Bit Plane Control Register (display masks)
Bit | Function | Description |
15-08 | BPLAMx=0 | This 8 bit field is XOR`ed with the 8 bit plane color address, thereby altering the color address sent to the color table. Default value is 00000000 binary. (x=0-7) |
07-04 | ESPRMx=1 | 4 Bit field provides the 4 high order color table address bits for even sprites: SPR0,SPR2,SPR4,SPR6. Default value is 0001 binary. (x=7-4) |
03-00 | OSPRM7=1 | 4 Bit field provides the 4 high order color table address bits for odd sprites: SPR1,SPR3,SPR5,SPR7. Default value is 0001 binary. (x=7-4) |