diff --git a/Assets/TouchKit/Recognizers/TKAnalogRecognizer.cs b/Assets/TouchKit/Recognizers/TKAnalogRecognizer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12c1713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/TouchKit/Recognizers/TKAnalogRecognizer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+/// TouchKit Analog Recognizer to allow for an invisible analog which is
+/// usually best when working with mobile devices to avoid having a cluncky UI
+/// in the way of what's important to the player
+public class TKAnalogRecognizer : TKAbstractGestureRecognizer
+ public event Action gestureRecognizedEvent;
+ public event Action gestureCompleteEvent;
+ public AnimationCurve inputCurve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ public Vector2 value;
+ public Vector2 touchPadCenter;
+ ///
+ /// How far out to extend from the center of the rect or the initial tap position
+ ///
+ public float touchPadRadius = 50f;
+ ///
+ /// If false, the center of the analog will be wherever the initial touch is inside the rect
+ ///
+ public bool useRectOrigin = false;
+ ///
+ /// if false, the radius will determine how far out from the center to go to get to 1 or -1
+ ///
+ public bool useRectSize = false;
+ ///
+ /// only necessary if there is a rect in the same space waiting for a tap gesture
+ ///
+ public bool ignoreInitialTouch = false;
+ ///
+ /// the constructor ensures we have a frame to work with for this recognizer
+ /// by default: use initial tap as analog center and default radius
+ ///
+ public TKAnalogRecognizer(TKRect frame)
+ {
+ this.boundaryFrame = frame;
+ this.ignoreInitialTouch = false;
+ this.useRectOrigin = false;
+ this.useRectSize = false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// ignoring the initial touch is only necessary if there is a rect in the same space waiting for a tap gesture
+ ///
+ public TKAnalogRecognizer(TKRect frame, bool ignoreInitialTouch)
+ {
+ this.boundaryFrame = frame;
+ this.ignoreInitialTouch = ignoreInitialTouch;
+ this.useRectOrigin = false;
+ this.useRectSize = false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// change radius size
+ ///
+ public TKAnalogRecognizer(TKRect frame, float radius)
+ {
+ this.boundaryFrame = frame;
+ this.touchPadRadius = radius;
+ this.ignoreInitialTouch = false;
+ this.useRectOrigin = false;
+ this.useRectSize = false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// set the analog radius and use the rect's origin as the center point
+ ///
+ public TKAnalogRecognizer(TKRect frame, float radius, bool useRectOrigin)
+ {
+ this.boundaryFrame = frame;
+ this.touchPadRadius = radius;
+ this.useRectOrigin = useRectOrigin;
+ this.ignoreInitialTouch = false;
+ this.useRectSize = false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// use rect origin as center point and rect size to determine analog position
+ ///
+ public TKAnalogRecognizer(TKRect frame, bool useRectOrigin, bool useRectSize)
+ {
+ this.boundaryFrame = frame;
+ this.useRectOrigin = useRectOrigin;
+ this.useRectSize = useRectSize;
+ this.ignoreInitialTouch = false;
+ }
+ internal override bool touchesBegan(List touches)
+ {
+ if (state == TKGestureRecognizerState.Possible)
+ {
+ for (var i = 0; i < touches.Count; i++)
+ {
+ // only add touches in the Began phase
+ if (touches[i].phase == TouchPhase.Began)
+ _trackingTouches.Add(touches[i]);
+ }
+ if (_trackingTouches.Count > 0)
+ {
+ state = TKGestureRecognizerState.Began;
+ // call through to touchesMoved so we set the value and set the state to RecognizedAndStillRecognizing which triggers the recognized event
+ touchesMoved(touches, ignoreInitialTouch);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ internal override void touchesMoved(List touches)
+ {
+ if (state == TKGestureRecognizerState.RecognizedAndStillRecognizing || state == TKGestureRecognizerState.Began)
+ {
+ var currentLocation = touchLocation();
+ value = currentLocation - (useRectOrigin ? boundaryFrame.Value.center : touchPadCenter);
+ // normalize from 0 - 1 and clamp
+ value.x = Mathf.Clamp(value.x / (useRectSize ? (boundaryFrame.Value.width * 0.5f) : touchPadRadius), -1f, 1f);
+ value.y = Mathf.Clamp(value.y / (useRectSize ? (boundaryFrame.Value.height * 0.5f) : touchPadRadius), -1f, 1f);
+ // apply our inputCurve
+ value.x = inputCurve.Evaluate(Mathf.Abs(value.x)) * Mathf.Sign(value.x);
+ value.y = inputCurve.Evaluate(Mathf.Abs(value.y)) * Mathf.Sign(value.y);
