Attention: Installing from source should only be done if you know, what you're doing - if you are a developer.
- Linux operating system (tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04)
- OpenJDK 8 (OpenJDK 9 and newer will not work)
- Maven >=3.3
- (optionally for UI) NodeJS >=8 and NPM >=5.7.1
Download the source code:
git clone
Build Mediaserver and create packages (JAR and WAR files). From the root directory of the sources:
mvn install
Or build without UI module:
mvn install -pl \!kitodo-mediaserver-ui
You will find the package files in the four modules directories in "target" subfolders: kitodo-mediaserver/kitodo-mediaserver-*/target/
Now follow the Install manually guide to install the Mediaserver and don't download the Mediaserver but use these JAR and WAR files you just built here.