:"readByte",value:function(){return this.buffer.getInt8(this.index++)}},{key:"readUnsignedByte",value:function(){return this.buffer.getUint8(this.index++)}},{key:"readShort",value:function(){var t=this.buffer.getInt16(this.index);return this.index+=2,t}},{key:"readInt32",value:function(){var t=this.buffer.getInt32(this.index);return this.index+=4,t}},{key:"readInt",value:function(t){var e=this.readByte(),n=127&e;return 0!=(128&e)&&(n|=(127&(e=this.readByte()))<<7,0!=(128&e)&&(n|=(127&(e=this.readByte()))<<14,0!=(128&e)&&(n|=(127&(e=this.readByte()))<<21,0!=(128&e)&&(n|=(127&(e=this.readByte()))<<28)))),t?n:n>>>1^-(1&n)}},{key:"readStringRef",value:function(){var t=this.readInt(!0);return 0==t?null:this.strings[t-1]}},{key:"readString",value:function(){var t=this.readInt(!0);switch(t){case 0:return null;case 1:return""}t--;for(var e="",n=0;n>4){case 12:case 13:e+=String.fromCharCode((31&a)<<6|63&this.readByte()),n+=2;break;case 14:e+=String.fromCharCode((15&a)<<12|(63&this.readByte())<<6|63&this.readByte()),n+=3;break;default:e+=String.fromCharCode(a),n++}}return e}},{key:"readFloat",value:function(){var t=this.buffer.getFloat32(this.index);return this.index+=4,t}},{key:"readBoolean",value:function(){return 0!=this.readByte()}}]),Oe=h((function t(e,n,a,r,i){s(this,t),l(this,"parent",void 0),l(this,"skinIndex",void 0),l(this,"slotIndex",void 0),l(this,"mesh",void 0),l(this,"inheritTimeline",void 0),this.mesh=e,this.skinIndex=n,this.slotIndex=a,this.parent=r,this.inheritTimeline=i})),Ne=h((function t(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:null,n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:null,a=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:0;s(this,t),l(this,"bones",void 0),l(this,"vertices",void 0),l(this,"length",void 0),this.bones=e,this.vertices=n,this.length=a}));function Le(t,e,n){for(var a=t.readFloat(),r=t.readFloat()*n,i=0,s=0,o=e.getFrameCount()-1;e.setFrame(i,a,r),i!=o;i++){var h=t.readFloat(),l=t.readFloat()*n;switch(t.readByte()){case yn:e.setStepped(i);break;case kn:Be(t,e,s++,i,0,a,h,r,l,n)}a=h,r=l}return e}function _e(t,e,n){for(var a=t.readFloat(),r=t.readFloat()*n,i=t.readFloat()*n,s=0,o=0,h=e.getFrameCount()-1;e.setFrame(s,a,r,i),s!=h;s++){var l=t.readFloat(),c=t.readFloat()*n,u=t.readFloat()*n;switch(t.readByte()){case yn:e.setStepped(s);break;case kn:Be(t,e,o++,s,0,a,l,r,c,n),Be(t,e,o++,s,1,a,l,i,u,n)}a=l,r=c,i=u}return e}function Be(t,e,n,a,r,i,s,o,h,l){e.setBezier(n,a,r,i,o,t.readFloat(),t.readFloat()*l,t.readFloat(),t.readFloat()*l,s,h)}!function(t){t[t.Region=0]="Region",t[t.BoundingBox=1]="BoundingBox",t[t.Mesh=2]="Mesh",t[t.LinkedMesh=3]="LinkedMesh",t[t.Path=4]="Path",t[t.Point=5]="Point",t[t.Clipping=6]="Clipping"}(Fe||(Fe={}));var De,Ve=0,Ue=1,qe=2,We=3,Ge=4,ze=5,je=6,He=7,$e=8,Je=9,Ke=10,Qe=0,Ze=1,tn=2,en=3,nn=4,an=5,rn=0,sn=1,on=0,hn=1,ln=2,cn=0,un=1,fn=2,dn=4,vn=5,mn=6,pn=7,gn=8,yn=1,kn=2,wn=h((function t(){s(this,t),l(this,"minX",0),l(this,"minY",0),l(this,"maxX",0),l(this,"maxY",0),l(this,"boundingBoxes",new Array),l(this,"polygons",new Array),l(this,"polygonPool",new F((function(){return