- ###:npm init
- ###: git init -> git add . -> git commit -> then connect to github
- add public -> temp -> .gitkeep (Tracking)
- gitignore -> .env, .env.sample
- create src folder
- ###: touch app.js constants.js index.js
- ###: npm install --save-dev nodemon (as dev dependency)
- mkdir controllers db middlewares models routes utils
- ###: npm i -D prettier
- add pretitier configurations
- update 'env' file with db url, and 'constants' with db name
- get dot env package, mongoose, express
- ###: npm i mongoose express dotenv
- configure env in main index file
- update packagejson as:
- "scripts": {
"dev": "nodemon '-r dotenv/config --experimental-json-modules' src/index.js"},
- db/index.js -> write db connection code, and export the fn - connectDB
- import and execute connectDB(), in main index file
- In import statement, watch out 'extensions' .js in file names
- Inside app.js, create instance of express, and import it into index.js
- Handle DB connection Promise, the start server by listening on PORT
- Install few packages for middlewares
- ###: npm i cookie-parser cors
- configure these in app.js
- Creating Wrapper Utilies Functions
- asyncHandler, ApiError, ApiResponse
- Creating User & Video Model
- install packages
- ###: npm i bcrypt jsonwebtoken
Explore Bcrypt , JWT(Bearer-Token) , MONGODB mongoose plugins & Hooks
- install packages
- ###: npm i cloudinary
- ###: npm i multer
- Configure Cloudinary Upload function And Export it (So that can be used anytime & anywhere)
- Configure File Upload Middleware using multer
- 'Storage' methods - used as a middleware
- Route Where, file is coming/expected => use storage method
- Basics Of How To Structure Routes & Controllers
- User Registration Controller Functions & Routes
- User Details Updation Controller Functions & Routes
- Currently Skipping Aggrations Pipelines
- Add Remainig Models, Template Controllers