JavaScript / Node.js / Arrow
Learn. Code Strong. Get Hired.
Lecture Number
Topics Covered
Lecture 0
Why JavaScript?
Lecture 1
Core programming concepts. Primitive and reference types. Function expressions and function declarations. Scope chain resolution. Immutability.
Lecture 2
Prototype Chain. Functional Programming vs. Object Oriented Programming.
Lecture 3
Module Standards - IIFE, Module Pattern, AMD, CommonJS, UMD, ES6 Modules
Lecture 4
ES6 Programming Constructs, Typescript
Lecture 5
Development workflow for front end applications using node ecosystem - package managers, script loaders, scafolding tools
Lecture 6
Asynchronous Programming - What is Event Loop and how to Control Flow with callbacks, promises, generators, async/await and streams
Lecture 7
Streams in details
Lecture 8
Using Node.js to write command line interfaces
Lecture 9
What it looks like to write applications using events. What is Reactive Programming? Developing app with RxJS, Node.js EventEmitter, and
Lecture 10
Lecture 11
The resources you don't want to miss
Folder Name
pdf files with slides from the lectures
interactive presentations made with spectacle (their exports could be found in previous folder)
contains examples from the lectures
information about homeworks that must be made after each lecture
files with interesting links