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Mailer objects are used to send email using a client provided secure SMTPS Server URL and Credentials.

Mailer objects are added to ODE Actions and Recording Sinks and Taps enabling them to send email on specific events. Queuing of the event data occurs in the Action's/Component's real time context, while the tasks of assembling the message and uploading to the SMTP server are performed in a low priority background thread. Messages that fail to send will be purged from the queue, dropped and logged as an ERROR.

The relationship between Mailers and Actions/Components is many to many as multiple Mailers can be added to a single Action/Component and the same Mailer can be added to multiple Actions/Components.

Mailer Construction and Destruction

Mailers are created by calling the constructor dsl_mailer_new. Once created, they must be set up with a Server URL, Credentials, etc., prior to use. Mailers are destructured by calling dsl_mailer_delete or dsl_mailer_delete_all.

Adding Mailers to ODE Actions and Recording Components

Using GMAIL's SMTP server

IMPORTANT! if using GMAIL, it is STRONGLY advised that you create a new, free Gmail account -- that is separate/unlinked from all your other email accounts -- strictly for the purpose of sending ODE Event data uploaded from DSL.  Then, add your Personal email address as a To address to receive the emails.

Gmail considers regular email programs (i.e Outlook, etc.) and non-registered third-party apps to be "less secure". The email account used for sending email must have the "Allow less secure apps" option turned on. Once you've created this new account, you can go to the account settings and enable Less secure app access.

The Gmail secure SMTP server URL is smtps:// Port 465 requires SSL to be enabled which is set by default. See dsl_smtp_ssl_enabled_get and dsl_smtp_ssl_enabled_set

Example setup using Python:

The following example assumes that all retval values are checked before proceeding to the next call.

# Create a new Mailer Object
retval = dsl_mailer_new('my-mailer')

# Setup the Server URL
retval = dsl_mailer_server_url_set('my-mailer', 'smtps://')

# Using the credentials for your new Gmail SMTP account
retval = dsl_mailer_credentials_set('my-mailer', user_name, password)

# Set the From email address, again using the new SMTP account.
retval = dsl_mailer_address_from_set('my-mailer', '', '[email protected]')

# Add your personal email account as a To address. 
# Optionally, add other To and Cc addresses.
retval = dsl_mailer_address_to_add('my-mailer', to_name, to_address)
# queue a test message to be sent out to ensure all settings are correct
retval = dsl_mailer_test_message_send('my-mailer')





Return Values

The following return codes are used by the SMTP API

#define DSL_RESULT_MAILER_RESULT                                    0x00500000
#define DSL_RESULT_MAILER_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE                           0x00500001
#define DSL_RESULT_MAILER_NAME_NOT_FOUND                            0x00500002
#define DSL_RESULT_MAILER_THREW_EXCEPTION                           0x00500003
#define DSL_RESULT_MAILER_IN_USE                                    0x00500004
#define DSL_RESULT_MAILER_SET_FAILED                                0x00500005
#define DSL_RESULT_MAILER_PARAMETER_INVALID                         0x00500006


The following constant values are used by the SMTP API

#define DSL_MAILER_MAX_PENDING_MESSAGES                             10



DslReturnType dsl_mailer_new(const wchar_t* name);

The constructor creates a uniquely named, uninitialized Mailer Object. The Mailer must be set up with a Server URL, Credentials, and Email Addresses before first use.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Mailer to create.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_mailer_new('my-mailer')



DslReturnType dsl_mailer_delete(const wchar_t* name);

This destructor deletes a single, uniquely named Mailer. The destructor will fail if the Mailer is currently in-use by one or more Actions or Components.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to delete.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful deletion. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_mailer_delete('my-mailer')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_delete_all();

This destructor deletes all Mailers currently in memory. The destructor will fail if any one of the Mailers is currently in-use by one or more Actions or Components..