C.newFloatArray(16)})))}),[{key:"update",value:function(t,e){if(!t)throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null.");var n=this.boundingBoxes,a=this.polygons,r=this.polygonPool,i=t.slots,s=i.length;n.length=0,r.freeAll(a),a.length=0;for(var o=0;o=this.minX&&t<=this.maxX&&e>=this.minY&&e<=this.maxY}},{key:"aabbIntersectsSegment",value:function(t,e,n,a){var r=this.minX,i=this.minY,s=this.maxX,o=this.maxY;if(t<=r&&n<=r||e<=i&&a<=i||t>=s&&n>=s||e>=o&&a>=o)return!1;var h=(a-e)/(n-t),l=h*(r-t)+e;if(l>i&&li&&lr&&cr&&ct.minX&&this.minYt.minY}},{key:"containsPoint",value:function(t,e){for(var n=this.polygons,a=0,r=n.length;a=n||l=n){var c=a[o];c+(n-h)/(l-h)*(a[i]-c)=c&&k<=d||k>=d&&k<=c)&&(k>=e&&k<=a||k>=a&&k<=e)){var w=(l*g-h*m)/y;if((w>=u&&w<=v||w>=v&&w<=u)&&(w>=n&&w<=r||w>=r&&w<=n))return!0}c=d,u=v}return!1}},{key:"getPolygon",value:function(t){if(!t)throw new Error("boundingBox cannot be null.");var e=this.boundingBoxes.indexOf(t);return-1==e?null:this.polygons[e]}},{key:"getWidth",value:function(){return this.maxX-this.minX}},{key:"getHeight",value:function(){return this.maxY-this.minY}}]),bn=function(){function t(){s(this,t),l(this,"convexPolygons",new Array),l(this,"convexPolygonsIndices",new Array),l(this,"indicesArray",new Array),l(this,"isConcaveArray",new Array),l(this,"triangles",new Array),l(this,"polygonPool",new F((function(){return new Array}))),l(this,"polygonIndicesPool",new F((function(){return new Array})))}return h(t,[{key:"triangulate",value:function(e){var n=e,a=e.length>>1,r=this.indicesArray;r.length=0;for(var i=0;i3;){for(var c=a-1,u=0,f=1;;){t:if(!s[u]){for(var d=r[c]<<1,v=r[u]<<1,m=r[f]<<1,p=n[d],g=n[d+1],y=n[v],k=n[v+1],w=n[m],b=n[m+1],x=(f+1)%a;x!=c;x=(x+1)%a)if(s[x]){var I=r[x]<<1,E=n[I],A=n[I+1];if(t.positiveArea(w,b,p,g,E,A)&&t.positiveArea(p,g,y,k,E,A)&&t.positiveArea(y,k,w,b,E,A))break t}break}if(0==f){do{if(!s[u])break;u--}while(u>0);break}c=u,u=f,f=(f+1)%a}l.push(r[(a+u-1)%a]),l.push(r[u]),l.push(r[(u+1)%a]),r.splice(u,1),s.splice(u,1);var S=(--a+u-1)%a,R=u==a?0:u;s[S]=t.isConcave(S,a,n,r),s[R]=t.isConcave(R,a,n,r)}return 3==a&&(l.push(r[2]),l.push(r[0]),l.push(r[1])),l}},{key:"decompose",value:function(e,n){var a=e,r=this.convexPolygons;this.polygonPool.freeAll(r),r.length=0;var i=this.convexPolygonsIndices;this.polygonIndicesPool.freeAll(i),i.length=0;var s=this.polygonIndicesPool.obtain();s.length=0;var o=this.polygonPool.obtain();o.length=0;for(var h=-1,l=0,c=0,u=n.length;c0?(r.push(o),i.push(s)):(,,(o=this.polygonPool.obtain()).length=0,o.push(m),o.push(p),o.push(g),o.push(y),o.push(k),o.push(w),(s=this.polygonIndicesPool.obtain()).length=0,s.push(f),s.push(d),s.push(v),l=t.winding(m,p,g,y,k,w),h=f)}o.length>0&&(r.push(o),i.push(s));for(var A=0,S=r.length;A=0;$--)0==(o=r[$]).length&&(r.splice($,1),,s=i[$],i.splice($,1),;return r}}],[{key:"isConcave",value:function(t,e,n,a){var r=a[(e+t-1)%e]<<1,i=a[t]<<1,s=a[(t+1)%e]<<1;return!this.positiveArea(n[r],n[r+1],n[i],n[i+1],n[s],n[s+1])}},{key:"positiveArea",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i){return t*(i-a)+n*(e-i)+r*(a-e)>=0}},{key:"winding",value:function(t,e,n,a,r,i){var s=n-t,o=a-e;return r*o-i*s+s*e-t*o>=0?1:-1}}])}(),xn=function(){function