Javascript example
- ⏩ live environment
- to run locally, open the index.html directly in a Web Browser
This example let you compare bpmn-visualization
with kie-editors-standalone
- BPMN elements rendering
- API usage
The following applies at least to kie-editors-standalone@0.13.0
- The javascript bundle is very large (12 MB, more than 3 MB after compression), very slow to load and generates a lot of error in the console.
- It is unable to display most of the C.x diagrams from the miwg-test-suite (parsing errors). See also KOGITO-5395.
This example has been created by following the BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors article.
To avoid side effects between the 2 libraries, each of them is using a dedicated div to display and interact with the BPMN
diagram. This is similar to what it is implemented in the bpmn-js
comparison example.
The div are located exactly at the same place on the HTML page and only one is displayed at a given time.
On library switch, the corresponding div is displayed, and the one of the other library is hidden.