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112 lines (72 loc) · 4.11 KB

File metadata and controls

112 lines (72 loc) · 4.11 KB
                     _ _
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This tiny little module allows you to remove modules from the require cache, easily and reasonably reliably. It can be used to do live code reloading in situations where the parent process must keep running.

Works with JavaScript and CoffeeScript (but keep the known weird stuff in mind).

When (not) to use this

As mentioned above, needless can be used when it's unpractical to stop the parent process. For instance, I use it to reload plugins for an IRC bot. If the bot's process would be restarted, it would have to reconnect to the server. People on IRC generally don't like blinkenbots.

So. Two genuine use cases for this module:

  1. Unit testing, although I would recommend using mockery or sandboxed-module instead.
  2. Live code reloading, when node-supervisor isn't good enough.

Arguments against messing with require.cache

There are two good reasons not to use this module:

  1. It's not officially supported. The require API is really stable ("Stability: 5 - Locked", in fact), but its internals might change, causing your software to explode and splatter broken bits all over your nice desktop wallpaper.
  2. If you have a complicated require chain (for example: another module required the same, now unloaded, module), it might behave unpredictably.

How to use this

Easy! Let me show you using this hilariously contrived example!

// child.js
module.exports = 42;
// parent.js
var needlss = require('needless');

setInterval(function() {
}, 2000);

Now run parent.js:

$ node parent

Now, without stopping node, edit child.js. The node process should reflect the change:

<<< change child.js >>>
"Not 42"
"Not 42"
"Not 42"

"Wow Bob, that looks real easy!"
"You betcha! And if you install within the next 5 minutes, we'll throw in a free .coffee!"

Known weird stuff

Do not use coffee ./directory.

This is the biggest weird thing I ran into. Unlike node, and unlike the require system, CoffeeScript's command-line utility will, when given a direcory as target, run all files inside a directory, instead of only or index.js. This is a known "feature", and it only happens with coffee, not with node.

One solution is not to call coffee on a directory. So instead of coffee ./myMod, use coffee ./myMod/ (or cd ./myMod and then coffee index). Another solution is to use CoffeeScriptRedux, although at the time of writing, I have no idea how stable/usable that is.

I've tested needless with various scenario's (including nested modules, relative paths, etc.), but there are things I haven't tested, like genuine intentional cyclic dependencies. So please keep that in mind, and feel free to [open an issue on GitHub] if something doesn't work like you thought it would.

Why CoffeeScript?

Because I happen to like CoffeeScript and because it hilariously enrages some other people. I call that win-win. By the way: the usual argument against CoffeeScript is that it compiles into hard-to-read JavaScript (which is sometimes true, but more so if you write tricky CoffeeScript in the first place). Having said that, go and have a look at needless.js. I think it's pretty darn readable.


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