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Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers. + // maxWorkers: "50%", + + // An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location + // moduleDirectories: [ + // "node_modules" + // ], + + // An array of file extensions your modules use + // moduleFileExtensions: [ + // "js", + // "json", + // "jsx", + // "ts", + // "tsx", + // "node" + // ], + + // A map from regular expressions to module names or to arrays of module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module + // moduleNameMapper: {}, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader + // modulePathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Activates notifications for test results + // notify: false, + + // An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true } + // notifyMode: "failure-change", + + // A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration + // preset: undefined, + + // Run tests from one or more projects + // projects: undefined, + + // Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest + // reporters: undefined, + + // Automatically reset mock state between every test + // resetMocks: false, + + // Reset the module registry before running each individual test + // resetModules: false, + + // A path to a custom resolver + // resolver: undefined, + + // Automatically restore mock state between every test + // restoreMocks: false, + + // The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within + // rootDir: undefined, + + // A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in + // roots: [ + // "" + // ], + + // Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner + // runner: "jest-runner", + + // The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test + // setupFiles: [], + + // A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test + // setupFilesAfterEnv: [], + + // The number of seconds after which a test is considered as slow and reported as such in the results. + // slowTestThreshold: 5, + + // A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing + // snapshotSerializers: [], + + // The test environment that will be used for testing + testEnvironment: "node", + + // Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment + // testEnvironmentOptions: {}, + + // Adds a location field to test results + // testLocationInResults: false, + + // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files + // testMatch: [ + // "**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)", + // "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped + // testPathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "\\\\node_modules\\\\" + // ], + + // The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files + // testRegex: [], + + // This option allows the use of a custom results processor + // testResultsProcessor: undefined, + + // This option allows use of a custom test runner + // testRunner: "jasmine2", + + // This option sets the URL for the jsdom environment. It is reflected in properties such as location.href + // testURL: "http://localhost", + + // Setting this value to "fake" allows the use of fake timers for functions such as "setTimeout" + // timers: "real", + + // A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers + // transform: undefined, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation + // transformIgnorePatterns: [ + // "\\\\node_modules\\\\", + // "\\.pnp\\.[^\\\\]+$" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them + // unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined, + + // Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run + // verbose: undefined, + + // An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode + // watchPathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Whether to use watchman for file crawling + // watchman: true, +}; diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index eaf5093..fdb6377 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "mongoose-bcrypt", - "version": "1.8.1", + "version": "1.9.0", "lockfileVersion": 1, "requires": true, "dependencies": { @@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ } }, "@babel/core": { - "version": "7.11.1", - "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@babel/core/-/core-7.11.1.tgz", - "integrity": "sha512-XqF7F6FWQdKGGWAzGELL+aCO1p+lRY5Tj5/tbT3St1G8NaH70jhhDIKknIZaDans0OQBG5wRAldROLHSt44BgQ==", + "version": "7.12.3", + "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@babel/core/-/core-7.12.3.tgz", + "integrity": "sha512-0qXcZYKZp3/6N2jKYVxZv0aNCsxTSVCiK72DTiTYZAu7sjg73W0/aynWjMbiGd87EQL4WyA8reiJVh92AVla9g==", "dev": true, "requires": { "@babel/code-frame": "^7.10.4", - "@babel/generator": "^7.11.0", - "@babel/helper-module-transforms": "^7.11.0", - "@babel/helpers": "^7.10.4", - "@babel/parser": "^7.11.1", + 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documents.forEach(function (document, idx, thisArr) { + var changed = []; + var lastIdx = thisArr.length - 1; + var isLastDocument = idx === lastIdx; + + // Determine list of encrypted fields that have been modified + fields.forEach(function (field) { + const splitField = field.split('.'); + // we are concerned only about the leftmost part + if (document.hasOwnProperty(splitField[0])) { + changed.push(splitField); + } + }); + + // Create/update hash for each modified encrypted field + var count = changed.length; + if (count > 0) { + changed.forEach(function (splitField) { + var value; + var nestedObjWithValue; + var lastField; + var originalField = splitField.join('.'); + + splitField.forEach(function (field, idx, thisArr) { + const lastIdx = thisArr.length - 1; + value = value ? value[field] : document[field]; + lastField = field; + if (idx < lastIdx) nestedObjWithValue = value; + }); + + nestedObjWithValue = nestedObjWithValue ? nestedObjWithValue : document; + + if (typeof value === 'string') { + encrypt(originalField, value, function (err, hash) { + if (err) return next(err); + nestedObjWithValue[lastField] = hash; + if (--count === 0 && isLastDocument) next(); + }); + } else { + nestedObjWithValue[lastField] = ''; + if (--count === 0 && isLastDocument) next(); + } + }); + } else { + next(); + } + }); +} + +module.exports = processDocumentsOnInsertMany; diff --git a/src/prrocessDocumentsOnInsertMany.test.js b/src/prrocessDocumentsOnInsertMany.test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d076678 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/prrocessDocumentsOnInsertMany.