The PowSyBl project is split in several repository so we decided to dispatch the responsibility of the repositories between maintainers, either for the code review or to release the code. The contact information for our main repositories is listed below.
This repository provides the core feature of the PowSyBl framework such as the grid modelling, the support of several data exchange formats (CGMES, UCTE...), computation APIs (load flow, security analysis, sensitivity analysis, dynamic simulation...), time series.
Reviewers: all great contributors are relevant as first reviewer, second review must be performed by a committer. This repository has many very different features, do not hesitate to ask the developers' community before.
Committers: flo-dup, geofjamg, olperr1, zamarrenolm, jeandemanged, obrix
This repository provides modules to generate single-line diagrams and network graph diagrams.
Reviewers: flo-dup, geofjamg, So-Fras, AAJELLAL, antoinebhs, EstherDarkish, klesaulnier, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, etiennehomer
Committers: flo-dup, geofjamg, So-Fras
This repository provides an implementation of the LoadFlow API based on the powsybl-math-native project.
Reviewers: geofjamg, annetill, jeandemanged, obrix, vidaldid-rte
Committers: geofjamg, annetill, jeandemanged, obrix, vidaldid-rte
This repository provides an implementation of the dynamic simulation API for the Dynaωo time domain simulation tool.
Reviewers: flo-dup, gautierbureau
Committers: flo-dup
This repository provides components specific to ENTSO-E-orientated processes.
Reviewers: phiedw, colinepiloquet
Committers: phiedw
This repository provides a modular engine for remedial actions optimization.
Reviewers: bqth29, benrejebmoh, Godelaine, jipea, MartinBelthle, murgeyseb, pet-mit, phiedw
Committers: bqth29, benrejebmoh, Godelaine, jipea, MartinBelthle, murgeyseb, pet-mit, phiedw
This repository helps users with dependency management in PowSyBl.
Reviewers: olperr1, flo-dup
Committers: olperr1, flo-dup
This repository is a help for PowSyBl beginners: it makes the main PowSyBl functionalities available through one single dependency import.
Reviewers: olperr1, flo-dup
Committers: olperr1, flo-dup
This repository allows for the generation of a basic distribution of PowSyBl.
Reviewers: olperr1, flo-dup
Committers: olperr1, flo-dup
This repository provides an GraalVM integration of the PowSyBl libraries for Python developers.
Reviewers: geofjamg, EtienneLt, colinepiloquet, obrix
Committers: geofjamg, EtienneLt, obrix, HugoKulesza
This repository provides some notebooks using pypowsybl for demos and tutorials.
Reviewers: geofjamg, colinepiloquet, obrix
Committers: geofjamg, obrix
This repository contains widgets for pypowsybl in Jupyter notebooks.
Committers: flo-dup
This repository contains documents to explain how the PowSyBl organization works (code of conduct, maintainers, contributing, security). It also provides the templates for the issues and the pull requests. These documents are shared by all the repositories. The associated Github wiki contains the roadmap of the whole organization.
Reviewers: So-Fras
Committers: So-Fras
This repository contains the source code of the PowSyBl organizational website.
Reviewers: So-Fras, colinepiloquet
Committers: all the committers
This repository contains the source code of the different tutorials presented on this website.
Reviewers: So-Fras, colinepiloquet
Committers: all the committers
This repository provides the build configuration shared as maven pom files, shared by all our Java repositories.
Reviewers: jonenst, Tristan-WorkGH, TheMaskedTurtle, achour94, antoinebhs, AbdelHedhili
Committers: jonenst
This repository provides a base docker image with java and a 'powsybl' user to be used by our deployments.
Reviewers: jonenst, etiennehomer, AAJELLAL, AbdelHedhili, achour94, antoinebhs, ayolab, basseche, celmhari, dbraquart, EstherDarkish, EtienneLt, FranckLecuyer, ghazwarhili, klesaulnier, Mathieu-Deharbe, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, thangqp, TheMaskedTurtle, Tristan-WorkGH
Committers: jonenst, antoinebhs
This repository provides a base docker image that expands on java-docker by adding dynawo and its requirements.
Reviewers: jonenst, etiennehomer, AAJELLAL, AbdelHedhili, achour94, antoinebhs, ayolab, basseche, celmhari, dbraquart, EstherDarkish, EtienneLt, FranckLecuyer, ghazwarhili, klesaulnier, Mathieu-Deharbe, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, thangqp, TheMaskedTurtle, Tristan-WorkGH
Committers: jonenst, antoinebhs
This repository provides tools to help developers for debugging such as a single line diagram viewer.
This repository provides incubating modules that are not mature enough to be released.
Reviewers: all the committers
This repository provides reusable workflows for running CIs and publishing releases
Reviewers: jonenst, antoinebhs, TheMaskedTurtle, achour94
Committers: jonenst, antoinebhs
This repository provides a PostgreSQL implementation of the IIDM grid model.
Reviewers: geofjamg, jonenst, obrix, rolnico, antoinebhs, AAJELLAL, AbdelHedhili, achour94, ayolab, basseche, celmhari, dbraquart, EstherDarkish, etiennehomer, EtienneLt, FranckLecuyer, ghazwarhili, klesaulnier, Mathieu-Deharbe, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, thangqp, TheMaskedTurtle, Tristan-WorkGH
Committers: geofjamg, jonenst, obrix, antoinebhs
This repository provides network case management.
