Releases: psambit9791/jdsp
Releases · psambit9791/jdsp
v0.4.0 (August 31, 2020)
Release Notes
Added new features to Generate Signal
- Gaussian Pulse
- Unit Impulse
- Sawtooth
Added Principal Component Analysis (PCA) under transform
New Utilities:
- Function to get Absolute Value of 1D and 2D Arrays
- Matrix Transpose Function
- Matrix Multiplication Function
- Added Scalar Arithmetic Operation on 1-D Arrays as a Function
- Added Linestyle to Plots
- Linspace issue for ArrayOutOfBoundsException fixed
- Linspace issue for not counting span between start and stop for calculation fixed
- Updated ECG dataset to "resources" folder for consistency
v0.3.0 (July 18, 2020)
Release Notes
- Added new features to Plotting
- ScatterPlot
- Horizontal Line on Plot
- Vertical Line on Plot
- Added multiple utility functions
- rescale, standardize, normalize, zero-center
- convertToPrimitive from ArrayList<> to int/double
- argmin(), argmax(), argsort()
- Added Peak Detection utilities:
- Detect Peak
- Peak Width
- Peak Height
- Peak Prominence
- Peak Distance
- Peak Threshold
- Spike Height
- Filtering peaks/spikes by property
- ECG signal utility
- Renamed LinePlot to Plotting
- UtilMethods and Plotting now under misc
- Added smoothing with correlation mode choice
- Converted naming inconsistencies: snake case to camel case
Available at:
v0.2.1-zenodo (June 23, 2020)
Release to enable citation of software through DOI.
v0.2.1 (June 06, 2020)
Release Notes
- Rectified Major Bug with Hilbert Transform
- Improved plotting providing Matlab themed charts
- Added Wiki docs
- Bug Fixes
Available at:
v0.2.0 (May 24, 2020)
First Release
- Added Decimation functionality
- Added signal generation for sine, cosine and square wave
- Added plotting capabilities for line charts
- More unit tests added and tested with for all modules
- Increased code coverage
- Bug Fixes
Available at: