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Click examples above to view the code and the examples found at THREE.meshline will work with this fork.

npm install threejs-meshline

threejs-meshline is a replacement for THREE.Line, it allows you to create lines with varable widths. It is a fork of Jaume Sanchez Elias THREE.meshline as the repo no longer appears to be maintained.

  • Supports BufferGeometry
  • Extends THREE.BufferGeometry and can be used in regular meshes as a geometry
  • New setVertices and setBufferArray functions so you no longer need to create a geometry prior to a MeshLine
  • Raycast is exposed as MeshLineRaycast and can be used like mesh.raycast = MeshLineRaycast
  • Raycast accounts for line width
  • Extra setters and getters to help with declaritive libraries like react-three-fiber

How to use

Fetch imports

import { MeshLine, MeshLineMaterial, MeshLineRaycast } from 'threejs-meshline'

Create and populate a geometry

First, create the list of vertices that will define the line. MeshLine accepts an array of vertices.

const vertices = []
for (let j = 0; j < Math.PI; j += (2 * Math.PI) / 100)
  vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(Math.cos(j), Math.sin(j), 0))

Create a MeshLine and set the vertices

Once you have that, you can create a new MeshLine, and call .setVertices() passing the vertices.

const line = new MeshLine()

Note: .setVertices accepts a second parameter, which is a function to define the width in each point along the line. By default that value is 1, making the line width 1 * lineWidth in the material.

// p is a decimal percentage of the number of points
// ie. point 200 of 250 points, p = 0.8
line.setVertices(geometry, p => 2) // makes width 2 * lineWidth
line.setVertices(geometry, p => 1 - p) // makes width taper
line.setVertices(geometry, p => 2 + Math.sin(50 * p)) // makes width sinusoidal

Create a MeshLineMaterial

A MeshLine needs a MeshLineMaterial:

const material = new MeshLineMaterial(OPTIONS)

By default it's a white material of width 1 unit.

MeshLineMaterial has several attributes to control the appereance of the MeshLine:

  • map - a THREE.Texture to paint along the line (requires useMap set to true)
  • useMap - tells the material to use map (0 - solid color, 1 use texture)
  • alphaMap - a THREE.Texture to use as alpha along the line (requires useAlphaMap set to true)
  • useAlphaMap - tells the material to use alphaMap (0 - no alpha, 1 modulate alpha)
  • repeat - THREE.Vector2 to define the texture tiling (applies to map and alphaMap - MIGHT CHANGE IN THE FUTURE)
  • color - THREE.Color to paint the line width, or tint the texture with
  • opacity - alpha value from 0 to 1 (requires transparent set to true)
  • alphaTest - cutoff value from 0 to 1
  • dashArray - the length and space between dashes. (0 - no dash)
  • dashOffset - defines the location where the dash will begin. Ideal to animate the line.
  • dashRatio - defines the ratio between that is visible or not (0 - more visible, 1 - more invisible).
  • resolution - THREE.Vector2 specifying the canvas size (REQUIRED)
  • sizeAttenuation - makes the line width constant regardless distance (1 unit is 1px on screen) (0 - attenuate, 1 - don't attenuate)
  • lineWidth - float defining width (if sizeAttenuation is true, it's world units; else is screen pixels)
  • near - camera near clip plane distance (REQUIRED if sizeAttenuation set to false)
  • far - camera far clip plane distance (REQUIRED if sizeAttenuation set to false)

If you're rendering transparent lines or using a texture with alpha map, you should set depthTest to false, transparent to true and blending to an appropriate blending mode, or use alphaTest.

Use MeshLine and MeshLineMaterial to create a THREE.Mesh

Finally, we create a mesh and add it to the scene:

const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(line, material)

You can optionally add raycast support with the following.

mesh.raycast = MeshLineRaycast

Declarative use

threejs-meshline has getters and setters that make declarative usage a little easier. This is how it would look like in react/react-three-fiber. You can try it live here.

import { extend, Canvas } from 'react-three-fiber'
import { MeshLine, MeshLineMaterial, MeshLineRaycast } from 'threejs-meshline'

extend({ MeshLine, MeshLineMaterial })

function Line({ vertices, width, color }) {
  return (
      <mesh raycast={MeshLineRaycast}>
        <meshLine attach="geometry" vertices={vertices} />