Table of Contents
This document is not intended to create production envronemnt. Rather, it’s a refrence to demonstarte a basic simple install of Camunda Platform on AWS EKS. Also to clarify provide practical architectural guidance for Camunda Optiimze in Kubernetes environments. |
you can skip this if you have done it already with Camunda-Optimize-HELM and you don’t want a separate cluster for Camunda. So you will be installing into same EKS Cluster. |
Otherwise see Provision EKS Cluster to provision a new cluster on EKS. Keep in mind this is just for testing and not intended setup for production.
See doc Install Database
This assumes you will use the postgres image defined in the docs here.
Which is a imaged pulled and configured in the HELM chart.
If you provision another Postgres you will need to change the values.yaml
See doc Install Database Secret
See doc Install docker-registry secret
See the doc here
make sure to disable the Nginx Ingress Config |
# Ingress config for AWS EKS ingress controller
enabled: true
annotations: { alb, internet-facing,
# ip,
path: /*
# tls: []
# - secretName: camunda-bpm-platform-tls
# hosts:
# - camunda-bpm-platform.local
Get the cluster config
eksctl get cluster --name camunda-cluster
Delete stuck pods
kubectl delete pod <PODNAME> --grace-period=0 --force --namespace <NAMESPACE>
Get pods
kubectl get pods
Get logs for pod
kubectl logs -f <pod-name>
Get all services
kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
Get the details of a kubernetes component
kubectl describe <pods, svc, ingress, deploy>
Pretty print more info about pods
kubectl get nodes -o wide | awk {'print $1" " $2 " " $7'} | column -t