t(){s(this,t),l(this,"triangulator",new bn),l(this,"clippingPolygon",new Array),l(this,"clipOutput",new Array),l(this,"clippedVertices",new Array),l(this,"clippedTriangles",new Array),l(this,"scratch",new Array),l(this,"clipAttachment",null),l(this,"clippingPolygons",null)}return h(t,[{key:"clipStart",value:function(e,n){if(this.clipAttachment)return 0;this.clipAttachment=n;var a=n.worldVerticesLength,r=C.setArraySize(this.clippingPolygon,a);n.computeWorldVertices(e,0,a,r,0,2);var i=this.clippingPolygon;t.makeClockwise(i);for(var s=this.clippingPolygons=this.triangulator.decompose(i,this.triangulator.triangulate(i)),o=0,h=s.length;o>1,I=this.clipOutput,E=C.setArraySize(r,y+2*x),A=0;A>1,D=this.clipOutput,V=C.setArraySize(h,M+B*f),U=0;U=2?(h=o,o=this.scratch):h=this.scratch,h.length=0,h.push(t),h.push(e),h.push(n),h.push(a),h.push(r),h.push(i),h.push(t),h.push(e),o.length=0;for(var u=s.length-4,f=s,d=0;;d+=2){for(var v=f[d],m=f[d+1],p=v-f[d+2],g=m-f[d+3],y=o.length,k=h,w=0,b=h.length-2;wp*(m-A),R=g*(v-x)-p*(m-I);if(R>0){if(S){o.push(E),o.push(A);continue}var T=E-x,C=A-I,M=R/(T*g-C*p);if(!(M>=0&&M<=1)){o.push(E),o.push(A);continue}o.push(x+T*M),o.push(I+C*M)}else if(S){var F=E-x,P=A-I,Y=R/(F*g-P*p);if(!(Y>=0&&Y<=1)){o.push(E),o.push(A);continue}o.push(x+F*Y),o.push(I+P*Y),o.push(E),o.push(A)}c=!0}if(y==o.length)return l.length=0,!0;if(o.push(o[0]),o.push(o[1]),d==u)break;var X=o;(o=h).length=0,h=X}if(l!=o){l.length=0;for(var O=0,N=o.length-2;O>1;l0){var Cn=n.findPhysicsConstraint(xn);if(!Cn)throw new Error("Physics constraint not found: "+xn);En=n.physicsConstraints.indexOf(Cn)}for(var Mn in In){var Fn=In[Mn],Pn=Fn[0];if(Pn){var Yn=Fn.length;if("reset"!=Mn){var Xn=void 0;if("inertia"==Mn)Xn=new bt(Yn,Yn,En);else if("strength"==Mn)Xn=new xt(Yn,Yn,En);else if("damping"==Mn)Xn=new It(Yn,Yn,En);else if("mass"==Mn)Xn=new Et(Yn,Yn,En);else if("wind"==Mn)Xn=new At(Yn,Yn,En);else if("gravity"==Mn)Xn=new St(Yn,Yn,En);else{if("mix"!=Mn)continue;Xn=new Rt(Yn,Yn,En)}r.push(An(Fn,Xn,0,1))}else{for(var On=new Tt(Yn,En),Nn=0;null!=Pn;Pn=Fn[Nn+1],Nn++)On.setFrame(Nn,Tn(Pn,"time",0));r.push(On)}}}}if(t.attachments)for(var Ln in t.attachments){var _n=t.attachments[Ln],Bn=n.findSkin(Ln);if(!Bn)throw new Error("Skin not found: "+Ln);for(var Dn in _n){var Vn=_n[Dn],Un=n.findSlot(Dn);if(!Un)throw new Error("Slot not found: "+Dn);var qn=Un.index;for(var Wn in Vn){var Gn=Vn[Wn],zn=Bn.getAttachment(qn,Wn);for(var jn in Gn){var Hn=Gn[jn],$n=Hn[0];if($n)if("deform"==jn){for(var Jn=zn.bones,Kn=zn.vertices,Qn=Jn?Kn.length/3*2:Kn.length,Zn=new ft(Hn.length,Hn.length,qn,zn),ta=Tn($n,"time",0),ea=0,na=0;;ea++){var aa=void 0,ra=Tn($n,"vertices",null);if(ra){aa=C.newFloatArray(Qn);var ia=Tn($n,"offset",0);if(C.arrayCopy(ra,0,aa,ia,ra.length),1!=a)for(var sa=ia,oa=sa+ra.length;sa=0;Ya--)-1==Ea[Ya]&&(Ea[Ya]=Sa[--Ta])}ka.setFrame(ba,Tn(Ia,"time",0),Ea)}r.push(ka)}if({for(var Xa=new dt(,Oa=0,Na=0;Na)?=?)"),d("XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE","".concat(h[l.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE],"|x|X|\\*")),d("XRANGEIDENTIFIER","".concat(h[l.NUMERICIDENTIFIER],"|x|X|\\*")),d("XRANGEPLAIN","[v=\\s]*(".concat(h[l.XRANGEIDENTIFIER],")")+"(?:\\.