Reviewers: jonenst, etiennehomer, AAJELLAL, AbdelHedhili, achour94, antoinebhs, ayolab, basseche, celmhari, dbraquart, EstherDarkish, EtienneLt, FranckLecuyer, ghazwarhili, klesaulnier, Mathieu-Deharbe, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, thangqp, TheMaskedTurtle, Tristan-WorkGH
Committers: jonenst, etiennehomer
This repository provides modules to run optimal power load flow on several network variants. Variants are generated through time series mapping on a base case.
Reviewers: marifunf, rolnico, klorel
Committers: rolnico, marifunf, klorel
This repository provides a standardized way to organize the data for a power system study, called AFS (Application File System). It supports some storage systems such as MapDB or Apache Cassandra. It is designed to be extensible using custom plugins to manage new types of data.
Reviewers: geofjamg, rolnico, marifunf, klorel
Committers: rolnico, marifunf, klorel
This repository provides two implementations of the Computation API, to distribute the computation using MPI or Slurm Workload Manager.
Reviewers: rolnico, geofjamg
Committers: rolnico, geofjamg
This repository provides an interface to use the Ampl optimizer.
Reviewers: So-Fras
Committers: So-Fras
This repository allows to import Eurostag format file.
Reviewers: JB-H
Committers: geofjamg
This repository provides a C++ implementation of the IIDM grid model.
Reviewers: gautierbureau
Committers: gautierbureau
This repository provides a C++ implementation of sparse matrix, based on the SuiteSparse project. This 64-bits libraries for Linux, Windows and MacOS are packaged as a Jar file and published on maven central.
Reviewers: geofjamg
Committers: geofjamg
This repository also provides a C++ implementation of optimal power load flow.
Reviewers: marifunf, rolnico, klorel
Committers: rolnico, marifunf, klorel
This repository provides a web service for network cases management. The powsybl-case-datasource repository is the client part of this service.
Reviewers: geofjamg, jonenst, antoinebhs, etiennehomer, AAJELLAL, AbdelHedhili, achour94, ayolab, basseche, celmhari, dbraquart, EstherDarkish, EtienneLt, FranckLecuyer, ghazwarhili, klesaulnier, Mathieu-Deharbe, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, thangqp, TheMaskedTurtle, Tristan-WorkGH
Committers: geofjamg, jonenst, antoinebhs, etiennehomer
This repository provides a persistent implementation of the IIDM grid model in PostgreSQL database. The grid model is exposed as a web service. The powsybl-network-store repository is the client part of this service.
Reviewers: geofjamg, jonenst, antoinebhs, AAJELLAL, AbdelHedhili, achour94, ayolab, basseche, celmhari, dbraquart, EstherDarkish, etiennehomer, EtienneLt, FranckLecuyer, ghazwarhili, klesaulnier, Mathieu-Deharbe, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, thangqp, TheMaskedTurtle, Tristan-WorkGH
Committers: geofjamg, jonenst, antoinebhs
This repository provides a web service that exposes conversion functions.
Reviewers: geofjamg, jonenst, antoinebhs, etiennehomer, AAJELLAL, AbdelHedhili, achour94, ayolab, basseche, celmhari, dbraquart, EstherDarkish, EtienneLt, FranckLecuyer, ghazwarhili, klesaulnier, Mathieu-Deharbe, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, thangqp, TheMaskedTurtle, Tristan-WorkGH
Committers: geofjamg, jonenst, antoinebhs, etiennehomer
This repository provides a web service to generate single line diagrams.
Reviewers: geofjamg, jonenst, AAJELLAL, antoinebhs, EstherDarkish, klesaulnier, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, etiennehomer
Committers: geofjamg, jonenst, antoinebhs
This repository provides a service to display network-area diagrams, single-line diagrams and the substations, voltage levels and lines on a map.
Reviewers: flo-dup, jonenst, etiennehomer, AAJELLAL, antoinebhs, EstherDarkish, klesaulnier, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai
Committers: flo-dup, jonenst, etiennehomer
This repository provides commons for web services.
Reviewers: jonenst, antoinebhs, AAJELLAL, AbdelHedhili, achour94, ayolab, basseche, celmhari, dbraquart, EstherDarkish, etiennehomer, EtienneLt, FranckLecuyer, ghazwarhili, klesaulnier, Mathieu-Deharbe, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, thangqp, TheMaskedTurtle, Tristan-WorkGH
Committers: jonenst, antoinebhs
This repository provides commons for web services.
Reviewers: jonenst, etiennehomer, AAJELLAL, AbdelHedhili, achour94, antoinebhs, ayolab, basseche, celmhari, dbraquart, EstherDarkish, EtienneLt, FranckLecuyer, ghazwarhili, klesaulnier, Mathieu-Deharbe, Meklo, sBouzols, SlimaneAmar, souissimai, thangqp, TheMaskedTurtle, Tristan-WorkGH
Committers: jonenst, etiennehomer