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This guide walks through deploying the matchbox service on a Linux host (as a binary or container image) or on a Kubernetes cluster.


Matchbox is a service for network booting and provisioning machines to create Fedora CoreOS or Flatcar Linux clusters. Matchbox may installed on a host server or Kubernetes cluster that can serve configs to client machines in a lab or datacenter.

Choose one of the supported installation options:


Download the latest Matchbox release.

$ wget
$ wget

Verify the release has been signed by Dalton Hubble's GPG Key's signing subkey.

$ gpg --keyserver --recv-key 2E3D92BF07D9DDCCB3BAE4A48F515AD1602065C8
$ gpg --verify matchbox-v0.10.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz.asc matchbox-v0.10.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
gpg: Good signature from "Dalton Hubble <[email protected]>"

Untar the release.

$ tar xzvf matchbox-v0.10.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ cd matchbox-v0.10.0-linux-amd64


Run Matchbox as a binary, a container image, or on Kubernetes.

Matchbox Binary

Pre-built binaries are available for generic Linux distributions. Copy the matchbox static binary to an appropriate location on the host.

$ sudo cp matchbox /usr/local/bin

Set up User/Group

The matchbox service should be run by a non-root user with access to the matchbox data directory (/var/lib/matchbox). Create a matchbox user and group.

$ sudo useradd -U matchbox
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/matchbox/assets
$ sudo chown -R matchbox:matchbox /var/lib/matchbox

Create systemd service

Copy the provided matchbox systemd unit file.

$ sudo cp contrib/systemd/matchbox.service /etc/systemd/system/matchbox.service

systemd dropins

Customize Matchbox by editing the systemd unit or adding a systemd dropin. Find the complete set of matchbox flags and environment variables at config.

$ sudo systemctl edit matchbox

By default, the read-only HTTP machine endpoint will be exposed on port 8080.

# /etc/systemd/system/matchbox.service.d/override.conf

A common customization is enabling the gRPC API to allow clients with a TLS client certificate to change machine configs.

# /etc/systemd/system/matchbox.service.d/override.conf

Customize matchbox to suit your preferences.


Start the Matchbox service and enable it if you'd like it to start on every boot.

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl start matchbox
$ sudo systemctl enable matchbox

Container Image

Run the container image with Podman,

mkdir -p /var/lib/matchbox/assets
podman run --net=host --rm -v /var/lib/matchbox:/var/lib/matchbox:Z -v /etc/matchbox:/etc/matchbox:Z,ro -address= -rpc-address= -log-level=debug

Or with Docker,

mkdir -p /var/lib/matchbox/assets
sudo docker run --net=host --rm -v /var/lib/matchbox:/var/lib/matchbox:Z -v /etc/matchbox:/etc/matchbox:Z,ro -address= -rpc-address= -log-level=debug

Create machine profiles, groups, or Ignition configs by adding files to /var/lib/matchbox.


Install Matchbox on a Kubernetes cluster with the example manifests.

$ kubectl apply -R -f contrib/k8s
$ kubectl get services
NAME                 CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
matchbox      <none>        8080/TCP,8081/TCP   46m

Example manifests in contrib/k8s enable the gRPC API to allow client apps to update matchbox objects. Generate TLS server certificates for as shown and create a Kubernetes secret. Alternately, edit the example manifests if you don't need the gRPC API enabled.

$ kubectl create secret generic matchbox-rpc --from-file=ca.crt --from-file=server.crt --from-file=server.key

Create an Ingress resource to expose the HTTP read-only and gRPC API endpoints. The Ingress example requires the cluster to have a functioning Nginx Ingress Controller.

$ kubectl create -f contrib/k8s/matchbox-ingress.yaml
$ kubectl get ingress
NAME      HOSTS                                          ADDRESS            PORTS     AGE
matchbox            ,10...   80        29m
matchbox-rpc        ,10...   80, 443   29m

Add DNS records and to route traffic to the Ingress Controller.

