In this document you can find all necessary guidance to create your own LD Wizard application.
We encourage new users who are working in other domains to create new LDWizard variants that can be used to create and publish linked data more easily using e.g. the vocabularies that are relevant for their domain. Working this way we expect that a large family of LDWizard applications can evolve towards the future (and create and publish more and more linkable and reusable linked data that can be seamlessly used in new, innovative end user applications).
You can create your own LD Wizard application by following these steps:
Install Node.js. Node.js has a page how to install Node using a package manager.
Create a directory for your application:
mkdir my-wizard cd my-wizard
Start a typescript project:
npm init npm install typescript --dev npm exec tsc --init
file should have the following contents:{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "ES2020", "module": "nodenext", "moduleResolution": "nodenext", "lib": ["ES2020", "DOM", "DOM.Iterable"], "useDefineForClassFields": false, "experimentalDecorators": true, "composite": false, "allowImportingTsExtensions": true, "declaration": false, "strict": false, "noEmit": true, "noImplicitAny": false, "noImplicitThis": false, "noUnusedLocals": false, "skipLibCheck": true } }
Add the following to the
file:{ //... rest of package.json "scripts": { "build": "ldwizard-build ./src/config.ts", "start": "npm run build && http-server -c-1 ./lib" } }
Add the LD Wizard dependency:
npm install @pldn/ldwizard
Create a configuration file called
in the./src
directory and enter the following content:-
5.1. Run the command:
mkdir src
5.2. Create the
file in the createdsrc
directory with the contents:// This is a template file import WizardConfig from "@pldn/ldwizard/types/WizardConfig"; const wizardConfig: WizardConfig = { // Your custom configuration comes here - see 1b. Configuration options mentioned below }; export default globalThis.wizardConfig = wizardConfig;
Run the following command to build your application:
npm exec build
Your LD Wizard application can now be found inside the lib/
You can upload your LD Wizard application to an online location and use it there. But you can also run the application locally by starting an HTTP server.
If you don't have a HTTP server installed you can use the following command:
npm exec http-server ./lib
Open http://localhost:8080 in a web browser.
To build your app and start it in one command, use:
npm run start
You can customize your LD Wizard application by adding the following configuration options to your configuration file (config.ts
setting | type | default | description |
appName |
string |
LD Wizard | The name of the LD Wizard instance. |
icon |
string |
![]() |
The icon that is used inside the application. |
favIcon |
string |
The icon that is used as the 'favicon'. This icon commonly appears in web browser tabs. | |
primaryColor |
string |
#6d1e70 | The primary color that is used in the application. |
secondaryColor |
string |
#a90362 | The secondary color that is used in the application. |
homepageMarkdown |
string |
undefined |
Optional name of a Markdown file that acts as the homepage for the LD Wizard application. |
defaultBaseIri |
string | | The default base IRI that is used for linked data transformations. |
classConfig |
{method: "elastic" | "sparql"; endpoint: string;} |
{method:"sparql"; endpoint: ""} |
The service that is used for giving class suggestions. |
predicateConfig |
{method: "elastic" | "sparql"; endpoint: string;} |
{method:"sparql"; endpoint: ""} |
The service that is used for giving property suggestions. |
getAllowedPrefixes |
() => Promise<{prefixLabel:string; iri:string}[]> |
() => [] |
A function that is used to return prefix declarations. |
publishOrder |
("download" | "triplydb")[] |
["download","triplydb"] |
The order in which publishing options are shown in the 'publish' step. It is also possible to exclude publication options by removing them from this list. |
dataplatformLink |
string | | Link to the data platform that is used in the footer. This data platform is also used for creating API tokens during the 'publish' step. |
documentationLink |
string | | Link to the generic LD Wizard project documentation. |
repositoryLink |
string | | Link to the specific LD Wizard repository implementation/configuration. |
newDatasetAccessLevel |
"public" | "internal" | "private" |
"private" |
The access level to use for new datasets. |
You can create a Docker container for your LD Wizard application by running the following command (this assumes that you have a LDWizard configuration file called ./config.ts
in the root of this repository):
docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile -t "my-tag" --build-arg CONFIG_FILE=config.ts .
This container includes the LDWizard web assets (images, javascript and css), hosted via NGINX on port 80.
LD Wizard runs entirely within the web browser, making it a client-side application. In order to give the user sugesstions about their data, LD Wizard sends/reveives requests to/from external linked data services. This section describes some of the external services that can be used by LD Wizard.
