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File metadata and controls

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Object Detection Event (ODE) Services

This page covers examples using ODE Pad Probe Handlers, ODE Triggers, ODE Actions, ODE Areas, ODE Acummulators, and ODE Heat Mappers.

Occurrence Trigger with Monitor Action

# This example demonstrates the use of an "ODE Monitor Action" -- added to an 
# ODE Occurrence Trigger with the below criteria -- to monitor all 
# ODE Occurrences
#   - class id            = PGIE_CLASS_ID_VEHICLE
#   - inference-done-only = TRUE
#   - minimum confidience = VEHICLE_MIN_CONFIDENCE
#   - minimum width       = VEHICLE_MIN_WIDTH
#   - minimum height      = VEHICLE_MIN_HEIGHT
# The ode_occurrence_monitor callback function (defined below) is added to the 
# "Monitor Action" to be called with the ODE Occurrence event data for
# each detected object that meets the above criteria.
# The application can process the event data as needed. This examples simply
# prints all of the event data to console.
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - Two Secondary GST Inference Engines (SGIEs)
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Always Trigger with Display Metadata Action and Source Display Types

# This Example demonstrates how to use an ODE Always Trigger to update the 
# metadata of every frame to display specific information for each Source.
# 4 Sources are used, each with unique camara names.
# 3 Display Types are used to create the metadata to be added to each frame:
#   * Source Stream Id
#   * Source Name
#   * Source Dimensions
# The 3 Display Types are added to an "Add Display Meta Action" which
# adds the metadata to a given frame.
# The ODE Action is added to an "Always Trigger" that always triggers once
# per frame in every batched frame (requires source=DSL_ODE_ANY_SOURCE).
# The ODE Trigger is added to a "ODE Pad Probe Handler" that is added
# to the sink (input) pad of the 2D Tiler. The ODE Handler is called with
# every batched frame that crosses over the Tilers sink pad.
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - 4 URI Sources
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - 2D Tiler
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Minimum, Maximum, Range, and Summation Triggers, with Display Types and Actions

# This example demonstrates how to use Minimum, Maximum, and Range Triggers.
# The triggers, upon meeting all criteria, will add a small rectangle (using 
# a "Display Type" and "Add Display Metadata Action") on the Frame with the 
# following colors indicating: 
#    Yellow = object count below Minimum
#    Red = object count above Maximum 
#    Green = object count in range of Minimim to Maximum.
# An additional "Summation Trigger" with a "Display Action" will display the 
# total number of objects next to the colored/filled indicator (rectangle)
# The ODE Triggers are added to an ODE Pad Probe Handler which is added to
# source (output) pad of the Tracker. 

# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Distance Trigger with Format BBox Action

# This example demonstrates the use of an ODE Distance Trigger to trigger on the
# occurrence of two objects of different class id that are closer that a 
# minimum distance - specifically testing the distance between People and Vehicles.
# The bounding boxes for the two objects that are witin the minimim distance will. 
# be filled (using a Format BBox Action) with a color for visual indication of 
# the events.
# The Distance trigger is created with minimim distance critera as a percentage
# of the width of Class A in the A/B distance measurement. In this example,
# Class A will be the Person class and Class B the Vehicle class. ODE Occurrence 
# will be triggered if the distance between any Person and Vehicle is measured to 
# be less 250% of the width of the Person's BBox. Maximum is set to 0 == no maximum.
# Note: Class A and Class B can be set to the same Class Id or DSL_ODE_ANY_CLASS.
# test_point is DSL_BBOX_POINT_SOUTH == measuring from center points of bottom edges.
# test_method is DSL_DISTANCE_METHOD_PERCENT_WIDTH_A == % of Person's BBox width.
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

New Instance Triggers and Print Action

# This example demonstrates the use of two ODE Instance Triggers -- one for 
# the Person class and the other for the Vehicle class -- to trigger on new 
# Object instances as identified by an IOU Tracker. A Print Action is added 
# to the Instance Triggers to print out the event data for each new object. 
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

An example of the Object Dection Event (ODE) data printed to the console by the ODE Print Trigger

Trigger Name        : person-instance-trigger
  Unique ODE Id     : 249
  NTP Timestamp     : 2024-09-14 14:13:10.084472
  Source Data       : ------------------------
    Inference       : Yes
    Source Id       : 0x00000000
    Batch Id        : 0
    Pad Index       : 0
    Frame           : 18
    Width           : 1920
    Heigh           : 1080
  Object Data       : ------------------------
    Obj ClassId     : 2
    Infer Id        : 1
    Tracking Id     : 1
    Label           : person
    Infer Conf      : 0.260092
    Track Conf      : 1
    Persistence     : 0
    Direction       : 0
    Left            : 405
    Top             : 464
    Width           : 65
    Height          : 240
  Criteria          : ------------------------
    Class Id        : 2
    Infer Id        : -1
    Min Infer Conf  : 0
    Min Track Conf  : 0
    Min Frame Count : 1 out of 1
    Min Width       : 0
    Min Height      : 0
    Max Width       : 0
    Max Height      : 0
    Inference       : No

Intersection Triggers with Format BBox and Print Actions

# This example is used to demonstrate the Use of Two Intersection Triggers, 
# one for the Vehicle class the other for the Person class. A "Format BBox" 
# action will be used to shade the background of the Objects intersecting.  
# Person intersecting with Person and Vehicle intersecting with Vehicle.
# Min and Max Dimensions will set as addional criteria for the Preson and 
# Vehicle Triggers respecively
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Largest Trigger with Fill Surroundings Action

