All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Implemented "Workbook" package
- Updates batching logic for sp and graph to remove unnecessary reject carry for the send promise.
- Adding create change token util method to sp
- Fixed issue when moving list instead of subfolder
- Fix content-type order type on folder
- Adds support for sp batches to auto-split if there are too many items in the batch
- Updates batching logic for sp and graph to remove unnecessary reject carry for the send promise.
- graph
- Added new drive endpoint to lists, which will get you drive information
- Fixed issue with resumableUpload
- Removed node-fetch as minimum supported NodeJS version support native fetch.
- reversed removal of .clone()
- Introduces new filter lamda patterns as beta
- Renamed OneNote Pages to OneNotePages
- Basic Pages API support as beta
- Site Open Extensions as beta
- Fixed #3136 for improving paging support for query params
- Introduced DebugHeaders behavior
- Only documentation and package updates
- Only documentation and package updates
- Addresses #3091 - Update return types from Shares
- Addresses #3104 - Replaces an in-function await to just return the promise.
- Addresses #3083 - Adds the ability to pass in retrieveProperties to getAllChildrenAsTree. V2 and V3 had this functionality. Only supports Shared Custom Properties, not Local Custom Properties.
- Addresses #3082 - Improves functionality of alias parameters
- Adds new AdvancedQuery behavior
- Only documentation and package updates
- graph
- Fixed batching issues that fails when batched call returns 204
- graph
- Update to better handle graph default url logic
- graph
- Fixed issue with SPFx behavior null check #3012
- explicit error thrown if SPFx context is null or undefined when needed
- followed sites support for users
- ISite now supports
async rebase()
to ensure any ISite is represented by the url pattern /sites/{site id} regardless of how it was first loaded - ISites.getAllSites()
- support for operations for ISite and IList
- support for file labels
- support for mail folders, mailbox, rules
- completed support for Files
- admin module
- analytics module
- appCatalog module
- compliance module
- list-item module
- mail module
- operations module
- permissions module
- places module
- taxonomy module
- to-do module
- explicit error thrown if SPFx context is null or undefined when needed
- getStream method on all readable files
- addChunked updated to accept stream as content, new signature with props object
- removed extension capabilities from core library
- paged method removed from IGraphQueryableCollection
- ./operations.ts methods moved to ./graphqueryable.ts
- deprecated DriveItem move method.
- deprecated DriveItem setContent method.
& [queryable] property on add/update methods -- now returns only a representation of the added/updated object
- getPaged method removed from _Items/IItems
- getAll method removed from _Items/IItems
- PagedItemCollection removed from library
- removed /items/get-all import, unneeded, use async iterator patterns
- ./operations.ts methods moved to ./spqueryable.ts
- startUpload, continueUpload, finishUpload File protected methods removed
- removed legacy support for @target query param
- removed "favorites", please use graph favorites
- taxonomy module, please use graph taxonomy
& [queryable] property on add/update methods -- now returns void
- removed stream extensions, moved into sp
- set preserveConstEnums: false
- Rewritten using Timeline
- Updated to v4
- SPA application now has a button to trigger the code vs running on page load
- updated to use @azure/msal-browser v3
- moved add-props.ts and request-builders.ts to index.ts
- Changed interface for
- IGraphQueryableCollection now supports async iterator pattern
- IGraphQueryableCollection count method now returns -1 if the collection does not support counting
- All GraphQueryable*, _GraphQueryable*, and IGraphQueryable* have been renamed to remove "Queryable" (ex: GraphQueryableCollection is now GraphCollection)
- @pnp/graph/onedrive renamed to @pnp/graph/files
- ISites.getByUrl is now async
- @pnp/graph/outlook is now in @pnp/graph/mail, included all mail endpoints
- mailCategory.add() returns Microsoft Graph types OutlookCategory vs object with data property.
- Changed how query params are parsed to custom logic
- Improvements to shared module
- Greatly expanded what is supported through teams module
- _Items and IItems now supports async iterator pattern
- chunked upload/add progress object shape changed to : { uploadId: string; stage: "starting" | "continue" | "finishing"; offset: number; }