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Sangmin Seo edited this page Mar 3, 2017 · 3 revisions

This group is for timer.

Wall Clock Time


double ABT_get_wtime(void)
  • Get elapsed wall clock time.
  • Return value
    • Elapsed wall clock time in seconds.
  • Details
    • ABT_get_wtime() returns the elapsed wall clock time in seconds since an arbitrary time in the past. The resolution of elapsed time is at least a unit of microsecond.



int ABT_timer_create(ABT_timer *newtimer)
  • Create a new timer.
  • Parameter
    • [out] newtimer: handle to a new timer
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_timer_create() creates a new timer object and returns its handle through newtimer. If an error occurs in this function, a non-zero error code will be returned and newtimer will be set to ABT_TIMER_NULL.


int ABT_timer_dup(ABT_timer timer, ABT_timer *newtimer)
  • Duplicate the timer.
  • Parameters
    • [in] timer: handle to the timer to be duplicated
    • [out] newtimer: handle to a new timer
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_timer_dup() creates a new timer and copies the time values from the timer of timer to the new timer. The handle of new timer will be returned through newtimer. If an error occurs in this function, a non-zero error code will be returned and newtimer will be set to ABT_TIMER_NULL.


int ABT_timer_free(ABT_timer *timer)
  • Free the timer object.
  • Parameters
    • [in,out] timer: handle to the timer
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_timer_free() deallocates the memory used for the timer object associated with the handle timer. If it is successfully processed, timer is set to ABT_TIMER_NULL. Using the timer handle after calling ABT_timer_free() may cause undefined behavior.


int ABT_timer_start(ABT_timer timer)
  • Start the timer.
  • Parameters
    • [in] timer: handle to the timer
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_timer_start() starts the timer and saves the time when this function is called. When this function is called multiple times, the time of last call is only kept.


int ABT_timer_stop(ABT_timer timer)
  • Stop the timer.
  • Parameters
    • [in] timer: handle to the timer
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_timer_stop() stops the timer and saves the time when this function is called. When this function is called multiple times, the time of last call is only kept.


int ABT_timer_read(ABT_timer timer, double *secs)
  • Read the elapsed time of the timer.
  • Parameters
    • [in] timer: handle to the timer
    • [out] secs: elapsed time in seconds
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_timer_read() returns the time difference in seconds between the start time of timer (when ABT_timer_start() was called) and the end time of timer (when ABT_timer_stop() was called) through secs. The resolution of elapsed time is at least a unit of microsecond.


int ABT_timer_stop_and_read(ABT_timer timer, double *secs)
  • Stop the timer and read the elapsed time of the timer.
  • Parameters
    • [in] timer: handle to the timer
    • [out] secs: elapsed time in seconds
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_timer_stop_and_read() stops the timer and returns the time difference in seconds between the start time of timer (when ABT_timer_start() was called) and the end time of timer (when this function was called) through secs. The resolution of elapsed time is at least a unit of microsecond.


int ABT_timer_stop_and_add(ABT_timer timer, double *secs)
  • Stop the timer and add the elapsed time of the timer.
  • Parameters
    • [in] timer: handle to the timer
    • [in,out] secs: accumulated elapsed time in seconds
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_timer_stop_and_add() stops the timer and adds the time difference between the start time of timer (when ABT_timer_start() was called) and the end time of timer (when this function was called) to secs. That is, the elapsed time of the timer is accumulated in secs. The resolution of elapsed time is at least a unit of microsecond.


int ABT_timer_get_overhead(double *overhead)
  • Obtain the overhead time of using ABT_timer.
  • Parameter
    • [out] overhead: overhead time of ABT_timer
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_timer_get_overhead() returns the overhead time when measuring the elapsed time with ABT_timer. It computes the time difference in consecutive calls of ABT_timer_start() and ABT_timer_stop(). The resolution of overhead time is at least a unit of microsecond.