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mcdonc edited this page Oct 10, 2011 · 67 revisions

Sprint Ideas

"All Hands" Tasks (good for beginners)

  • Create a site which showcases existing Pyramid/Pylons-powered websites.
  • Change licenses for all Pylons projects to 3-clause BSD or MIT equivalent (from RPL)
  • port Lingua to run also on Python 3:
  • edit and reorganize cookbook at
  • Debug toolbar screencast
  • Pyramid tutorial screencast
  • Do a tutorial walk-thru and identify hard to follow parts and suggest fixes
  • PDB Tutorial
  • Add better docs about how Python packages relate to Python modules.
  • SEO optimization for Pyramid docs
  • content population for
  • some kind of interactive shell for pyramid kinda like
  • Figure out how to test Pyramid on Google App Engine beta (2.7)

Focused tasks (require specific knowledge or context)

  • "Route groups" for Pyramid (see
  • Merge "transaction" chrism-py3 branch to trunk and release.
  • Better "pserve" unit tests
  • allow better extension support for debugtoolbar
  • web-enabled interactive debugger ala pdb as toolbar extension (pie in sky)
  • get cherrypy wsgi server up to spec for pep 3333
  • pretty up debugger toolbar
  • Readthedocs Support for pylons project documentation
  • factor mako and chameleon templating bindings into external packages.
  • pycco style tutorial
  • refactor zilch (use debugtoolbar exc collecting instead of weberror), and more flexible storage/result interface, more 'deployable-ready' with pyramid apps
  • extensible pyramid dashboard app for apps needing an admin UI (error reporters, cache viewers, job runners, etc.)
  • api for resolving assets by asset spec
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