+ state = TKGestureRecognizerState.RecognizedAndStillRecognizing;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// If also has a tap recognizer we want to ignore the first touch as to not be confused in using the analog
+ ///
+ internal void touchesMoved(List touches, bool ignoreInitialTouch)
+ {
+ if (state == TKGestureRecognizerState.Began && ignoreInitialTouch)
+ {
+ //cashe starting touch position and ignore initial touch in case it's a tap
+ touchPadCenter = startTouchLocation();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // call through to touchesMoved so we set the value and set the state to RecognizedAndStillRecognizing which triggers the recognized event
+ touchesMoved(touches);
+ }
+ }
+ internal override void touchesEnded(List touches)
+ {
+ // remove any completed touches
+ for (var i = 0; i < touches.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (touches[i].phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
+ _trackingTouches.Remove(touches[i]);
+ }
+ // if we had previously been recognizing fire our complete event
+ if (state == TKGestureRecognizerState.RecognizedAndStillRecognizing)
+ {
+ if (gestureCompleteEvent != null)
+ gestureCompleteEvent(this);
+ }
+ value = Vector2.zero;
+ state = TKGestureRecognizerState.FailedOrEnded;
+ }
+ internal override void fireRecognizedEvent()
+ {
+ if (gestureRecognizedEvent != null)
+ gestureRecognizedEvent(this);
+ }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return string.Format("[{0}] state: {1}, value: {2}", this.GetType(), state, value);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/TouchKit/Recognizers/TKAnalogRecognizer.cs.meta b/Assets/TouchKit/Recognizers/TKAnalogRecognizer.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97e1d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/TouchKit/Recognizers/TKAnalogRecognizer.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 1ac90f2d4c248874b8a3b8f1c559bbe6
+timeCreated: 1508296272
+licenseType: Free
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/TouchKitDemos/DemoOne/DemoOne.cs b/Assets/TouchKitDemos/DemoOne/DemoOne.cs
index 3352311..26b97a4 100644
--- a/Assets/TouchKitDemos/DemoOne/DemoOne.cs
+++ b/Assets/TouchKitDemos/DemoOne/DemoOne.cs
@@ -95,8 +95,67 @@ void OnGUI()
TouchKit.addGestureRecognizer( recognizer );
+ if(GUILayout.Button("Add Analog Recognizer"))
+ {
+ var recognizer = new TKAnalogRecognizer(new TKRect(0f, 0f, 125f, 125f));
+ recognizer.inputCurve = touchPadInputCurve;
- if( GUILayout.Button( "Add Horizontal Swipe Recognizer" ) )
+ //change the default analog radius
+ recognizer.touchPadRadius = 100f;
+ recognizer.gestureRecognizedEvent += (r) =>
+ {
+ Debug.Log("analog recognizer fired: " + r);
+ };
+ // continuous gestures have a complete event so that we know when they are done recognizing
+ recognizer.gestureCompleteEvent += r =>
+ {
+ Debug.Log("analog gesture complete");
+ };
+ TouchKit.addGestureRecognizer(recognizer);
+ }
+ if (GUILayout.Button("Add Analog and Tap Recognizer"))
+ {
+ var analog = new TKAnalogRecognizer(new TKRect(0f, 0f, 125f, 125f), true);
+ analog.inputCurve = touchPadInputCurve;
+ //change the default analog radius
+ analog.touchPadRadius = 100f;
+ analog.gestureRecognizedEvent += (r) =>
+ {
+ Debug.Log("analog recognizer fired: " + r);
+ };
+ // continuous gestures have a complete event so that we know when they are done recognizing
+ analog.gestureCompleteEvent += r =>
+ {
+ Debug.Log("analog gesture complete");
+ };
+ TouchKit.addGestureRecognizer(analog);
+ var tap = new TKTapRecognizer();
+ // setting the rect to the same as the analog
+ tap.boundaryFrame = new TKRect(0, 0, 125f, 125f);
+ // we can also set the number of touches required for the gesture
+ if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
+ tap.numberOfTouchesRequired = 2;
+ tap.gestureRecognizedEvent += (r) =>
+ {
+ Debug.Log("tap recognizer fired: " + r);
+ };
+ TouchKit.addGestureRecognizer(tap);
+ }
+ if ( GUILayout.Button( "Add Horizontal Swipe Recognizer" ) )
var recognizer = new TKSwipeRecognizer();
recognizer.gestureRecognizedEvent += ( r ) =>
diff --git a/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt b/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt
index 66e05aa..a211ccd 100644
--- a/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt
+++ b/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-m_EditorVersion: 5.5.0f3
+m_EditorVersion: 2017.1.1f1