# This example demonstrates the used of a "Largest Object Trigger" and "Fill 
# Surroundings Action" to continuosly highlight the largest object in the Frame 
# as measured by bounding box area.
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Cross Trigger with Line Area and ODE Accumulator with Display Action

# This example demonstrates the use of an ODE Cross Trigger with an ODE Line Area 
# and ODE Accumulator to accumulate occurrences of an object (person) crossing 
# the line. The Accumulator uses an ODE Display Action to add the current counts 
# of the IN and OUT crossings as display-metadata to each frame.
# The bounding box and historical trace of each object (tracked by the "Cross 
# Trigger") is assigned a new random RGBA color and added as display-metadata 
# to each frame.
# An ODE Capture Object Action with an Image Render Player is added to the Cross
# Trigger to capture and render an image of each object (person) that crosses the 
# line. Each image is displayed for 3 seconds. All files are written to the current
# directory (configurable).
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A File Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

New High and New Low Count Triggers with Fill Frame and Print Event Data Actions

# This example demonstrates the use of the New-High and New-Low Count Triggers
# that trigger on new high and low object counts respectively. The frame is 
# filled with a full color for a (brief) visual indication on each new occurrence.
# A print Action is used to print the event data to the console as well.
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Occurrence Trigger with Area of Inclusion or Exclusion

# This example demonstrates the use of a Polygon Area for Inclusion
# or Exclusion criteria for ODE occurrence.
# A "Polygon Display Type" is used to create either an ODE Area of Inclusion or
# Exclusion based on the AREA_TYPE variable defined below.
# The ODE Area is then added to an ODE Occurrence Trigger to be used as criteria
# for ODE occurrence.
# A "Format BBox Action" is used to fill each detected object that triggers
# occurrence with an opaque red color for visual confirmation.
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Instance Trigger with Capture Frame Action with a Mailer to Email Frame as Attachement

# This example demostrates the use of an "ODE Occurrence Trigger" to trigger
# on every occurrence of every Person within a Polygon ODE Inclusion Area.
# The Trigger uses a "Format BBox Action" to fill each occurrence with
# an opaque red color for visual confirmation while the Person is in the Area.
# An Instance Trigger is then used to Trigger on every new Instance detected in
# the same ODE Area.. i.e. when the Person is first detected in the Area and only
# once.
# This Trigger uses a "Frame Capture Action" to capture and encode the frame
# and save it to file. The Action then uses a Mailer component to mail the
# image as an attachment using DSL's SMTP services.
# IMPORTANT! it is STRONGLY advised that you create a new, free Gmail account -- 
# that is seperate/unlinked from all your other email accounts -- strictly for 
# the purpose of sending ODE Event data uploaded from DSL.  Then, add your 
# Personal email address as a "To" address to receive the emails.
# Gmail considers regular email programs (i.e Outlook, etc.) and non-registered 
# third-party apps to be "less secure". The email account used for sending email 
# must have the "Allow less secure apps" option turned on. Once you've created 
# this new account, you can go to the account settings and enable Less secure 
# app access. see
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Occurrence Trigger with ODE Head Mapper using RGBA Color Palettes

# This example demonstrates the use of an ODE Heat-Mapper added to an 
# ODE Occurrence trigger that triggers on every Person occurrence.
# The occurrence data is mapped/ovelaid on everyframe. The example creates 
# all 5 predefined RGBA Color Palettes - Spectral, Red, Green, Blue, and Grey.
# The ODE Heat-Mapper is created with the Spectral palette, but can be updated
# at runtime by pressing the 'N' key.
# Several keys, bound to the Window Sink, are mapped to the ODE Heat Mapper services  
#    - 'N' key maps to 'next' color palette with - dsl_ode_heat_mapper_color_palette_set
#    - 'C' key maps to 'clear' heat-map metrics  - dsl_ode_heat_mapper_metrics_clear
#    - 'P' key maps to 'print' heat-map metrics  - dsl_ode_heat_mapper_metrics_print
#    - 'L' key maps to 'log' heat-map metrics    - dsl_ode_heat_mapper_metrics_log
#    - 'G' key maps to 'get' heat-map metrics    - dsl_ode_heat_mapper_metrics_get
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Persistence Triggers with Format BBox Actions

# This example demonstrates the use of three ODE Persistence Triggers to trigger on
# all tracked Objects - as identified by an IOU Tracker - that persist accross consecutive
# frames for a specifid period of time. Each trigger specifies a range of minimum and
# maximum times of persistence. 
#   Trigger 1: 0 - 3 seconds - action = fill object with opaque green color
#   Trigger 2: 3 - 6 seconds - action = fill object with opaque yellow color
#   Trigger 3: 6 - 0 seconds - action = fill object with opaque red color
# This will have the effect of coloring an object by its time in view
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink

Persistence and Earliest Triggers with Customize Label and Display Actions

# This script demonstrates the use of a Persistence Trigger to trigger on each Vehicle
# that is tracked for more than one frame -- to calculate the time of Object persistence
# from the first frame the object was detected.
# The Tracked Object's label is then "customized" to show the tracking Id and time of
# persistence for each tracked Vehicle.
# The script also creates an Earliest Trigger to trigger on the Vehicle that appeared
# the earliest -- i.e. the object with greatest persistence value -- and displays that
# Object's persistence using an ODE Display Action.
# The example uses a basic inference Pipeline consisting of:
#   - A URI Source
#   - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
#   - IOU Tracker
#   - On-Screen Display
#   - Window Sink