Verify responds with the text "matchbox" and verify gRPC clients can connect to

$ curl
$ openssl s_client -connect -CAfile ca.crt -cert client.crt -key client.key


Allow your port choices on the provisioner's firewall so the clients can access the service. Here are the commands for those using firewalld:

$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=MYZONE --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=MYZONE --add-port=8081/tcp --permanent

Generate TLS Certificates

The Matchbox gRPC API allows clients (terraform-provider-matchbox) to create and update Matchbox resources. TLS credentials are needed for client authentication and to establish a secure communication channel. Client machines (those PXE booting) read from the HTTP endpoints and do not require this setup.

The cert-gen helper script generates a self-signed CA, server certificate, and client certificate. Prefer your organization's PKI, if possible

Navigate to the scripts/tls directory.

$ cd scripts/tls

Export SAN to set the Subject Alt Names which should be used in certificates. Provide the fully qualified domain name or IP (discouraged) where Matchbox will be installed.

# DNS or IP Subject Alt Names where matchbox runs
$ export,IP.1:

Generate a ca.crt, server.crt, server.key, client.crt, and client.key.

$ ./cert-gen

Move TLS credentials to the matchbox server's default location.

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/matchbox
$ sudo cp ca.crt server.crt server.key /etc/matchbox
$ sudo chown -R matchbox:matchbox /etc/matchbox

Save client.crt, client.key, and ca.crt for later use (e.g. ~/.matchbox).

$ mkdir -p ~/.matchbox
$ cp client.crt client.key ca.crt ~/.matchbox/


Verify the matchbox service is running and can be reached by client machines (those being provisioned).

$ systemctl status matchbox   # Matchbox binary method
$ dig

Verify you receive a response from the HTTP and API endpoints.

$ curl

If you enabled the gRPC API,

$ openssl s_client -connect -CAfile scripts/tls/ca.crt -cert scripts/tls/client.crt -key scripts/tls/client.key
depth=1 CN = fake-ca
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = fake-server
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:/CN=fake-server

Download Images (optional)

Matchbox can serve OS images in development or lab environments to reduce bandwidth usage and increase the speed of PXE boots and installs to disk.

Download a recent Fedora CoreOS or Flatcar Linux release.

$ ./scripts/get-fedora-coreos stable 36.20220906.3.2 .
$ ./scripts/get-flatcar stable 3227.2.0 .

Move the images to /var/lib/matchbox/assets,

├── fedora-coreos-36.20220906.3.2-live-initramfs.x86_64.img
├── fedora-coreos-36.20220906.3.2-live-kernel-x86_64
├── fedora-coreos-36.20220906.3.2-live-rootfs.x86_64.img

└── 3227.2.0
    ├── Flatcar_Image_Signing_Key.asc
    ├── flatcar_production_image.bin.bz2
    ├── flatcar_production_image.bin.bz2.sig
    ├── flatcar_production_pxe_image.cpio.gz
    ├── flatcar_production_pxe_image.cpio.gz.sig
    ├── flatcar_production_pxe.vmlinuz
    ├── flatcar_production_pxe.vmlinuz.sig
    └── version.txt

and verify the images are accessible.

$ curl

For large production environments, use a cache proxy or mirror suitable for your environment to serve images.


Review network setup with your network administrator to set up DHCP, TFTP, and DNS services on your network. At a high level, your goals are to:

  • Chainload PXE firmwares to iPXE
  • Point iPXE client machines to the matchbox iPXE HTTP endpoint
  • Ensure resolves to your matchbox deployment

Poseidon provides dnsmasq as


Matchbox can serve the read-only HTTP API with TLS.

Name Type Description
-web-ssl bool true/false
-web-cert-file string Path to the server TLS certificate file
-web-key-file string Path to the server TLS key file

However, it is more common to use an Ingress Controller (Kubernetes) to terminate TLS.

Operational notes

  • Secrets: Matchbox can be run as a public facing service. However, you must follow best practices and avoid writing secret material into machine user-data. Instead, load secret materials from an internal secret store.
  • Storage: Example manifests use Kubernetes emptyDir volumes to store matchbox data. Swap those out for a Kubernetes persistent volume if available.