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +var processDocumentsOnInsertMany = require('./processDocumentsOnInsertMany'); + +describe('Process Documents on Model.insertMany', function () { + var documents, fields, encrypt, next, testDocument1, testDocument2, err, hash; + + beforeEach(function () { + var testPwd = '123'; + fields = ['password']; + + testDocument1 = { + name: 'test1', + password: testPwd, + index: 0, + }; + + testDocument2 = { + name: 'test2', + password: testPwd, + index: 0, + }; + documents = [testDocument1, testDocument2]; + + hash = testPwd + 'hashed'; + + next = jest.fn(); + + err = null; + + encrypt = jest.fn(function (original, value, cb) { + cb(err, hash); + }); + }); + + it('should call next when no fileds were changed', function () { + fields = []; + processDocumentsOnInsertMany(documents, fields, encrypt, next); + + expect(next).toHaveBeenCalled(); + }); + + it('should call next if field is not present in any document', function () { + fields = ['abc']; + processDocumentsOnInsertMany(documents, fields, encrypt, next); + + expect(next).toHaveBeenCalled(); + }); + + describe('if field(s) is/are present in the documents', function () { + describe('if a value is not a string', function () { + beforeEach(function () { + testDocument1.password = 123; + }); + it('it should make the value a "" in the document', function () { + processDocumentsOnInsertMany(documents, fields, encrypt, next); + + expect(testDocument1.password).toEqual(''); + }); + + it('should call next if last document reached', function () { + processDocumentsOnInsertMany(documents, fields, encrypt, next); + + expect(next).toHaveBeenCalled(); + }); + }); + + describe('if value is a string', function () { + it('should pass en error if encrypting failed', function () { + err = 'error'; + + processDocumentsOnInsertMany(documents, fields, encrypt, next); + + expect(next).toHaveBeenCalledWith(err); + }); + + it('should encrypt fields successfully', function () { + processDocumentsOnInsertMany(documents, fields, encrypt, next); + + expect(testDocument1.password).toEqual(hash); + expect(testDocument2.password).toEqual(hash); + }); + + it('should call next if last document reached', function () { + processDocumentsOnInsertMany(documents, fields, encrypt, next); + + expect(next).toHaveBeenCalled(); + }); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/index.test.js b/test/index.test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..388760f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/index.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,947 @@ +'use strict'; + +var mongoose = require('mongoose'); +var bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'); +var semver = require('semver'); +mongoose.Promise = global.Promise = require('bluebird'); +mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false); + +function deleteMany(model, cond, opt, cb) { + if (model.deleteMany) { + model.deleteMany(cond, opt, cb); + } else { + model.remove(cond, opt, cb); + } +} + +function createDocumentWithNewModel(model, objects, testDocuments, done) { + new model(objects[0]).save(function (err, testDoc) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + testDocuments.push(testDoc); + done(); + }); +} + +function createDocumentsWithInsertMany(model, objects, testDocuments, done) { + model.insertMany(objects, function (err, testDocs) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + testDocs.forEach(function (doc) { + testDocuments.push(doc); + }); + done(); + }); +} + +describe('mongoose-bcrypt', function () { + var defaultRounds; + var describeSuites; + var test1, test2, test3, test4, testPwd, testPwds; + + beforeAll(function (done) { + var options; + if (semver.lt(mongoose.version, '5.0.0')) { + options = { useMongoClient: true }; + } else { + options = {}; + if (semver.gte(mongoose.version, '5.2.0')) { + options.useNewUrlParser = true; + } + if (semver.gte(mongoose.version, '5.3.0')) { + options.useUnifiedTopology = true; + } + } + defaultRounds = bcrypt.getRounds(bcrypt.hashSync('test')); + mongoose.connect('mongodb://', options, function ( + err, + db + ) { + done(); + }); + }); + + afterAll(function (done) { + mongoose.connection.close(done); + }); + + testPwd = 'testPwd'; + testPwds = ['testPwd0', 'testPwd1', 'testPwd2', 'testPwd3']; + + test1 = { + name: 'test', + password: testPwd, + index: 0, + }; + + test2 = { + name: 'test', + pwd0: testPwds[0], + pwd1: testPwds[1], + pwd2: testPwds[2], + pwd3: testPwds[3], + index: 0, + }; + + test3 = Object.assign({}, test2); + + test4 = { + nested: { + pwd0: testPwds[0], + pwd1: testPwds[1], + pwd2: testPwds[2], + }, + index: 0, + }; + + describeSuites = [ + [ + 'create document with "new Model"', + createDocumentWithNewModel, + [[test1], [test2], [test3], [test4]], + ], + [ + 'create documents with "Model.insertMany"', + createDocumentsWithInsertMany, + [ + [ + Object.assign({}, test1, { name: 'test11', index: 0 }), + Object.assign({}, test1, { name: 'test12', index: 1 }), + ], + [ + Object.assign({}, test2, { name: 'test21', index: 0 }), + Object.assign({}, test2, { name: 'test22', index: 1 }), + ], + [ + Object.assign({}, test3, { name: 'test31', index: 0 }), + Object.assign({}, test3, { name: 'test32', index: 1 }), + ], + [ + Object.assign({}, test4, { index: 0 }), + Object.assign({}, test4, { index: 1 }), + ], + ], + ], + ]; + + describe.each(describeSuites)('%s', function (_, creatingFunction, testData) { + describe('Using default settings', function () { + var Test1, + testDocuments1 = []; + + beforeAll(function (done) { + var TestSchema1 = new mongoose.Schema({ + name: String, + }); + TestSchema1.plugin(require('../index')); + expect(TestSchema1.path('password')).toBeDefined(); + Test1 = mongoose.model('Test1', TestSchema1); + deleteMany(Test1, function () { + creatingFunction(Test1, testData[0], testDocuments1, done); + }); + }); + + afterAll(function (done) { + mongoose.deleteModel('Test1'); + done(); + }); + + it('should create documents with encrypted field "password"', function () { + expect(testDocuments1.length).toBe(testData[0].length); + }); + + it('should return valid encryption value using callback', function (done) { + Test1.encryptPassword(testPwd, function (err, hash) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(bcrypt.compareSync(testPwd, hash)).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should return valid encryption value using promise', function () { + return Test1.encryptPassword(testPwd) + .then(function (hash) { + expect(bcrypt.compareSync(testPwd, hash)).toBe(true); + }) + .catch(function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + }); + }); + + describe.each(testData[0])('test document1.