When classConfig
and/or predicateConfig
are set to sparql
, LD Wizard uses one or two SPARQL endpoints to retrieve suggestions for classes and properties, respectively. The SPARQL queries that are used can be found in the LD Wizard repository.
These queries support class and property descriptions that follow linked data standards and best practices:
- Use
to declare that something is a class. - Use
, orrdf:Property
to declare that something is a property. - Use
for human-readable labels. - Use
for human-readable descriptions.
When classConfig
and/or preficateConfig
are set to elastic
, LD Wizard uses generic ElasticSearch text queries to retrieve suggestions for classes and properties. The ElasticSearch queries that are used can be found in the LD Wizard Core repository.
These queries support class and property descriptions that follow linked data standards and best practices. See Section 2a for details.
In order to create an ElasticSearch service that can be queried in this way, your linked dataset must be indexed as a collection of JSON files. The most standards-compatible way of doing this is to create one JSON-LD file per non-trivial node. A JSON-LD file contains the Concise Bounded Description (CBD) for a particular node. Trivial nodes are nodes that are already included in the CBD (e.g., blank nodes). These trivial nodes should not be indexed separately.
There is not currently a strandard way of exposing IRI prefixes in RDF. However, there is an initiative to potentially add this feature to a future version of SPARQL.
In the meantime, programmers can configure getAllowedPrefixes
to anything that returns a list of IRI prefix objects. The following example does this for the TriplyDB backend:
getAllowedPrefixes: async () => {
const response = await fetch("");
if (response.ok) {
const prefixes: PrefixEntry[] = await response.json();
return prefixes;
You can define functions the LDWizard users can use to refine the values in a column. You can define those functions with the wizard config:
const wizardConfig: WizardConfig = {
appName: "LDWizard - example",
defaultBaseIri: "",
primaryColor: "#4caf50", // green
secondaryColor: "#1565c0", // blue
columnRefinements: [
label: "Use bulk processing: add '-processed-in-bulk' at the end of literal",
type: "single",
description: "This transformation uses bulk processing",
batchSize: 10,
bulkTransformation: async (columnValues: string[]) => {
const results: string[] = [];
for (const value of columnValues) {
return results;
yieldsLiteral: true,
keepOriginalValue: {
keepValue: true,
keepAsLiteral: true,
customPredicateIRI: ""
label: "Use bulk processing: SPARQL bulk refinement for street names",
type: "single",
description: "This transformation uses bulk processing",
bulkTransformation: async (columnValues: string[]) => {
const rq = `
prefix skos: <>
prefix sor: <>
select ?transformed ?obj where {
?transformed skos:prefLabel ?obj; a sor:OpenbareRuimte
filter(sameTerm(?obj, ?searchValue))
const sparqlEndpoint = "";
const transformer = (value: string) => DataFactory.literal(value, "nl");
return bulkSparql(rq, columnValues, { sparqlEndpoint, transformer });
yieldsIri: true
label: "Convert lang ISO to Lexvo URIs",
type: "single",
"This transformation will take lang ISO (e.g. fr or fra) and convert it to a Lexvo URI:",
transformation: async (searchTerm: string) => {
// const sources = [""];
// return getUriOfSearchTerm(sources, searchTerm);
if (searchTerm.length == 3) {
return `${searchTerm}`;
if (searchTerm.length == 2) {
return `${searchTerm}`;
return searchTerm;
label: "Example: return base IRI + value",
type: "single",
description: "In this transformation the returned value is the base IRI + value from CSV file",
transformation: async (term: string) => {
return `${term}`;
label: "Example: expect to return IRI in transformation",
type: "single",
"In this transformation the returned value should be an IRI, this can be applied to the 'IRIs' column in the example.csv file",
transformation: async (term: string) => {
return `${term}`;
yieldsIri: true,
label: "Example: expect to return literal in transformation",
type: "single",
description: "In this transformation the returned value should be a literal",
transformation: async (term: string) => {
return `${term}`;
yieldsLiteral: true,
label: "Example keepOriginalValue option: owl:sameAs",
type: "single",
"In this transformation the original value is kept with the transformed value (creates OWL:sameAs predicate)",
transformation: async (term: string) => {
return `${term}-copy`;
keepOriginalValue: {
keepValue: true,
label: "Example keepOriginalValue option: custom predicate IRI",
type: "single",
"In this transformation the original value is kept with the transformed value (creates custom predicate)",
transformation: async (term: string) => {
return `${term}-copy`;
keepOriginalValue: {
keepValue: true,
customPredicateIRI: "",
requireShaclShape: true,
shaclShapes: [
url: shapeFile,
targetShape: "",
export default globalThis.wizardConfig = wizardConfig