(".concat(h[l.XRANGEIDENTIFIER],")")+"(?:\\.(".concat(h[l.XRANGEIDENTIFIER],")")+"(?:".concat(h[l.PRERELEASE],")?").concat(h[l.BUILD],"?")+")?)?"),d("XRANGEPLAINLOOSE","[v=\\s]*(".concat(h[l.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE],")")+"(?:\\.(".concat(h[l.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE],")")+"(?:\\.(".concat(h[l.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE],")")+"(?:".concat(h[l.PRERELEASELOOSE],")?").concat(h[l.BUILD],"?")+")?)?"),d("XRANGE","^".concat(h[l.GTLT],"\\s*").concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAIN],"$")),d("XRANGELOOSE","^".concat(h[l.GTLT],"\\s*").concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],"$")),d("COERCEPLAIN","".concat("(^|[^\\d])(\\d{1,").concat(n,"})")+"(?:\\.(\\d{1,".concat(n,"}))?")+"(?:\\.(\\d{1,".concat(n,"}))?")),d("COERCE","".concat(h[l.COERCEPLAIN],"(?:$|[^\\d])")),d("COERCEFULL",h[l.COERCEPLAIN]+"(?:".concat(h[l.PRERELEASE],")?")+"(?:".concat(h[l.BUILD],")?")+"(?:$|[^\\d])"),d("COERCERTL",h[l.COERCE],!0),d("COERCERTLFULL",h[l.COERCEFULL],!0),d("LONETILDE","(?:~>?)"),d("TILDETRIM","(\\s*)".concat(h[l.LONETILDE],"\\s+"),!0),e.tildeTrimReplace="$1~",d("TILDE","^".concat(h[l.LONETILDE]).concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAIN],"$")),d("TILDELOOSE","^".concat(h[l.LONETILDE]).concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],"$")),d("LONECARET","(?:\\^)"),d("CARETTRIM","(\\s*)".concat(h[l.LONECARET],"\\s+"),!0),e.caretTrimReplace="$1^",d("CARET","^".concat(h[l.LONECARET]).concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAIN],"$")),d("CARETLOOSE","^".concat(h[l.LONECARET]).concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],"$")),d("COMPARATORLOOSE","^".concat(h[l.GTLT],"\\s*(").concat(h[l.LOOSEPLAIN],")$|^$")),d("COMPARATOR","^".concat(h[l.GTLT],"\\s*(").concat(h[l.FULLPLAIN],")$|^$")),d("COMPARATORTRIM","(\\s*)".concat(h[l.GTLT],"\\s*(").concat(h[l.LOOSEPLAIN],"|").concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAIN],")"),!0),e.comparatorTrimReplace="$1$2$3",d("HYPHENRANGE","^\\s*(".concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAIN],")")+"\\s+-\\s+"+"(".concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAIN],")")+"\\s*$"),d("HYPHENRANGELOOSE","^\\s*(".concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],")")+"\\s+-\\s+"+"(".concat(h[l.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],")")+"\\s*$"),d("STAR","(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*"),d("GTE0","^\\s*>=\\s*0\\.0\\.0\\s*$"),d("GTE0PRE","^\\s*>=\\s*0\\.0\\.0-0\\s*$")}(_n,_n.exports);var Bn=_n.exports;Yn(Bn);var Dn=Object.freeze({loose:!0}),Vn=Object.freeze({}),Un=function(t){return t?"object"!==i(t)?Dn:t:Vn};Yn(Un);var qn=/^[0-9]+$/,Wn=function(t,e){var n=qn.test(t),a=qn.test(e);return n&&a&&(t=+t,e=+e),t===e?0:n&&!a?-1:a&&!n?1:tjn)throw new TypeError("version is longer than ".concat(jn," characters"));zn("SemVer",e,n),this.options=n,this.loose=!!n.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!n.includePrerelease;var a=e.trim().match(n.loose?