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427 lines (307 loc) · 21.3 KB

File metadata and controls

427 lines (307 loc) · 21.3 KB


  • add convenience cg.ReplayMap, cg.ReplayPath, cg.ReplayString, and cg.ReplayID methods which create loaded loadables
  • loading a nonexistent replay will now raise NoInfoAvailable like it used to (this had regressed recently)
  • raise ValueError on replays with empty replay data


  • add fuzzy_mods utils method, which allows you to pass a required mod and a list of optional mods, and a list of each possible mod combination is returned
  • require snaps to also be in the hitwindow of a hitobj to be counted when using only_on_hitobjs=True
    • Previously, snaps could be counted when they were "on" the closest hitobj, even though that hitobj might be many seconds in the past or future
  • move to osrparse for osr parsing instead of circleparse


  • require slider>=0.4.0 instead of slider~=0.4.0


  • add only_on_hitobjs parameter to cg.snaps (defaults to True) which, if set, only returns snaps that occur on hitobjects
  • all hitobjects returned by Circleguard methods (from cg.snaps and cg.hits, for instance) are now converted to their hard_rock form if the replay had HR enabled
  • add convenience method cg.beatmap(replay) which returns the beatmap associated with the given replay
  • expose hitobject classes in


  • fix maps with no replays for a mod combo throwing NoInfoAvailableException
  • required slider ~= 0.3.1 instead of slider == 0.3.1


  • remove Mod.__ne__ as it's the inverse of Mod.__eq__ by default if ne doesn't exist


  • return ndarray instead of list in Circleguard#frametimes
  • add Circleguard#frametime_graph to generate a frametime graph from a replay. This requires that you have matplotlib installed
  • add __str__ and __repr__ to Hit
  • fix ur and hits erroring on maps that have catmull sliders


  • steal_check, relax_check, correction_check, timewarp_check have been removed as deprecated, and run has been removed. Use similarity, ur, snaps, frametime, or a combination thereof instead
  • the single parameter has been removed from similarity, ur, snaps, frametime. These functions now only accept a replay (or pair of replays, in similarity's case) instead of a LoadableContainer. Instead of passing a LoadableConatainer to these functions, you should iterate over the container and call the function with single replays
  • new cv parameter for ur, frametime, frametimes, which allows you to choose if you want the return value to be converted or unconverted
  • new within parameter for hits, which returns only hits within a certain distance from the edge of the hitobject
  • new functions cg.Map, cg.User, cg.MapUser which create the corresponding ReplayContainer and loads its info. This is shorthand for writing (for example):
u = User(...)
  • new mods_unknown parameter to similarity, frametime, frametimes, which allows replays with unknown mods to still be processed, with the behavior specified by mods_unknown. This is useful e.g. for finding the similarity of two ReplayIDs, as ReplayIDs do not provide mods due to api limitations
  • Detect has been removed entirely. If you were using Detect.SIM_LIMIT or Detect.CORR_LIMIT, see Circleguard.SIM_LIMIT and Circleguard.CORR_LIMIT as a replacement. Any other members have been permanently removed
  • Result and all subclasses have been removed. Circleguard methods now return the important result (such as a number or list) directly instead of wrapping it behind a Result
  • ResultType has been removed
  • circleguard-specific exceptions have been replaced by base python exceptions where possible
  • the version attribute of Replays has been renamed to game_version and is now a new class, GameVersion, which subclasses int and provides additional functionality
  • x and y attributes have been added to Hit
  • the hitobject attribute of Hit is now a circleguard Hitobject object instead of a slider Hitobject object
  • new Hit#distance function which calculates the distance of the hit to either the edge or center of the hitobject
  • new Hit#within function which returns true if the hit was within a certain distance of the edge of the hitobject
  • for all intents and purposes, LoadableContainer has been removed. It is still available under the same name, but nothing inherits from it any more and it provides different functionality (acting as a true container and providing convenience operations on a list of Loadables)
  • Check has been removed
  • Replays have a new map_info attribute, which provides information about where their map can be found, either online or locally
  • new Replay#beatmap method, which loads the beatmap tied to the replay. This allows replay subclasses to have complete control over how they load their beatmap and which beatmap gets loaded
  • new Replay#has_data() method, which should be preferred instead of checking replay.replay_data is not None
  • ReplayMap and ReplayPath equality now checks replay data explicitly if both replays being compared are loaded
  • new order utils method which takes two replays and returns a 2-tuple where the earlier replay is first and the later replay is second. This is intended to be used to replace steal_result.earlier_replay and steal_result.later_replay. Example usage:
(earlier_replay, later_replay) = order(r1, r2)
  • new replay_pairs method which takes two lists of replays and returns a list of pairs of replays that should be compared against each other to cover all cases of replay stealing in the two lists. This is intended to be used in place of passing a ReplayContainer to cg.similarity, which no longer accepts iterables. Example usage:
m = cg.Map(221777, span="1-2")
for (replay1, replay2) in replay_pairs(m):
    print(cg.similarity(replay1, replay2))
  • KeylessCircleguard now has better error messages if you misuse it
  • tutorial has been rewritten


