Brief description: We aim to improve the original Leader Election protocol described in the Filecoin whitepaper by offering grants to ensure that all desired properties are provided by an alternative election mechanism that preserves all desired properties, but also elects exactly one leader per epoch.
Problem Statement: protocol/research#3
Application Deadline: 30 May 2018
Recommended team
- From 1 to few distributed systems and/or cryptography researchers
- Experience with applied cryptography and distributed consensus mechanisms
Objective: Find a method to elect miners that provides the aforementioned properties of Fairness, Secrecy, and Public Verifiability while electing exactly one miner at each epoch
- Present the work as a technical paper with security proofs.
- Present the work in a formal recorded video presentation.
Award: Up to $200,000 (USD) per grant with up to 20% payable in Filecoin
Payout schedule: Award winners receive the full disbursement shortly after selection
Results are to be released as open source under MIT license