In this section we will build and test the functionality of the smart contract defined in the Requirements section. Replace the contents of the files generated from template with the the code listed in this section. The best way to learn is to type out the code. But, it is completely acceptable to copy and paste as well.
Add a Makefile to combine development build steps into a single make
File: Makefile
.PHONY: all
all: fmt build test lint schema optimize
.PHONY: pre-optimize
pre-optimize: fmt build test lint schema
UNAME_M := $(shell uname -m)
.PHONY: fmt
@cargo fmt --all -- --check
.PHONY: build
@cargo build
.PHONY: test
@RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo unit-test
.PHONY: lint
@cargo clippy
.PHONY: schema
@cargo schema
.PHONY: clean
@cargo clean
@cargo clean --target-dir artifacts
NOTE: A few of these cargo commands are aliases. The full commands can be seen in the
wasm = "build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown"
unit-test = "test --lib"
schema = "run --example schema"
File: src/
The main project file. Adds smart contract Wasm entry points and ensures all project linter warnings are checked.
pub mod contract;
mod error;
pub mod msg;
pub mod state;
File: src/
Adds customizable errors to the smart contract.
use cosmwasm_std::StdError;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ContractError {
Std(#[from] StdError),
Unauthorized {},
File: src/
Defines a singleton (one key, one value) configuration state for the smart contract.
use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Decimal};
use cw_storage_plus::Item;
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub const CONFIG: Item<State> = Item::new("config");
/// Fields that comprise the smart contract state
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct State {
// The required purchase denomination
pub purchase_denom: String,
// The merchant account
pub merchant_address: Addr,
// The fee collection account
pub fee_collection_address: Addr,
// The percentage to collect on transfers
pub fee_percent: Decimal,
File: src/
Define message types for the smart contract.
use cosmwasm_schema::{cw_serde, QueryResponses};
use cosmwasm_std::Decimal;
/// A message sent to initialize the contract state.
pub struct InitMsg {
pub contract_name: String,
pub purchase_denom: String,
pub merchant_address: String,
pub fee_percent: Decimal,
/// A message sent to transfer funds and collect fees for a purchase.
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
Purchase { id: String },
/// Migrate the contract.
pub struct MigrateMsg {}
/// A message sent to query contract config state.
pub enum QueryMsg {
QueryRequest {},
File: src/
The following imports are required for the init, query and handle functions.
use cosmwasm_std::{
coin, entry_point, to_json_binary, BankMsg, Binary, CosmosMsg, Decimal, Deps, DepsMut, Env,
MessageInfo, Response, StdError, StdResult,
use provwasm_std::types::provenance::name::v1::{MsgBindNameRequest, NameRecord};
use crate::error::ContractError;
use crate::msg::{ExecuteMsg, InitMsg, MigrateMsg, QueryMsg};
use crate::state::{State, CONFIG};
Handler code for contract instantiation.
pub fn instantiate(
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
msg: InitMsg,
) -> Result<Response, StdError> {
// Ensure no funds were sent with the message
if !info.funds.is_empty() {
let err = "purchase funds are not allowed to be sent during init";
return Err(StdError::generic_err(err));
// Ensure there are limits on fees.
if msg.fee_percent.is_zero() || msg.fee_percent > Decimal::percent(25) {
return Err(StdError::generic_err(
"fee percent must be > 0.0 and <= 0.25",
// Ensure the merchant address is not also the fee collection address
if msg.merchant_address.eq(&info.sender.to_string()) {
return Err(StdError::generic_err(
"merchant address can't be the fee collection address",
// Create and save contract config state. The fee collection address represents the network
// (ie they get paid fees), thus they must be the message sender.
let merchant_address = deps.api.addr_validate(&msg.merchant_address)?;,
&State {
purchase_denom: msg.purchase_denom,
fee_collection_address: info.sender,
fee_percent: msg.fee_percent,
// Create a message that will bind a restricted name to the contract address.
let split: Vec<&str> = msg.contract_name.splitn(2, '.').collect();
let record = split.first();
let parent = split.last();
match (parent, record) {
(Some(parent), Some(record)) => {
// Create a bind name message
let bind_name_msg = MsgBindNameRequest {
parent: Some(NameRecord {
name: parent.to_string(),
address: env.contract.address.to_string(),
restricted: true,
record: Some(NameRecord {
name: record.to_string(),
address: env.contract.address.to_string(),
restricted: true,
// Dispatch bind name message and add event attributes.
let res = Response::new()
.add_attribute("action", "init");
(_, _) => Err(StdError::generic_err("Invalid contract name")),
Query code for accessing contract state.
