title | altLangPage | dateModified | description | lang |
GCWeb, the WET-BOEW Canada.ca theme |
accueil.html |
2021-08-06 |
Home page describing all the components of the Canada.ca theme, named GCWeb. |
en |
The page templates and design patterns below comprise a reference implementation of the Canada.ca design system, including the mandatory requirement of the Content and Information Architecture (C&IA) Specification. Government of Canada departments and agencies can contribute additional patterns and templates via GCWeb github repository.
Download GCWeb theme v9.5.0
({{ page.dateModified | %F }} - Release notes)
- GCWeb v5 Summary and others technical notes
- Implementing GCWeb
- Components
- Templates
- Méli-mélo features
- GC promotional thematic
- Sites and global functionality
Found an C&IA implementation issue or you want to contribute at their development, let us know by submiting GCweb issue, sending pull request or by participating at one of our WET-BOEW weekly Tuesday code sprint.
{% assign page_group = site.data.i18n.page_group[ page.lang ] %} {% assign comp_status = site.data.i18n.component_status[ page.lang ] %}
{% assign components = site.data.components %}
{% for component in site.data.components %}
{% assign list-pages = component.pages %}
- {{ component.title[ page.lang ] }} (State: {{ comp_status[ component.status ] | default: "Undefined" }})
{% for pgGroup in list-pages %}
{% assign grpkey = pgGroup[0] %}
- {{ page_group[ grpkey ] | default: "Unknown group" }}
{% assign examples = pgGroup[1] | where: "language", page.lang %}
{% for example in examples %}
{% if example.path %}
- {{ example.title }} {% elsif example.url %}
- {{ example.title }} {% else %}
- {{ example.title }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
- {{ page_group[ grpkey ] | default: "Unknown group" }}
{% for template in site.data.templates %}
{% assign list-pages = template.pages %}
- {{ template.title[ page.lang ] }} (État: {{ comp_status[ template.status ] | default: "Non définie" }})
{% for pgGroup in list-pages %}
{% assign grpkey = pgGroup[0] %}
- {{ page_group[ grpkey ] | default: "Groupe inconnu" }}
{% assign examples = pgGroup[1] | where: "language", page.lang %}
{% for example in examples %}
{% if example.path %}
- {{ example.title }} {% elsif example.url %}
- {{ example.title }} {% else %}
- {{ example.title }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
- {{ page_group[ grpkey ] | default: "Groupe inconnu" }}
Consult méli-mélo dedicated page
{% for item in site.data.sites %}
{% assign list-pages = item.pages %}
- {{ item.title[ page.lang ] }} (État: {{ comp_status[ item.status ] | default: "Non définie" }})
{% for pgGroup in list-pages %}
{% assign grpkey = pgGroup[0] %}
- {{ page_group[ grpkey ] | default: "Groupe inconnu" }}
{% assign examples = pgGroup[1] | where: "language", page.lang %}
{% for example in examples %}
{% if example.path %}
- {{ example.title }} {% elsif example.url %}
- {{ example.title }} {% else %}
- {{ example.title }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
- {{ page_group[ grpkey ] | default: "Groupe inconnu" }}
- GCWeb theme - Meta information
- Quick implementation guide - GCWeb theme
- Migration instruction - GCWeb theme V5
- Archived - Documentation - GCWeb English
- Archived - Releases English
- Skeleton - Static header/footer - Bootstrap 3
- Prototype skeleton - Static header/footer - Bootstrap 4
Evaluations and reports
Install NodeJS
- Build a local development version:
orgrunt debug
- Run code quality check:
grunt test
- Build production files:
grunt dist
- Compile and assemble méli-mélo:
- Run local:
grunt méli-mélo
- Run from compiled dist:
grunt méli-mélo-runLocal
- Run from wet-boew sites :
grunt méli-mélo-remote
- Run local:
- Regenerate site web content:
grunt site-contents
Ensure that you have builded GCWeb first
After your are running docking container or the docker composer you will be able to access your local website at: http://localhost:4000
Build Dockerfile locally
docker build -t jekyll-with-env-options .
Run your image
grunt debug
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -p "4000:4000" --env JEKYLL_OPTIONS='--config _config.yml,_localJekyll.yml' jekyll-with-env-options
This version leverage the remote theme wet-beoew/gcweb-jekyll. This equivalent if you run with gh-pages through your own GCWeb repository.
docker-compose up
Install ACT - https://github.com/nektos/act
Github fork needed:
- wet-boew/gcweb
- wet-boew/gcweb-jekyll
- wet-boew/gcweb-compiled-demos
- wet-boew/themes-dist
- wet-boew/themes-cdn
Run the continuous deployment script
act -f deploy-gcweb -s my_token=<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> -s my_username="<GITHUB USERNAME>" - my_email="<GITHUB HANDLE>@users.noreply.github.com" -a <GITHUB HANDLE>
: Your name, like "John Doe"<GITHUB HANDLE>
: Your github id<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX>
: Your personal access token with access to public repository
You can make a commit to your site and it will get regenerated with the latest version of the jekyll theme. Alternatively, the following curl command will told github to regenerate your site.
curl -u <GITHUB HANDLE>:<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/<GITHUB HANDLE>/<GITHUB REPOSITORY>/pages/builds
: Your github id<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX>
: Your personal access token with access to public repository<GITHUB REPOSITORY>
: Your web site github repository, like "jekyll-website"
Note: A manual update is required if you have specified a version for your jekyll remote theme in your config.yml