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124 lines (94 loc) · 5.25 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (94 loc) · 5.25 KB


# 0. Install @subsquid/cli a.k.a. the sqd command globally
npm i -g @subsquid/cli

# 1. Clone the repo
git clone
cd evm-indexer

# 2. Install dependencies
npm ci

# 3. Start a Postgres database container and detach
sqd up

# 4. Apply the migration
sqd migration:apply

# 5. Build the squid
sqd build

# 6. Run all services at once
sqd run .

A GraphiQL playground will be available at localhost:4350/graphql.

You can also run individual services separately:

PROCESSOR_NAME=optimism sqd process # Optimism processor
PROCESSOR_NAME=base sqd process # Base processor
sqd serve       # GraphQL server

Database migration

After making a change to the graphql schema a migration needs to be generated.

npm run build
# apply existing migrations so that only new migrations are generated
npx squid-typeorm-migration apply
npx squid-typeorm-migration generate
npx squid-typeorm-migration apply


TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase')

    at /squid/node_modules/@subsquid/evm-processor/lib/processor.js:437:39
    at (<anonymous>)
    at mapRequest (/squid/node_modules/@subsquid/evm-processor/lib/processor.js:437:28)
    at EvmBatchProcessor.addLog (/squid/node_modules/@subsquid/evm-processor/lib/processor.js:195:20)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/squid/lib/chains/optimism.js:24:6)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1364:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1422:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1203:32)

That is likely caused by missing some env vars like DISPATCHER_ADDRESS_BASE or UNIVERSAL_CHANNEL_ADDRESS_OPTIMISM. Check that you have all the required env vars set in your runtime.

Not ready to serve block N of dataset X

That error usually means that Subsquid's acrhival node is experiencing some issues. If you don't do a huge backfill, set the affected chain gateway like OPTIMISM_GATEWAY to an empty string and restart the indexer. Additionally, go to Subsquid's discord and open a support ticket like this one.

Adding a New Chain for Indexing

To set up a new chain for indexing contracts and/or transactions, follow these steps:

  1. Decide whether you want to track contracts, transactions, or both for the new chain.

  2. Choose a unique processor name for your new chain (e.g., 'arbitrum', 'polygon'). This name will be used as the PROCESSOR_NAME environment variable.

  3. Update the configuration file (specified by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable) to include the new chain. Add an entry for your chain with the relevant configuration:

        - "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
        - "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321"
      rpc: ""
      rpcRateLimit: 10
      maxBatchCallSize: 100
      gateway: ""
      fromBlock: 1000000
      finalityConfirmation: 20
      version: 1

    All fields are optional and can be overridden by environment variables. Note that if both contracts and transactions are omitted in the config, the processor won't perform any actual work and will exit after starting.

  4. Set the following environment variables for the new chain:

    • PROCESSOR_NAME: Set this to your chosen processor name
    • CONFIG_FILE: Path to the configuration file
    • {PROCESSOR_NAME}_RPC: The RPC endpoint for the new chain (overrides config)
    • {PROCESSOR_NAME}_GATEWAY: The gateway for the new chain (overrides config)
    • DISPATCHER_ADDRESS_{PROCESSOR_NAME}_START_BLOCK: The starting block number for indexing (overrides config's fromBlock)
    • {PROCESSOR_NAME}_VERSION: The version number for the processor state schema (overrides config)
    • RPC_RATE_LIMIT: Global RPC rate limit (can be overridden per chain)
    • MAX_BATCH_CALL_SIZE: Global max batch call size (can be overridden per chain)
    • FINALITY_CONFIRMATION: Global finality confirmation (can be overridden per chain)

    You can also set chain-specific overrides:

    • {PROCESSOR_NAME}_RPC_RATE_LIMIT: Custom RPC rate limit for this chain
    • {PROCESSOR_NAME}_MAX_BATCH_CALL_SIZE: Custom max batch call size for this chain

    Note: Environment variables take precedence over configuration file values.

  5. To run the processor for the new chain, use the following command:

    PROCESSOR_NAME={processorName} sqd process

    This command will use the same processor code but with the configuration specific to the new chain.

  6. Rebuild your squid to ensure all changes are compiled.

Remember to replace '{processorName}' and '{PROCESSOR_NAME}' with your actual unique processor name in all the above examples. The ibc-processor.ts utility will automatically set up the processor with the correct configuration based on the environment variables and the config file.

Note: This setup allows you to use the same processor code for multiple chains, simplifying maintenance and reducing code duplication. You only need to specify different PROCESSOR_NAME environment variables to run the processor for different chains.