%#', function ( + originalTestDocument + ) { + var testDocument1; + + beforeAll(function() { + testDocument1 = testDocuments1[originalTestDocument.index]; + }); + + it(`should encrypt password with default rounds in the document `, function (done) { + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument1.password)).toEqual( + defaultRounds + ); + done(); + }); + + it(`should accept valid password using callback in the document `, function (done) { + var promise = Promise; + Promise = null; + testDocument1.verifyPassword(testPwd, function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + Promise = promise; + done(); + }); + }); + + it(`should accept valid password using promise in the document `, function () { + return testDocument1 + .verifyPassword(testPwd) + .then(function (isMatch) { + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + }) + .catch(function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + }); + }); + + it(`should reject invalid password using callback in the document `, function (done) { + testDocument1.verifyPassword(testPwd + 'bogus', function ( + err, + isMatch + ) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(false); + done(); + }); + }); + + it(`should reject invalid password using promise in the document `, function () { + return testDocument1 + .verifyPassword(testPwd + 'bogus') + .then(function (isMatch) { + expect(isMatch).toBe(false); + }) + .catch(function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + }); + }); + + it(`should accept valid password (sync) in the document `, function (done) { + expect(testDocument1.verifyPasswordSync(testPwd)).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + + it(`should reject invalid password (sync) in the document `, function (done) { + expect(testDocument1.verifyPasswordSync(testPwd + 'bogus')).toBe( + false + ); + done(); + }); + + it(`should save instance with unchanged password in the document `, function (done) { + testDocument1.name += 'Updated'; + testDocument1.save(done); + }); + + it(`should save instance with cleared pasword in the document `, function (done) { + testDocument1.password = null; + testDocument1.save(done); + }); + }); + }); + + describe('Encrypting existing fields', function () { + var encrypt = ['encryptPwd0', 'encryptPwd1']; + var verify = ['verifyPwd0', 'verifyPwd1']; + var fields = ['pwd0', 'pwd1']; + var Test2, + testDocuments2 = []; + + beforeAll(function (done) { + var TestSchema2 = new mongoose.Schema({ + name: String, + value: Number, + pwd0: { type: String, bcrypt: true }, + pwd1: { type: String, required: true, rounds: 7 }, + pwd2: { type: String, bcrypt: true, select: false }, + pwd3: { type: String }, + }); + TestSchema2.plugin(require('../index'), { fields: 'pwd1' }); + Test2 = mongoose.model('Test2', TestSchema2); + deleteMany(Test2, function () { + creatingFunction(Test2, testData[1], testDocuments2, done); + }); + }); + + afterAll(function (done) { + mongoose.deleteModel('Test2'); + done(); + }); + + it('should create documents with fields marked for encryption', function () { + expect(testDocuments2.length).toBe(testData[1].length); + }); + + it('should return valid encryption values using callbacks', function (done) { + var count = fields.length; + for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { + (function () { + var pwd = testPwds[i]; + Test2[encrypt[i]](pwd, function (err, hash) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(bcrypt.compareSync(pwd, hash)).toBe(true); + if (--count == 0) done(); + }); + })(); + } + }); + + it('should return valid encryption values using promises', function () { + return Promise.map(fields, function (field, index) { + var pwd = testPwds[index]; + return Test2[encrypt[index]](pwd).then(function (hash) { + expect(bcrypt.compareSync(pwd, hash)).toBe(true); + }); + }).catch(function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + }); + }); + + describe.each(testData[1])('test document2.%#', function ( + originalTestDocument + ) { + var testDocument2; + + beforeAll(function() { + testDocument2 = testDocuments2[originalTestDocument.index]; + }); + + it(`should encrypt fields with default rounds when unspecified in the document`, function (done) { + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument2.pwd0)).toEqual(defaultRounds); + done(); + }); + + it(`should encrypt field with correct rounds when specified in the document`, function (done) { + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument2.pwd1)).toEqual(7); + done(); + }); + + it(`should accept valid field values using callbacks in the document`, function (done) { + var count = fields.length; + for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { + testDocument2[verify[i]](testPwds[i], function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + if (--count == 0) done(); + }); + } + }); + + it(`should accept valid field values using promises in the document`, function () { + return Promise.map(fields, function (_, index) { + return testDocument2[verify[index]](testPwds[index]); + }) + .then(function (results) { + expect(results.length).toEqual(fields.length); + results.forEach(function (isMatch) { + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + }); + }) + .catch(function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + }); + }); + + it(`should reject invalid field values using callbacks in the document`, function (done) { + var count = fields.length; + for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { + testDocument2[verify[i]](testPwds[i] + 'bogus', function ( + err, + isMatch + ) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(false); + if (--count == 0) done(); + }); + } + }); + + it(`should reject invalid field values using promises in the document`, function () { + return Promise.map(fields, function (_, index) { + return testDocument2[verify[index]](testPwds[index] + 'bogus'); + }) + .then(function (results) { + expect(results.length).toEqual(fields.length); + results.forEach(function (isMatch) { + expect(isMatch).toBe(false); + }); + }) + .catch(function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + }); + }); + + it(`should accept valid field values (sync) in the document`, function (done) { + for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { + expect(testDocument2[verify[i] + 'Sync'](testPwds[i])).toBe(true); + } + done(); + }); + + it(`should reject invalid field