object has been removed in favour of subclassing the numpy array objectnumpy.ndarray
and extending its functionality for hyperspectral data. This forms the main data type for hypers and ishypers.hparray
- Can now multiply, divide, add and subtract image array from data (e.g. (300,300,1000) * (300,300)) directly on Dataset
- Printing the Dataset instance now prints information about the stored data
- Added MeanShift, AffinityPropagation and DBSCAN to the cluster method in Dataset
- Added Normalizer to preprocess method in Dataset
- Added following magic methods to Dataset:
- setitem
- mul
- truediv
- add
- sub
- Added plotting for cluster, decompose and scree
- Added vertex component analysis as vca method in Dataset
- Added unconstrained least-squares spectra fitting in abundance method in Dataset
- Added Gaussian mixture models in the mixture method in Dataset
- Looping over dims using ndindex, ndenumerate (speed improvement)
- Renamed package to hypers
- Added preprocess method to Process class which takes preprocessing classes from sklearn to preprocess data.
- Removed skhyper wrappers for scikit-learn classes. Added new decompose and cluster methods to the Process class to which a scikit-learn class is passed.
- Removed skhyper wrappers for classification. This will be added again in a similar vein to the above decompose and cluster methods in the future.
- Added a plotting package for cluster/decomposition techniques and Process object
- Moved normalization and smoothing directly to the Process class.
- Corrected issue with updating spectrum in the hyperspectral viewer for asymmetrical images.
- Added MLPClassifier in
- Added tests for MLPClassifier
- Decomposition techniques return a list of arrays for spec_components and image_components
- Corrected issue with output of predict() in reshaping array (issue with the classifiers)
- Added tests for SVC, GaussianNB and KNeighborsClassifier
- Changed test dataset from random to sklearn's make_blob
- Added GaussianNB in
- Added SVC in
- Added KNeighborsClassifier in
- Scree plot array can be accessed directly from Process object