$n[Jn.LOOSE]:$n[Jn.FULL]);if(!a)throw new TypeError("Invalid Version: ".concat(e));if(this.raw=e,this.major=+a[1],this.minor=+a[2],this.patch=+a[3],this.major>Hn||this.major<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid major version");if(this.minor>Hn||this.minor<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid minor version");if(this.patch>Hn||this.patch<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid patch version");a[4]?this.prerelease=a[4].split(".").map((function(t){if(/^[0-9]+$/.test(t)){var e=+t;if(e>=0&&e=0;)"number"==typeof this.prerelease[r]&&(this.prerelease[r]++,r=-2);if(-1===r){if(e===this.prerelease.join(".")&&!1===n)throw new Error("invalid increment argument: identifier already exists");this.prerelease.push(a)}}if(e){var i=[e,a];!1===n&&(i=[e]),0===Qn(this.prerelease[0],e)?isNaN(this.prerelease[1])&&(this.prerelease=i):this.prerelease=i}break;default:throw new Error("invalid increment argument: ".concat(t))}return this.raw=this.format(),"+".concat("."))),this}}])}(),ta=Zn;Yn(ta);var ea=ta,na=function(t,e){var n=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2];if(t instanceof ea)return t;try{return new ea(t,e)}catch(t){if(!n)return null;throw t}};Yn(na);var aa=na,ra=Yn((function(t,e){var n=aa(t,e);return n?n.version:null})),ia=ta,sa=na,oa=Bn.safeRe,ha=Bn.t,la=Yn((function(t,e){if(t instanceof ia)return t;if("number"==typeof t&&(t=String(t)),"string"!=typeof t)return null;var n=null;if((e=e||{}).rtl){for(var a,r=e.includePrerelease?oa[ha.COERCERTLFULL]:oa[ha.COERCERTL];(a=r.exec(t))&&(!n||n.index+n[0].length!==t.length);)n&&a.index+a[0].length===n.index+n[0].length||(n=a),r.lastIndex=a.index+a[1].length+a[2].length;r.lastIndex=-1}else n=t.match(e.includePrerelease?oa[ha.COERCEFULL]:oa[ha.COERCE]);if(null===n)return null;var i=n[2],s=n[3]||"0",o=n[4]||"0",h=e.includePrerelease&&n[5]?"-".concat(n[5]):"",l=e.includePrerelease&&n[6]?"+".concat(n[6]):"";return sa("".concat(i,".").concat(s,".").concat(o).concat(h).concat(l),e)})),ca=h((function t(){s(this,t),this.max=1e3, Map}),[{key:"get",value:function(t){var;return void 0===e?void 0:(,,e),e)}},{key:"delete",value:function(t){return!!,!0)}},{key:"set",value:function(t,e){if(!this.delete(t)&&void 0!==e){if(>=this.max){var;this.delete(n)},e)}return this}}]);Yn(ca);var ua=ta,fa=function(t,e,n){return new ua(t,n).compare(new ua(e,n))};Yn(fa);var da=fa,va=function(t,e,n){return 0===da(t,e,n)};Yn(va);var ma=fa,pa=function(t,e,n){return 0!==ma(t,e,n)};Yn(pa);var ga=fa,ya=function(t,e,n){return ga(t,e,n)>0};Yn(ya);var ka=fa,wa=function(t,e,n){return ka(t,e,n)>=0};Yn(wa);var ba=fa,xa=function(t,e,n){return ba(t,e,n)<0};Yn(xa);var Ia=fa,Ea=function(t,e,n){return Ia(t,e,n)<=0};Yn(Ea);var Aa,Sa,Ra,Ta,Ca=va,Ma=pa,Fa=ya,Pa=wa,Ya=xa,Xa=Ea,Oa=function(t,e,n,a){switch(e){case"===":return"object"===i(t)&&(t=t.version),"object"===i(n)&&(n=n.version),t===n;case"!==":return"object"===i(t)&&(t=t.version),"object"===i(n)&&(n=n.version),t!==n;case"":case"=":case"==":return Ca(t,n,a);case"!