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Switch Subscription

jecollins edited this page Feb 8, 2011 · 9 revisions

A customer model wishes to switch some portion of its population from tariff A to tariff B.

  1. Customer wakes up periodically (nominally every six hours) and evaluates the available tariff offerings, comparing them with its current subscriptions. The current offerings are retrieved from the database; no other interaction is required to trigger this activity. Because there could be many tariff offerings that do not apply (production tariffs for a customer that is only a consumer, for example), the customer should run its own query to find applicable tariffs.
  2. We assume that customer keeps its own list of its subscriptions.
  3. Customer compares available, applicable tariffs to its own set of subscriptions, and may decide to switch some portion of its population from one subscription to another. It does this by calling unsubscribe() on one, and calling subscribe() on the other.
  4. The tariff (not the customer) receiving the new subscription is responsible for preparing a TariffDoSubscribeCmd to reflect the new subscriptions, and a the tariff losing subscriptions is responsible for preparing a matching TariffDoUnsubscribeCmd to reflect the dropped subscriptions. These will presumably be routed to the respective brokers.
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