RaytracaH is ray tracer written in Haskell using functional approach. Current version is in very early stage and more features are to come soon.
- Ray tracing scene with simple shapes (for now only sphere and plane are implemented)
- Different types of lights on the scene, in current version there are two types: directional light and point light
- Movable camera
- Materials on primitives with diffuse color, specular and reflective factors
- Configuration readable from file in *.json format
- Output is written to *.ppm file format
More features are to come in next versions which will be released soon.
- Optimization
- More primitive types
- Scene and camera configuration loaded from file (probably *.json in first versions)
- Lights with colors
- Textures
- Antialiasing (with supersampling for example)
- Randomized rays reflections for more realistic effect (simulating rough surfaces)
- Transparency and light rays refraction
- Optional support for constructive solid geometry
The RaytracaH is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.