=":return Ma(t,n,a);case">":return Fa(t,n,a);case">=":return Pa(t,n,a);case"<":return Ya(t,n,a);case"<=":return Xa(t,n,a);default:throw new TypeError("Invalid operator: ".concat(e))}};function Na(){if(Ta)return Ra;Ta=1;var t=function(){function t(e,r){var i=this;if(s(this,t),r=n(r),e instanceof t)return e.loose===!!r.loose&&e.includePrerelease===!!r.includePrerelease?e:new t(e.raw,r);if(e instanceof a)return this.raw=e.value,this.set=[[e]],this.format(),this;if(this.options=r,this.loose=!!r.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!r.includePrerelease,this.raw=e.trim().split(/\s+/).join(" "),this.set=this.raw.split("||").map((function(t){return i.parseRange(t.trim())})).filter((function(t){return t.length})),!this.set.length)throw new TypeError("Invalid SemVer Range: ".concat(this.raw));if(this.set.length>1){var o=this.set[0];if(this.set=this.set.filter((function(t){return!m(t[0])})),0===this.set.length)this.set=[o];else if(this.set.length>1){var h,l=k(this.set);try{for(l.s();!(h=l.n()).done;){var c=h.value;if(1===c.length&&g(c[0])){this.set=[c];break}}}catch(t){l.e(t)}finally{l.f()}}}this.format()}return h(t,[{key:"format",value:function(){return{return t.join(" ").trim()})).join("||").trim(),this.range}},{key:"toString",value:function(){return this.range}},{key:"parseRange",value:function(t){var n=this,i=((this.options.includePrerelease&&d)|(this.options.loose&&v))+":"+t,s=e.get(i);if(s)return s;var h=this.options.loose,g=h?o[l.HYPHENRANGELOOSE]:o[l.HYPHENRANGE];t=t.replace(g,M(this.options.includePrerelease)),r("hyphen replace",t),t=t.replace(o[l.COMPARATORTRIM],c),r("comparator trim",t),t=t.replace(o[l.TILDETRIM],u),r("tilde trim",t),t=t.replace(o[l.CARETTRIM],f),r("caret trim",t);var y=t.split(" ").map((function(t){return w(t,n.options)})).join(" ").split(/\s+/).map((function(t){return C(t,n.options)}));h&&(y=y.filter((function(t){return r("loose invalid filter",t,n.options),!!t.match(o[l.COMPARATORLOOSE])}))),r("range list",y);var b,x=new Map,{return new a(t,n.options)})),E=k(I);try{for(E.s();!(b=E.n()).done;){var A=b.value;if(m(A))return[A];x.set(A.value,A)}}catch(t){E.e(t)}finally{E.f()}x.size>1&&x.has("")&&x.delete("");var S=p(x.values());return e.set(i,S),S}},{key:"intersects",value:function(e,n){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("a Range is required");return this.set.some((function(t){return y(t,n)&&e.set.some((function(e){return y(e,n)&&t.every((function(t){return e.every((function(e){return t.intersects(e,n)}))}))}))}))}},{key:"test",value:function(t){if(!t)return!1;if("string"==typeof t)try{t=new i(t,this.options)}catch(t){return!1}for(var e=0;e")||!t.operator.startsWith(">"))&&(!this.operator.startsWith("<")||!t.operator.startsWith("<"))&&(this.semver.version!==t.semver.version||!this.operator.includes("=")||!t.operator.includes("="))&&!(i(this.semver,"<",t.semver,a)&&this.operator.startsWith(">")&&t.operator.startsWith("<"))&&!(i(this.semver,">",t.semver,a)&&this.operator.startsWith("<")&&t.operator.startsWith(">")))}}],[{key:"ANY",get:function(){return t}}])}();Aa=e;var n=Un,a=Bn.safeRe,r=Bn.t,i=Oa,o=Ln,l=ta,c=Na();return Aa}(),r=Ln,i=ta,o=Bn.safeRe,l=Bn.t,c=Bn.comparatorTrimReplace,u=Bn.tildeTrimReplace,f=Bn.caretTrimReplace,d=Xn.FLAG_INCLUDE_PRERELEASE,v=Xn.FLAG_LOOSE,m=function(t){return"<0.0.0-0"===t.value},g=function(t){return""===t.value},y=function(t,e){for(var