Due to its dependency on dmsetup
, executing the snapshotter process in an environment where a udev
daemon is not accessible (such as a container) may result in unexpected behavior. In this case, try executing the
snapshotter with the DM_DISABLE_UDEV=1
environment variable, which tells dmsetup
to ignore udev and manage devices
itself. See lvm(8) and
dmsetup(8) for more information.
project contains CloudFormation template to run an EC2 instance suitable for benchmarking. It installs dependencies, prepares EBS volumes with same performance characteristics, and creates thin-pool device. You can make stack with the following command (note: there is a charge for using AWS resources):
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name benchmark-instance \
--template-body file://benchmark_aws.yml \
--parameters \
ParameterKey=Key,ParameterValue=SSH_KEY \
ParameterKey=SecurityGroups,ParameterValue=sg-XXXXXXXX \
ParameterKey=VolumesSize,ParameterValue=20 \
- You can find an IP address of newly created EC2 instance in AWS Console or via AWS CLI:
$ aws ec2 describe-instances \
--instance-ids $(aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources --stack-name benchmark-instance --query 'StackResources[*].PhysicalResourceId' --output text) \
--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].PublicIpAddress' \
--output text
- SSH to an instance and prepare
ssh -i SSH_KEY ec2-user@IP
mkdir /mnt/disk1/data /mnt/disk2/data /mnt/disk3/data
git clone https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker-containerd.git
cd firecracker-containerd
- Now you're ready to run the benchmark:
sudo su -
cd snapshotter/
go test -bench . \
-dm.thinPoolDev=bench-docker--pool \
-dm.rootPath=/mnt/disk1/data \
-overlay.rootPath=/mnt/disk2/data \
- The output will look like:
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker-containerd/snapshotter
BenchmarkNaive/run-4 1 177960054662 ns/op 0.94 MB/s
BenchmarkNaive/prepare 1 11284453889 ns/op
BenchmarkNaive/write 1 166035272412 ns/op
BenchmarkNaive/commit 1 640126721 ns/op
BenchmarkOverlay/run-4 1 1019730210 ns/op 164.53 MB/s
BenchmarkOverlay/prepare 1 26799447 ns/op
BenchmarkOverlay/write 1 968200363 ns/op
BenchmarkOverlay/commit 1 24582560 ns/op
BenchmarkDeviceMapper/run-4 1 3139232730 ns/op 53.44 MB/s
BenchmarkDeviceMapper/prepare 1 1758640440 ns/op
BenchmarkDeviceMapper/write 1 1356705388 ns/op
BenchmarkDeviceMapper/commit 1 23720367 ns/op
ok github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker-containerd/snapshotter 185.204s
- Don't forget to tear down the stack so it does not continue to incur charges:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name benchmark-instance