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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 7 revisions

[b]Introduction[/b] A while ago i was wild about [url=]customizing codeigniter.php[/code] but it's possible to do this with hooks too and this is where the defaults library comes in

[b]The code[/b]

config/defaults.php : [code] <?php // set suffixes for the models $config['default_model_suffix'] = '_model'; $config['default_validation_suffix'] = '_validation'; // set the model functionality $config['default_do_validation'] = TRUE; $config['default_set_vars'] = TRUE; // set master view $config['default_master_view'] = ''; [/code]

hooks/defaults.php : [code] <?php

class Defaults { var $CI; var $dir = ''; var $class = ''; var $method = '';

function Defaults()
    // get controller object
    $this->CI =& get_instance();
    // get router variables
    $RTR =& load_class('Router');
    $this->dir =  $RTR->fetch_directory();
    $this->class = $RTR->fetch_class();
    $this->method = $RTR->fetch_method();
    // get config file for class
* load model and validation files based on the controller and method
* @return void
function model()
   // load default model if it exists
    $defaultmodel = strtolower($this->class).config_item('default_model_suffix');
    $defaultmodelfile = $this->dir.$defaultmodel;
       // execute validation if it exists and is wanted
           $defaultvalidation = strtolower($this->class).config_item('default_validation_suffix');
           $defaultvalidationfile = $this->dir.$defaultvalidation;
               $validationviewmethod = strtolower($this->method);
               if(method_exists($this->CI->$defaultvalidation, $validationviewmethod) === TRUE)
       // load view file vars from the model if wanted
            $modelviewmethod = strtolower($this->method);
            if(method_exists($this->CI->$defaultmodel,$modelviewmethod) === TRUE)
                 $this->CI->load->vars( $this->CI->$defaultmodel->$modelviewmethod() );
* load view file based on controller and method
* @return void
function view()
    $defaultview = (config_item('default_master_view') != '') ? config_item('default_master_view') : $this->dir.strtolower($this->class.'/'.$this->method);

} [/code]

[b]Installation[/b] _ config/config.php setting enable_hooks to true _ config/hooks.php [code] $hook['post_controller_constructor'] = array('class' => 'Defaults', 'function' => 'model', 'filename' => 'defaults.php', 'filepath' => 'hooks');

$hook['post_controller'] = array('class' => 'Defaults', 'function' => 'view', 'filename' => 'defaults.php', 'filepath' => 'hooks'); [/code]

[b]Usage[/b] If you use the config file as it is you can create following file structure


  • controllers -- test.php
  • models -- test_model.php -- test_validation.php
  • views -- test --- index.php

When requesting the controller test and the method index the test_model.php file gets loaded, the test_validation.php file gets loaded, a method called index gets called in the validation file, a method index gets called in the model file and the return gets stored in an array with view variables. This all happens before the controller method call. After the controller method call the index.php file in the views/test directory is loaded.

Variations on this behavior are; doing the validation yourself, loading the view variables yourself, load a common/master view file instead of a controller-method dependent view file


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