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index daa013b..1ec8e57 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ TouchKit comes with a few built in recognizers to get you started and to serve a
* **Button Recognizer**: generic button recognizer designed to work with any 2D sprite system at all
* **Pan Recognizer**: detects a pan gesture (one or more fingers down and moving around the screen)
* **TouchPad Recognizer**: detects and tracks a touch in an area and maps the location from -1 to 1 on the x and y axis based on the touches distance from the center of the area
+* **Analog Recognizer**: detects and tracks a touch in an area and maps the location from -1 to 1 on the x and y axis based on the analog's radius and distance from the initial tap position
* **Swipe Recognizer**: detects swipes in the four cardinal directions
* **Pinch Recognizer**: detects pinches and reports back the delta scale
* **Rotation Recognizer**: detects two finger rotation and reports back the delta rotation
diff --git a/TouchKit.Editor.csproj b/TouchKit.Editor.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25dddd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TouchKit.Editor.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ Debug
+ AnyCPU
+ 10.0.20506
+ 2.0
+ {B4CEDA6E-BEC6-C801-6FA8-0BB4D8845564}
+ Library
+ Assembly-CSharp-Editor
+ 512
+ {E097FAD1-6243-4DAD-9C02-E9B9EFC3FFC1};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
+ .NETFramework
+ v3.5
+ Unity Full v3.5
+ Editor:5
+ StandaloneWindows64:19
+ 2017.1.1f1
+ 4
+ pdbonly
+ false
+ Temp\UnityVS_bin\Debug\
+ Temp\UnityVS_obj\Debug\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ true
+ pdbonly
+ false
+ Temp\UnityVS_bin\Release\
+ Temp\UnityVS_obj\Release\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ true
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.Advertisements.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.UI.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.UI.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.Networking.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.Networking.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.TestRunner.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.TestRunner.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\nunit.framework.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.Timeline.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.Timeline.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.TreeEditor.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.Analytics.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.Analytics.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.HoloLens.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.HoloLens.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.Purchasing.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.VR.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.Graphs.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.Android.Extensions.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.WindowsStandalone.Extensions.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.Unity.Bridge.dll
+ {1C942FA4-2EDF-3A32-0F1E-9B8C31E89A38}
+ TouchKit
diff --git a/TouchKit.csproj b/TouchKit.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..643fe42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TouchKit.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ Debug
+ AnyCPU
+ 10.0.20506
+ 2.0
+ {1C942FA4-2EDF-3A32-0F1E-9B8C31E89A38}
+ Library
+ Assembly-CSharp
+ 512
+ {E097FAD1-6243-4DAD-9C02-E9B9EFC3FFC1};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
+ .NETFramework
+ v3.5
+ Unity Subset v3.5
+ Game:1
+ StandaloneWindows64:19
+ 2017.1.1f1
+ 4
+ pdbonly
+ false
+ Temp\UnityVS_bin\Debug\
+ Temp\UnityVS_obj\Debug\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ true
+ pdbonly
+ false
+ Temp\UnityVS_bin\Release\
+ Temp\UnityVS_obj\Release\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ true
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.UI.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.Networking.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.TestRunner.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\nunit.framework.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.Timeline.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.Analytics.dll
+ Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.HoloLens.dll