n=!0,a=t.slice(),r=a.pop();n&&a.length;)n=a.every((function(t){return r.intersects(t,e)})),r=a.pop();return n},w=function(t,e){return r("comp",t,e),t=E(t,e),r("caret",t),t=x(t,e),r("tildes",t),t=S(t,e),r("xrange",t),t=T(t,e),r("stars",t),t},b=function(t){return!t||"x"===t.toLowerCase()||"*"===t},x=function(t,e){return t.trim().split(/\s+/).map((function(t){return I(t,e)})).join(" ")},I=function(t,e){var n=e.loose?o[l.TILDELOOSE]:o[l.TILDE];return t.replace(n,(function(e,n,a,i,s){var o;return r("tilde",t,e,n,a,i,s),b(n)?o="":b(a)?o=">=".concat(n,".0.0 <").concat(+n+1,".0.0-0"):b(i)?o=">=".concat(n,".").concat(a,".0 <").concat(n,".").concat(+a+1,".0-0"):s?(r("replaceTilde pr",s),o=">=".concat(n,".").concat(a,".").concat(i,"-").concat(s," <").concat(n,".").concat(+a+1,".0-0")):o=">=".concat(n,".").concat(a,".").concat(i," <").concat(n,".").concat(+a+1,".0-0"),r("tilde return",o),o}))},E=function(t,e){return t.trim().split(/\s+/).map((function(t){return A(t,e)})).join(" ")},A=function(t,e){r("caret",t,e);var n=e.loose?o[l.CARETLOOSE]:o[l.CARET],a=e.includePrerelease?"-0":"";return t.replace(n,(function(e,n,i,s,o){var h;return r("caret",t,e,n,i,s,o),b(n)?h="":b(i)?h=">=".concat(n,".0.0").concat(a," <").concat(+n+1,".0.0-0"):b(s)?h="0"===n?">=".concat(n,".").concat(i,".0").concat(a," <").concat(n,".").concat(+i+1,".0-0"):">=".concat(n,".").concat(i,".0").concat(a," <").concat(+n+1,".0.0-0"):o?(r("replaceCaret pr",o),h="0"===n?"0"===i?">=".concat(n,".").concat(i,".").concat(s,"-").concat(o," <").concat(n,".").concat(i,".").concat(+s+1,"-0"):">=".concat(n,".").concat(i,".").concat(s,"-").concat(o," <").concat(n,".").concat(+i+1,".0-0"):">=".concat(n,".").concat(i,".").concat(s,"-").concat(o," <").concat(+n+1,".0.0-0")):(r("no pr"),h="0"===n?"0"===i?">=".concat(n,".").concat(i,".").concat(s).concat(a," <").concat(n,".").concat(i,".").concat(+s+1,"-0"):">=".concat(n,".").concat(i,".").concat(s).concat(a," <").concat(n,".").concat(+i+1,".0-0"):">=".concat(n,".").concat(i,".").concat(s," <").concat(+n+1,".0.0-0")),r("caret return",h),h}))},S=function(t,e){return r("replaceXRanges",t,e),t.split(/\s+/).map((function(t){return R(t,e)})).join(" ")},R=function(t,e){t=t.trim();var n=e.loose?o[l.XRANGELOOSE]:o[l.XRANGE];return t.replace(n,(function(n,a,i,s,o,h){r("xRange",t,n,a,i,s,o,h);var l=b(i),c=l||b(s),u=c||b(o),f=u;return"="===a&&f&&(a=""),h=e.includePrerelease?"-0":"",l?n=">"===a||"<"===a?"<0.0.0-0":"*":a&&f?(c&&(s=0),o=0,">"===a?(a=">=",c?(i=+i+1,s=0,o=0):(s=+s+1,o=0)):"<="===a&&(a="<",c?i=+i+1:s=+s+1),"<"===a&&(h="-0"),n="".concat(a+i,".").concat(s,".").concat(o).concat(h)):c?n=">=".concat(i,".0.0").concat(h," <").concat(+i+1,".0.0-0"):u&&(n=">=".concat(i,".").concat(s,".0").concat(h," <").concat(i,".").concat(+s+1,".0-0")),r("xRange return",n),n}))},T=function(t,e){return r("replaceStars",t,e),t.trim().replace(o[l.STAR],"")},C=function(t,e){return r("replaceGTE0",t,e),t.trim().replace(o[e.includePrerelease?l.GTE0PRE:l.GTE0],"")},M=function(t){return function(e,n,a,r,i,s,o,h,l,c,u,f){return n=b(a)?"":b(r)?">=".concat(a,".0.0").concat(t?"-0":""):b(i)?">=".concat(a,".").concat(r,".0").concat(t?"-0":""):s?">=".concat(n):">=".concat(n).concat(t?"