You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
, sign_out
, should_deny_access
and more helpers are available in your test suite. Look in shoulda_macros for the full list.
context "when signed in on GET to new" do
setup do
@user = Factory(:email_confirmed_user)
sign_in_as @user
get :new
should_respond_with :success
If you want to authenticate users for a controller action, use the authenticate
method in a before_filter
class WidgetsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate
def index
@widgets = Widget.all
To specify where to redirect a user (say you want to have a sign in form on every page and redirect the user to the same page) after he/she signs in, you can add a "return_to" parameter to the request (thanks to [Phillippe](http://www.sivarg.com/2009/01/clearance-coming-from-where-your-were.html for the tip)):
<% form_for :session, :url => session_path(:return_to => request.request_uri) do |form| %>
Actions that redirect (create, update, and destroy) in Clearance controllers are customizable. If you want to redirect a user to a specific route after signing in, overwrite the "url_after_create" method:
class SessionsController < Clearance::SessionsController
def url_after_create
You'll also need to add an appropriate declaration in your config/routes.rb file to tell your app to use your overriding controller instead of the controller inside Clearance's engine. Following the example above, to override Clearance's sessions controller, you'd add this to your config/routes.rb file (before the Clearance::Routes.draw(map) call):
map.resource :session,
:controller => 'sessions',
:only => [:new, :create, :destroy]
You also need to add code such as the following to your routes.rb:
map.sign_out 'sign_out',
:controller => 'sessions',
:action => 'destroy',
:method => :delete
(Rails 3 version) match '/sign_out' => 'sessions#destroy', :via => :delete
There are similar methods in other controllers as well:
- UsersController#url_after_create (sign up)
- SessionsController#url_after_create (sign in)
- SessionsController#url_after_destroy (sign out)
- PasswordsController#url_after_create (password reset)
- PasswordsController#url_after_forbidden (user clicks link in password reset email after resetting)
- PasswordsController#url_after_update (password)
- ConfirmationsController#url_after_create (confirmation)
Say you want to add a last_signed_in_at attribute to your User model. You would want to update it when the User signs in.
Clearance has a method named sign_in that you can overwrite with that logic. Be sure to write tests!
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Clearance::Authentication
def sign_in(user)
# store current time to display "last signed in at" message
user.update_attribute(:last_signed_in_at, Time.now)
super user