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axiom-scan - Performing Distributed Scanning

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                                 & @0xtavian                                                                                                                                                                                                
axiom-scan provides easy distribution of arbitrary binaries and scripts.
axiom-scan splits user-provided input files (target lists), wordlists and configuration files and uploads them to a unique scan working directory on the remote instance.
axiom-scan combines user-provided command-line arguments with commands in the module and executes the final command on the remote instance.
axiom-scan downloads and merges scan output in a variety of differnet formats, specified by the extention in the module (dir, txt, csv, xml).
individual scanning operations are executed from a detacted tmux session (\$module+\$timestamp) inside a unique scan working directory (/home/op/scan/\$module+\$timestamp) on the remote instances.
   axiom-scan inputfile.txt -m ffuf -w /home/op/wordlist-on-remote-instance
   axiom-scan inputfile.txt -m ffuf -wL /home/localuser/local-wordlist-to-upload
   axiom-scan inputfile.txt -m ffuf -wD /home/localuser/local-wordlist-to-split-and-upload
   axiom-scan inputfile.txt -m nuclei -w /home/op/nuclei-templates -o outputfile.txt
   axiom-scan inputfile.txt -m nuclei --nuclei-templates /home/localuser/local-custom-nuclei-template-folder/ -anew outputfile.txt
   axiom-scan inputfile.txt -m gowitness --spinup 10 -oD gowitness-screenshots
   axiom-scan inputfile.txt -m nmapx -p- -sV -T4 -v --open -oA nampx-scan
   string[]              required positional first argument must always be an input file, this can be a list of URLs, IPs, hostnames, etc
   --dont-split          do not split input file, upload entire input file to every instance (default is to split the input file)
   --dont-shuffle        do not randomize input file before uploading (default is to randomize)
   -m string[]           the axiom-scan module to use with the scan
   --list                print all available modules
   -w string[]                           replace _wordlist_ in module with user-provided wordlist (must be a path to a remote wordlist)
   -wL string[]                          replace _wordlist_ in module with user-provided local wordlist ( must be a path to a local wordlist)
   -wD,--distribute-wordlist string[]    replace _wordlist_ in module with user-provided local wordlist to split and upload (default does not split the wordlist)
   --nuclei-templates string[]           replace _wordlist_ in module with user-provided local folder
   --config string[]           replace _config_ in module with user-provided configuration file (must be a configuration file on the remote instances)
   --local-config string[]     replace _config_ in module with user-provided local configuration file to upload ( must be a local configuration file)
   --skip-preflight            do not automatically remove instances that cant be reached (default removes instances from the queue that cant be reached)
   --preflight-timeout int[]   specifies the timeout (in seconds) used when connecting to the SSH server, instead of using the default 10 seconds
   --max-runtime DURATION[]    kill scan if still running after DURATION. DURATION is a floating point number with an optional suffix: 's' for seconds (the default), 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days.
   --disable-oneshot           by default, if a module contains the string _target_ it is executed as a one-shot module. Use this flag to force disable
   -o string[]          output as default (the first ext mentioned in the module) 
   -oD/-oA string[]     output as directory (must also be supplied in the module using "ext":"dir" or "ext":"")
   -oX string[]         output as XML/HTML (supported for nmap and masscan)(must also be supplied in the module using "ext":"xml")
   -oG string[]         output as greppable, merge and sort unique (must also be supplied in the module using "ext":"oG")
   -csv string []       output as csv, extract csv header, merge and sort unique (must also be supplied in the module using "ext":"csv")
   -anew string[]       pipe the output to anew before creating the final output file
   --quiet              do not display findings to terminal
   --rm-logs            delete remote and local logs after scan completes
   --fleet string[]            supply fleet prefix to use (default uses instances in $HOME/.axiom/selected.conf)
   --spinup int[]              number of instances to spin up prior to scanning (default uses instances in $HOME/.axiom/selected.conf)
   --rm-when-done              delete the selected instances after the scan completes
   --shutdown-when-done        shutdown the selected instance after the scan completes
   -F string[]                 path to custom SSH config file (default is located at $HOME/.axiom/.sshconfig)
   --cache                     do not regenerate SSH config prior to scan, instead use cached config (located at $HOME/.axiom/.sshconfig)
   --debug              run with set -xv, warning: very verbose
   string[]             supply additional arguments to be passed to the module