pub fn query(
deps: Deps,
_env: Env, // NOTE: A '_' prefix indicates a variable is unused (suppress linter warnings)
msg: QueryMsg,
) -> StdResult<Binary> {
match msg {
QueryMsg::QueryRequest {} => {
let state = CONFIG.load(;
let json = to_json_binary(&state)?;
pub fn execute(
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
msg: ExecuteMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
// BankMsg
match msg {
ExecuteMsg::Purchase { id } => try_purchase(deps, env, info, id),
// Calculates transfers and fees, then dispatches messages to the bank module.
fn try_purchase(
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
id: String,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
// Ensure funds were sent with the message
if info.funds.is_empty() {
let err = "no purchase funds sent";
return Err(ContractError::Std(StdError::generic_err(err)));
// Load state
let state = CONFIG.load(;
let fee_pct = state.fee_percent;
// Ensure the funds have the required amount and denomination
for funds in info.funds.iter() {
if funds.amount.is_zero() || funds.denom != state.purchase_denom {
let err = format!("invalid purchase funds: {}{}", funds.amount, funds.denom);
return Err(ContractError::Std(StdError::generic_err(err)));
// Calculate amounts and create bank transfers to the merchant account
let transfers = CosmosMsg::Bank(BankMsg::Send {
to_address: state.merchant_address.to_string(),
amount: info
.map(|sent| {
let fees = sent.amount.mul_floor(fee_pct).u128();
coin(sent.amount.u128() - fees, sent.denom.clone())
// Calculate fees and create bank transfers to the fee collection account
let fees = CosmosMsg::Bank(BankMsg::Send {
to_address: state.fee_collection_address.to_string(),
amount: info
.map(|sent| coin(sent.amount.mul_floor(fee_pct).u128(), sent.denom.clone()))
// Return a response that will dispatch the transfers to the bank module and emit events.
.add_attribute("action", "purchase")
.add_attribute("purchase_id", id)
.add_attribute("purchase_time", env.block.time.to_string()))
/// Called when migrating a contract instance to a new code id.
pub fn migrate(
_deps: DepsMut<ProvenanceQuery>,
_env: Env,
_msg: MigrateMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
File: src/
Add an inner module with imports for contract unit tests
mod tests {
use super::*;
use cosmwasm_std::testing::{message_info, mock_env};
use cosmwasm_std::{from_json, Addr, AnyMsg, Binary, CosmosMsg};
use provwasm_mocks::mock_provenance_dependencies;
use provwasm_std::types::provenance::name::v1::{
QueryResolveRequest, QueryResolveResponse, QueryReverseLookupRequest,
fn init_test() {
// Create default provenance mocks.
let mut deps = mock_provenance_dependencies();
let env = mock_env();
let info = message_info(&Addr::unchecked("sender"), &[]);
// Give the contract a name
let msg = InitMsg {
name: "contract.pb".into(),
let contract_address = env.contract.address.to_string();
// Ensure a message was created to bind the name to the contract address.
let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env, info, msg).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, res.messages.len());
match &res.messages[0].msg {
CosmosMsg::Any(AnyMsg { type_url, value }) => {
let expected: Binary = MsgBindNameRequest {
parent: Some(NameRecord {
name: "pb".to_string(),
address: contract_address.clone(),
restricted: true,
record: Some(NameRecord {
name: "contract".to_string(),
address: contract_address,
restricted: true,
assert_eq!(type_url, "/");
assert_eq!(value, &expected)
_ => panic!("unexpected cosmos message"),
fn bind_name_success() {
// Init state
let mut deps = mock_provenance_dependencies();
let env = mock_env();
let info = message_info(&Addr::unchecked("sender"), &[]);
let msg = InitMsg {
name: "contract.pb".into(),
let _ = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env, info, msg).unwrap(); // Panics on error
// Bind a name
let env = mock_env();
let info = message_info(&Addr::unchecked("sender"), &[]);
let msg = ExecuteMsg::BindPrefix {
prefix: "test".into(),
let contract_address = env.contract.address.to_string();
let res = execute(deps.as_mut(), env, info, msg).unwrap();
// Assert the correct message was created
match &res.messages[0].msg {
CosmosMsg::Any(AnyMsg { type_url, value }) => {
let expected: Binary = MsgBindNameRequest {
parent: Some(NameRecord {
name: "contract.pb".to_string(),
address: contract_address.clone(),
restricted: true,
record: Some(NameRecord {
name: "test".to_string(),
address: contract_address,
restricted: true,
assert_eq!(type_url, "/");
assert_eq!(value, &expected)
_ => panic!("unexpected cosmos message"),
fn unbind_name_success() {
// Init state
let mut deps = mock_provenance_dependencies();
let env = mock_env();