values (sync) in the document`, function (done) { + for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { + expect( + testDocument2[verify[i] + 'Sync'](testPwds[i] + 'bogus') + ).toBe(false); + } + done(); + }); + + it(`should not encrypt unmarked fields in the document`, function (done) { + expect(testDocument2.pwd3).toEqual(testPwds[3]); + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument2.pwd3)).toBeNaN(); + expect(testDocument2.verifyPwd3).toBeUndefined(); + expect(testDocument2.verifyPwd3Sync).toBeUndefined(); + done(); + }); + }); + }); + + describe('Encrypting both new and existing fields', function () { + var encrypt = [ + 'encryptPwd0', + 'encryptPwd1', + 'encryptPwd2', + 'encryptPwd3', + ]; + var verify = ['verifyPwd0', 'verifyPwd1', 'verifyPwd2', 'verifyPwd3']; + var fields = ['pwd0', 'pwd1', 'pwd2', 'pwd3']; + var Test3, + testDocuments3 = []; + + beforeAll(function (done) { + var TestSchema3 = new mongoose.Schema({ + name: String, + pwd1: { type: String, required: true, rounds: 7 }, + pwd3: { type: String, bcrypt: true }, + }); + TestSchema3.plugin(require('../index'), { + fields: ['pwd0', 'pwd1', 'pwd2'], + rounds: 8, + }); + for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { + expect(TestSchema3.path(fields[i])).toBeDefined(); + } + Test3 = mongoose.model('Test3', TestSchema3); + deleteMany(Test3, function () { + creatingFunction(Test3, testData[2], testDocuments3, done); + }); + }); + + afterAll(function (done) { + mongoose.deleteModel('Test3'); + done(); + }); + + it('should create document with multiple encrypted fields added', function () { + expect(testDocuments3.length).toBe(testData[2].length); + }); + + it('should return valid encryption values', function (done) { + var count = fields.length; + for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { + (function () { + var pwd = testPwds[i]; + Test3[encrypt[i]](pwd, function (err, hash) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(bcrypt.compareSync(pwd, hash)).toBe(true); + if (--count == 0) done(); + }); + })(); + } + }); + + describe.each(testData[2])('test document3.%#', function ( + originalTestDocument + ) { + var testDocument3; + + beforeAll(function() { + testDocument3 = testDocuments3[originalTestDocument.index]; + }); + + it(`should encrypt field with correct rounds when specified in the document`, function (done) { + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument3.pwd1)).toEqual(7); + done(); + }); + + it(`should encrypt fields with default rounds when unspecified in the document`, function (done) { + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument3.pwd0)).toEqual(8); + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument3.pwd2)).toEqual(8); + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument3.pwd3)).toEqual(8); + done(); + }); + + it(`should accept valid field values (async) in the document`, function (done) { + var count = fields.length; + for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { + testDocument3[verify[i]](testPwds[i], function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + if (--count == 0) done(); + }); + } + }); + + it(`should reject invalid field values (async) in the document`, function (done) { + var count = fields.length; + for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { + testDocument3[verify[i]](testPwds[i] + 'bogus', function ( + err, + isMatch + ) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(false); + if (--count == 0) done(); + }); + } + }); + + it(`should accept valid field values (sync) in the document`, function (done) { + for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { + expect(testDocument3[verify[i] + 'Sync'](testPwds[i])).toBe(true); + } + done(); + }); + + it(`should reject invalid field values (sync) in the document`, function (done) { + for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { + expect( + testDocument3[verify[i] + 'Sync'](testPwds[i] + 'bogus') + ).toBe(false); + } + done(); + }); + }); + }); + + describe('Support nested fields', function () { + var encrypt = [ + 'encryptNestedPwd0', + 'encryptNestedPwd1', + 'encryptNestedPwd2', + ]; + var verify = ['verifyNestedPwd0', 'verifyNestedPwd1', 'verifyNestedPwd2']; + var fields = ['nested.pwd0', 'nested.pwd1', 'nested.pwd2']; + var Test4, + testDocuments4 = []; + + beforeAll(function (done) { + var TestSchema4 = new mongoose.Schema({ + nested: { + pwd0: { type: String, bcrypt: true, rounds: 7 }, + pwd1: { type: String }, + }, + }); + TestSchema4.plugin(require('../index'), { + fields: ['nested.pwd1', 'nested.pwd2'], + rounds: 8, + }); + for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { + expect(TestSchema4.path(fields[i])).toBeDefined(); + } + Test4 = mongoose.model('Test4', TestSchema4); + deleteMany(Test4, function () { + creatingFunction(Test4, testData[3], testDocuments4, done); + }); + }); + + afterAll(function (done) { + mongoose.deleteModel('Test4'); + done(); + }); + + it('shoud create document with nested fields marked for encryption', function () { + expect(testDocuments4.length).toBe(testData[3].length); + }); + + it('should return valid encryption values', function (done) { + var count = fields.length; + for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { + (function () { + var pwd = testPwds[i]; + Test4[encrypt[i]](pwd, function (err, hash) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(bcrypt.compareSync(pwd, hash)).toBe(true); + if (--count == 0) done(); + }); + })(); + } + }); + + describe.each(testData[3])('test document4.%#', function ( + originalTestDocument + ) { + var testDocument4; + + beforeAll(function() { + testDocument4 = testDocuments4[originalTestDocument.index]; + }); + + it(`should encrypt nested field with correct rounds when specified in the document`, function (done) { + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument4.nested.pwd0)).toEqual(7); + done(); + }); + + it(`should encrypt nested fields with default rounds when unspecified in the document`, function (done) { + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument4.nested.pwd1)).toEqual(8); + expect(bcrypt.getRounds(testDocument4.nested.pwd2)).toEqual(8); + done(); + }); + + it(`should accept valid field values (async) in the document`, function (done) { + var count = fields.length; + for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { + testDocument4[verify[i]](testPwds[i], function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + if (--count == 0) done(); + }); + } + }); + + it(`should reject invalid field values (async) in the document`, function (done) { + var count = fields.length; + for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { + testDocument4[verify[i]](testPwds[i] + 'bogus', function ( + err, + isMatch + ) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(false); + if (--count == 0) done(); + }); + } + }); + + it(`should accept valid field values (sync) in the document`, function (done) { + for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { + expect(testDocument4[verify[i] + 'Sync'](testPwds[i])).toBe(true); + } + done(); + }); + + it(`should reject invalid field values (sync) in the document`, function (done) { + for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { + expect( + testDocument4[verify[i] + 'Sync'](testPwds[i] + 'bogus') + ).toBe(false); + } + done(); + }); + }); + }); + }); + + if (semver.gte(mongoose.version, '4.1.3')) { + function testUpdates(timestamps) { + var postfix = timestamps ? 