- fix extra space in front of severity on Edge
- make RTL mirgin-right fix works on Edge and Firefox
- fix RTL margin-right issue
- fix
comments in api doc
- reduce icon-set imports
- Fix demo for IE
- add slot for custom content inside messages
- clean up docs
- fix url for fullscreen demo
- Polymer 1.x/2.x hybrid element support
- add device flags
- fix relative link in demo
- The 1.0.x alert message API allowed a message to be shown only once, when it
was attached to the DOM. This release adds the
property, which the developer can toggle to show/hide the same alert message without detaching and re-attaching it to the DOM. - Adds
property which can be used to collapse or un-collapse the overset text in the alert message - Adds the read-only
property which can be used to observe when the alert message text does not fit and the user will be presented with a Show More/Show Less button.
- remove number input from demo (IE compatibility)
- Fix comment block for analyzer
- fix unit tests
- runtime demo theming
- update demo to use unique name
- Updated font size and default number of lines to show
- fix alignment bug
- fix dismiss icon, change button style
- added flags to hide severity or badge
- added more examples and usage for custom alerts
- update dependencies, colors, and icons for design refresh
- use app-localize-behavior for localization
- pull in fix from v0.9.7
- simplify sass files
- component redesign
- fix svg size for important to fix show more/less
- move hideLocalize to demo page
- temporarily remove Safari 9 testing
- cutover to PxLocalizeBehavior
- add localization demo
- update documentation
- fixed tests for new expand/collapse
- Simplify show more / show less behavior
- Fix dynamic props (#19, #25)
- Add localized example to demo.html
- Add localization support for simplified Chinese
- merge PR that removed iron-flex and lowered the case in the demo page.
- updated to px-demo
- Update colors design to pick up new colors
- changing ghp.sh to account for Alpha releases
- Update dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- fixed failing tests (?)
- added word-wrap and word-break to fix #20
- changing browser in wct testing from safari 8 to safari 10 on elcapitan
- updating slider dependency
- bumping px-slider.
- changing all devDeps to ^
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- update dependencies for dropdown
- fixed test that broke when replaced i with iron-icon
- changed <i to <iron-icon
- removing px-theme style call
- changing Gruntfile.js to gulpfile.js
- bower updating px-demo-snippet
- added style variables for theming
- Update dependencies
- Make tests more resilient, clean up tests also.
- Grunt to gulp migration.
- fixed demo page for IE
- added codepen
- added overflow to demoContainer and removed flex__wrap from mega-demo
- Changed classname for collapsed messages
- updated mega demo styles and bower px-demo-snippet to ^
- added image to readme, removed watch, added view on github
- updated gh-pages script to vulcanize demo
- fix tests
- Updated to new demo
- Upgrade to Polymer 1.5.0
- added oss_notice to bower ignore
- added pull request test inside travis
- added auto-github pages functionality
- Modified line-height to fix a windows firefox bug
- Upgrade to Polymer 1.4.0
- Added px-alert-message-hidden event when dismissing an alert
- added comments for api documentation and replaced @extend with @mixin
- updated README, replacing docs with auto-built ones from gh-pages.
- fix small css bug with warning icon in shadow dom
- Message truncates after 3 lines, able to expand
- Updated License
- Initial release