  • implement __hash__ for Replay subclasses


  • add KeylessCircleguard class, which does not require a key to be instantiated and can do everything Circleguard can, with the requirement that the passed loadables are already loaded
  • add Circleguard#hits method, which returns a list of the hits in the replay (where the user hit a hitobject)
  • add keydowns attribute to Replay classes, which is a list of the keys pressed for each frame that were not pressed in the previous frame
  • implement __hash__ for Snap


  • add new ReplayString class, which allows instantiation from a byte string that contains the contents of an osr file (#159)
  • rename ReplayPath.hash to ReplayPath.beatmap_hash


  • improve ur calculation, which should now usually be exactly correct and sometimes slightly (1-3 ur) off
  • rename *_Check methods to better describe their use as a statistic calculation
  • add a single argument to *_Check methods which will immediately evaluate the investigation and return the first result if True
  • add user id, map id, and mods index to newly created caches


  • pin scipy to 1.4.1 (pyinstaller does not yet have a hook for scipy 1.5.0, which just came out yesterday)


  • expose full frametime list in TimewarpResult


  • fix Mod instances not being comparable to ModCombination instances (eg Mod("DT") == Mod.DT was False and is now True)
  • fix mod initialization from strings not adding DT (or SD) when parsing NC (PF)
  • add Mod / ModCombination tests


  • fix TimewarpResult being missing from __all__


  • add basic timewarp detection (just calculates the median of the frametimes)


  • fix ReplayCache and ReplayDir double counting replays sometimes (for real this time)


  • fix ReplayCache and ReplayDir double counting replays sometimes


  • add several new Loadable convenience classes. ReplayCache for accessing random elements from a circlecore database, ReplayDir for folders of .osr files, and ReplayID for when you only know the replay id.


  • correctly account for skips in replays


  • don't reorder frames with the same time


  • add a new replay stealing detect, Detect.STEAL_CORR, using signal processing cross-correlation methods
  • rename Detect.STEAL to Detect.STEAL_SIM, with Detect.STEAL remaining as deprecated
  • split StealResult into StealResultSim and StealResultCorr
  • correctly order replay frames and remove invalid frames. This changes similarity values slightly
  • add default cutoffs to Detect as SIM_LIMIT and UR_LIMIT. These are values we feel are enough to call a replay cheated. They are not used in our code but are provided as a convenience.
  • don't remove frames with identical time values when processing replay data. This removal still occurrs, but only when the replays are investigated.


  • loading replays from cache is now roughly twice as fast


  • fix ReplayMaps inside a Map not having some attributes set after the Map is info loaded


  • add cg.steal_check, cg.relax_check, and cg.correction_check as convenience methods. These methods call internally
  • don't require Check when using now accepts an iterable of Loadables and a Detect
  • provide cvUR as result.ur and ucvUR as result.ucv_ur
  • add new Span class, which can be used to represent a range of numbers with a string
  • remove num argument to loadables. Use the Span class, or an appropriate string, instead
  • remove ischeat from Results and remove thresholds for determining a cheated replay. Users should determine their own threholds and check against Result attributes
  • make Detect an IntFlag instead of a full class
  • add default load and load_info implementations to LoadableContainer
  • don't use Replay.__init__ to process replay data. Use Replay#_process_replay_data instead
  • require cache in Loadable instantiation
  • add Loader.MAX_MAP_SPAN and Loader.MAX_USER_SPAN, representing the most replays you can get from a map and user respectively


  • fix error while investigating replays with no replay data


  • fix error when loading a replay that has replay info but is not downloadable
  • InfoLoadable renamed to LoadableContainer
  • cache passed as part of super call
  • __eq__ required for Loadable
  • num_replays method removed (should use len(loadable_container.all_replays() instead)
  • all_replays required by LoadableContainer, not Loadable
  • default implementation of __iter__ and __getitem__ in LoadableContainer
  • check.all_replays() now returns the expected value (loadables1 + loadables2), new method #all_replays1 which returns only the replays in loadables1.

