These instructions are for installing the shortbread code, not street spirit itself.
- osm2pgsql 1.9.2+
- osm2pgsql themepark
- Python 3.10+
- PostgreSQL 10+
- PostGIS 3.3+
- Tilekiln 0.3.0+
Install tilekiln into a Python virtualenv with
python3 -m venv venv
venv/bin/pip install tilekiln
Install themepark to somewhere on your system, e.g. $HOME/osm2pgsql-themepark
git clone $HOME/osm2pgsql-themepark
Set your LUA_PATH to include themepark, e.g.
export LUA_PATH="$HOME/osm2pgsql-themepark/lua/?.lua;;"
Data can be loaded to create tiles for Street Spirit, Shortbread, or both.
You need OpenStreetMap data loaded into a PostGIS database. These stylesheets expect a database generated with osm2pgsql using the flex backend with the supplied Lua scripts.
Start by creating a database and enabling PostGIS
sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
createdb spirit
psql -d spirit -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'
Grab some OpenStreetMap data. It's probably easiest to grab a PBF of OSM data from Geofabrik. Once you've done that, import with osm2pgsql:
osm2pgsql --output flex --style shortbread.lua -d spirit ~/path/to/data.osm.pbf
If you are only creating Shortbread tiles, instead of --style shortbread.lua
use --style spirit.lua
Some features are rendered using preprocessed shapefiles.
To download them and import them into the database you can run the following script
The script downloads shapefiles, loads them into the database and sets up the tables for rendering. Additional script option documentation can be seen with scripts/ --help
Once tilekiln is installed, run it in development mode with
venv/bin/tilekiln dev --config shortbread.yaml --source-dbname spirit
To create shortbread tiles, instead use --config spirit.yaml
. If only creating shortbread tiles you do not need to serve sprites or view the style.
You only need these if not generating shortbread
Install charites with
npm install @unvt/charites @basemaps/sprites
In another terminal window, run
node_modules/.bin/basemaps-sprites sprites && python3
With tiles being served in one terminal session, run a local style server with
node_modules/.bin/charites serve style.yaml