'b' : 'a'; + var title = 'Support update queries'; + if (timestamps) { + title += ' with timestamps'; + } + describe(title, function () { + var testPwd = 'testPwd'; + var Test5, test5; + var Test6, test6; + + beforeAll(function (done) { + var TestSchema5 = new mongoose.Schema( + { + name: String, + }, + { + timestamps: timestamps, + } + ); + TestSchema5.plugin(require('../index')); + Test5 = mongoose.model('Test5' + postfix, TestSchema5); + var TestSchema6 = new mongoose.Schema({ + maindoc: String, + subdocs: { type: [TestSchema5], default: [] }, + }); + TestSchema6.plugin(require('../index')); + Test6 = mongoose.model('Test6' + postfix, TestSchema6); + deleteMany(Test5, function () { + new Test5({ + name: 'test', + password: testPwd, + }).save(function (err, test) { + var subdoc = { + name: 'subdoc1', + password: testPwd, + }; + deleteMany(Test6, function () { + test6 = new Test6({ + maindoc: 'main', + }); + test6.subdocs.push(subdoc); + test6.save(function (err, test) { + test6 = test; + done(); + }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + + if (semver.lt(mongoose.version, '5.0.0')) { + it('should encrypt password when updating with update', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2a'; + Test5.update({}, { password: updatedPassword }, function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + + it('should encrypt password when updating with update & $set', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2b'; + Test5.update({}, { $set: { password: updatedPassword } }, function ( + err + ) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + + it('should encrypt password when promises not available', function (done) { + var promise = Promise; + Promise = null; + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2c'; + Test5.update({}, { password: updatedPassword }, function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + Promise = promise; + done(); + }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + } + + if (semver.gte(mongoose.version, '4.8.0')) { + it('should encrypt password when updating with updateOne', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; + Test5.updateOne({}, { password: updatedPassword }, function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + + it('should encrypt password when updating with updateOne & $set', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; + Test5.updateOne( + {}, + { $set: { password: updatedPassword } }, + function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function ( + err, + isMatch + ) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + }); + }); + } + ); + }); + + it('should encrypt password when promises not available', function (done) { + var promise = Promise; + Promise = null; + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2c'; + Test5.updateOne({}, { password: updatedPassword }, function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + Promise = promise; + done(); + }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + + it('should encrypt password when updating with updateMany', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; + Test5.updateMany({}, { password: updatedPassword }, function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + + it('should encrypt password when updating with updateMany & $set', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; + Test5.updateMany( + {}, + { $set: { password: updatedPassword } }, + function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function ( + err, + isMatch + ) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + }); + }); + } + ); + }); + } + + it('should encrypt password when find and updating', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; + Test5.findOneAndUpdate( + { name: 'test' }, + { password: updatedPassword }, + function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + }); + }); + } + ); + }); + + it('should clear hash when find and updating with empty password ', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = null; + Test5.findOneAndUpdate( + { name: 'test' }, + { password: updatedPassword }, + function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + expect(test.password.length).toBe(0); + done(); + }); + }); + } + ); + }); + + it('should encrypt password when find and updating using $set', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; + Test5.findOneAndUpdate( + { name: 'test' }, + { $set: { password: updatedPassword } }, + function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + expect(isMatch).toBe(true); + done(); + }); + }); + }); + } + ); + }); + + it('should clear hash when find and updating using $set with empty password ', function (done) { + var updatedPassword = null; + Test5.findOneAndUpdate( + { name: 'test' }, + { $set: { password: updatedPassword } }, + function (err) { + expect(err).toBeNull(); + Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { + results.forEach(function (test) { + expect(test.password.length).toBe(0); + done(); + }); + }); + } + ); + }); + + // it('should encrypt password in subdocs when find and updating', function (done) { + // expect(test6.subdocs[0].verifyPasswordSync(testPwd)).toBe(true); + // var newPassword = 'testPwd2'; + // var newSubdoc = new Test5({ name: 'newSubdoc', password: newPassword}, ); + // Test6.findOneAndUpdate({_id: test6._id}, {$push: {subdocs: newSubdoc}}, {new: true}, function(err) { + // expect(err).toBeNull(); + // Test6.find({}, function(err, results) { + // results.forEach(function (test) { + // expect(test.subdocs.length).toEqual(2); + // expect(test.subdocs[0].verifyPasswordSync(testPwd)).toBe(true); + // expect(test.subdocs[1].verifyPasswordSync(newPassword)).toBe(true); + // done(); + // }) + // }) + // }) + // }); + }); + } + testUpdates(false); + testUpdates(true); + } +}); diff --git a/test/test.js b/test/test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4ea53c4..0000000 --- a/test/test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,765 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var should = require('should'); -var mongoose = require('mongoose'); -var bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'); -var semver = require('semver'); -mongoose.Promise = global.Promise = require('bluebird'); -mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false); - -function deleteMany(model, cond, opt, cb) { - if (model.deleteMany) { - model.deleteMany(cond, opt, cb); - } else { - model.remove(cond, opt, cb); - } -} - -describe('mongoose-bcrypt', function() { - var defaultRounds; - - before(function(done){ - var options; - if (semver.lt(mongoose.version, "5.0.0")) { - options = { useMongoClient: true }; - } else { - options = {}; - if (semver.gte(mongoose.version, "5.2.0")) { - options.useNewUrlParser = true; - } - if (semver.gte(mongoose.version, "5.3.0")) { - options.useUnifiedTopology = true; - } - } - defaultRounds = bcrypt.getRounds(bcrypt.hashSync('test')); - mongoose.connect('mongodb://', options, function(err, db) { - done(); - }); - }); - - after(function(done) { - mongoose.connection.close(done); - }); - - describe('Using default settings', function(){ - var testPwd = 'testPwd'; - var Test1,test1; - - it ('should create document with encrypted field "password"', function(done) { - var TestSchema1 = new mongoose.Schema({ - name: String - }); - TestSchema1.plugin(require('../index')); - (TestSchema1.path('password') == undefined).should.be.false(); - Test1 = mongoose.model('Test1', TestSchema1); - deleteMany(Test1, function(){ - new Test1({ - name: 'test', - password: testPwd - }).save(function(err, test) { - should.not.exist(err); - test1 = test; - done(); - }); - }); - }); - - it ('should encrypt password with default rounds', function(done){ - bcrypt.getRounds(test1.password).should.equal(defaultRounds); - done(); - }); - - it ('should return valid encryption value using callback', function(done) { - Test1.encryptPassword(testPwd, function(err, hash) { - should.not.exist(err); - bcrypt.compareSync(testPwd, hash).should.be.true; - done(); - }); - }); - - it ('should return valid encryption value using promise', function() { - return Test1 - .encryptPassword(testPwd) - .then(function(hash) { - bcrypt.compareSync(testPwd, hash).should.be.true; - }) - .catch(function(err) { - should.fail(err); - }); - }); - - it ('should accept valid password using callback', function(done) { - var promise = Promise; - Promise = null; - test1.verifyPassword(testPwd, function(err, isMatch){ - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true; - Promise = promise; - done(); - }); - }); - - it ('should accept valid password using promise', function() { - return test1 - .verifyPassword(testPwd) - .then(function(isMatch) { - isMatch.should.be.true; - }) - .catch(function(err) { - should.fail(err); - }); - }); - - it ('should reject invalid password using callback', function(done) { - test1.verifyPassword(testPwd + 'bogus', function(err, isMatch){ - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.false(); - done(); - }); - }); - - it ('should reject invalid password using promise', function() { - return test1 - .verifyPassword(testPwd + 'bogus') - .then(function(isMatch) { - isMatch.should.be.false(); - }) - .catch(function(err) { - should.fail(err); - }); - }); - - it ('should accept valid password (sync)', function(done) { - test1.verifyPasswordSync(testPwd).should.be.true; - done(); - }); - - it ('should reject invalid password (sync)', function(done) { - test1.verifyPasswordSync(testPwd + 'bogus').should.be.false(); - done(); - }); - - it ('should save instance with unchanged password', function(done) { - test1.name += "Updated"; - test1.save(done); - }); - - it ('should save instance with cleared pasword', function(done) { - test1.password = null; - test1.save(done); - }); - }); - - describe('Encrypting existing fields', function() { - var testPwds = ['testPwd0', 'testPwd1', 'testPwd2', 'testPwd3']; - var encrypt = ['encryptPwd0', 'encryptPwd1' ]; - var verify = ['verifyPwd0', 'verifyPwd1']; - var fields = ['pwd0', 'pwd1']; - var Test2,test2; - - it ('should create document with fields marked for encryption', function(done) { - var TestSchema2 = new mongoose.Schema({ - name: String, - value: Number, - pwd0: { type: String, bcrypt: true }, - pwd1: { type: String, required: true, rounds: 7}, - pwd2: { type: String, bcrypt: true, select: false }, - pwd3: { type: String } - }); - TestSchema2.plugin(require('../index'), { fields: 'pwd1' }); - Test2 = mongoose.model('Test2', TestSchema2); - deleteMany(Test2, function(){ - new Test2({ - name: 'test', - pwd0: testPwds[0], - pwd1: testPwds[1], - pwd2: testPwds[2], - pwd3: testPwds[3] - }).save(function(err,test){ - should.not.exist(err); - test2 = test; - done(); - }) - }); - }); - - it ('should encrypt fields with default rounds when unspecified', function(done){ - bcrypt.getRounds(test2.pwd0).should.equal(defaultRounds); - done(); - }); - - it ('should encrypt field with correct rounds when specified', function(done){ - bcrypt.getRounds(test2.pwd1).should.equal(7); - done(); - }); - - it ('should return valid encryption values using callbacks', function(done) { - var count = fields.length; - for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { - (function() { - var pwd = testPwds[i]; - Test2[encrypt[i]](pwd, function(err, hash){ - should.not.exist(err); - bcrypt.compareSync(pwd,hash).should.be.true(); - if (--count == 0) - done(); - }); - })(); - } - }); - - it ('should return valid encryption values using promises', function() { - return Promise.map(fields, function(field, index) { - var pwd = testPwds[index]; - return Test2[encrypt[index]](pwd) - .then(function(hash) { - bcrypt.compareSync(pwd,hash).should.be.true(); - }); - }) - .catch(function(err) { - should.fail(err); - }); - }); - - it ('should accept valid field values using callbacks', function(done) { - var count = fields.length; - for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { - test2[verify[i]](testPwds[i], function(err, isMatch){ - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - if (--count == 0) - done(); - }); - } - }); - - it ('should accept valid field values using