Now using ossapi v1.2.3

  • use 15 second timeout for requests


  • correctly calculate ur for replays using mouse clicks (as opposed to keyboard clicks).


  • rename ReplayStealingResult to StealResult (for consistency with Result names matching their respective Detect names). ReplayStealingResult left available as deprecated.
  • mods can now be instantiated through Mod. Instantiation through ModCombination is highly discouraged.
  • mods can now be instantiated with a string, as well as an int. The string must be a combination, in any order, of the two length strings that represent mods. For instance, Mod("HDHR") is valid, and Mod("HDHR") == Mod.HDHR is True.
  • use np.interp instead of a homebrew interpolation.
    • changes similarity values slightly, both increasing and decreasing simvals for legit and stolen replays.
    • no measurable impact on the effectiveness of circlecore to detect stolen replays.
    • increases comparison speed.
  • use only unique timestamps when interpolating (also changes similarity values slightly)


  • fix MapUser inheritence (now properly inherits from ReplayContainer)
  • fix incorrect __add__ method for Check
  • rename Keys to Key (Keys left available as deprecated)
  • don't double load ReplayInfo when using Map
  • fix mod subtraction not being commutative (eg Mod.HDHR - Mod.HR has a different meaning from Mod.HR - Mod.HDHR)
  • store beatmap hash in ReplayPath
  • properly check response for map_id, user_id, and username functions
  • enforce ratelimit to all Loader functions
  • don't reraise InvalidKeyException as a CircleguardException
  • add CHANGELOG file to both track unreleased changes and past changes
  • various documentation links and wording fixes



  • add aim correction detection
  • new forward-facing documentation built with sphinx, including a comprehensive introduction on how to use circlecore (
  • new User class which represents a user's top plays
  • new MapUser class which represents all of a user's plays on a map
  • new Mod and ModCombination class which represent mods
  • restructure and inheritance of loadables. Container is (roughly) replaced with InfoLoadable, and Check is the only entry point for Detect.
  • major Detect restructure; split into subclasses per cheat type. A Detect is instantiated with its respective thresholds(steal, ur, etc) instead of thresholds being global settings
  • Map and User are now iterable and indexable, referencing Replays in the Map or User
  • rewrite and update all internal documentation
  • Circleguard now takes a cache argument, which can make the database effectively read-only

Not so Important

  • switch documentation style from google to numpy (
  • new method cg.load_info that loads the info for ReplayContainers
  • global settings almost entirely removed, save for loglevel
  • instance settings almost entirely removed, save for cache
  • rename to
  • rename UserInfo to ReplayInfo
  • Options class removed
  • add a loader#username function which retrieves a username from a user id. See also ppy/osu-api#281
  • add an lru_cache to loader#map_id, #user_id, and #username functions
  • loader#get_user_best now returns a list of UserInfo, and accepts a mods argument.
  • now only accepts a Check
  • replace int mods with ModCombination in most places
  • add ScoreV2 mod. Fixes not being able to process ScoreV2 replays.
  • create a slider Library every time #run is called if slider_dir is not passed. Fixes PermissionErrors on windows.
  • remove convenience methods (user_check, map_check, etc). These have been replaced by Map and User (new)
  • update STYLE document
  • all Circleguard instances now use the same logger
  • filter argument removed throughout the codebase
  • RatelimitWeight and ResultType enum string values capitalized
  • ResultType.AIM_CORRECTION renamed to CORRECTION
  • #ur is now a staticmethod in Investigator


  • new Map class for conveniently specifying a range of replays on a map that can be ran directly with
  • new span argument to loadables and map_check and user_check which specify exactly which of the top replays to check
  • restructure of Replays and Checks. Both now inherit from Loadable, and Check and Map inherit from Container. Containers can hold other Containers, to an arbitrary depth. now accepts any Container.
  • use Slider to download beatmaps for relax detection
  • fix user_check not using the same args as create_user_check
  • check.filter() now requires a Loader
  • add test cases for different replay types
  • REPLAY_STEALING and REMODDING ResultType renamed to STEAL and REMOD respectively
  • optimize ur calculation
  • fix RelaxResult returning timestamped data in result.replay instead of the replay
  • keys enum is now an IntFlag instead of an Enum
  • update test cases for cookiezi's new name (chocomint)
  • comparer decides mode on its own and does not need a mode in Comparer#compare
  • clean up ColoredFormatter code


