@byron @pdefante
Byron was able to install ugmm.deb on bayonet. had to remove php-auth pkg but it was in jessie but not stretch
Stoped nginx just for testing and setup apache2. had to edit apache2 virtual domains/static links etc. access logs show bayonet.plug.org.au/ugmm/ is being hit, and redirects to bayonet.plug.org.au/ugmm/memberself/ but the page doesn't load (possibly due to php-auth not being installed)
install notes apt-get install --no-install-recommends php php-fpm devscripts debhelper smarty3 apache2 add mirror to sources for jessie pkgs apt-get install --no-install-recommends php-auth/jessie git clone https://github.com/plugorgay/ugmm.git
this is missing accoring to apache logs https://github.com/plugorgau/ugmm/blob/master/www/PLUG/ldapconnection.inc.php https://github.com/plugorgau/ugmm/blob/master/www/PLUG/ldapconnection.inc.php.example