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DrF Reverse Routing

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 29 revisions

DrF Reverse Routing is an extension of the URL Helper that overrides the site_url function to provide a reverse lookup. If a custom route can be found that matches the given "standard CodeIgniter URI", a custom route URI will be created and returned. Otherwise, a standard site_url will be returned.


  • Translates a "standard CodeIgniter URI" into a custom route if possible
  • Fails gracefully, providing a standard site_url if no route can be found/translated
  • Works automatically with all of URL Helper's functions
  • Idea inspired by CakePHP's reverse routing



  • place MY_url_helper.php in your system/application/helpers folder
  • include the URL helper as you normally would [code]$this->load->helper( 'url' );[/code]


  • setup a Test Controller [code] <?php class Test extends MY_Controller{

    function Test() { parent::MY_Controller(); }

    function test( $param1 ){ echo 'You passed in: ' $param1; }

    function redirect() { $this->load->helper( 'url' ); redirect( 'test/test/from_redirect' ) }

} ?> [/code]

  • create a route for the test function [code] ... $route['test/(:any)'] = 'test/test/$1' ... [/code]
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