  • fix error when running local check with both u and map id
  • throw NoInfoAvailableException on empty api response


  • cg.load now accepts either a Check object or a Replay object. Passing a check will result in all replays stored in the check being loaded.
  • cg.load no longer requires a Check to load a replay.
  • settings overhaul - settings now cascade properly and at different times than before.
  • test suite added (not covering everything, yet)
  • fix error when setting an Option class value (infinite recursion)


  • add relax cheat detection (and consequently UR calculation)
  • allow circleguard to be used without a database
  • add mods argument to map_check
  • add Detect settings to global/cg/check/replay
  • retry requests if JSONDecodeError response is returned by ossapi
    • avoids fatal error while replay loading if api returns invalid response
  • fix pip install circleguard failing if requirements were not installed
  • minor readme example updates
  • remove load progress tracking from Loader

Now Using ossapi 1.2.2

  • return custom response for JSONDecodeError when api returns invalid json

Now using circleparse 6.1.0

  • replay_id now parses to an int instead of a tuple
  • add files for more complicated parsing
  • switch license to GPL3 to comply with osu-parser license


  • fix convenience options not having effect when passing falsy values
  • load map id and user id for local osrs
  • fix fatal error when ratelimit is barely hit and proceeded by light api calls
  • require map_id, user_id, and timestamp in Replay
  • provide earlier_replay and later_replay in Result class that reference either replay1 or replay2 depending on timestamp order (and remove later_name) (#78)


  • fix false positive when the user being checked was on the map leaderboard being checked with map check
  • fix false positive with user screen when user was on leaderboard of their top plays
  • fix error when trying to load only a single replay from a map


  • differentiate loggers between circleguard instances
  • add missing cache option to convenience methods
  • add map and user options to create_local_check


This release splits Circleguard into circlecore (pip module) and circleguard (gui with pyqt as the frontend, using circlecore as the backend).


  • replays can be loaded from arbitrary locations (db, osu website, mirror website, osr file)
  • convenience methods for common use cases added (checking a map or user)
  • support for comparing two arbitrary replays (from two different maps, if you so choose)
  • logging overhaul, any important action is logged
  • major code cleanup
  • removal of command line interface
  • code standardized for pip upload (,, etc)


  • fix non-osr files being loaded as osr


  • fix replay being compared against itself with -m -u


  • fix fatal error when using both -l and -m flags


  • new profile screener that checks a user's top n plays for replay stealing and remodding when -u flag only is passed
  • ability to restrict what replays are downloaded (and compared) with the --mods flag
  • major internal cleanup with the addition of the user_info class
  • fix names starting with an underscore not being displayed on graphs

Now using circleparse v4.0.1

  • don't fatal error when rng seed is not present when we expect it to be
  • fix wrong name to int mappings
  • add scorev2 (fixes fatal error on attempting to parse a replay with the scorev2 mod)

Now using ossapi v1.1.1

  • filter out None values, not None keys, in kwargs parameters


  • now detect steals which either have hr added or hr removed from the replay it was stolen from
  • print progress every 10% when comparing replays
  • print loading progress every time there is a pause for ratelimits while loading beatmaps
  • move api wrapper to separate repo; formalize api calls
  • catch and retry Request related exceptions
  • potentially fix matplotlib printing "invalid command name" (#43)
  • fix error when redownloading outdated replays

Now using circleparse v3.2.1

  • parse rng seed value from last frame of lzma (previously, nonsensical values such as -12345|0|0|10186099 were stored in the replay data)

Now using ossapi v1.0.0

  • move api wrapper to separate repo


  • new --verify flag designed for staff use that checks if replays by two users on a given map are copies
  • add --version flag that prints program version
  • program renamed to circleguard (thanks to InvisibleSymbol for the name)
  • print usernames instead of user ids for OnlineReplay comparisons
  • use a single replay folder for local comparisons instead of two
  • change default threshold to 18
  • highlight the later replay instead of the first replay in printout
  • remove --single flag (this is now default behavior when -l is set)
  • load local replays per circleguard instance (fixes incosistent gui behavior)
  • handle "Replay retrieval failed." api response
  • fix None replays being compared after handling api error response
  • force gui comparisons to not visualize replays (avoid multithreading crashes)
  • raise properly sublclassed exceptions instead of base Exception
  • only revalidate users that are actually stored in local cache
  • properly compress replays that use smoke key (see v1.1.1 wtc-lzma-compression)

Now using wtc-lzma-compression v1.1.1

  • treat z stream as a signed byte instead of unsigned


  • original release