let info = message_info(&Addr::unchecked("sender"), &[]);
let msg = InitMsg {
name: "contract.pb".into(),
let _ = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env, info, msg).unwrap(); // Panics on error
// Bind a name
let env = mock_env();
let info = message_info(&Addr::unchecked("sender"), &[]);
let msg = ExecuteMsg::UnbindPrefix {
prefix: "test".into(),
let contract_address = env.contract.address.to_string();
let res = execute(deps.as_mut(), env, info, msg).unwrap();
// Assert the correct message was created
assert_eq!(1, res.messages.len());
match &res.messages[0].msg {
CosmosMsg::Any(AnyMsg { type_url, value }) => {
let expected: Binary = MsgDeleteNameRequest {
record: Some(NameRecord {
name: "test.contract.pb".to_string(),
address: contract_address,
restricted: true,
assert_eq!(type_url, "/");
assert_eq!(value, &expected)
_ => panic!("unexpected cosmos message"),
fn bind_name_unauthorized() {
// Init state
let mut deps = mock_provenance_dependencies();
let env = mock_env();
let info = message_info(&Addr::unchecked("sender"), &[]);
let msg = InitMsg {
name: "contract.pb".into(),
let _ = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env, info, msg).unwrap(); // Panics on error
// Try to bind a name with some other sender address
let env = mock_env();
let info = message_info(&Addr::unchecked("other"), &[]); // error: not 'sender'
let msg = ExecuteMsg::BindPrefix {
prefix: "test".into(),
let err = execute(deps.as_mut(), env, info, msg).unwrap_err();
// Assert an unauthorized error was returned
match err {
ContractError::Unauthorized {} => {}
e => panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", e),
fn unbind_name_unauthorized() {
// Init state
let mut deps = mock_provenance_dependencies();
let env = mock_env();
let info = message_info(&Addr::unchecked("sender"), &[]);
let msg = InitMsg {
name: "contract.pb".into(),
let _ = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env, info, msg).unwrap(); // Panics on error
// Try to bind a name with some other sender address
let env = mock_env();
let info = message_info(&Addr::unchecked("other"), &[]); // error: not 'sender'
let msg = ExecuteMsg::UnbindPrefix {
prefix: "test".into(),
let err = execute(deps.as_mut(), env, info, msg).unwrap_err();
// Assert an unauthorized error was returned
match err {
ContractError::Unauthorized {} => {}
e => panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", e),
fn query_resolve() {
// Create provenance mock deps with a single bound name.
let mut deps = mock_provenance_dependencies();
let mock_response = QueryResolveResponse {
address: "tp1y0txdp3sqmxjvfdaa8hfvwcljl8ugcfv26uync".to_string(),
restricted: false,
QueryResolveRequest::mock_response(&mut deps.querier, mock_response);
// Call the smart contract query function to resolve the address for our test name.
let bin = query(
QueryMsg::Resolve {
name: "a.pb".into(),
// Ensure that we got the expected address.
let rep: String = from_json(bin).unwrap();
assert_eq!(rep, "tp1y0txdp3sqmxjvfdaa8hfvwcljl8ugcfv26uync")
fn query_lookup() {
// Create provenance mock deps with two bound names.
let mut deps = mock_provenance_dependencies();
let mock_response = QueryReverseLookupResponse {
name: vec!["b.pb".to_string(), "a.pb".to_string()],
pagination: None,
QueryReverseLookupRequest::mock_response(&mut deps.querier, mock_response.clone());
// Call the smart contract query function to lookup names bound to an address.
let bin = query(
QueryMsg::Lookup {
address: deps.api.addr_make("address").into(),
// Ensure that we got the expected number of records.
let rep: LookupResponse = from_json(bin).unwrap();
LookupResponse {
name: vec!["b.pb".to_string(), "a.pb".to_string()]
fn query_lookup_empty() {
// Create provenance mock deps with a bound name.
let mut deps = mock_provenance_dependencies();
let mock_response = QueryReverseLookupResponse {
name: vec![],
pagination: None,
QueryReverseLookupRequest::mock_response(&mut deps.querier, mock_response.clone());
// Call the smart contract query function to lookup names bound to an address.
let bin = query(
QueryMsg::Lookup {
address: deps.api.addr_make("address2").into(),
// Ensure that we got zero records.
let rep: LookupResponse = from_json(bin).unwrap();
assert_eq!(rep, LookupResponse { name: vec![] });
File: src/bin/
Ensure a JSON schema is generated for the smart contract types.
use cosmwasm_schema::write_api;
use name::msg::{ExecuteMsg, InitMsg, QueryMsg};
fn main() {
write_api! {
execute: ExecuteMsg,
instantiate: InitMsg,
query: QueryMsg,
Before building make sure that everything is formatted correctly using:
cargo fmt
Build and edit the smart contract source code until all compiler errors are resolved.
Proceed to the next section to optimize the smart contract Wasm for deployment.