-0":""),h=b(l)?"":b(c)?"<".concat(+l+1,".0.0-0"):b(u)?"<".concat(l,".").concat(+c+1,".0-0"):f?"<=".concat(l,".").concat(c,".").concat(u,"-").concat(f):t?"<".concat(l,".").concat(c,".").concat(+u+1,"-0"):"<=".concat(h),"".concat(n," ").concat(h).trim()}},F=function(t,e,n){for(var i=0;i0){var o=t[s].semver;if(o.major===e.major&&o.minor===e.minor&&o.patch===e.patch)return!0}return!1}return!0};return Ra}Yn(Oa);var La=Na(),_a=function(t,e,n){try{e=new La(e,n)}catch(t){return!1}return e.test(t)},Ba={valid:ra,coerce:la,satisfies:Yn(_a),SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION:On.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION},Da=0,Va=1,Ua=2,qa=[0,1,2,2,3,0],Wa=h((function t(e,n,a,i){var o;if(s(this,t),l(this,"autoUpdate",!0),l(this,"skeleton",void 0),l(this,"states",void 0),this._app=e,this._position=new r.Vec3,1===Jt.length){var h,c=k((o=new Jt(n)).pages);try{for(c.s();!(h=c.n()).done;){var u=h.value;u.setTexture(new Pn(i[]))}}catch(t){c.e(t)}finally{c.f()}}else o=new Jt(n,(function(t){return new Pn(i[t])}));var f=new In(new ie(o));f.scale*=.01;var d=f.readSkeletonData(a);this.skeletonVersion=Ba.valid(Ba.coerce(d.version)),this._spine_3_6_0=Ba.satisfies(this.skeletonVersion,"<=3.6.0"),this._spine_3_7_99=Ba.satisfies(this.skeletonVersion,"<=3.7.99"),this._spine_4_0_X=Ba.satisfies(this.skeletonVersion,"~4.0.0"),this._spine_4_1_X=Ba.satisfies(this.skeletonVersion,"~4.1.23"),this.skeleton=new Ee(d),this.skeleton.updateWorldTransform(),this.stateData=new Ut(,this.states=[new Mt(this.stateData)],this.clipper=new xn,this._node=new r.GraphNode,this._meshes=[],this._meshInstances=[],this._materials={},this._tint={},this._aabb=new r.BoundingBox,this._aabbTempArray=[],this._aabbTempOffset=new r.Vec2,this._aabbTempSize=new r.Vec2,this._renderCounts={vertexCount:0,indexCount:0},this._vertexFormat=null,this._vertexBuffer=null,this._indexBuffer=null,this._priority=0,this._timeScale=1,this._layers=[r.LAYERID_UI],this.init(),this._hidden=!1}),[{key:"destroy",value:function(){this.removeFromLayers();for(var t=0;t0&&this._renderCounts.vertexCount>0){this.skeleton.getBounds(this._aabbTempOffset,this._aabbTempSize,this._aabbTempArray), r.Vec3(this._aabbTempOffset.x,this._aabbTempOffset.y,0),this._aabb.halfExtents=new r.Vec3(.5*this._aabbTempSize.x,.5*this._aabbTempSize.y,0),(!this._vertexBuffer||this._vertexBuffer.getNumVertices()0&&u.indices.length>0){t&&t!==u.material&&(this.SubmitBatch(e,n,t),t=u.material,e=s,n=0),t=u.material;var f=u.positions,d=u.vertexColor.r,v=u.vertexColor.g,m=u.vertexColor.b,p=u.vertexColor.a,g=u.uvs,y=void 0,k=f.length/2;for(y=0;y0){var a=new r.Mesh(this._app.graphicsDevice);a.vertexBuffer=this._vertexBuffer,a.indexBuffer[0]=this._indexBuffer,a.primitive[0].type=r.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES,a.primitive[0].base=t,a.primitive[0].count=e,a.primitive[0].indexed=!0,a.aabb=this._aabb,this._meshes.push(a);var i=new r.MeshInstance(a,this._materials[n],this._node);i.drawOrder=this.priority+this._meshInstances.length,i.visible=!this._hidden,this._meshInstances.push(i)}}},{key:"update",value:function(t){if(!this._hidden){var e;t*=this._timeScale;var n=this.states.length;for(e=0;e