diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/how-tos/restore-from-backup.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/how-tos/restore-from-backup.adoc
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+= Restore from Backup
+When configuring component-vault with `backup.enabled = true`, the component sets up regular backups using k8up.
+This how-to explains how Vault can be restored from such a backup.
+== Information on the Vault Unseal Key and Root Token
+== Prerequisites
+* `restic` - command line tool to access backups made by k8up
+* `vault` - command line tool to interact with Vault
+* `kubectl`
+* Write access to the cluster's tenant repository
+* Read access to the restic repository in which k8up stored the Vault backups
+* The Vault instance's *unseal key* and *root token* - these must be backed up manually; they are not part of the automated k8up backup.
+== Procedure
+=== 1. Set up new Vault instance
+* Add the `vault` application to your cluster configuration
+* Initially disable backups by setting `.backups.enabled` to `false`
+* Compile and push the cluster config and wait for Vault to start.
+=== 2. Set up permissions for restoring the Vault instance
+* Access the Vault UI
+export VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME="my-vault-instance"
+# Get root token to log in
+kubectl get secret -n $VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME ${VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME}-seal -ojsonpath='{.data.vault-root}' | base64 -d
+kubectl port-forward -n $VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME ${VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME}-0 8200
+* Open your browser at http://localhost:8200 and log in with the `Token` method and the root token retreived in the previous step
+* Navigate to `Policies` and open the `backup` policy
+* Edit the policy to the following:
+path "sys/storage/raft/snapshot-force" {
+  capabilities = ["read", "create", "update", "sudo"]
+* Save the new policy
+NOTE: Editing this policy is unproblematic, as it will be reset once the backup is restored.
+=== 3. Retrieve the Vault snapshot
+* Set up the restic credentials (values correspond to the component parameters `backup.bucket` and `backup.password`)
+export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="S3_KEY backup.bucket.accesskey"
+export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="S3_SECRET backup.bucket.secretkey"
+export RESTIC_REPOSITORY="s3:https://path.to.my/bucket"
+export RESTIC_PASSWORD="RESTIC_REPO_KEY backup.password"
+* Retrieve the latest Vault snapshot to your local disk
+mkdir restore
+restic restore --target restore/ latest
+* Verify the snapshot file
+ls restore
+# This should show a file named "[instance name]-backup.snapshot"
+=== 4. Restore the snapshot
+* Expose the Vault pod
+kubectl port-forward -n $VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME ${VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME}-0 8200
+* In a separate terminal, prepare the environment to access Vault
+# Get root token to log in
+export VAULT_TOKEN="$(kubectl get secret -n $VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME ${VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME}-seal -ojsonpath='{.data.vault-root}' | base64 -d)"
+export VAULT_ADDR=""
+* Restore the backup
+vault operator raft snapshot restore -force restore/${VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME}-backup.snapshot
+=== 5. Unseal Vault
+If you were logged into the Vault UI, you should have gotten logged out now.
+This is expected.
+* Open your browser at http://localhost:8200
+* Use the *Vault Unseal Key* of the Vault instance you've just restored to unseal Vault
+* Use the *Vault root token* of the Vault instance you've just restored to log in with the `Token` method
+* Verify that the restore worked, and secrets are now restored in Vault.
+The unseal key and root token of the Vault instance you're restoring need to have been stored separately.
+Without them, the restore procedure cannot be completed.
+=== 6. Update the Vault Secret
+NOTE: Without this step, your Vault instance will not be able to auto-unseal.
+* Encode the Vault credentials
+echo -n "$VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY" | base64 -w0
+echo -n "$VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN" | base64 -w0
+* Update the Vault secret
+kubectl edit secret -n ${VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME} ${VAULT_INSTANCE_NAME}-seal
+* Update the `vault-root` and `vault-unseal-0` keys to reflect the values you have just encoded
+* Save the secret
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/references/parameters.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/references/parameters.adoc
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@@ -252,6 +252,12 @@ default:: `true`
 Whether to do backups using k8up.
+.Manual Setup Required
 == `backup.schedule`
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 * xref:index.adoc[Home]
 * xref:tutorials/install.adoc[Installation]
 * xref:how-tos/lieutenant.adoc[Lieutenant Integration]
+* xref:how-tos/restore-from-backup.adoc[Restore Vault from Backup]
 * xref:references/parameters.adoc[Parameters]
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/partials/vault-warning.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/partials/vault-warning.adoc
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+`component-vault` leverages k8up's application specific backups to create Vault snapshots.
+Restoring such a snapshot is only possible by providing the Vault unseal key and root token.
+As these are sensitive secrets, they are not backed up as part of the component's automated backup process.
+When setting up Vault, you must store the Vault unseal key and root token in a safe location in order to be able to restore backups.
+In a running Vault instance, both of these secrets can be found in the `[instance name]-seal` secret in the Vault instance's namespace.
+In order to have a reliable Vault backup, this secret must be backed up separately to a safe location.