promises', function() { - return Promise.map(fields, function(field, index) { - return test2[verify[index]](testPwds[index]); - }).then(function(results) { - results.length.should.equal(fields.length); - results.forEach(function(isMatch) { - isMatch.should.be.true(); - }); - }).catch(function(err) { - should.fail(err); - }); - }); - - it ('should reject invalid field values using callbacks', function(done) { - var count = fields.length; - for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { - test2[verify[i]](testPwds[i]+'bogus', function(err, isMatch){ - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.false(); - if (--count == 0) - done(); - }); - } - }); - - it ('should reject invalid field values using promises', function() { - return Promise.map(fields, function(field, index) { - return test2[verify[index]](testPwds[index]+'bogus'); - }).then(function(results) { - results.length.should.equal(fields.length); - results.forEach(function(isMatch) { - isMatch.should.be.false(); - }); - }).catch(function(err) { - should.fail(err); - }); - }); - - it ('should accept valid field values (sync)', function(done) { - for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { - test2[verify[i] + "Sync"](testPwds[i]).should.be.true(); - } - done(); - }); - - it ('should reject invalid field values (sync)', function(done) { - for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { - test2[verify[i] + "Sync"](testPwds[i]+'bogus').should.be.false(); - } - done(); - }); - - it ('should not encrypt unmarked fields', function(done){ - test2.pwd3.should.equal(testPwds[3]); - bcrypt.getRounds(test2.pwd3).should.be.NaN; - (test2.verifyPwd3 == undefined).should.be.true(); - (test2.verifyPwd3Sync == undefined).should.be.true(); - done(); - }); - - }); - - describe('Encrypting both new and existing fields', function(){ - var testPwds = ['testPwd0', 'testPwd1', 'testPwd2', 'testPwd3']; - var encrypt = ['encryptPwd0', 'encryptPwd1', 'encryptPwd2', 'encryptPwd3']; - var verify = ['verifyPwd0', 'verifyPwd1', 'verifyPwd2', 'verifyPwd3']; - var fields = ['pwd0', 'pwd1', 'pwd2', 'pwd3']; - var Test3,test3; - - it ('should create document with multiple encrypted fields added', function(done) { - var TestSchema3 = new mongoose.Schema({ - name: String, - pwd1: { type: String, required: true, rounds: 7 }, - pwd3: { type: String, bcrypt: true } - }); - TestSchema3.plugin(require('../index'), { fields: ['pwd0', 'pwd1', 'pwd2'], rounds: 8 }); - for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { - (TestSchema3.path(fields[i]) == undefined).should.be.false(); - } - Test3 = mongoose.model('Test3', TestSchema3); - deleteMany(Test3, function(){ - new Test3({ - name: 'test', - pwd0: testPwds[0], - pwd1: testPwds[1], - pwd2: testPwds[2], - pwd3: testPwds[3] - }).save(function(err,test){ - should.not.exist(err); - test3 = test; - done(); - }); - }); - }); - - it ('should encrypt field with correct rounds when specified', function(done){ - bcrypt.getRounds(test3.pwd1).should.equal(7); - done(); - }); - - it ('should encrypt fields with default rounds when unspecified', function(done){ - bcrypt.getRounds(test3.pwd0).should.equal(8); - bcrypt.getRounds(test3.pwd2).should.equal(8); - bcrypt.getRounds(test3.pwd3).should.equal(8); - done(); - }); - - it ('should return valid encryption values', function(done) { - var count = fields.length; - for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { - (function() { - var pwd = testPwds[i]; - Test3[encrypt[i]](pwd, function(err, hash){ - should.not.exist(err); - bcrypt.compareSync(pwd,hash).should.be.true(); - if (--count == 0) - done(); - }); - })(); - } - }); - - it ('should accept valid field values (async)', function(done) { - var count = fields.length; - for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { - test3[verify[i]](testPwds[i], function(err, isMatch){ - (err == null).should.be.true(); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - if (--count == 0) - done(); - }); - } - }); - - it ('should reject invalid field values (async)', function(done) { - var count = fields.length; - for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { - test3[verify[i]](testPwds[i]+'bogus', function(err, isMatch){ - (err == null).should.be.true(); - isMatch.should.be.false(); - if (--count == 0) - done(); - }); - } - }); - - it ('should accept valid field values (sync)', function(done) { - for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { - test3[verify[i] + "Sync"](testPwds[i]).should.be.true(); - } - done(); - }); - - it ('should reject invalid field values (sync)', function(done) { - for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { - test3[verify[i] + "Sync"](testPwds[i]+'bogus').should.be.false(); - } - done(); - }); - - }); - - describe('Support nested fields', function(){ - var testPwds = ['testPwd0', 'testPwd1', 'testPwd2']; - var encrypt = ['encryptNestedPwd0', 'encryptNestedPwd1', 'encryptNestedPwd2']; - var verify = ['verifyNestedPwd0', 'verifyNestedPwd1', 'verifyNestedPwd2']; - var fields = ['nested.pwd0', 'nested.pwd1', 'nested.pwd2']; - var Test4, test4; - - it ("shoud create document with nested fields marked for encryption", function(done){ - var TestSchema4 = new mongoose.Schema({ - nested: { - pwd0: { type: String, bcrypt: true, rounds: 7 }, - pwd1: { type: String } - } - }); - TestSchema4.plugin(require('../index'), { fields: ['nested.pwd1', 'nested.pwd2'], rounds: 8 }); - for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { - (TestSchema4.path(fields[i]) == undefined).should.be.false(); - } - Test4 = mongoose.model('Test4', TestSchema4); - deleteMany(Test4, function(){ - new Test4({ - nested: { - pwd0: testPwds[0], - pwd1: testPwds[1], - pwd2: testPwds[2] - } - }).save(function(err,test){ - should.not.exist(err); - test4 = test; - done(); - }); - }); - }); - it ('should encrypt nested field with correct rounds when specified', function(done){ - bcrypt.getRounds(test4.nested.pwd0).should.equal(7); - done(); - }); - it ('should encrypt nested fields with default rounds when unspecified', function(done){ - bcrypt.getRounds(test4.nested.pwd1).should.equal(8); - bcrypt.getRounds(test4.nested.pwd2).should.equal(8); - done(); - }); - - it ('should return valid encryption values', function(done) { - var count = fields.length; - for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { - (function() { - var pwd = testPwds[i]; - Test4[encrypt[i]](pwd, function(err, hash){ - should.not.exist(err); - bcrypt.compareSync(pwd,hash).should.be.true(); - if (--count == 0) - done(); - }); - })(); - } - }); - - it ('should accept valid field values (async)', function(done) { - var count = fields.length; - for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { - test4[verify[i]](testPwds[i], function(err, isMatch){ - (err == null).should.be.true(); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - if (--count == 0) - done(); - }); - } - }); - - it ('should reject invalid field values (async)', function(done) { - var count = fields.length; - for (var i = 0, len = count; i < len; i++) { - test4[verify[i]](testPwds[i]+'bogus', function(err, isMatch){ - (err == null).should.be.true(); - isMatch.should.be.false(); - if (--count == 0) - done(); - }); - } - }); - - it ('should accept valid field values (sync)', function(done) { - for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { - test4[verify[i] + "Sync"](testPwds[i]).should.be.true(); - } - done(); - }); - - it ('should reject invalid field values (sync)', function(done) { - for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { - test4[verify[i] + "Sync"](testPwds[i]+'bogus').should.be.false(); - } - done(); - }); - }); - - if (semver.gte(mongoose.version, "4.1.3")) { - function testUpdates(timestamps) { - var postfix = timestamps ? 'b' : 'a'; - var title = 'Support update queries'; - if (timestamps) { - title += ' with timestamps'; - } - describe(title, function () { - var testPwd = 'testPwd'; - var Test5, test5; - var Test6, test6; - - before(function (done) { - var TestSchema5 = new mongoose.Schema({ - name: String - }, { - timestamps: timestamps - }); - TestSchema5.plugin(require('../index')); - Test5 = mongoose.model('Test5' + postfix, TestSchema5); - var TestSchema6 = new mongoose.Schema({ - maindoc: String, - subdocs: {type: [TestSchema5], default:[]} - }); - TestSchema6.plugin(require('../index')); - Test6 = mongoose.model('Test6' + postfix, TestSchema6); - deleteMany(Test5, function () { - new Test5({ - name: 'test', - password: testPwd - }).save(function (err, test) { - var subdoc = { - name: 'subdoc1', - password: testPwd - }; - deleteMany(Test6, function() { - test6 = new Test6({ - maindoc: 'main', - }); - test6.subdocs.push(subdoc); - test6.save(function (err, test) { - test6 = test; - done(); - }); - }); - }); - }) - }); - - if (semver.lt(mongoose.version, "5.0.0")) { - - it('should encrypt password when updating with update', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2a'; - Test5.update({}, {password: updatedPassword}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - - it('should encrypt password when updating with update & $set', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2b'; - Test5.update({}, {$set: {password: updatedPassword}}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - - it('should encrypt password when promises not available', function (done) { - var promise = Promise; - Promise = null; - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2c'; - Test5.update({}, {password: updatedPassword}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - Promise = promise; - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - - } - - if (semver.gte(mongoose.version, "4.8.0")) { - - it('should encrypt password when updating with updateOne', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; - Test5.updateOne({}, {password: updatedPassword}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - - it('should encrypt password when updating with updateOne & $set', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; - Test5.updateOne({}, {$set: {password: updatedPassword}}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - - it('should encrypt password when promises not available', function (done) { - var promise = Promise; - Promise = null; - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2c'; - Test5.updateOne({}, {password: updatedPassword}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - Promise = promise; - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - - it('should encrypt password when updating with updateMany', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; - Test5.updateMany({}, {password: updatedPassword}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - - it('should encrypt password when updating with updateMany & $set', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; - Test5.updateMany({}, {$set: {password: updatedPassword}}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - } - - it('should encrypt password when find and updating', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; - Test5.findOneAndUpdate({name: 'test'}, {password: updatedPassword}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - - it('should clear hash when find and updating with empty password ', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = null; - Test5.findOneAndUpdate({name: 'test'}, {password: updatedPassword}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.password.should.be.empty(); - done(); - }); - }); - }); - }); - - it('should encrypt password when find and updating using $set', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = 'testPwd2'; - Test5.findOneAndUpdate({name: 'test'}, {$set: {password: updatedPassword}}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.verifyPassword(updatedPassword, function (err, isMatch) { - should.not.exist(err); - isMatch.should.be.true(); - done(); - }); - }) - }) - }); - }); - - it('should clear hash when find and updating using $set with empty password ', function (done) { - var updatedPassword = null; - Test5.findOneAndUpdate({name: 'test'}, {$set: {password: updatedPassword}}, function (err) { - should.not.exist(err); - Test5.find({}, function (err, results) { - results.forEach(function (test) { - test.password.should.be.empty(); - done(); - }); - }); - }); - }); - - // it('should encrypt password in subdocs when find and updating', function (done) { - // test6.subdocs[0].verifyPasswordSync(testPwd).should.be.true(); - // var newPassword = 'testPwd2'; - // var newSubdoc = new Test5({ name: 'newSubdoc', password: newPassword}, ); - // Test6.findOneAndUpdate({_id: test6._id}, {$push: {subdocs: newSubdoc}}, {new: true}, function(err) { - // should.not.exist(err); - // Test6.find({}, function(err, results) { - // results.forEach(function (test) { - // test.subdocs.length.should.equal(2); - // test.subdocs[0].verifyPasswordSync(testPwd).should.be.true(); - // test.subdocs[1].verifyPasswordSync(newPassword).should.be.true(); - // done(); - // }) - // }) - // }) - // }); - - }); - } - testUpdates(false); - testUpdates(true); - } -});