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful deletion. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_mailer_delete_all()



DslReturnType dsl_mailer_enabled_get(const wchar_t* name, boolean* enabled);

This service queries the Mailer for its current enabled state. Mailers are automatically disabled if and while their outgoing queue size exceeds DSL_MAILER_MAX_PENDING_MESSAGES. Services are enabled by default.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to query.
  • enabled - [out] true if the Mailer is currently enabled, false otherwise.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, enabled = dsl_mailer_enabled_get('my-mailer')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_enabled_set(const wchar_t* name, boolean enabled);

This service sets the enabled state for the named Mailer object. Setting the state to true while the outgoing queue size exceeds DSL_SMTP_MAX_PENDING_MESSAGES will return DSL_RESULT_FAILURE. Mailers are enabled by default.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to update.
  • enabled - [in] set to true to enable the Mailer, false to disable.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_mailer_enabled_set('my-mailer', True)


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_credentials_set(const wchar_t* name, 
    const wchar_t* username, const wchar_t* password);

This service is used to set the SMTP account credentials, username and password, for all subsequent emails sent by the Mailer.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to update.
  • username - [in] username for the SMTP account.
  • password - [in] password for the same account.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_mailer_credentials_set('my-mailer', 
  'my-dsl-smtp-account', 'my-dsl-smtp-password')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_server_url_get(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t** server_url);

This service gets the current Server URL in use by the named Mailer. The service will return an empty string until the URL is set by calling dsl_mailer_server_url_set.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to query.
  • server_url - [out] current Server URL in use.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, server_url = dsl_mailer_server_url_get('my-mailer')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_server_url_set(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* server_url);

This service sets the Server URL to use for all subsequent emails sent out by the named Mailer.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to update.
  • server_url - [in] new Server URL to use.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_mailer_server_url_set('my-mailer',


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_address_from_get(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t** display_name, const wchar_t** address);

This service gets the current From address in use by the named Mailer. Both the display_name and address parameters will return an empty string until set with a call to dsl_mailer_address_from_set.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to query.
  • display_name - [out] returns the display name (optional) for the From address in use.
  • address - [out] returns the email address in use.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, display_name, address = dsl_mailer_address_from_get('my-mailer')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_address_from_set(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* display_name, const wchar_t* address);

This service sets the From address to use for all subsequent emails by the name Mailer.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to update.
  • display_name - [in] the display name (optional) to use for the From address.
  • address - [in] the email address to use. Will be set by the server if omitted.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval  = dsl_mailer_address_from_set('my-mailer', 
    'Joe Blow', '[email protected]')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_ssl_enabled_get(const wchar_t* name, boolean* enabled);

This service gets the SSL enabled setting for the named Mailer. SSL is enabled by default


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to query.
  • enabled - [out] true if SSL is currently enabled, false otherwise.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, enabled = dsl_mailer_ssl_enabled_get('my-mailer')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_ssl_enabled_set(const wchar_t* name, boolean enabled);

This service sets the SSL enabled state for the named Mailer. SSL is enabled by default.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to update.
  • enabled - [in] set to true to enable SSL, false to disable.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_mailer_ssl_enabled_set('my-mailer', True)


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_address_to_add(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* display_name, const wchar_t* address);

This service adds a To address to use for all subsequent emails.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to update.
  • display_name - [in] the display name (optional) to use for the To address.
  • address - [in] the email address to add.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval  = dsl_mailer_address_to_add('my-mailer', 
    'Jane Doe', '[email protected]')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_address_to_remove_all(const wchar_t* name);

This service removes all To addresses from the named Mailer. At least one To address must exist for email to be sent out.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to update.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval  = dsl_mailer_address_to_remove_all('my-mailer')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_address_cc_add(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* display_name, const wchar_t* address);

This service adds a Cc address to use for all subsequent emails by the named Mailer. Cc addresses are optional.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to update.
  • display_name - [in] the display name (optional) to use for the Cc address.
  • address - [in] the email address to add.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful add. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval  = dsl_mailer_address_cc_add('my-mailer',
    'Jane Doe', '[email protected]')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_address_cc_remove_all(const wchar_t* name);

This service removes all Cc addresses from the named Mailer. Cc addresses are optional.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to update.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful call. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval  = dsl_mailer_address_cc_remove_all('my-mailer')


DslReturnType dsl_mailer_test_message_send(const wchar_t* name);

This service sends a test message using the current SMTP settings and email addresses: From, To, and Cc. Note: The message will not be sent until the main_loop has been started.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to test.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful queue. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval  = dsl_mailer_test_message_send('my-mailer')


boolean dsl_mailer_exists(const wchar_t* name);

This service is used to determine if a named Mailer currently exists in memory.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Mailer to test.


  • true if the Mailer exists, false otherwise.

Python Example

exists = dsl_mailer_exists('my-mailer')


uint dsl_mailer_list_size();

This service returns the current number of Mailers in memory.


  • The current number of mailers in memory.

Python Example

num_mailers = dsl_mailer_list_size()

API Reference