In this section we will query the contract for configuration state.
To query the contract instance from the command line, run
provenanced query wasm contract-state smart \
tp14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s96lrg8 '{"query_request":{}}' -t -o json | jq
NOTE: Even though, the query request in this tutorial does not take parameters, a body must still
be provided as the empty JSON object: {}
This should produce output similar to the following
"data": {
"purchase_denom": "purchasecoin",
"merchant_address": "tp1p00sxn3yqdnwp8v60watjw35k0cn25gnamkguh",
"fee_collection_address": "tp1rj4s08a7va4rdwwk7zmwg90slz956qnjrfa5ta",
"fee_percent": "0.1"
Nothing too complex here. Other contracts will most likely require multiple types of query requests.
Proceed to the next section to Execute the contract.