Max want to push some new changes to one of the repositories but we don't want people to push directly to master branch, since that would be the final version of the code. It should always only have content that has been reviewed and approved. We cannot just allow everyone to directly push to the master branch. So, let's do it the right way as discussed below:
SSH into storage server using user max, password Max_pass123 . There you can find an already cloned repo under Max user's home.
Max has written his story about The 🦊 Fox and Grapes 🍇
Max has already pushed his story to remote git repository hosted on Gitea branch story/fox-and-grapes
Check the contents of the cloned repository. Confirm that you can see Sarah's story and history of commits by running git log and validate author info, commit message etc.
Max has pushed his story, but his story is still not in the master branch. Let's create a Pull Request(PR) to merge Max's story/fox-and-grapes branch into the master branch
Click on the Gitea UI button on the top bar. You should be able to access the Gitea page.
UI login info:
Username: max
Password: Max_pass123
PR title : Added fox-and-grapes story
PR pull from branch: story/fox-and-grapes (source)
PR merge into branch: master (destination)
Before we can add our story to the master branch, it has to be reviewed. So, let's ask tom to review our PR by assigning him as a reviewer
Add tom as reviewer through the Git Portal UI
Go to the newly created PR
Click on Reviewers on the right
Add tom as a reviewer to the PR
Now let's review and approve the PR as user Tom
Login to the portal with the user tom
Logout of Git Portal UI if logged in as max
UI login info:
Username: tom
Password: Tom_pass123
PR title : Added fox-and-grapes story
Review and merge it.
Great stuff!! The story has been merged! 👏
Login to the Storage Server and Gain Root Access:
- Connect to the Storage server using SSH.
- Switch to the root user.
ssh max@ststor01 sudo su
View the contents
ls -al
Navigate to the Repository Directory:
- Change to the directory where the repository is located.
cd story-blog
Login into Gitea UI
Username: max
Password: Max_pass123
View the Repo
Click the "New Pull Request" button.
Set the PR title as "Added fox-and-grapes story".
Set the source branch to story/fox-and-grapes and the destination branch to master.
Add tom as a reviewer to the PR.
Log In as Tom:
- Username: tom
- Password: Tom_pass123
Review the PR:
- Go to the "Pull Requests" section in the Gitea UI. - Find the PR titled "Added fox-and-grapes story". - Review the changes made in the PR. Check the code and commit history to ensure everything is correct.
Approve and Merge the PR:
- Click on the PR to open it.
- After reviewing, click the "Approve" button.
- Merge the PR into the master branch.
This process ensures that all changes are reviewed before being merged into the master branch, maintaining the integrity of the final codebase.