axiom-scan roots.txt -m subfinder -o subs.txt --threads 3
axiom-scan subs.txt -m dnsx -resp -o dns.txt 

cat dns.txt | awk '{ print $2 }' | anew ips.txt

cat ips.txt | cf-check > ips.txt

axiom-scan ips.txt -m masscan -oX masscan.xml -rate=100000
axiom-scan ips.txt -m nmap -oG nmap.txt -T4 -p- -sV
axiom-scan ips.txt -m nmap -oX nmap.xml -T4 -p- -sV

python3 ~/.axiom/interact/ --xml-input nmap.xml --format ip-port --delimiter : --no-newline --skip-header | tr -d '"' | anew hosts.txt

axiom-scan hosts.txt -m httpx -o http.txt

axiom-scan http.txt -m gowitness -o screenshots
axiom-scan http.txt -m ffuf -o content.csv --threads 2

To perform a simple masscan across a list of IP addresses, run:

axiom-scan ips.txt -p80,443

You can set an outfile also:

axiom-scan ips.txt -m masscan -p80,443 -o masscan.txt

Any argument supplied to axiom-scan will automatically be passed to the underlying command, such as:

axiom-scan ips.txt -m masscan -p80,443,8080 --rate=100000 --banners -o masscan-banners-fast.txt

Once you have a fleet spun up, and it is selected (follow the fleets guide), you can use axiom-scan. axiom-scan is a tool that allows you to perform scan-like operations across your fleets. It always, at a minimum, requires a single argument, this argument should be an input file accessible in the local directory with a list of targets.

What is inside your input file will depend on the type of scan you want to run. You can modify the behaviour of a scan by using different axiom-scan modules, these are located in ~/.axiom/modules/ and are simple JSON files that detail the behaviour of your scan.

Scanning at scale using Axiom - Stök



You can use axiom-scan modules using the -m module flag. Let's demo running subfinder against a list of domains.

axiom-scan domains.txt -m subfinder -o subf.txt --threads 1

Assuming your list of domains is greater than the number of instances in your fleet, it will split the domains up however many times you have instances in a fleet, if you have 3 instances, it will split your infile 3 ways and upload them all.

Once uploaded, it will run your module code, download the output, and then sort and merge the output into a single outfile. Neat huh?

axiom-scan subsf.txt -m httpx -o http.txt

Using the above command we can run httpx against our subdomains, and get a list of URLS, nice!

Given some work, the above commands can be used either on the fly, or in a bigger automation script, let your mind run wild!

Example Axiom-scan modules

Examples can be read in ~/.axiom/modules/


		"command":"nmap -T4 -iL input -oG output",
		"command":"nmap -T4 -iL input -oX output",

Distributed Gowitness (output is a directory, hence empty extension).

	"command":"gowitness file -f input -P output",


	"command":"cat input | /home/op/go/bin/httpx -silent > output",

Nmap with HTML output

A slightly cool feature of the axiom-scan tool is the nmap module with output set with "-oX" (refer to examples above), given a list of ip addresses & ranges, this will distribute nmap across your fleet and output the results to a bootstrap themed html outfile! This can be really pretty and really intuitive way to read your scan results, especially across a lot of hosts.

axiom-scan 100.txt -m nmap -T5 -sV -p80 -oX scan.xml

This will perform a distributed nmap service scan against port 80, and give me a HTML output to read my results!

Distributed ffuf

axiom-scan http.txt -m ffuf -o results.csv -threads 1

# -w specifies a custom wordlist to the absolute path on the axiom instance!
axiom-scan http.txt -m ffuf -w ~/lists/jhaddix-all.txt -o results.csv -threads 1

Custom Wordlists

To specify a custom wordlist that is currently located on the axiom instance, use the -w flag with axiom-scan.

axiom-scan http.txt -m ffuf -w /path/on/instance -o ffuf.csv

This needs to be the absolute path of the file and the file must be present on the instance.

To upload a custom local file on scan start, use the -wL flag.

axiom-scan domains.txt -m shuffledns -wL ~/path/to/local/wordlist.txt -o shuffle.txt
axiom-scan http.txt -m ffuf -wL ~/path/to/local/wordlist.txt -o ffuf.csv
axiom-scan http.txt -m nuclei -wL ~/path/to/local/template.yml -o nuclei.txt
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